The Trials: Aster's Stagment

Rubbing my head after a crazy fall which surprisingly didn't hurt as I landed on a bundle of sand, I was in an empty room by myself and without the Scorpion too.

I wonder what happened to Greg, I hope he's alright?

I might not get along with him most of the times, but he's still my friend. And I should look for him to make sure he doesn't get himself killed, that'd be a shame.

Getting off my butt, I saw an open exit in the middle of the room, and seeing that its the only way out of here, I walked over to it and went into it, because it's either this or I'm staying in this room, but I can't do that.

And seeing that its a hall made from sandstone, it's probably a trap, or it's sending me somewhere for this trial that pharaoh mentioned, uh, I don't like this at all.

But what choice do I have, Greg made the decision.

And since he's our captain, I should probably listen.

But the least they could have done was give me a torch, only me an Rika can see in the dark, Greg and the others can't, but then again, they'll be fine too.

They have Rika to direct them if they're in here too.

And Greg, if I find him in time, I can help him as well.

Glancing at the walls I grew suspicious, and being underground hadn't helped, because if these walls collapse I can be buried by sand, then game over...

And I'd rather not be crushed or buried by sand.

So continuing on, I walked down the hall for what felt like minutes, and the deeper I got, the darker the halls started getting. Looks like their magic is blinding me

Hm, I didn't expect this, but oh well, "come at me!"

[ Cancel All Magics ] I stopped using active magic.

[ Claws ] darkness covered my hands forming claws.

And in a shade of black, this corruptive twist of black covered my fingers, under this darkness that formed claws on my hand. Wait, I shouldn't be small for this.

[ Form Mimicy ] walking, I switched forms in seconds.

And becoming bigger again, I was ready for a battle.

Walking down the hall, with all intents for battle, I saw this odd light at the end of the hall, but I couldn't see anything past it, so walking to it with my guard high.

I walked into a room with the smell of hurbs all around me, and looking over, I saw a woman fashioned in golden wear.

I walked to the light and stepped into it. And as I did, I entered a room full of aromatic herbs enveloping me, each weaving alluring scents into the air, and then a woman clad in a golden fashion; standing there as a radiant figure amidst the herbs. And cat hing my gaze, other than her, the room itself seemed to come alive with it's tapestry of colors, forming lushish greens and golden assets all around. It was really captivating for me. Like as if it was someplace I wanted to be in.

And hearing me step in, the woman in gold didn't turn her head. But I wasn't going to let my guard down, I know sin anywhere, and this has to by my greed.

"So, your my first trial, are we going to fight," I said asking her as I continued walking over to her, but after saying that, and not turning her head, "No. Actually"

Turning her head over to me, "You're exempt from the trials," she said and then glanced down at my hands, and looking at them, "So you can put those away"

But I didn't trust her, "I refuse, Pharawhore" I said back.

"Do as you wish then, but I'm not your enemy"

"And why should I believe that, you're a demi-god"

"So you know about us... Even so, I'm still friendly"

"Like I'd believe you, or the rest of your bike kind"

"Believe me or not, I have no quarrel with you"

She said turning her head away from me, and looking back at this cylinder of boiling liquids, I came next to her, and looking at the side of her head, I'm hostile.

"Why do you want the help of a demon then, tell me"

"The gods of these lands have forsaken and betrayed us, therefore we're looking for their enemies for aid"

"And you think that I'll be able to help you with that?"

"Yes, we seek your power, also can you hand me one of those big sample tubes to your right, it's the little–"

Grabbing a sample tubes, I lifted it up, "Yeah that," an holding it closer to her, I held it in my palm and said.

"Tell your leader, he needs to find another demon..."

And looking over to me, and taking it out of my hand.

"Why, your captain has already agreed to help us, Demon"

"Because I'm the wrong Demon to be asking for help"

"I don't believe that to be true, you're what we need"

"Why, so I can fetch something that'll get me killed"

Moving the tube to the contraption in front of her.

"No, we plan on fighting besides you, and we don't need you for a mere errand, that's below your worth"

"What is my worth to monsters like you"

"You power, your dark origins, your soul"

"So you plan on dissecting me"

"No, we want to form a contract to use your power"

"What power, tell me what power I possess"

"Any and all your powers, Demon"

"Then I'm afraid that I'll be of no use to you"

Looking over after placing the sample tubes in.

"What do you mean? I don't understand?"

And hearing her, I chuckled and grinned.

Stepping back and putting on a delighted smile.

"Then enter a contract with me and become my servent, and then I'll let you see for yourself, girly"

"No... Just tell me"

"No contract, no info"

Frowning, "You're lucky I'm even deigning myself to a demon like you, how dare you ask ME to serve YOU"

And turning back around and seeing an old leathered couch over in the corner, "Suit yourself, but no deal"

And hearing me she clicked her tongue and I went an sat down, and seeing this she turned to me and said.

"You have to help us, your captain–"

"My Captain's an idiot, I will help you as a human"

And hearing me, she started fuming.

"Then I'll expose you, for the demon you are to them"

"Then do it, I don't care, I'm accepted where I'm from"

"Tch, then we'll kill your friends! Your team"

"Do it, I honestly don't care, sounds fun, want me to kill them myself, because I might. Just to spite you"

"Uh! Why are you being so unreasonable with me!"

"Because I'm finding you being angry cute"

Jolting, "Cute? The hell are you blabbering about, you will not seduce me with such measly words! Demon!"

"Who says I'm trying to seduce you, I'm just talking?"

And hearing me she started getting a slight red on her cute brown face, honestly, it's fun messing with her.

Stomping her foot, "Fine! Then just sit there and be quiet untill your friends either finish the trial or die!"

But leaning forward and deactivating my claws.

"No, I'm bored, I'll just go and give them a hand"

And turning back to me after turning around.

"No, you'll sit there and behave! You're not allowed to help those humans and you can't, we're in a different place then them anyways, so just sit there and wait!"

And hearing her, I didn't believe her but could I really leave, she's strong from the powerful aura she's got.

Although. . .

I wonder if I can corrupt her, I really want a servent now?

"Then why don't you give me something to entertain myself, I'm pretty bored even with a beauty like you in here keeping me company, so come on, ya got sum?"

"Lord! You're so annoying, just sit there and be quiet"

But getting up and going back over to her to annoy her, I noticed that she was doing something similar to what I'm used to, after all, the other Bella taught me–

"So... Is that alchemy? I know a thing or two about it from what my sister Bella taught me? mind if I help you with it?" I said asking her out of bordum now.

And looking over to me, "You'll help me with this but you refuse to help us?" she said and I laughed, sayin, "I already have a mission, so I really can't help y'all"

"But this is something I can do while I'm waiting"


"Yes, I was ordered to come to these deserts with my team to look for a certain black fang company, which had left probably for a mission and haven't returned"

"So basically, you're like a recovery group"

"Either that, or find out what and who wiped them out"

"How bout we make a deal, you help us and we'll help you," she said handing me another empty tube to put down, and glancing at it, and then back to her.

"No, I'd rather return home as soon as I can"

"Are you home sick, that's cute"

"No, I'd rather stay here, but at the same time I don't"

"Hm? Why's that?"

"Back in my lands where it's mostly plains, forests, and swamps, and basically, the east is the ethereal forest, and most of the land is being terrorized by these litches"

"You mean the Litch Progenitor and their generals"

"Yeah, luckily they don't come here"

"Yeah, the desert would weaken them plus there's a lot of fire elemental creatures, so I know why they're not coming. This is probably a safe place for mortals"

"Yeah, but because of your days and nights, this place is also less worth being, I'd rather go back to there"

"It's not that bad you know"

"For you probably, I don't like the heat"

"Then wear an insulated cloak"

"And I also don't like the coldness here"

"Also, just wear an insulation coat"

"I am, and it's uncomfortable, and they burn..."

"Oh... Yeah, I'm still wondering how it didn't burn when you went up against the Shalshi and then used your fire on us... Hm, actually, can you tell me how?"

"I got blood covered all over my sleeves, and pulled them up, didn't think it would burn but it actually did?"


Talking with her a little more, for a few minutes.

"Can you pass me that and crush those mushrooms"

And passing her some ingredients, without her even realizin it, I got her to let me help as we kept talking the entire way through it. Though what's she makin?

It has me curious yet I don't actually want to ask.

But, it smells really good, I really wonder what it is~

. . . . .Meanwhile, In The Labyrinth currently. . . . .

[ With Greg ]

Waking up in the sand, my head hurt after the ground sunk in, what happened, glancing around, I don't see anyone else around here either, or actually anything?

Waking up in what felt like soft grain, my head hurt after the ground sunk, "What happened?" Looking around, everything was black with little to no light.

"Aster! Can you hear me!"


"Is he not in here with me?"

Damn, looks like we got separated.

Feeling around the sand, I felt my great sword Darwin.

Getting up, and feeling my back strap still intact, I clicked it on and tried looking around for anything I can use for light. I don't like the dark, it's dangerous.

Usually, Mariah or Aster would use their fire for light. without them, we're completely blind in situations like this. I hope they're not in any freaking danger though.

Especially not Rika, "Her clan would have my head!!!"

As for the others, still, even Gracey, I don't want to lose them, they're too hot to die brutally to some, guld!

Especially Mari, I've had my eyes on her forever~

Anyways, I need to find Aster, that guy is more the mage, meaning he's defenseless without me, though after seeing him last time, that might not be the case?

Damn, he's really been holding out on me huh?

Then again, we haven't had a mission together in some months? I wonder how long he's been like that.

So strong, not as strong as me, but still, impressive.

If I'm right, by how fast he finished that giant scorpion off, his strength is at a Little Golem's Strength level?

Looks like I'll need to put more work in my training.

But I should probably get to him fast, I don't want to see him too hurt, I'd hate to lose my closest friend.

So taking a strong step forward, "Aster! I'm coming for you! So don't die before I get to you! You little shit!"


If he knows how worried I am he'd make fun of me...

But then again, that man's usually a tease, Hahaha!

He'll be fine, I know he will, allthough he's too kind.

Even to monsters... It seriously worries me.

I should find him quickly, he needs me.

"Bro, I'm coming for you!"