Returning A Favor? - R-18

Laying there with cum and sweat drenching her body as she layed back on the bed and panted for warm air.

Sitting at the edge and looking at her as she had just collapsed like that, from me hammering her pussy, an trying to mold myself into every crevice over the hour.

Her body shimmering in the dampened light and the sweet aroma in the air, it aroused me as I came over.

Crawling on the bed my hand cuffed the indent of her foot, making her toes curle at the touch of my hand.

They then slid and motioned up her ankle and then to her calf, and going up her body as I crawled closer up the bed to her, I moved more and my hand slid across the slick and sweatiness of her belly slatherin it all up.

Moving my hand and cuffing her little soft mound, I was arousing myself at the touch of her body, and I was makin her squirm with my hand running up her.

"Hnn—haa. . ."

Her breathe so rough and pleasurable.

My body got rock solid at the sounds of her breath.

Getting up to her face as she closed her eyes, my hand came up cuffing her neck, and looking down.

"Let's go one more time?"

I said moving my hand to her cheek, and hearing me she jolted, like if she hadn't expected for me to say it.

But I really want this, my arousal isn't settling down.

The more I look at her sexy damp body shimmering.

The more I smell these sweet aromas in the air.

The more I hear her erotic breathe in my ear.

Everything was tempting me and driving me mad. . .!

Opening her eyes and shifting her head, looking over at me, she gave me a weary half smile, "Y-Y-You can keep going? Aren't you tired?" she said but I wasn't?

Shaking my head, I wanted even more of her.

So bringing my head in, "No," I kissed her, pressing my lips against hers and softly kissing her like a. . .

Geeze I feel like a complete slut!

Why am I so horny!

Her movements were so soft and weak, she barely even kissed back, so backing off to see what was wrong, she shut her eyes resting her head back?

And seeing that and how she fell asleep on the spot.

I sat up and on my knees, and looking down at her.

I was so confused as she just left me like that???

"You're not going to sleep now are you?"

"We barely even got started?"

"Can't you continue?"

Not getting an answer back as her body rested.

I looked down at her in complete fucking shock!

The sun isn't even down! Why is she napping!

. . . . .

After being left alone by her as she decided to take a nap, and I made sure she wasn't faking as I shook her obsessively, I couldn't believe what she was doing.

Getting out of bed I gathered my clothes as I stripped a little while ago with her in the heat of the moment as I kind of pushed her onto her back to fuck her, hornily.

Geeze just thinking about what I did and almost did has me blushing. Gathering my clothes, I put them on and decided to leave the room, I don't wanna do anything that I might regret doing if I'm left alone in here.

Because I can feel my conscience starting to slip.

And I don't believe that means me passing–out here.

So opening the room door and leaving, I walked out in to the hallway. And looking over, there were halls, it was like a cross without one of the sides? So I walked.

Going to where it split off into two other parts, I looked to my left to see an open area and in front of me to see a area not so open, as it was a dead end.

So going to where that open area was, I walked into what looked like the lobby of this building, and looking over to see no more than a man sitting at a counter.

I was going to ask him where the Silver Moon Brothel was as apparently that's where I was living, not here?

But that doesn't matter, at least I have a home.

Though I want to go home to lock myself in my room before whatever inside of me comes out to play.

I felt like it was my nature, as my mind was about to lose consciousness and I wasn't going to make sense.

So I'm basically trying to play right now, very safe.

And going over to the counter, the man looked at me.

But before I could say anything to him, a voice came.

"Yo Aster! I need a huge favor man!"

And looking over there was this buffed man with glasses walking over to me from the other hallway.

And turning to face him, "Hm?" I don't know him?

But he seemed to know me, and he's coming to me?

Standing before me, "I have a client, but the mistress, Lady Catherine's already assigned me work for today, so I need you to go entertain her and then call Monte"

Looking over, the counter man said, "Just come back here and I'll call Monte to clean up his room for you" I heard the guy behind me say and then this one said.

"I seriously owe you for this, also use my room, I trust you not to leave it a mess, I'll be back in a few hours!"

He said and rushing past me, I was confused and then said, "Wait? What do you want?" an he turned around saying, "Go to room 215, sleep with that flat—chested white girl, call Monte to clean up after, and then we'll be even for when you asked me for that favor, got it!"

And hearing him, I was shocked!

Did he just tell me to whore out!

"What the fuck! NO way!"

But saying that he had already ran off.

And looking to the guy behind the desk, he said, "You do owe Mr.Alkivich that favor, Mr.Aster, so I would just sleep witht that girl and repay your debt, understand"

And hearing him, he jolted as I death stared the man.

But then looking away and blushing, I couldn't keep it down right now, "Geeze....What was the number again and also what was I supposed to do, fuck someone?"

They prayed on my weakness, I'm way too horny to even reject that man's favor, and I kind of want this...

Geeze I have issues. . .WHY AM I SO HORNY!! Fuck!!!

"Um, Mr.Alkivich's room number is 215, just down that hallway over there, and to the left, and you'll find it"

Hearing him and bitting my lip as my cock was rock hard down there, I left the lobby and when to the left hall where I saw that man's room and went into it.

. . . . .

Entering the room, I saw part of a fair leg as there was a block of wall covering the rest of them, an closin' da door behind me I walked into the room, saying to her.

"Hey, so. . .Alky has something else to do" and walkin' around and into his room past that dry blockade wall, I saw brown hair and sharp golden eyes looking at me.

"H-Hiro?!" she said confusing me as she yelled that?

And also that's not my name, and why is she yelling?

"What the hell are you doing in here? Where's!—"

But as she was speaking, I walked over to her saying.

"As I was saying, Alky, has something to do so he told me to handle you today," I said completely cutting the girl off and saying, "I do hope that's alright, miss"

I said and going over to her and shocking her, before she could even say something back, my knee was in between her legs, and grabbing her face I kissed her.

Leaning into it, I didn't even try holding back my lust.

And kissing her, I pressed open her mouth, just tongue kissing her and going into it fully as I wanted all of her.

Her hands pressed into my chest, but when they had, I slid my hands in-between her arms, and one grabbed her back while the other grabbed the back of her hair.

Feeling her magic as we were kissing all the way.

Her taste was salvic and not sweet, she tastes odd?

It felt like she resisted but then she snapped into it.

Her body reacted to mine and her tongue swayed.

It was as if her body and mind were separated?

She wasn't a normal girl?

And her magic was twisted and dark, negative mainly.

Her magic almost resembles a lesser version of mine.

So I'm guessing she's also a Demon as well?

Breaking the kiss and pulling back as saliva connects our mouths by the lip, I looked down at her and looking into her sharp golden eyes, they turned soft an faded.

"I know you're a Demon, show me your real form..."

I said without fear, or hesitation, and as she was looking at me with a flustered face, she gulped hard, turning her face and looking away with her magic fluctuating.

Her skin began turning candle white, her eyes turned all black with sharp golden irises centered in her eyes, and a pair of curved-back horns rolled out from her skull and a pair of batish wings shot out form behind her wit'a tail.

Clicking her tongue, she snapped her face and me and looking as if she was going to say something, I laughed.

"You know what? I was expecting you to look scary for a demon, and not this damn cute~" I said runnin my hand up her body, feeling all the way up to small bat wings.

Her angry expression instantly changed an she blushed, I then moved my hands all up her body and touching her body as she didn't expect those words, I felt her horns n tail, and even her wings again, looking back to see mine.

Her tail was longer though, and mine was swaying a lot?

Moving my hands to her cheeks as she caught my personal interests because we mind actually be kin?

"I'm sorry for disappointing you, this is my true form..."

I said and opening her mouth, she was going to say something when I interrupted her as I was hyperactive.

Dark tenticles sprung out from my shadow grabbing her arms and forcing her back to the bed, pinning her down, I then said as I came over her, chuckling at her squeal.

"HEY!!!" she squealed but was cut off.

"Kekeke, I made a promise to Alky to entertain you, so be prepared to be entertained, I haven't tried this on anyone yet so I'm hoping for a good show, miss"

And as I said that, Dark Tenticles came out form her own shadow and began wrapping around her waist.

"Wait wait wait!!! Stop it!!"

And as she screamed that, I stopped, and then came over sitting next to and looking over curiously?

"Yes. . .?"

"You actually stopped???" she seemed surprised.

"Well. . .Duh? I'm only trying to entertain and sleep wit' you? That's what he told me to do? And since you're a Demon like me, I thought I'd mess with you for fun?"

I told her my honest plan and she was speechless?...

"But why? Also the hell you even mean!"

And crossing my arms, I then came around and got on her as she was pinned down by my Dark Tenticles.

"Foreplay, and sex? I read it in a book?"

"Huh?! Wait I thought you were illiterate?!"

"I was. . .And now I'm not? It's called an education?"

Getting over her and pressing my hands next to her head, looking her in the eyes as she looked mad...?

"Though, I guess if you don't want to do it with me, I'll have to tell Alky you cancelled, and you can go home?"

But saying that, she looked startled.

"Wait! I didn't say that!"

"Then what did you say. . .?"

"I'm just!. . .Hiro, I'm confused why you're even here?!"

And hearing her, I looked away and thought of why?

Also why is she calling me Hiro, is it some honorific?

"I came here, and slept with someone? Now I'm here"

I said to her and looking at me blankly, "You did?"

"Yeah. . ."

"So, you were hungry too?"

"I guess we can put it like that?"

"Are you still hungry then?"

"I'm horny, like really horny. . ."

"You know sleeping with me won't feed you right, I'm a succubus and you're an incubus, we can't feed on each other regularly like how we do with the other races?"

"I'm kind of just looking for sex, actually"

And saying that, I think I stunned her as she stopped speaking, and looking away kind of flustered, she said.

"If you, like, discharge some energy, I'll sleep wit you..."

And hearing her say that, she just needed spare energy?

I then felt a rush, and moving my hands to her face, I kissed her, discharging just a little bit from my mouth and into her which I shouldn't have done as got worse.

Breaking apart from her.

She was blushing.

I was blushing,

My Dark Tenticles released her, and panting as I couldn't hold in my breathe, "You alright?" she asked but then as she grabbed my shoulder, I took her hand.

Licking her finger in a sensual manner, and then takin it into my mouth, "You're, out, of Mana?" she said, and not really hearing her, I toyed her finger in my mouth.

Right before taking it out and then feeling her grab me. But when she did and she tried pushing me back.

I switched the rolls and stripling her of her shirt, I licked her chest, teasing her areola, and flat chest which Alky wasn't lieing about. . .She was a super flaty lay.

But I didn't care right now, she still has a pussy.

So breaking off her, I sat up and lifting my shirt showin' my body and the bandage around my shoulder, which she looked at before my body.

"New markings? Is that more tattoo magic?"

But as she questioned it I pulled her in and kissing her, I ended up turning her over and making her stick her butt up in the air as I ate her out and grappled her body.

Making her voice scream out till she soaked the sheet.

Spraying and filling my mouth with a bitter sour taste.

But that had me hornier than ever as I lost my mind.

And moving positions, I rammed my cock into her.

Pressing her back into the bed and getting her to say that name slightly, in soft gasps and moans, like she's trying to tell me to go slower... But I was hitting her G spot so she didn't want me to stop hitting it so fast.

It wasn't long before I flooded her small whole with my semen, her pussy wasn't at good as Catherine's but I felt like hers was more naturally soothing for mine.

And filling her hole with leftovers, she panted with her face against the bed, "No wonder Urusla loved your cock, I think I kind of get that runt now" she uttered.

But not feeling like it was enough I took it out, and as she turned over with her hands on her side, she was going to say something when looking at me an sayin.

"You're not satisfied yet?" And hearing that, I nodded my head, and she turned around and crawled over to me, getting down and taking it into her mouth.

Cleaning it up, I latched onto her head, but then after cleaning it up, she took it out of her mouth, saying.

"You're lucky you brought in the most money this month to the brothel, because I would have never, and I mean never! Let a man cum in me or suck his cock!"

But then she got up on her knees and in my face, said.

"But since I'm in a good mood, and it's not because of you Hiro! Just lay down and I'll satisfy your lust"

She said managin' to get me onto my back, where she then kept blowing me, till I unloaded one more time.

But afterwards, and hearing as she swallowed it all.

She got on me and started riding my dick lik'a mount.

And using various techniques, and arousing me with her sensual voice and moans, it didn't take long for her to get me unloading again an again inside her.

And after two hours of not having to do much, I was completely dried out till there was nothing coming out of me, but she didn't know and kept bouncing.

With drool dropping down from her chin and her eyes rolling back, she has a delusional smile on her face an her eyes were even slightly glowing pink, she was lost.

And as I was sexually satisfied an now tired as I kind of recovered a little bit of energy somehow? I don't really know how it happened, I looked to her.

And with her vagina latching onto me, slurping me from the inside as if she had some sort of machine in there, which felt so good even when she stayed still.

Grabbed her waist an getting her to tense up and cum on the spot, she stopped bouncing and even slightly squirted on me in a little tinkle.

I, looking at her, chuckled at her messy drooling face.

So sitting up and hugging her, I grabbed her ass.

And pressing into her and even feeling her stuffed womb which didn't release even a drop that crawled inside of there, which amazed me? Then said to her.

"Geeze, with a pussy like this, I might just come back for more~" I said and hazily glancing down at me.


And hearing her I pulled her down and onto her back where despite her tired state, and my tired state, I came to break her as I kept going for one final cum shot.

The final orgasm.

That one orgasm that's so hard to reach, it's literally where your body is so dry but is forced to make that one last drop despite knowing that it can't do it!

And I'm aming for it.

But in the process as I shook the room with vigorous sounds off balls clapping and her moaning, she broke in a way as her eyes rolled back all the way again.

And I kept going for the next 45 minutes.

Feeling my body start to forcibly start making it.

And then tirelessly going after 88 minutes, I really came.

And that final shot had me falling next to her, where she was panting, I was panting, we both were panting and it was just way too much sex as the room smelled nasty.

And I mean it smelled like damn shit ass whore nasty.

The smell of pure sex was so strong and funky that even a regular whore would have to avoid coming in here.

And as I was at the edge of my consciousness, I looked to her one last time and as she shut her eyes rolling onto her side literally falling asleep too?!

I then went onto lean in and press my forehead against her, and just like her, I feel asleep too.

. . . . .

Waking up to the voice of a girl coming in later.

The both of us were awaken and kicked out..

Come to find out we both live together...

This girl's name was Rika apparently....

And going back home with her and eventually to my room, we snuck back because apparently we were both skipping "High School" right now, and some shit like dat.

Getting to my plain room, I plopped onto the bed and took a nap. hearing the door open later and and some crawling on my bed, I then came to hear that same girl from before and she heard that Lex guy who was like the leader of this Demonic Coven, he sounds scary.

And so now she's sleeping in here with me?

Though it doesn't really matter to me, anyways I'm used to sleeping with my sister, or who I thought was my sis.

Either way, I sleep better with company with me!

And we both ended up falling asleep in here.

Waking up half a day later around midnight, she was still knocked out cold. But I had an odd dream. So getting up and going to go take a shower, I readied myself to leave.

And after being dressed and cleaned up, I left home.

. . . . .

The Next Morning: With two changed sickles stabbing into the wrists of a mixed black haired woman. A Dark Tentacle kept her standing, and I asked this woman.

"Why were you stalking me. . .?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, November 2nd, Year 12