The Invasion

Leaving to the gate and exposing my ID to the guards to leave town, Mari stayed quiet throughout the whole thing, and even stayed by my side during it?

Passing throughout the tunnel, "Now that we're leaving town, you'll probably get the chance to run away" I said in question, but then she spoke back in a soft voice.

"I can't do that. . ."

But hearing her, I didn't understand?

"Why's that? You planning on killing me. Hm?"

I said because that's the only reason I can think of why?

"No... Actually? The more I think about you and what's going on, you're more a danger to yourself and I don't want to hear or see you die again, so I'll protect you"

Huh? Am I hearing her right?

Looking behind me at her I said questioning.

"Did you forget that I've enslaved you? Sorcerer. . ."

"I haven't forgotten, I just don't care, if anything you're just givin me an excuse to free my schedule and walk"

Hearing her I turned back around and shook my head, "Uh, you're pretty good at fuckin with people's mind's you know! I won't fall to your deception, Sorcerer!"

I said as she's using phycology against me!

But I'm no fool! This crap won't work on me!!

"How do you know I'm messing with you? I could be saying the truth, the truth does hurt more you know?"

And hearing her! Why the hell is she making sense!!!

"Like how I died recently, same as you, was revived along with everyone I know and now know something super important about you. You don't even know it"

Glancing behind me at her as she had a blank face.

"Please be quiet, you're making my head hurt"

Puffing her cheek at me, "Fine," she. . . Pouted?

. . . . .

Getting to the end of the tunnel, a bright light shined in our faces and as my eyes adjusted to the light, "Its been a while, Young Lord Of Demons, Aster Hiragi" I heard.

Hearing a voice in front of us I looked over to see a cloaked person wearing all black, an then heard coming from next to me, "Hm? He called you Young Lord?"

Mari said in question and I was wondering the same.

So looking to this stranger, I kept walking and said.

"Do I know you?"

And with Mari following behind me, the man pulled back his hood revealing his skulled face. And startling both of us, this man was an undead creature, an scary one too.

And I'm saying that, because undead aren't supposed to be talkin, not unless, I don't even know, they're just not!!!

So stoppin and raising my guard, I didn't know wheather or not this thing was friend or foe, luckily the power of shadows is a defensive attribute magic. . .I got this.

And looking at me as I stopped, he chuckled.

An hearing him chuckle, my heart calmed.

"Have you forgotten me already? What a shame..."

"I'm sorry, maybe you can refresh me" I asked.

But saying that to him, Mari grabbed my shoulder.

And glancing back at her as she was shivering.

She said, whispering in my ear, "I don't know if you're associated with that thing or not, but we need to get out of here fast, I sense it's extremely hostile towards you"

And hearing her warning I tensed up, I had no clue!

Though I have no clue to why she's saying this and it could have been a deception, but at the same time, she has no reason to lie to me, and even her hand shook.

If she's right, then, we need to escape from here.

And looking back to the skeleton standing there.

"If you forgot then it doesn't matter, but what does is why I'm here today and not back at home" he said an looking up, he glanced back down at us an said to us.

"Izumi wasn't able to get your message as of request from you a while ago, she had left on a mission, as for why I'm here, well, it's actually a ma-, how do I say it?"

"No, not revenge?"

"Ah yes! An eye for an eye. . ."

Lifting his bone hand, he pointed at me and I froze, he released a terrifing aura petrifying me in place as I felt nothing more than sheer terror from this undead here.

"You slaughtered my kingdom in cold blood, now I am going to do the same to you. . . .But I want a new army"

And hearing him, I felt like my heart was going to explode the more he looked at me, and as he was just pointing at me, the ground below us shook violently.

2 large pairs of bone hands burst from the ground behind him, and as he just stood there, he then said.

"Meet my Death Knights. Don't kill the boy. But you can hurt him as much as you want. Now go forth! knights!"

And hearing him, he lowered his hands and as they were coming out from the ground wit black skulls and torn up ebony platted armor. . .we are so freaking dead here.

But then feeling a hand twitching on my shoulder.

I broke from the immense fear and threw my arm out.

The shadow under me slashed out a slice from on the ground, and stoppin in between the middle of me and the skeleton, it then grew into a black pool on there.

"Black Trench! Take a step and you'll fall forever!!"

I said as it spread out in a thick leap, getting to the edge of my shoe and to the edge of the skeletons foot, and looking down at it and then to me, he said "How fun"

His Death Knights crawled out of the ground an they got to his sides, and those two were huge, and as the both of them didn't stop and stepped towards us.

They're feet landed on the shadow, which I was bluffing because it wasn't a trench of darkness, that's Shadow Wall and it's a binding, necromancy technique.

And what it does is use my shadow and my power to grab and bind them to wherever they step, the deeper they get to the center the stronger the bind, after. . .

If they get past the middle of the shadow I'm fucked.

"Hahahaha, let's see, Will my knights actually fall?!"

The skeleton laughed, he probably knew the spell.

And Death Knights which were these heavily armored black skull knights from how they looked, kept coming and with every step the ground shook below us.

I'm terrified, his magic power along with these two monsters. My heart's trembling with fear, an me and Mari are just stuck in place as they're coming at us.

My breathe is hard, and when the knight stepped on the shadow, little black tendrils sprung out from the blacked sea shadow below it, and started swarming it's leg all around, trying to encase it's whole leg and bind it.

But as it had, if stepped it's other leg on the shadow and the same thing happened, but after, it moved it's bound leg and it tore the tendrils to pieces without a struggle.

It just walked like normal and they just died.

The other one moved onto the shadow with the same result and as they both got to the middle, black vines grabbed them and with the mere dust of its hand...

The vines were torn away.

Seeing this, my heart dropped and I turned around, grabbing Mari by the wrist, "We need to go! NOW!!!"

I said but we should have left way before it even got this far, why didn't I just move beforehand?! We are going to freaking be turned into freaking mush by them!!!

Grabbing her and running for the gate, I heard a laugh from behind me, "You can run, but you can't hide here little Hiragi, the Hoctus won't bother you, but my little Zombies do as they please, and you're on the menu!"

Hearing the skeleton laughter from behind us as we ran I didn't turn my head as I said to Mari, "We need to rally everyone we know and leave these lands! It's a invasion! Let's split up when we get back inside, got it!"

But after saying that to Mari, we heard ah ferocious roar from the Death Knights into the tunnel, meaning they've made it past the shadow wall and are now following us!

But after hearing me, Mari tore her hand away.

Darting my head to see her tare her hand away, I saw as she turned around, doing a spin, and throwing a blaze of fire behind us, blowing up part of the tunnel, collapsing part of the tunnel before turning around and grabbing my hand, and saying, "That'll buy us some time!"

This woman here shocked me with her destructiveness.

But then sharply looking at me as we ran, she said.

"And my family's strong, so let's find your friends an get the hell out of this fucking town! we have to inform the crown that Nefumia is being invaded by undead!"

She said and making sense, I agreed to listen to her.

"Fine with me! Now let's hurry before they catch up!"