I'm more important to you... Right~

Knowing already that they're goin to ask me to stop her by them merely turnin to me with those faces, turning around and over to Zoe as she was going shit insane.

I deeply sighed as that look on the side of her face in my view brought back a few memories, maybe she is not so bad after all, though that's because I'm crazy too.

So walking over to her before they actually told me to go and calm her down, I stepped over there and as she stabbed the living shit out of the blink dog's leg.

I came up from behind her and she tore the leg down the middle. And as it whined and cried out in horror, the darkness around my hand turned to mist and then wrapped around my finger tips becomin the mist on it.

The smokey mist on my fingers blackened into the color of that darkness, I guess I got an upgrade huh?

But ignoring that, and seeing my hands become the hands I had before I kind of died for a moment, I came up from behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey, calm down Zoe, that's enough let's go already"

I said in a soft sensual voice, but she didn't seem to be hearing me as she had a crescent smile on her face and her eyes were filled up with bloodlust.

And seeing that and seeing her grip the sword handle even tighter as she slashed down the blink dog's flesh even more making it cry out in way more agony.

"Zoe, calm down..."

But she didn't hear me and seeing that clearly, I then moved my hand to her chin and moving her face over I kissed her, getting her to instantly act cause of me.

And with her eyes widening and her facial expression changing on the spot, "Mmph?!" she squealed but it didn't really matter as I kept her mouth sealed tight.

I wasn't letting her go, I was a plant trap and she was my fly, the only difference was she was sweetened.

And with her eyes suddenly swirling as this started becoming too much for her, I kissed deeper untill her eyes started become dazed and even when they had.

I broke away from her, catching the autumn air for my lungs after tasting nothing but her sweetness. And I'd have to say, "You taste amazing," because she does.

And not able to hold back telling her that, she was blushing so hard that her face was all pink and fluff.

I swear it's as if I'm burning up because moving my hand to hers gripping that sword, I grabbed it from out of her hand and wrapped my other around her.

And I couldn't help it as we were so close, talking into her ear, I wanted to nibble it but I spoke to her instead.

"I'll be tasting you somewhere else later today too~"

And hearing that, she got all embarrassed and she broke a little as she turned her head away, blushing so very hard that it was so adorable to see right now.

"I wonder how your other mouth tastes... Zoe~" and fucking with her even more, steam started coming from her ear but she didn't say anything back to me.

How come she's not talking back to me?

Could she be a guilty masochist, how adorable of her.

But now was not the time so backing off I let go and then stepped back, and looking to the others...

Not just one of them, but all of them were watching us right now and not one of them didn't hear us. . .

And Karin's mouth was wide open in utter shock.

And each and every girl, even Sora was blushing.

Did they hear every word I just said?!!!

Looking to the boys, one of them was looking away and it was Iris's boy, don't know his name, but James and Charles were red too and wow, fuck, eeh?

"Bro... That sensual voice you have is really something else I just have to tell you that now bro," Charles said.

And hearing him I paused, holy fuck they heard me...

How the hell could they not though, were so close.

They're like 3 yards or slightly more away!

But seeing them like that and seeing myself like that, I then turned my head to Zoe and away from the heart stopped Karin, and grabbing her hand I said proudly.

And with no fucking shame but pride as ah fucking man right here!, "I didn't studder Zoe, I'm eating you the hell out when we get back home" I said out loud and darting her head at me, "Hiro!" and hearing her.

I looked back at her and with a cheeky smile, chuckled and said out to her, "First off, darling it's Aster, second they heard us anyways so there's no point in hiding it"

I said openly and with her hand locked in with mine, I walked off back in the direction of Rosa Marine, and as I did her bone hands vanished and the dogs fell.

"Now, let's head back home sweets, I'm really hungry~" I said and I heard her astonished voice.

"Geeze you're so embarrassing! That's my partner you just said that Infront of, and she's my superior!"

And hearing her say that about Karin I chuckled.

"Ah yes, and she's technically my ex in a way and also my ex warden and torturer, plus, I don't give a fucky, and have no shame, to be fair I fucked her too~"

But saying that, she frowned, "How's that being fair, if anything that's being unfair to her as me being her friend, partner, and underling with her ex man's"

And hearing that logic.

"Because I said so, so just give into lust darling~"

And saying that I turned around, walking backwards and looking at her, and looking at her I said looking her in the eyes to he more exact with her now.

"After all, it's only fair that you're allowed to be happy too, even if that means your reaping what someone else gave up, plus, I really wanna fuck you right now"

And hearing that, her face started burning up and she began blushing harder than before, "Fuck it, alright"

But still looking at her as I was pulling her by the hand and walking backwards, "Now come on and say it, I do wanna hear you say you want me more than her now"

"What?!" Zoe

She seemed confused?

"It's only fair to me, she's your partner!–" Me

"And like a super important person to me!" Zoe

"Yeah, but I'm your everything and you're mine" Me

"Uh..." Zoe

"So say it, say that you're mine and I matter more" Me

And hearing me say this in a sensual voice, she was overly shocked by what manipulative sounding words I just said, I seriously sounded like a devil right then.

But as I was and she couldn't believe it, I then smiled at her and stopped my footing, using my other hand I then wrapped my free arm around her waist and she fell into my chest. Come on, tell me I'm more to you?

"Don't I matter more to you than her? Zoe?" Me

"Hm... Uh..." she didn't know what to say.

"I'm not like her, I won't give you up" she needs...

"I... I don't..." she needs just a little push...

"I'll make you everything, you don't have to be a no one and or have to worry about how I view you, I'm not like her, I might be demon, but I'm better than her"

"Hir– Aster... I..."

"There's a reason I always enjoy reading about the villans, Zoe? You want to know why? Because in the end they'll sacrifice the world for the ones they love, and I'd rather be the villan than the hero to be honest"


"But where do you think Karin lies, because to me she seems more like the one who'd betray you just to gain some face with her lord, and anyone else like how she did with me, she threw me away for everyone else, like how a hero would do for the world, but if you pick me"

Holding her hand and waist, I stepped off and twirled around with her spinning as if we were dancing, an as she was looking me dead in the eye, I softly said.

"If you pick me I'd choose you over the world, Zoe"

And hearing me sound like the villan in like any and every show manipulating the Heroine into maybe like betraying the Hero or something, I asked again.

"Now Zoe, please pick, I won't make you, I told you I'm not like her, I won't make you do anything, anything you don't want to, but in the end it's me or–"

But just as I was going to ask her to choose, Zoe then went onto move her hand to my face and she kissed me and we stopped our rhythmic dance steps.

And pushing her lips from mine.

"Aster... I choose you, I'll always choose you"

And hearing her it was like I just sealed her into a very evil contract, because the ecstasy I felt from her words was as big as the world and I wanted her right now!

So holding her waist tightly and her hand even more.

"Then let's get back home quickly, I can't wait for you and me to be alone together," and saying that, she smiled and looked at me differently... Lovingly?

"Yeah, I'd like that, Aster..."

Something about her changed just then and I couldn't really put my finger on it, but it had me wanting to eat her up, and devour her whole, I want to devour her.

Heh heh heh.

Stepping away from her and holding her I hand, with a happy expression on my face we then started running through the forest and already far from the others.

We got even farther away from the others.

And looking behind me at her face, I saw her joyous smile and smiling in return, I wanted her so very bad, it was getting so hard to control myself, I want her now...

But I had to wait and as we traveled for a few more hours in this forest and we even passed by those plant monsters and this winged creatures, me and Zoe ran past them and kept going till we got to Rosa.

And when we got back, it didn't take long to get in.

. . . . .

Rushing home to the silver moon brothel it was empty and seeing that, and getting to the empty lobby, she turned around to asked me something but...