A Bazzar Dream

Later that evening, I was taken to an inn room by Mari, she needed to help me to it because I'm way beyond drunk, though she didn't mind as she insisted on it.

Getting me to the room and plopping me on the single bed, I giggled as it was soft against my cold back, and it felt like a giant pillow. Feeling her grab my feet and looking, she seemed to be taking off my shoes too.

"You had way too much to drink," she groaned.

"I know, I know, I couldn't help it," I said chuckling.

"You know it's been years since we drank," she said.

"I know, that makes it all better though," I said back.

"No, it means your tolerance is ass now," she growled.

With my feet free, I turned over on the bed holding the bed as I pushed up, but falling back onto it, I heard her say, "Don't move and just go to sleep Aster!" she said.

Yet not wanting to, I pushed up myself to my knees, and seeing her as she started taking off her shoes, sitting on the edge of the bed, I came hugging her.

"What?" she didn't even glance at me.

"You sound unny~" I say with my head on her shoulder.

"You're drunk" she said but I knew that much.

"I know~"

"Please go to sleep, Aster" no.

But hearing her, I whispered in her ear.

"Make me~"

Turning her head wanting to scold me, she took my hand and twisting it, I kissed her on the cheek, and shocking her on the spot, I fell back and she let go.

"No more alcohol for you!" She scolded~

But turning around, I grazed the bedsheet like I was trying to make an imprint in the snow, "Never~" and turning around looking at me furiously, I put my hand to my mouth, dissolving my magic and freeing myself.

"What's with that look? Wanna make love to me~"

I teased with a silly smile, looking at me coldly she crawled on the bed and then came over me, startling me as I wasn't serious about that! But I kinda was too.

Putting both her hands next to my head, she was over me and looking down at me with her shifted eyes back to normal, both orange and red mixed, she said back.

"Tease me anymore and I might. You Witch"

But bittin my lip, lookin back at her sensually, "What's stopping you," I said but that only seemed to icen her gaze at me, and moving my hands to her face, I pulled her in getting our lips ever so closely, too close to kiss.

But in the next second I let go and laughed.

Teasing her was more fun than I thought it was.

Pulling her face back her cheeks turned red.

She was flustered and it was way too cute on her.

"Damn you, you lustful incubus, you're such a tease"

"What do you mean, I've been chast for 3 years now!"

And hearing me, "That's the problem," yet I didn't get it, so as she sat up on her butt, "You liked it didn't you" I said back to her, and glancin over at her being flush.

"Kiss me if you really want to, I don't care~" I teased.

It's not like she's even going to do it, she's not into this type of thing, plus she doesn't even like me, but really it's just fun to tease her, I haven't for the longest, this might actually be my first time? I'm sort of rusty too?

And looking over at me with a bitter expression.

"What's wrong with you? Does alcohol really make you this horny? Or is it because you've been proper for just way too long, usually your nice but also cold hearted"

"Or maybe I'm just bored—" I said closing my eyes.

"No, but it looks like I'll have to get you drunk again soon to see if my theory about you is quite true"

"What's that supposed to mea–" but as I was in the middle of saying that, my words halted as I felt a pair of warm softness pressing against my lips, n opening my eyes, I saw her over me with her hair to her side.

My eyes opened wide and I started to feel dizzy. . .

But it wasn't enough an she pressed into me, longing to press deeper, opening our mouths as she sucked deep, pulling out my tounge, tasing me, and taking it.

Pressing back, with her breathe hot in my face, I was shocked and she was. . .Blushing, "Now, get some sleep," and with my tounge hanging out my mouth

Blush ran bright across my face...

I haven't kissed anyone in. . .

Ever since Catherine.

I slept with two people after it...

But I more less chast myself once we got up north...

And now with this and this overwealming urge to take her, my heart's pounding and my body's burning hotter that I don't know what, but it might be the beer?

"No... No fair, you're cheating, Mari" I said ruggedly.

"Are you so sure of that?. . ." she said back to me.

But I don't know, I don't even know what I mean by it?

"I. . .I don't know" I said back truthfully.

And moving herself, she laid down on her side.

But then grabbing me, and holding me in her arms, she had me to her breasts and said, "Now got some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tommow"

"You can't just do this to me, and not take—"

But before I said something I'm copying from one of the books I've read, she cut me off, grabbing the cover and then grabbing my belly, pulling me in, and under.

And right as everything started getting dizzy for me.

And we were under the covers, she whisper in my ear.

"To me, you're nothing more than a Young Demon"

"And, your just as young as my baby brother too"

"I don't know if this is me or the alcohol, but"

"I think I like you way more than I do him"

That's all I heard before everything went black and I was asleep, I didn't know what she meant by that, but it was one of the only complements I got from her.

. . . . .In What Is A Dreamly Memory. . . . .

Mari and Grace were already past us on the mount, leaving Rika and me behind them as we were carrying over a hundred pounds of heavy lumber on our backs.

"Aster, I don't think I can make it, our kind wasn't ever meant for building physical strength. My arm broke!"

Rika cried behind me, and as she was yards behind, I turned around going back down the mountain, "You can do this, don't forget why we came here for help, you have to do this. And so do I. We need to!"

I said going back to her, and holding my hand out as she was struggling, she grabbed it but she had a look of pain on her face, this was too much for her to carry.

So biting the inside of my cheek, and helping her past me with a pull, she continued trying to walk, "I got it!" she said more egar as if she got a sudden adrenaline.

But rather she was referring to that day three months ago, like when she saw our family dead. Lex, Kasumi, Sora, and Iris. For fucks sake, even Ursula. They were all dead, and she made a promise to herself. Me too.

So as she stepped past me with this newfound, heavy determination, I grabbed some of the lumber she was carrying, and held them tight in my arms, 'not yet...'

"We only have a few miles left, we can make it Rika!"

I said continuing with her up this gloomy mountain, and all the way to the top without running into any dangers. This mountain was pact with monsters.

Yet luckily, even without our powers, we made it.

But when we got to the top, and in this cabin we lived in, Grace was cold by sight of her skin, and in tears as she was trying to make a fire. Mari was far in the back as she was barfing her brain out, seems as if she had packed too much of a load, but she still went forward.

She pushed herself too much and this was the result.

And making it here quicker then the rest, took its toll.

We weren't no exception, because when Rika walked through the door, after a single step she collapsed on the floor, leaving me to have to get the lumber off her with mine falling from off my back. I got to her... But at the cost of her left leg which a log slammed against.

And it didn't take too long for something to happen to me as well, my foot was shattered by one of the logs that fell on me. I ended up passing out from the pain, but luckily, Rika's family pitched in to help us out.

But every day, day after day, the cycle repeated.

The cycle always repeated, and never stopped.

. . . . .

Waking up from a bazzar dream, it's something that I'm never going to forget. Shaking my head to feel the desert heat covering me in sweat, I got up, Mari was gone, and I was in the bed, "Did I oversleep again?"

Sitting up I wiped my forehead, "It's been 3 years..."

Thinking back to it, "I'm twenty now?" yet immortality is keeping me from aging, in reality I'm a small demon lad, though, thanks to my powers, I made myself big.

Replacing my [Mimicy Marks], I have another form.

This is my second form and mark, just bigger. Older.

My second mark is that of a hand held spider.

Ever since my body got covered in black spiders, they look like tattos and I can't really get rid of them, nor do I actually want to get rid of em, I made myself another form in recollection of Catherine. Teacher, and lover.

Sort of poetic in a way, and I like it this way.

And as for now, I should really get up.

Getting out of bed and wiping the sweat from my face I looked over to the corner table holding my cold scarf and jacket, they're insulating my body's temperature.

These deserts are blazing in the day.

And colder then ever at night.

. . . . .

Wearing my getup, the door opened and walking in is Mari, and seeing her with a chilling gaze, "Morning"

"Good, you're up. Everyone's still asleep, so come with me to the Hunter's Guild, we'll set everyone up before they wake," she said sounding cold as ever.

Her personality has changed since we got here, we're never on a talking relationship, she's either too busy training or doing stuff, other than that, she's quiet?

Can't say the same for Grace, she used to be timid an quiet, but now the little devil's been way too talkative and rowdy, almost beastly to everyone around her.

But then again, she's worked hard for it, before she's had nothing to her. Could barely pick up a sword to fight. She's a impressive swordwoman now too.

"You want me to wake the captain to come with?"

"Leave him be, it'll be fast with the two of us"

Walking over to her, "Sounds reasonable, how's your magic reserves, do you have enough left in you, I can do this alone if your still low and need to rest" I asked.

"I'll be fine, our magic together is enough if we come across anything, how's yours, recovered enough?"

"I'm down to 30%, yesterday drained me" I sighed.

"Alright, you'll rest when we get back, till then, let's go get the badges, and I'll start asking around for Fang"

"Do you know who we're searching for?"

"Of course, the black fang company's members"

"Did the captain tell you why we're looking for them?"

"No, though it's bothering me he hasn't"

"Same, something odd about this mission"

"Agreed, between you and me, I'd stay on guard"

"You don't have to tell me twice, I don't trust him"

"Can we really afford to trust anyone these days"

"No... Though I trust you, Grace, and Rika"

"Hm... Intresting, though it's understandable"

"Are you ready to go or is there anything else"

"No, let's leave, the day's limited"


Leaving the inn, we asked around looking for the guild but it wasn't that hard to find, looks like they were this towns sorce of food and income. The military backed the hunters as well, looks like we need to join them.

. . . . .

After a few hours and a notice of our identification as hunters being processed and a notice for us to return in a week with everyone of our party, we started going around town, Mari went off and I returned back to the inn to get some more rest. We leave next Friday.

Where we're supposed to travel to a porter town, far east, it's the only porter town that has a sea reaching over to the next continent, {Yon}. . . I wonder, should we consider that they left to that other continent?

If they did, I wonder if we'll go back or continue over to some new continent? I hope so, far from this place.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, November 19th, Year 15