Broken Enslavement (<|3)

Kicking out the doors, we punched Forward and seein' the lot of them outside and already glowin with power radiating from their eyes; they were forced to guard.

"Zoe trap us in your domain!"

"Got it!"

And with Lex, Zoe, and Me rushing out the doors, mist flooded the brothel streets and as this purple cloud of negative energies was sensed by all, it was too late...

After being engulfed in the purple cloud, we vanished.

And blinking, everyone was surrounded by tall bushes and we were on dirt and in what might have been box shaped surroundings and by these tall bushes, where there were only 4 open ways out of this squared area.

But those look to lead into whatever this place was?

And this place was Zoe's Domain, her undead Maze.

. . . . .[Lex's PoV]. . . . .

Entering the Necromancers Domain, "Aster you have a plan right?!" I asked but to be honest this was exciting and pretty cool, I can't believe we're seriously hunting sorcerers right now, usually we're running from them?

"Not really!" Aster

"Huh?!" I was shocked, I knew he was hot headed but did he literally just attack them without even thinking about what to do?! "Are you serious right now!"

"No we do have a plan! We're going to kill them!" Girl

And hearing her say that I laughed, I can't believe the two of them right now, just rushing in without a plan.

It's hallarous, random, and I freaking love it!

Aster seriously never seems to stop surprising me~

"I guess we're going to just have to wing it huh?!" Me

"Definitely!" Aster

"For sure!" Girl

Looking forward to the enemies, the seven of them looked lost as they were yards away and looking at the new area around them, but then we came.

And hearing our steps on this earthy ground.

The lot of them looked at us and the men and the rabbit woman readied their weapons. Only two of them hadn't touched a single weapon and they're fools for that, because we're aiming for their death.

So running at them, [Makers Weapons], I reached into my pocket and grabbing a dried flower seed and then squishing it, a root shot out from both sides and then expanded turning from brown into green and making a long stem, 3 feet in length and then shifting into a what seemed like a dagger which using magic hardened the stem dagger into a plant tool.

Glancing over, Aster's hands shrouded themselves in fire, looks like he's using his sorcery to fight them.

And looking over to his girl, she had a weapon made from bone? I don't know where it came from but. . .

I'm not questioning it, she's a Necromancer. . .

I'm just going to leave it as that for now. . .

Looking back Infront of us to our opponents, that one beastern sorcerer clenched her Katana and teeth.

"I knew I wasn't sensing things!" Beast girl

"I knew I sensed a monster!" Beast girl

"I fucking knew I sensed monsters!" Beast girl

Hearing her it was as if she had suspected him this entire time, looks like they've met before?

I guess that's why he wanted them all dead, he can't afford to let them live, if she suspected him that could have ended bad, but now she knows she's right...

And I'm assuming the rest goes for the others.

But I wish he would have mentioned that earlier..

I could have dealt with them myself before all this...

The rabbit beast girl gritted her teeth as she looked really infuriated, but then one of the girls spoke to her.

"Wait, don't do anything rash! That's my–"

But as she was talking, "Step of the wind God, Flashin flury!" and in a hurricanes breeze the leaves of every plant suddenly hurled towards our direction and as we were coming at them, she vanished, an when she did.


I heard a wet tearing sound and darting my head left of me, I saw a splatter of blood in the air and as that rabbit girl was behind Aster with her blade swung...

Suddenly Aster's head just flew back and his body fell forwards, and seeing that happen, right in front of me.

My eyes shot open, and without a seconds throught.


The ground broke and throny vines stated bursting up and swinging all around, and jumping into the air, she kicked off the very air and bounced back to her allies.

And after seeing that I shot my sight to Aster who had been decapitated Infront if me! And seeing that I ran over to his side along with the girl who screamed.

Screaming his name, "ASTER!!!" and breakin everythin to rush over to her side, and as that happened I lookt over to the one who killed him and she was preparing to do the same again, bending her knees and all.

I rose my hand up, "Evoke Nature! Nature Wall!" every plant in between us suddenly shifted and shot out in between us using their roots and vines and formed a wall made from it's Natured flesh and strings of wood.

"Aster you can't die now! What the hell! You can't just knock me up and die! That's not how this shit works!"

But hearing her say that and it snapped in my mind as I heard her clearly, I darted my head to her and said.

"Wait you're pregnant! Imma be a grandpa already?!"

I said and looking at me as tears swelled in her eyes.

I guess I was taking this joke too far.

I shouldn't mess with her like this.

"Worry not, he's not dead, he's just, how should I put this? Well, he's actually paralyzed, we just have to re- reattach his head back to his body, like now, now"

I said and looking to me and even sniffling right then.

"The fuck are you babbling about! He lost his head!"

And looking back at her and arguing as he's a Demon.

"Yeah, she didn't slay him using magic, an incubus is a being born of twisted magic essence an the only way to kill one of us is with strong magic, and magic tools"

I told her and then looking over to his head I conjured a vine and grabbed his head, and brining it back to us and grabbing it, I then moved it to his neck, but when I had and I was going to reattach it by moving it to his neck so his healing factor could do it's work on him

Suddenly the earth around us blackened like night.

And as it had I sensed a greater dispare and chaos.

And that chaos got me letting go of his head a few inches from his neck and literally jumping into the air where I used a vine to pull that girl of his away.

And springing my wings into the open, I heard the one and the others who killed Aster, and as it seemed like they were arguing or whatever, they suddenly sensed that chaos and even his girl who was yelling at me. . .

Well she shut up as she sensed it and then my wall.

My plant wall suddenly decayed along with life itself.

All the plants withered and the green turned black.

The grass turned black.

The earth turned black.

It was as if the night sky itself took over the earth.

And looking up to the evening sky and purple sun of this Necromancers Domain, it was only the ground that was like this, not the sky but the earth.

And looking over to Aster's corpse one of the girls screamed his name, the one who he wanted to kill and I sensed his hatred for her, screamed, "Hiro!" When seeing his unconscious body, not really dead.

But as she started running to him, suddenly the others grabbed her warning her not to.

And they were right to because under him the black ground suddenly shifted and it was as if a pool of the night sky formed under him, forming what looked like?

A pool of absolute darkness?

What's going on, is he doing this?

Is Aster just putting on a flashy revival act?

No, something seems different about this...

No... I... I don't think he's trying to restore himself?

But just as I was thinking that, suddenly ebony black bone hands burst out from the pool of darkness and grabbed him, and as they had and it started me.

I heard a voice. Like a whisper.

"You died twice today? Huh? You have one more chance, next time... Next time the darkness will... The next time the darkness will take over, Behazmeth"

And in saying that, suddenly as 4 hands grabbed all his limbs, suddenly another hand burst out from his chest and in it's hand held a dark green sphere that suddenly started absorbing energy form that pool.

Was that... His soul?

What the fuck...

What the hell am I watching right now Aster?

And what's this with you dieing twice today...

But just as these throughts flooded my head, suddenly I heard a bang from the sky, and as we all looked up, suddenly the sky cracked and FUCK...

What's happening now!

The sky broke and suddenly as if glass fell down from the sky, a hole with this twisting energy formed, and suddenly popping part of their body from the hole was none other than a short tanned girl... Catherine.

"Lex! I felt your energy burst out! What's happening!"

But as she yelled that while hanging out from a hole in the sky, her eyes widened as she looked down and as she saw Aster's body and then, the rabbits sword covered in red blood, her eyes trembled in horror.

But just as they had she suddenly bit her lip and pairs of eyes, 3 more pairs of purple eyes opened on her face and she bared her teeth.

Looking at them, she uttered not a word as she fell from the sky and as she did, her form broke and she started shifting into not a normal, but that of a really large, humongous, 8 legged frosty blue spider, and as she crashed onto the ground after a few seconds of descending from the sky, as soon as she touched the ground she lifted a leg and swung it down at them.

And in that instant, in a literal instant, faster than I could even bare seeing, she cleaved all seven of them in half, tearing them and their flesh apart in one shot.

And I was shocked.

But after that, her form shifted and in a burst of blue energy she shifted back into her small Human form and appeared standing next to Aster.

And seeing her look down at not him but that green sphere of what could have been energy or a soul.

"I thought I sensed Azy, but... This is worst"

Flying down and getting next to her, "It all happened so fast, the rabbit killed him in a second, and then this just suddenly happened draining all life from out of the area" I told her and then let go if his girl.

And after doing that she shortly joined us.

And after doing so, Catherine then said.

Looking over to the both of us.

"A long time ago, I used to know Aster's father and so this had happened once, don't ask me about it, you're going to have to see for yourself, but be prepared..."

"Because when he comes back, he might not be the same, because what your seeing right now, is him"

"This thing that he's absorbing is his reset"

"And if it happens again, then I don't know"

But after hearing her say that, and even about to cry myself as I just heard my kid died Infront of me and also once before today, shit, I don't show it, but I care a lot for this kid, I really think of him as my own.

I had to ask her what she meant, I don't get it at all?

"What does that mean?" Me

"Yeah, that made no sense?" His girl.

But just staring at us with saddened eyes.

"You'll see"

And after saying that we heard a bang and then another crack, and not even glancing we then heard a voice and it was squeamish but it was in shock.

"What the heck! What the hell happened!"

Glancing over a small boy with an unusual presence and red hair appeared, and looking down, his eyes popped and he gulped, "Is that... Nara what's. . ."

"What the hell happened here?"

But not looking at him she said.

"They happened Zim, they murdered our Aster"

And hearing her, "No, that can't be, that's impossible, one of them was his loving sister! It can't be true" but in saying that she turned to him and then slaped him.

"Shut the hell up, can't you see what's going on! Don't you dare go and try and play this game again, this is not the same as back then with Asmodeus, it's not!"

Clenching her teeth and looking away.

"Now if your going to revive these savages like you did in the past for the ones who killed Azy then go ahead and do it, but this time, keep them away from him"

And looking back down at Aster as a thread of ebony suddenly came from the center of his neck and into the center of his head and then began pulling to it.

"Because if I even see them again, I won't listen to anybody, I'll kill them and anyone involved with them"


"I don't care... This one... Is the only one that matters to me, and this is the only one I care for, understood"

But in saying that, the boy clicked his tongue and then walked away over to the corpses with literally all of their intestines scattered and split apart on the floor.

And as he went over to them he stabbed his hand into his stomach and his shirt turned into red slime, and then he pulled out a vile of orange powder.

And then he bagan to pour some on the ground and walk around the lot of them, turning my head away I then went back over to Aster, and looking as his head was being pulled back to the body, I looked at his arm.

And that dragon mark he once had.

It vanished, I guess he's free now.

He's a free man, shackled by no one.

Well other than the girl, which I should warn.

Looking at her as she was seriously in tears.

"I don't wanna... You know, fuck the mood up, but you know how you said you were pregnant, yeah, no your not, we Incubi can't interbreed till we're rank 5's"


"What I'm saying is, a incubus and or succubus can't have kids with any race even their own, till they reach rank 5, it's something we were breed into for reasons"


"Why are you talking about this now?" Catherine

"I was just telling her, because it's an inner secret most of our race doesn't know, the truth is only the strong is allowed to reproduce, it's something our race actually has to earn... The gift to make life"


"That's stupid. . .?" Catherine

"So, basically, if you really want to have one with him, I felt your emotions when you said that you were, and if you really want one, just strength him up, rank him up"


"I'm training him anyways, he'll get there soon"

"Yes, but Demons rank up differently"

"They do"

"I know" Catherine

But just as we were casually talking, that ebony hand suddenly started sinking in and the green sphere then went into his chest and absorbed into him as his chest glew green, his neck then slurted in black ooze.

And then it sunk into his newly formed flesh.

And looking down at him, suddenly his eyes burst open and he sat up gasping for air.

"Santa Mierda!"

Grabbing his chest, he took in a heavy breath of air but when he did, his girl jumped at him, tackling him.

"You sleezy son of a bitch!" Girl

"You scare the hell out of me!" Girl

Clinging onto him, he put his hand on her head and smiling like an idiot, he laughed, "I never really saw myself as gay till I came to this world, but I like this"

"What?" I laughed

And looking over at me, he paused...

But then a silly smile came over his face.

"I mean, wow... What lovely... Is the sky purple?"

Laughing as he sounded so lost when he looked up and said that, Catherine then walked around and hit him over the head, making his head spin a bit.

"Oh what was that for!"

"Don't be an idiot again!"

"What did I do now?"

"Dumbass you just died!"

And hearing that his expression went blank, but then he grabbed his head as he was being embraced by his girl and he suddenly cried out, so very loud.

"Wait so your telling me I died a virgin! Was then ya know reincarned back to life! What is this highschool dxd as a Devil! Ouch my head! That one pangs!"

He said and I couldn't help but laught my ass off.

The things he says are just so random?!

Looking down at him with scary eyes, his girl then looked up at up as she was hugging him down on the ground and even I looked at him bazzarly?

"Can you... Say that again? Haha, what?" Me

And looking back at us he shook his head and then let go and looking at us, yeah again, he then said with a tilted head and then a fucking yawn.

"Sorry, I'm really drained right now... Hha~"

"I need a nap"

He said and looking at him Idiotically, I said before the others got to say anything first, "Well it's decided, let's go back inside, after today, I think I need one as well"

And saying that to him, his girl who didn't look away from him moved her hand to his face getting him to look back down at her and as she was going to say something to him, and it looked like bad feedback.

Moving his hand to her cheek he smiled and then said.

"I love you too"

And saying that, and surprising both me and Catherine as he's usually unsure, and I mean very unsure about his emtions and we all knew that. He told us once.

Her face then started turning bright pink.

"Wow Hiro, first time ever hearing you say that?" Me

"Really... I thought those words didn't exist to him?"

Hearing Catherine and me say those words, her face lit up brighter and he smile the more he saw that.

But then he pulled his lips back and looked away.

"That... Felt weird saying?"

"There it is" Catherine

"I guess it was his first time?" Me

Laughing about it with Catherine as I came next to her, we joked about it getting him flustered and even getting his girl to crack up, and before we knew it the 4 of us were back on all our feets and not even looking over to the others here with us.

We spoke to eachother, and he really is different.

It's as if his trama and scars vanished?

Not the physical ones, but his mental corruption?

That's good. . .That's really good to hear.

I'm just hoping now he doesn't have a drawback.

But now I'm guessing something enhanced.

There's always a price for everything.

And seeing as he's an incubus...

Maybe his lust boosted?

Glancing over to him and the girl.

"You think you can let us out without braking you're domain, I want that guy to finish so we don't cause a scene with the locals if they witness that"

I asked and nodding her head.

"That's possible"

She opened a rift and going into it we came back to the real world, and as we were outside the brothel an I could sense the rift but not see it, we left it alone.

Going back inside he was talking a lot more then usual and it was weird because his expression was nothing other than bright? It's strange seeing him smile like it?

But then as we got inside the lobby and I sat down at the desk and Catherine did at the lobby, "Hey, so uh? You wanna sleep over or something? Zoe right?"

He said and hearing him I grinned, he's making a move on her huh? Nice, I bet she likes timid acting too.

But looking at him, "I don't know? Karin should be getting back soon with the others and I have stuff to do today, especially after so much traveling"

And hearing that and how it was going bad...

Suddenly butting in, Catherine siad, "If you don't want to cuddle him to sleep, I guess I'll just have to~" but as soon as she heard that she released her power.

And darting her head to Catherine, "Go fuck yourself! I take it back, I'll stay the night, Karin can wait!" she said as Catherine really came in for the clutch.

And grabbing her hand, he then looked at us.

"Well I guess it's settled then~ Also sorry for her vile mouth Nara. And do you two have plans tommow?"

But as he said that I butted in.

"Yes we do, I'm training you tomorrow"

And Catherine looked at me.

"His training is my thing?"

"You can get him on the weekends, I'll train him on the weekdays, okay Catherine"

But she shook her head, "No, not going to happen" an I didn't understand, "Why not? He's my kid" I told her.

But then she pointed at me and said, "First off, I'm his survival and combat teacher, my teaching is physical trainin, yours is probably going to be mostly magical, so it only makes sense for you to train him weekends and then give him material to study on the weekday, after his taining with me is over with"

"Don't I need rest? Like in-between, that's a lot?" Him

"You'll have time to recover, don't worry!" Catherine

And hearing her out and her reasoning, I guess she made sense, even though it would make sense for him to be trained by someone of his own race, and sex.

"Fine, but your paying for the material, I can't afford it"

"Fine with me"

"I was joking..."

"Bleh" she poked her tounge at me.

"You're such a child..."

"And your a meanie..."

Looking back over to Aster as I had something to tell him, when looking back he was gone and so was the girl and I sighed, looking back to Catherine, I then said.

"Actually, you think you can help me with a few things?"

And putting her hands on her hips, she smiled and said.

"What do you need bestie"

"So my sister is coming to town soon... And... Yeah"

"Really? April's coming back to Rosa?"

"Yeah, so... Can you do me a big favor"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you let her crash at your brothel"


"What's so funny"

"Nothing it's just what you said"

"That wasn't a joke though...?"

"It's not?... Then... That's means..."

"It means what?"

"Hell no! I'm not trying to go out of business!"

"Damn it, that means she has to live here"

"Hah... Good luck bro"

"Uhhh, why does she have to come now..."