The Occurring Vision

Slumping against the side of a cubed shop with a bottle of cheap Arian booze in my hand, "This is so embarrassing" I couldn't help but to down the rest of the bottle.

"Asy where are you?!"

Hearing that kiddy voice I threw the empty bottle to the ground and leaned against the wall as I refused to answer.

"Aster! Aster I know your around here somewhere! Stop hiding!"

"Hey has anyone seen a foreign kid around here! He has tanned skin and mixed hair! He has this moody aura to him too! And looks grumpy!"

"Ah really!? Thank you very much, Sir!"

Hearing steps approach me, an irritating voice follows.

"Hey, I didn't see you over here Aster? Haha, I feel blind for not seeing you~ Wait but why didn't you respond?"

Barley opening my eyes I looked to him talking to me and as I saw a kid with misty purple hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin talking to me with a bright expression, I sighed as he was just so annoying.

Looking down to the empty bottle of cheap booze at my feet, I bent over and picked it up, holding the bottle and then hitting it against his chest as I took a step over to him.

"Shut up and buy me something to drink"

"Are you drunk Asy?"

"No..." maybe?

"Aster you weren't supposed to get drunk. We were supposed to walk around town before the festival!" He pouted.

"And we will. But do you know how stressful that dungeon was?"

"But you promised me"

"Please. I'm broke and I just need this one spot. I promise I'll sober up before the festival"

Looking to him not pleading but asking, the boy looked to me pouting and pondering before coming back to me and saying.

"It's a promise. Don't break it"

After persuading the boy to buy me booze, he walked over to one of the alcohol stands here and as he passed by this large stature, the boy turned into a man wearing a green cloak. He was incredibly handsome and he looked as beautiful as a God.

He took out a coin pouch, ordering and handing the man in red behind the stall a single gold piece, buying 4 luxurious liquors before coming back to me and handing me all of them.

"Happy now?"

"Very happy"

"Good. Don't forget you promised you'd be sober before nightfall, the sun's coming down so you have 2 hours before the festival"


I love the Arian Empire, booze 20/10, honestly, I love em.

Not holding back I took my time to savor each and every sip. Letting the liquor run down my tongue and down my throat as the taste was nothing but the best. Even the cheap shit tasted good.

The boy watched as I ignore everything else to quench my thirst. And as I did nothing more than drink these 2 bottles of the luxurious booze, opening the next one and taking a sip, I then held out the other one over to the man who turned back into a kid wearing traditional Chinese clothing and said.

"Asmodeus try this! It's the best stuff I've ever had~"

Looking to me with a frown as he looked like he didn't seem to like me drinking. I stopped consuming and rubbed my bottle against my cheek.

"Suit yourself, this shits amazing~"

"Fine. Gimme some"

Handing him an untouched bottle he awkwardly took a sip of it and nothing changed in his expression, but it made me lighten up.

"Good right~ Now what did you want to do again? You wanted to look around? Okay, let's go! I'll lead the way this time hahaha"

"Aster shouldn't we go after finishing these? It's not appropriate for kids to go around drinking in public more or less in general. Especially with you being drunk in all"

"Good thing we're both adults~ Let's go"

Grabbing Asmodeus's hand the roles had switched as I became the reckless kid and he for once acted like an adult.

"Now shut up and drink!" Me

"Let's get hammered and have some real fun~!" Me

* * * * *

Shooting up as I had the most bizarre dream, I gasped for air and grabbed onto what felt like a blanket. What the hell was that? Was that a dream or was that for real? I couldn't tell the difference.

"What the hell? Why were you? Why was I? What the heck???"

It was so surreal. Why was I with Asmodeus? No, that wasn't me? That was someone else, someone named Aster. But who's that? No, it must have just been a dream. After all. Asmodeus is still sealed away in the dungeon of the forgotten Demon. Right?

Gulping as that dream had generally terrified me to think about.

I refused to think anymore about this and fell back. Hitting my back against what could have only been a mattress, but no, I also felt something fleshy? Maybe an arm? and bed? But not thinking too hard about it. Laying there for a hot minute as I was too lazy to investigate waking up to this. The arm thay was under me curled and pulled me in.

Being pulled in I followed as it seems like Tina snuck into bed with me. So allowing myself to be pulled along. Once I came along with the arm my face planted against softy fluffy boobs

Wait when did Tina's boobs get so big?

Hm? I must be imagining things?

Not looking up to her face as she was still asleep, I cuddled up against her, pressing my face into her boobs since it was already there, and as I closed my eyes, I drifted back off into sleep as I felt so comfortable in the moment that I even forgot about that dream.

. . . . .

Wait a second...

Yeah, these boobs are way too big to be Tina's!

Moving my head away from whoever the hell this was's boobs, I sneakingly moved away and pulled down on the blanket to look up and see. . .Uh. . .Mari's sleeping face.

Holy fuck it was our sister!

Almost yelping I covered my mouth with both hands as I was so very shocked to see this.

What the hell? Did I sneak into her bed last night?

Eww. Why did I do that?

Sneaking out of bed without waking the bitch who sold me, I left the tent without looking back as I went to look for Tina.

I don't really care what happens to me seeing as this could lead to another vacation or me being able to leave Nefumia and never go to that future slayer academy college in which would be a blessing. But Tina risked being infected in these wildlands to save me, I won't let any more harm come to her, so I'm going to stick by her side for as long as I can, even if I end up having to finally bloody my hands.

Walking around the camp and sneaking a peek into each and every tent around here, I just found sleeping and awake Sui Water Sorcerers. The ones that were awake were nice though, there was only 5 total if you included my new master. But she was one of the ones asleep. All the men here were awake; only the two thought.

I even managed to find Zim who was laying in the tent I had originally woken up in. Wait now that I think about it. What happened yesterday? My face hurts and my head won't stop aching? Did I get in a fight?

No, forget that, it doesn't matter.

Going over to the last tent I found Tina and seeing her sleeping on a small bed, I walked over to her and got on the bed that could only fit one person.

There was only enough room for one of us so I had to make room by lifting up the blanket and sitting on her stomach. Waking her up in the process.


She looked at me very much still tired and as she did I giggled and put my hand to her cheek, caressing it with my thumb.

I think I might have became slightly obsessed with Tina. Because I doubt I would do something like this to anyone else?

. . . . .

"I think I might have became slightly obsessed with Tina?"

I spoke without any realization.

Then spoke what I wanted to actually share with MY Tina.

"Morning? Evening or Night? Mind if I sleep with you?"

She looks like a sleeping Rouge and not a Princess.

And I love it~~~

So as a consequence to this mistake she got me to adore.

I motioned my hand with an ever-growing interest.

Stroking her cheek, hearing her coo, feeling this qUiVeR of whatever was in my chest ach as she rubbed up against my thumb and turned her head in a slow wave, biting it with her lips, and pulling my thumb in.

*ThUmP...* Was that my heart?

She knew exactly what what she was doing; Looking up to me after pulling our thumb in with her tongue, and then letting go with a satisfying noise as she enjoyed doing so, "You can... At your own risk~" she's playing with my heart and teasing me, God she knows what's she doing doesn't she!

...Because it's working...

She even did a seductive voice... hahhhhhh.

*deep inhale*

Making me blush with her seductive words, she came after me again and was continuing to tease my thumb by taking it in her mouth and whirling it with her tongue.

"Wait! Hold up this is becoming too sexual!"

OMG she's making me blush so hard right now it's embarrassing!

Tugging my hand away, she knows that she's getting to me! Looking down at her all I can see is this smug look on her face, showing nothing but pride.

"It's not my fault~ You just turn me on so...Mm!"

I can literally feel my face burning up!

"Tina! S-Shut up!!!"

"Hahaha, what's this? Are you blushing cutie pie~"

Grabbing both ends of the blanket, I pushed down, went down, and buried my face in between her breasts. laying my head there as I was boiling with embarrassment at the moment!

!!!AAHHHH! Tina Shut Up!!!

!!!How Can You Just Say Such A Thing So Embarrassing!!!

!!!You're So Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb You Dumba!!!

Screaming this on the inside as I'm a burning mess.

I for some odd... Like odd odd reason.

Took comfort in the plump softness of these breasts...

Unlike such owner of such amazing boobies...


"Sorry, they're not that big"

Stop talking! I can't handle this right now!

I'm practically hyperventilating in these tities!

Okay maybe that's an exaggeration... ... ...

"I Don't care..." because I don't!!!

"I like them. . ." geeze I'm so embarrassing...

Ahhhh I'm such a mess!

Looking up at her and peeking at her as I was all red-faced in burning embarrassment, "And I like you too! So good night! Night Night Night!! Go back to sleep! Let's both go back to sleep!!!!" Moving to the side of her and facing my back to the tented wall.

Geeze, I sounded so pouty..

I only meant to sound not so loose or uptight...

Hearing that and blushing, she looked down at me, slipping her hand under my head without any resistance as I was trying not to stay conscious and then pulling me in and raising her shirt as she went on to trap me under her shirt and this blanket.

Facing my face with her bare boobs.

"What the heck are you doing!"

"Whenever you're done enjoying the view, why don't you poke your head out of the head hole in my shirt"

Not waiting I did as such and as my head was in the same hole as hers, she slipped her hand onto the back of my head and kissed me, slipping her other hand around me and hugging me tightly.


She's making me all bubbly!!!

No stop I won't be able to resist if you keep kissing me like this!


Taking me for a solid 29 seconds, I opened my mouth taking it deeper and as she followed along with my open mouth hint, we swapped saliva and rubbed tongues in sweet sluggish ways as we didn't rush and kept it at a nice pace despite me feeling her wanting to tear my clothes off and take me as lust bubbled up inside of her.

I could sense it, her lust was so very strong.

And as I could feel all of it directed at me, it almost drew me in even more than she already had.

Oh my God... I can't with this girl. She's too much!

[Trust: +++]

[Hiro's Comfort: +++]

[His Lust: +++++++]

[Partnered(Both) cravings: +++++]

But... I guess she's not that bad.

I like her a little bit... humph.

23 more seconds of this and as we took it deep and passionate I broke away as I moved my hands around to her back and hugged her.

"Thanks for saving me. I really owe you one"

Leaning in and pressing her head against mine, "I'm just keeping my promise to you. You needed me and I came" she said comfortingly rubbing her hand against the back of my head.

But then she began sweating...

"You doesn't save me did you?. . ."

I can feel her sweating even more...

". . .Yeahhhhh"

"It was Mari wasn't it..."

"It was the other overly angry one"


"You have a weird taste in friends by the way"

Looking up at her as I knew exactly who she was talking about. She was probably talking about Ursula. I puffed my cheek and then put my head against her collar bone, softly pinching it one time before talking.

"Bad" Me

"You're both bad" Me

Looking up at her a smile formed on my face surprising her.

"But I like bad" Me

"And I like you" Me

Going back up I kissed her, punishing her through lust for stealing the credit or someone else. But that was my girl, trying to be the best, so I couldn't help but love the effort.

Messing around with Tina for the early morning by the time everyone started waking up, I was about to take off my shirt and punish this naughty girl, but then the world flashed red and I saw the heat signatures of someone approaching from the side so putting this on hold and telling Tina about it, I kissed her on the cheek and snuck to her side telling her that I was going to hide since someone was approaching her room.

She was panting as I might have bullied her a little, but she got the message as she sat up and shifted the cover more to my side hiding me.

It was one of the Male Sui Sorcerers and they were basically informing her that we were to leave once the sun was high in the sky. But looking at her he then looked over to the clump of think blanket and down it towards our feet and he chuckled.

I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure he saw me?