The Fall Of Rosa Marine

Making it back to the brothel, "Everyone!" we came in through the front doors, and I screamed into the build, "Wake up! We're bein invaded!" I yelled out of breathe.

But when I had, there was just silence, and it was too quiet which led to Mari grabbing my shoulder, "I don't think anyone is h–" but as she was saying that, *click*

Hearing the opening of a door, and a yawn, "What did you say?" I heard Rika's voice and running over to the start of the hall, I saw her half dressed an at my door.

"I'll explain later. First we need to wake everyone up!"

Walking over to her and saying that, I came to the first door, "But I'll just say now that it's enough to make me want to run," and grabbing the door knob, she said.

"Really? Is the inner core expanding again?"

But hearing her and opening the door to see no one in there, I looked over and said with a still–chilled voice.

"No, we're being invaded by undead"

And hearin me, her eyes widened and she tensed up.

But then I heard, "Hey Aster, I don't see anyone else here, are you sure there even here besides this one?" Mari said as she opened another door, an saw no one.

And turning to her, "There has to be, when I left earlier everyone was sleeping and this is a brothel, so they're supposed to be here, because they work here?" I said as that made sense to me, actually what's a brothel?

I'm not kidding, I just read the bored name, and since we all live here, and I heard something about working here last night from eavesdropping before sleeping, I can also assume that this place is a business as well?

But then Rika said, "No, actually the others should be off to school right now, the only ones who should be here are the pets, Sora, and Lex" she said telling us.

Rushing over to us, Rika opened one of the rooms and going past us in a hurry went to the others. Yet when she did, her face darkened each and every time.

. . . . .

And after opening 4 rooms, she clenched her teeth as she was anxious, but then she ran to one of the rooms and came back out holding some boxy metal thing?

"Huh? What does she mean they went to the nest!"

"I don't get it? What's going on?" I asked as me and Mari were just standing in the middle of the hallway.

And looking up from that glowing metal she held, she went on to say, "All the Demons in Rosa Marine are all fleeing back to the abyss?! The Hoctus lich is invadin!"

And hearing the word Litch a cold sweat ran down my back, and also hearing that titel, I gripped my hand an as a sudden sorrow mixed anger boiled within me.

But then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looking next to me to see Mari looking at me, with a soft gaze, I did not act rash, calming myself from my greif and anger I looked back to Rika, and was going to say whenthen.


Looking to my upper left, a door opened and a girl wit messy black hair and blue eyes came out into the hall stretching her arms and yawning, "What's with all the ruckus? I'm trying to sleep y'all. . ." this woman said.

And seeing her come out we all looked at her.

"First the noise from everyone earlier, and just as I try and go back to sleep, y'all come in making a ruckus"

And hearing her too, now it's clear it's only them here.

"Wait so the others left?!" Rika yelled at her.


"And you didn't?!"

". . .Yeah"

Slapping her face, I stepped in.

"Look, as good as it is to see at least the two of you here! We need to leave now! We don't know how long it'll take before the undead spreads to here!" I yelled.

And hearing me, "undead!?" girl finally caught on.

But after I said this, Mari butted in and said.

"Look, we'll explain on the way, grab something to put on and let's leave, we seriously don't have time here!"

And saying that with an intimidating aura to her.

The others stiffened up, and said, "Yes ma'am!"

. . . . .

Running in the streets of the district with the three of them and a green and blue snake we found in one of the girl's rooms that, Grace, wanted to bring with us.

Rika said "We need to head to the nest!"

But hearing her, I had many questions.

"But why? Why Do we need to go there?!" Me

"I agree with him, we need to leave town!" Mari

"Wait what's the nest?!" Grace

"Urusla texted me half an hour ago that everyone was going there. If we escape to our motherland we'll have the advantage and be safe from the liches reign, untill we can make another rift into the world to relocate!"

Saying all that while running, I thought about it but then I heard from next to me, "Are you dumb! You're basically going to kill me and this one!" Mari yelled.

But I didn't really get it that much.

"What about the both of us, we're human!" Mari said.

But looking over to her as we were running, Rika said.

"Our land's not like how it used to be in the past"

"What does that even mean?" Grace

"It means you'll survive there" I said

"That's good enough for me?" Grace

"You're all crazy! We don't belong there!!" Mari

"Mari, if you don't wanna go, we'll escort them to safety and then we'll find another way out, got it!"

I said to her as I wasn't leaving any of them behind.

"Why?–" she question and I cut her off 'cause I didn't want to tell her the reason to why, so I avoided it.

"No time! Pick up the pace!"

. . . . .

But when we got to the Demons nest it was in ruins.

And standing there in the middle of corpses was black and covered in twisted greenlike aura, just the sight of whatever the hell it was had us frozen at the gates.

The thing bared no weapons but it held a great mount of murderous intent in the form of a ferocious aura. . .

And frozen to the core as it was slightly weeker than that of the skeleton we met earlier, suddenly it looked this way and as we saw a skull like face and glowing green flames in it's eye sockets, my arm was pulled.

Mari grabbed me and Rika, and Rika grabbed grace, and in a sudden outburst, "Looks like the Demons in this town attracted something even worst!" Mari said.

And in shock, Rika looked in horror and looking to where she was I saw the corpses of those people who lived in the brothel with us, they were all dead too.

That man with wood colored hair, the pink haired one I saw this morning when leaving, that red haired chick, I even saw the two brown skinned chicks, and then the others with them, those humans with us in the buildin.

And seeing that and being shocked myself, everyone we knew, or at least I used to know had died here, and to imagine such a thing what God awful, oh my God. . .

Leaving the building and being dragged my Mari, she yelled out to the two of us who saw the horrors, and said, "You can get revenge later! We need to retreat for now! Don't worry about what you saw in there!"

She said and looking at her in shock as I failed to protect those people who lived with me, housed with me, and probably even cared for me like a family.

I looked over to see Rika who had tears running down her face, and as blood fell down her chin as she bit on her lip, she looked to me, and mouthed without words.

"We're going to make them pay. . ."

And looking in front of her to Mari as she was draggin' us by the hands, Rika then said to her, "Mari. . .I know somebody north of here, if we travel there, I'll provide housing for us, it's where my family currently lives!"

She said and nodding her head, "Alright, we'll head to it," but as she said that, I felt an imende amount of hate boiling in Rika.

Noddin her head, "Alright, that sounds like a plan" she glanced back at me, and seeing that, I agreed that we should go there, but when I did, I looked over to Rika.

Because I sensed a great amount of hate building.

And as her eyes glew gold, she looked vengeful.

* * *3 Years Later* * *

Lowering my scarf to take a breathe of the freezing air on the top of this desert mountain, "Soo what do y'all think? Should we look for an inn or sleep in the slums"

I said, and climbing up the sand from behind me, Rika said lowering her scarf, "Slums, we'll look for housing in the morning, we're going to be here for a while"

But then coming up from behind her, Mari said, "Hell no! We've been walking in this fucking cold ass desert for two months now! I wanna sleep in a bed tonight!"

And finally coming behind her, Grace said with a yawn as she dragged her feet up the sandy mount, "I don't even know, I'm tired. Let's just book a room tonight"

Hearing that it could go either way, we had the money for at least one night in a fine bed, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to spend one night on a bed, let's find an inn"

But saying that, I got a groan from Rika who was keen on us spending as little money as possible untill we settled down in this new Kingdom, but meh. . .

And then Mari came in grabbing my arm, "I'm sharing a room with Aster, you two can bunk together"

And looking at Mari as she glanced at me with a mix of red and orange in her eyes. I chuckled as she was becoming so clingy since we entered the desert, so, "Sure, why not" I said laughing to myself in thought.

But then I heard a growl from Grace, "Let's get some food before we find the inn! I can't fucking stand any more of this scorpion meat! It's so fucking horrible!"

But hearing her, I laughed and Rika said, "We'll get something on the way," and that satisfied Grace.

But as she had a smile on her face, now that she was able to get her hands on something that didn't come from this god forsaken wild desert sands. My stomach growled along with Rika's, and hearin me, Mari sighed.

"You know you're running out of those pellets right?"

"I know" I said back.

"Good, now let's enter this town"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Friday, November 18th, Year 15