Chapter 49

* * * * *Mari PoV* * * * *

The next morning after that mind fuck of a day, yesterday, I woke up agitated that one of the Sui's had lent me one of their rooms.

Who the hell do they think they're pitying!!!

Nonetheless, I borrowed their room out of... Look I just didn't want to see anybody's face when I woke up! Especially one of those damn Sui's or those fuckers who befriended my perverted idiot brother!

*"Zzzzz" Random noise around the room*

Speaking of that idiot he better not have slept with those girls!

I don't know what happened yesterday after watching that girl make a move on the 2 fuckwits. . .Because I had to walk away, I couldn't do it anymore, my mind was a fucking mess. . .Either Way! It's still forbidden for any Sorcerer to have sex before marriage!

He knows this!

We all know this!

"And You Know What! Whenever I see that little cunt im going to give him an order or command and im going to say I forbid you Hiro to have sex! Yeah! That's what im going to do!!"

And he also knows that every girl out there interested in him is just a temptress slut that he needs not to associate with! He shouldn't even be associating with Tina, because look where that got him!

It got him in a bad situation and I should kill Tina for bullying my brother like that!. . .But I'll give her a pass since it was pretty hot, I mean, it gave me research material on my brother to see what idiotic skills he's gotten good at. . .ANYWAY! She shouldn't have assaulted him, and because of her, now he's dating some ordinary girl who's forced him into a love triangle.

Now that I think about it though...

That girl has some big balls?

Bigger than mine?

Like seriously she liked the both of them and instead of choosing one she just came out and said she liked them both. And she got both in the end.


Ugh! But because of her my idiot brother's in a love triangle now!

"He doesn't need ordinary girls like them!"

"Mother and me had already decided that we were going to marry him off to a Moku Sorcerer or Doyobi Sorcerer once one of them accepts the proposal trade-in!"

To be blunt were not actually sending an invitation of marriage.

It's more were trading him.

Which is a big reason he needs to stay unblemished!

There's only 3 members in our clan branch and if he manages to fuck up and become blemished before he's married and we get the backing of one of those two clan branches, then I'm going to wring his fucking neck!!!

*"Zzzzz" Random noise around the room*

And mom can't trade me because, unlike that disgrace, I actually have more than one use. Yeah! I have many fucking uses and I'm going to become the next branch leader of our family!

And with every day that passes I get even closer to achieving it!

"Sure I'm not as good as mom BUT I'm good enough. And better than my little brother who has no chances of becoming anything remotely useful to our clan and or clan branch!"

"Also I'm pretty sure he might be gay?. . .Peter's a bad influence on other guys. . .Okay. . .My little brother's gay now, those girls mean nothing and that's what I'm going to live by and see whenever looking at him. . ."

*"Zzzzz" Random noise around the room*

"What the hell is making that noise!!!"

Yelling as that little noise was so fucking annoying as I was trying to rant about how useless and gay my little brother was, I hit the bed out of frustration. . .

And it was squishy?


It's fleshy?. . .

Looking at that little bump under the blanket, sitting up I gulped, was someone under the blanket?

Oh fuck I knew I shouldn't have accepted this room.

"You creepy fucking water mongrel!"

Yanking the blanket away as I was going to tear this Sui Man to shreds. I pulled the blanket down to reveal, yes, another sorcerer...

But it was one of my Sorcerers?

* * * * *

Looking down at my side where the Sorcerer slept.

Anger started bubbling up from within me as I looked down to see Hiro sleeping in bed next to me.

"What the hell... Are you doing in my bed..." I grumbled.


Anger overcame me and I shouted at the sleeping Hiro.

My voice shook the room as the echoes reflected back to me and just as it did the entire room shook, waking Hiro and making me grab onto the bed as I think I might have startled the Sui controlling the ship.

But fuck him and fuck that!

Why the hell is Hiro in my bed!!!

* * * * *

Pushing up and sitting on his knees, Hiro rubbed his eyes as I was fuming with so much anger that the energy in my body hissed flames off my skin making me into an open book as it was clear that I was very much angry.

"Hin–gry. . ."

"You motherfucker! Why the hell are you still on my bed!!"

Bonking him over the head as I was extremely angry and should have done more, he rubbed his head, before looking over to me confused like he didn't sneak in my bed on purpose to be a pervert.

I bed 100CP that he groped me while I slept!!!

Whatta fucking pervert!!

I'm going to kick his ass!

* * * * *Narrative* * * * *

Looking at her confused as his head hurt and his vision was blurry, he suddenly heard a obnoxious voice shouting at him and as he recognized it to be none other than his loving sister waking him up.


There was no regard or hesitation as he swiftly guided his fist into her face, knocking her out cold and leaving her nose bleeding as that's all that needed to be done to knock out his sister.

"Wizards really are trash?"

Before he could take psychic damage from making THAT comparison he fell forward and passed out himself as he was overwhelmingly tired.

* * *

Not long after passing out, the ship violently shook, waking everyone up(other than Mari). And the more it shook it started throwing everyone around their rooms forcing them to come out and rush upstairs to the ship's deck.

But just as they made it out there, the water around the boat started to spike and as they all tried keeping balance, a large gust of water shot out from the swamp-like it was a water cannon and right before their eyes as a large stream of murky water shot up.

It then exploded shooting water everywhere and revealing what had came with it.

And what came with it was none other than a huge Swamp Serpent.

[Encounter: Large, Horned Serpent Snake!]