Nara's missing? HOW?!

After the girl who I'm calling Dark-Candy left; since she had that large quantity of dark and negative energies built into her, and I freaking love it! Well, after she left and I was dressed in here for nothing? I crossed my legs and started practicing my Sorcery.

Channeling Root Magic like the flow of blood passing throughout my heart, I felt a burning sensation, it was small like a match flame, no it was even smaller, 7 times smaller, and it was passing like a needle throughout me.

But really slow, I focused it and started moving it from my heart to the rest of my body, feeling it struggle to pass through me, and I was trying to loosen my passages so it could pass faster.

This was the basics to Sorcery training, Mana management and manipulation throughout a certain point, because if I'm able to bring out that point from a certain point, then I'll be able to manipulate my mana to my will and not follow the will of the Mana which demands contraction and sacrifice to active.

Like how to use a mid level spell you have to sacrifice materials and chucks of magic points(MP) to activate at the spell, well, real Sorcery transforms the magic into what is being activated without that needed material. which actually sounds like how magic is supposed to be in most fantasy books?

And if I can do that.

Then I'll be able to do some random shit.

Like conjuring flames from in the air, or birds of fire.

Throw out a flair of magic and it becomes an animal to strike my enemies, shape reality into a landscape of fire, and just being able to do the unthinkable?!

Conjuring burning sun's and raining meteors of fire like that man in the tournament, he did it so why can't I, we are the same person so it's not like it's impossible right?

So this is what I'm going to be doing for now.

But to make it harder I'm shaping my magical pressure which is that demonic energy in me that acts as my main source of power which is basically what sets my overall abilities from a typical Fire Sorcerer's which I don't actually have anymore since I'm not with the Natsu bloodline anymore, so my primary is a Demons now.

And because of that my Sorcery is actually linked to my Demon side a lot which annoys me a bunch to know now.

And Demons have a way to twist reality too so they're getting along, they will get along, and it's sad because sorcery and the demonic are really similar and it's pretty scary, but then again, sorcerers are just witches.

Like that helps though. . . Anyways.

And while shaping and suppressing it, it makes it harder for my mana to flow throughout me, and that makes training harder.

Which equals greater progress, that's Nara's advice at least, which I'm not going to lie, sounds like shit.

But I'll trust her, after all, my root magic can't be measured even by someone like her, so we gotta start somewhere.

Also, while I was learning to suppress my magical power and or presence or whatever it's called, I'm just gonna call this skill I learned, [Suppress], well, while I learned it mainly.

I also developed a Rank 1 or Level 1 attack skill, it's called Particle Flair, it's like a flair attack, but smaller and weaker, I developed it with the overview of Nara watching and judging me and she was impressed.

This attack skill is [Particle Flare] and to active it I gotta use some of my sorcery, well, more like channale some, and so doing that, I can basically force out a small grape sized flame of fire, it's like a mini fire bolt basically, but it burns.

And I mean it burns, my fire changed when I lost the Mana's blessing, or the ALLMOTHER's blessing, whatever you wanna call it, and now it's a dark red, kinda creepy though.

I wish it was a pretty scarlet like how Hiro's hell flames were supposed to look, now I just have demon flames.

Boring. It's not even that good, it's more, I'll light you on fire and it doesn't even do blunt damage or hurt that bad.

It's too small to do any real damage, but maybe I can strengthen it or use it for something else.

I can use it for light? If I hovor the flare over my finger, it produces a small light, need, and I guess it's a good start type spell, I don't need an incantation so that's awesome.

Maybe if I train it it'll become a real flare? That would be cool, or even a giga-flare? That would be way better than a fireball which are explosive or a quick shot fire bolt.

I like the flare, it's cute.

Anyways, steadying my breath and sitting there, the smell of Dark-Candy excited me as her scent fill the room and as my power ran wild, I grabbed my face laughing.

Going a little crazy, "How can I train like this, I wanna fuck her again already~" but biting my lip I couldn't right now, I had to wait because I needed to mainly even out the...

The?... Oh yeah, I need to balance the dark and light energy inside of me, I forgot how much I needed to even out the energies inside of me, so I don't ruin my apitite or me developing a special craving for one side.

This became harder to train, but I powered through, slapping my cheeks, doing push ups, sit ups, a hand stand and falling, I tried clearing my mind every time I got lewd and horny, and it worked a bit, but I got sweaty later and that led to me wanting to fuck, I wanted another pet.

Shaking my head I couldn't let anyone else see that side to me, what am I even thinking, sitting there and steaying my breath it was hard to not use my nose when I could somewhat taste the air around me, I think...

I think demons have way more tastebuds and senses than humans do? It's weird sometimes. Very weird thinking about it now though! Actually hold up, how much more do we have?! I gotta know now.

. . . . .

Hours later, *knock knock* there was a knock at the door, "Come in, it's open!" the door opened and seeing who it was I felt even happier than before.

It's Rika!

Seeing her, "Hey, I got you a sucke–" she sniffled the air and looking to my bed and seeing the blood and cum stains and then looking to me and my bright smile.

"You've been... Busy?..."

Looking at her as she looked at me wiredly, "I kinda got in a fight with a stranger and we ended up, coming back to my place, it got weird, I'll tell you that much hahaha~"

Giving me a disguised look, I ignored her criticism and then asked, "So, whatta ya want sis?" I asked forgetting why she came in here, I was focusing so I didn't really hear much.

And looking away she threw something at me, an catching it, it was a freaking lollipop! "HOLY CRAP, YOU ACTUALLY GOT ME CANDY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BIG SIS!!!"

I said unwrapping it and taking it into my mouth without hesitation, "Yum~" the flavor was odd but sweet, kinda like cheery though so I freaking love it!

Savoring sweetness, Rika was just standing there and looking at the door, holding the knob, and, she, looked Shakey? "Hey Rika?"

"You alright??"

Asking, she turned her face and just like me, she had nightmare eyes shooting right at me with golden light in the centers, so she was the white succubus? Noted.

And looking at me she took a step into my room and released a demonic aura of golden energy, feeling it, it felt...I felt starvation coming from her.

I don't know how I knew???

But those eyes.

This feeling...

She's starving??

And looking at her icky, "Sorry you're not my type and I don't like you like that, you're still a bastard bitch in my book"

I said releasing my demonic power and showing off blackish red, which was greater than hers but not by much.

Both were thin layers surrounding and fairing off us.

And releasing my pressure and showing my nightmare eyes, she broke out of this hungry state and jerking back a little, she gulped and looked around like she was lost.

She blacked out for a moment there, "What's?... I'm sorry,"

She said before looking down at me who showed little hostility but it was still there and as she saw me and my power and felt her own and probably saw her vision change, she gulped hard.

"You're starving right?" I asked.

Saying that she clenched her teeth and I got up, it was obvious right now there was no point denying it.

And before she could answer back as she was clearly struggling to get it out without the embarrassment.

I walked over and as I was, "Get your self ready, get changed into something comfortable, I'm taking you to get something to eat" I said as I was calling in that favor now.


Saying what I needed to, "Get dressed, I'm taking you to Nara's Brothel to get laid, your not my type so I'm not going to do anything to you, not even if you asked"

And continueing, "So we're going to see Alkivich now" I said getting over to her and as she backed up despite me being a smaller person compared to her, so I didn't get why? Like seriously bitch, why???

She was at a loss for words and getting to her, "Now hurry up, I told you before, I don't wanna see my family hungry!" I said damandinly and before she could even force out a word I was pushing her out and back to her room.

Getting her to go to her room and change into something else other than the shit she was wearing already before we left to the Little Extract, which when she came out she...

Was better, at least she's not wearing yellow?

Wearing a purple tee and a cute black skirt she came out looking, pretty nice, actually, looking to her short brown hair, fair light skin, and her figure, it was rather adorable.

"How's... How's this?" she asked.

And checking her out, she looked pretty despite her small and slim figure, throughout a little meat on her would look nice especially since she's all the way flat, "You look..."

Looking at her again,"To be honest you look pretty cute" I said looking at her up and down and from the little lines in her shirt she's wearing designer lingerie under there?

However there was a slight issue with that, sure she looked pretty, yes... However... Yeah about that... Okay so... Damn.

But imma be honest, like fully honest, there's nothing good about her, sure she has that cute but mature look to her, but she's as flat as a cutting board and she has no ass, not even any muscle or anything cool to describe her, even Kasumi has something to grab even though there ain't much, and even Ursula has something to grab too.

It's a major turn off and imma just say, I'm sorry Alkivich.

This girl might be a serious accountant whore, like you, but she's as boring and dull as your sister, who I'm calling out because she's annoying and I don't like her either.

We both don't so it's not so offensive.

But she is a succubus and starving sooooooo.

Maybe there is something to her that's neat...

Talking back to what I said, "Really???" she said to what I had to say and looking to this bitch, "Yeah, plus you have a good style of fashion so I might need to take a few pro tips fron ya haha" I said truthfully, she looked nice.

But that's all, sorry folks, end of show... Gladly.

Glancing away, "Thanks... I guess,"

She said I guess not knowing what to say when the person you don't like complements you, "I don't care that you don't like me by the way, I'm just helping you out"

And saying to that she snapped a glance at me but I put my hands to my hips and said, "So keep that head up and let's get out of here, I know your hungry and I'm bored and being around you is already not a thing either of us want and that's as clear as day, so let's just go now"

I said and looking at me fully, "I-..." and yet she had nothing to say because I was saying what we were both thinking, and looking to her as I was half way finished with this lolipop, I forced a smile which hurt to do.

"So whatta ya say big sis, ready to fine dine?"

I said and not looking at me she nodded, and so with that as a yes, I grabbed her by the hand startling her and with a real smile I said, "Stop ruining my mood and let's just get going already, let's run gal!" I said making her follow me.



Running into the lobby with her being dragged by me, that's basically what's happening anyways, all the others were back and as a few wore uniform and the others looked tired, they saw us and flashing a smile at them.

"Hey ladies! Bye ladies! Come on Rika stop being slow!"

I said pulling her along as we ran out the door, the others got a shock out of this and I got an ego stroke as I was usually just doing what I wanted, Lex was there too and?...

He looked happy when he saw us, that makes me happy to see him smiling, I guess he was also worrying about the brothel conditions with all of us too like Kasumi said.

Running with Rika she was slower but eventually after her stumbling run she was able to keep up and we ran all the way to the Little Extract. Where when we got to the lobby, she broke away because I let go of her and she caught her breath, panting as she bent over and didn't move after she stopped running with me.

That was like a 9-13 laps around the brothel as for a run, the brothels weren't but were that far from each other, it took way longer than 7 minutes so that's a thing.

"Why the fuck... Hahh— Did you run!" she panted.

She said but by the time she looked up I was gone and going to get Alkivich and explain to him what was going on, this left a blank expression on her face.

Minutes later I came back with a handsome man with groomed short hair slicked back and glasses and he looked like a jacked scientist, looking at Rika he sighed.

I told him about her and he wasn't liking how plain she is.

Looking at her already regretting this, "Hello, my name is Alkivich Demyrtroit, it's a pleasure to meet you," he was more interested in thick girls, not plain and or cute like her, but since we were buds since me and him were usually stuck with the work of the management team here, he accepted but I owed him a favor of anything now.

Taking him by the hand as he offered her his hand, she took it and introduced herself, "I'm Norika Tsynjo, and I work with Aster here, it's a real pleasure" she said back also she remember's my name? Neat?

Taking his hand he then turned his head and fixing them glasses on his face, "Follow me to my room, it's already ready for us" he led her away and as they were leaving I looked at their backs and said out.

"Have fun you two!"

I said and it bothered the both of them, but they both knew, I was having a lot of fun with this, they better know that muhahahaha, yep, they better know I'm enjoying this.

Having a good time, I then sighed and turned to the clirk as I was going to ask about Nara and if she came back, but when I did, someone came from the hallway opposite of the one the others left into and with a panicked face.

"Lady Catherine's been kidnapped!"

"What?!!!" we both screamed, me and the clirk.