Legacy Of The First Devine One

Meanwhile, very far away from Nefumia, in some unknown place, there was this ancient room covered in cryofrost and shards of ice growing out from every direction of the room.

The room was a decent size as it was a few yards in length, width, and height. It was filled with basic furniture to a bedroom and in the very back center of such room, there was a decent size bed.

In such bed there looked to be a small human boy with hazy purple hair, frosty blue eyes, and a crystal amulet around his neck.

He was sitting up and rubbing his eyes as he seemed to be waking up from a very long nap.

"It's so cold in here..."

Opening his eyes to see the room engulfed in frost and shards of ice, he snapped his fingers and all the ice had vaporized on the spot clearing the room of any ice.

Getting out of bed he walked to the door, stretching as he walked, and as he got to it he opened it, stepping out, and seeing a large hallway big enough for giants to walk in.

Looking to his left he saw a gigantic pair of doors and then looking to his right he saw a hallway in which he started walking in as he found no interest in those giant doors.

Walking for several minutes his body felt stiff and as he looked down to his ragged clothes he sighed as they felt uncomfortable.

Walking through the hallway he found himself at the end and the hallway had led to this open grassy area in which had contained a small village full of life.

But there weren't any people close by.

Stopping at the end of the hallway he saw horned humanoids of different colors and demonic features, all of them were abyssal creatures.

Seeing them he continued onward as he entered the village and just as he had; his presence wasn't noticed until some abyssals had actually seen this small boy with no demonic features in dirty rags walking through their village.

Seeing him they were greatly confused but chose to ignore it as he looked to be coming from the direction of that large hallway.

He walked through the village with no problems and as he kept going he saw the exit to this place in which had been another gigantic hallway and as he walked towards it.

He was instantly stopped by 2 Abyssal Sentinel guards that were shrouded in red and black platted armor and holding out spears towards him as they hadn't recognized this boy,

"Holt!" the left Sentinel Guard said in the common language as he looked to this young human male.

Doing as the boy stopped and looked to the left guard pointing his spear at him,

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" The left Sentinel Guard spoke to the boy in which had been unusual as these guards would cut down any intruders on the spot, but yet for some odd reason they didn't seeing as he looked to be some harmless kid.

Asking that the boy rubbed his chin as a question mark appeared above his head in an imaginary manner.

"I... I don't know? I just woke up?"

Hearing this the left Sentinel Guard looked to the right one, but as he had the right Sentinel Guard looked to the boy, and from behind the mask you could see that he was angered as his eyes glew a violent glow from the eyeholes of his mask.

"How dare you lie to us you human filth!"

Without a thread of hesitation from the right Sentinel Guard, he hit the bottom of his spear and then grabbed the top of the staff as he swung it down to slice the boy in half at a godly speed.

"Wait!" Yelled the Left Sentinel Guard

But it was too late, but the boy didn't die.

The boy stepped to the left and as he did the spear came slicing down and hitting the ground, and as it had the boy jumped at the Right Sentinel Guard, kicking off the staff and kicking the Sentinel Guard making him forcibly tough back.

With him bending back a morsel the boy landed back on the ground and as he did he kicked the ground dashing right past both Sentinel Guards.

The left one was stunned by this and as the right one was fast to recover from such a weak attack, they both were then angered as they then heard.

"Catch me if you can!"

This caused them to chase after him at a supernatural speed but as they had they never got any closer to him as he was fast.

They continued chasing after him ready to kill the ignorant brat as they occasionally threw their spears at him and then conjured new ones to throw at him, but they never hit in which had angered them more so as they never missed a target.

Chasing the boy for several hours, they chased him to a dead end as he stopped at a wall as he was now cornered, he turned around to see 2 really pissed-off Sentinel Guards.

"It's over Human!" the right Sentinel Guard shouted.

But as he yelled that the boy started to laugh childishly before looking back to them.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold that one back"

But as the boy said that the Sentinel Guards moved toward him.

"Two on One? No far... That's not how tag works"

But as he said that and they kept approaching him at a fast rate, he smiled,

"But I guess that makes our game of tag more fun"

They cornered him and as they readied their spears and then lunged at him, he slipped right past them without getting hit, and then he started running away again.

"Hey, I'm over here guys!"

Taunting them they got angrier and started chasing him for hours without stopping as they stayed on this floor.

But after many hours of this going on, even more Sentinel Guards came as back up and they tried outsmarting him in which they had but he slipped past them.

This game of tag had soon been a One on Eight and he was having a blast as he ran and they chased after him trying to kill him.

This kept going on until he turned a corner and when they followed as it was a dead-end...

He was gone?

. . . . .

Taking a secret passage from the dead-end the boy found himself coming out of the wall and into a new area a floor above the one he was just in and he had he was instantly spotted by this human-looking Fox Guard that was patrolling the area.

Seeing a human like him the guard reacted instantly as they thought he was an adventurer Rouge who snuck in.


They yelled letting local guards know about his presence and as they had done that they summoned a ball of spiritual energy and shot it at him, unsheathing their sword and bolting at him as he easily dodged their attack.

They got super close to him and as they were close to slicing him in half as they were faster than the Sentinel Guards, he bent back dodging their attack by a few hairs.

Their blade swung past and he quickly moved to the side ready to make an escape, when several Guards came rushing to the area surrounding the exit to this cornered boxed area.

Seeing such a sight as they all readied their weapons and aimed them at him, they boasted a large shot of killing intent towards him as he had literally managed to make it all the way down this place.

"sigh" The boy

The Fox guard in front of him tried attacking him again,

But as they had,


Blood splattered against the wall and the Fox Guard fell to the ground in an instant as his hand was slathered in Beastman blood.

Looking at his hands as the other guards now had wide-open eyes as they saw him instantly kill one of their own, they looked to his hand to see it had transformed into claws and they got all the way murderous in an instant as they all dashed at him.

And as they all came at him with murderous intent filling the air,

His eyes shimmered an icy blue.

* * *Later that day: Brought to you by a cute chibi Rouge boy looking at a frozen bowl of soup?* * *

Numerous floors above, the boy soaked in bloody rags, not of his own blood, stood in front of a black and platinum-rimmed door, and as he stood there he could not take a step further towards it.

But just as he stood there he heard several steps running behind him and as he turned around, he looked to see the 8 Sentinel Guards and an army of Demons and other Monsters not of abyssal origins behind them all in combatant armor ready to kill him.

"Take no step further, you die here human" Sentinel Guard 1

"You have soiled the sacred grounds of our slumbering lord with the blood of our kin and for that, you must die!" Sentinel Guard 2

But as they said that the boy looked very irritated and clenched his teeth as he looked to be very pissed off at the moment.

Balling his fist he turned in a swift movement and punched the large black and platinum-rimmed door making a large shockwave of pressure book through the air; making the sentinels ready for combat.

"Why won't you open!!!"

The boy yelled at the door as his fist started bleeding from the punch but then healed on the spot.

The Sentinels said and yelled stuff at him but he continued to ignore them as he was frustrated by this damn door.

The Sentinel Guards approached him and as he heard their steps he turned back around to see them all with their own personal weapons aimed at him, but he didn't care as he then opened his mouth to say.

"Is it you who won't let me leave!"

Saying that someone responded with.

"You have killed our own and for that, you will die here"

And he didn't take that too well because to him that basically said that they were keeping him trapped here.

"What did I ever do to deserve this? I was the one to kill the Demon King. I was the one who aided the Angels to end the Great Demon War. So how come it was me who was sealed here..."

Hearing him clearly as he spoke to himself they didn't understand what he was rambling to himself about and they continued onward, approaching him.

And as they took another step towards him he looked over them now enraged.

"Come to me... Axialis"

Saying that a War Axe with spiraling cravings and a weird aura materialized in his hand, and as it had he looked to them with murderous eyes.

"I was having fun with our game earlier. . ."

"But now it's time to die... Permanently"

Stepping towards him frost covered the area around him, spikes slowly forming around each step, and as he approached them with every intention on killing them, he then spoke,

"For I the last Devine will devour every soul that keeps me trapped in this accursed crypt"

His mysterious Axe started glowing with a flairing frost aura and as both sides approached ready to kill each other,

Halfway through to the middle of the room the boy lost his composure as he instantly got inraged by these people who kept him trapped here and as he clenched his teeth, his blade turned a deep blue and he released his true aura making every living creature flinch in terror as this wasn't just any boy.

Not even getting to each other, the Sentinel Guards charged at him and as they had, he slashed his Axe horizontally sending a blade of frost slicing through the air and...


Everything in its path was cleaved in half.

[Sacred Axe Axialis; Skill: Frost Slice]

In an instant, he killed the 8 Sentinel Guards and an army of random creatures and Demons standing in his path.

From the frost slice, everything was covered in deep ice and frost and as the bodies fell into two pieces and were the only things still hot in this room as everything... Literally everything, had frozen.

He then went back to the door and childishly pouted.

"Stupid door, just open already"

He tried pushing it but it wouldn't open.

He then kicked it but hurt his toes.

Trying again to push it open, he then heard something step behind him, and as he turned to whoever had dared come up to him, he heard.

"Greetings master Asmodeus, how was your 300-year slumber"

A young shota boy with red hair stood in front of him and as he looked at the boy who had been almost the same height as him, he gasped and smiled,


Hugging the also human-looking boy, the boy patted his back as Asmodeus hugged him tightly, "It's nice to see you again master" while they both ignored the 500+ bodies laying dead and cleaved on the floor not too far away from them.

Grabbing Zim's shoulders, he then spoke to him joyously.

"Zim! Let's escape this place together!"

But as he said that Zim sighed,

"Master you can't leave here, don't forget it was the Elder Deities and their Angel factions who sealed you here"

But as he said that Asmodeus laughed,

"Don't worry I just killed those bastards sealing me here"

But as he said that Zim turned around, looked at the corpses, and then back to him.

"Master, those guys belong to you..."


"It doesn't look like any of your original Demons are present tho? So don't think too much about what just happened, after all, if they were foolish enough to draw their blades at you then they've courted their own deaths, my master"

"Wait so does that mean I can't leave this place!"

He said realizing what Zim had previously told him.


Zim said taking out a blue potion and drinking it turning both his eyes and hair blue. The potion had just made him resistant to the cold because Asmodeus froze the place.


"Don't worry master, now that your awake I'll put all my time into continuing my search to free you from your seal. I've already found 8 components since your slumber, we just need to find 16 more ancient pieces of the Zarimphthka"

But was he said that Asmodeus stepped back and leaned against the door as he sighed deeply.

"There's no need for that, I have a new mission for you, so I'll personally form a team and ask my most trusted demons to look for the Zarimphthka components if they're still alive"

'In my slumber, it didn't feel like a dream, no, I know that it's true, I know it's real' Asmodeus's thoughts

"Wait? A mission? For me? Really!" Zim said excitedly.

"Yup, and long story short I want you to go to the country of Nefumia and... How do I put this..."

"Do you want me to conquer that country in your name?"

"No... You see... I ah... My future self I think... Ummm..."

He was at a loss for words as he knew but at the same time he didn't know? Because of the TrueSight vision he got in his slumber.

His face them flushed mysteriously as he was in front of Zim, if what he saw was true then he was both happy but a bit stunned,

So thinking about it he then said it out.

"I birthed a new heir!" Asmodeus

"Huh?... HUH!!!???" Zim

He was both dumbfounded and confused as Asmodeus said that.

"My son's true name is Aster Hiragi!"

"But at this moment he goes by another name"

"His name... Is Hiro Natsu"