Greg's Test: Greg Vs A Pharaoh

Heading to the next trail I was ready for whatever was to come, but then as I was passing through the bright hall, something occured to me, ugh, never mind it.

Comin to the end of the hall, it's been around an hour maybe more since I started the trials, I'm hoping their doing fine like me, then again, the others are smart.

Especally Aster and Mari, they're smarter than me.

Even I can admit to that, as for the others, those two.

Hm...? I don't know much on Rika, but Grace... Uhh...

Never mind that, looking ahead of me I saw the bright light's end and walking into the next trial, I covered my eyes from it's blinding light to hear a brutish like voice.

"Look who finally made it, you made the boss wait, he was hoping to test you, but it looks like your a little too late for him, so be prepared human! You're paired me!"

Not hearing correctly I opened my eyes to a bulky big Pharaoh without any of the bandages and as his skin shinning a reflection from the gold gear he wore on.

"A little flashy aren't you?" I mocked.

And giving me killer eyes, "Come at me already!"

He demanded and hearing him as he just stood there with his arms crossed like I was a bore, I just walked to him. In doing that, I opened one of the pouches.

Eating a stamina pill, I felt a rush of energy boost my flesh and I felt refreshed, refreshed enough to win.

And walking to him even more, he stood there and he seemed to be getting annoyed as I wasn't taking him seriously, he thinks I should, but I won't, I really won't.

And getting a yard away from him, he looked down at me as he was huge, just staring me down. I smiled at him, mockin him which I could see got on his nerve.

But not lifting a finger, he was underestimating me.

[ Blink ]

Appearing behind him in an instant, I kicked the floor and twisting my body, with all my might I came at him with the intent to kill, I'm not holding back for him.

Because with that look in his eye, if I do, then I die.

And going straight for the kill, Darwin came around an passing through the air aimin right for his side, an with him open and venerable, I have it right in the freaking-

"Foolish human" he cockily said laughing.

With moving his hand down to his side he caught my blade with his bare hand, it was kind I hit a bag full of sand because he completely stopped my Darwin.

And feeling it not even being able to budge, I'm so screwed. Kicking my feet back and holding the handle of the sword, I kicked one foot out, but he vanished.

And falling back by the weight of my sword and the way I was standing and trying to throw a kick, I fell straight to my butt with him just being missing.

"Do you think it's going to be that easy to touch me!"

Hearing a voice behind me, his hands were together and holding them like that, he went to slam them both down on me, but in the blink of an eye, I "blink"ed out.

Going a yard away and on one knee, I shot straight up to my feet trying to fix my balance. And turning back around, he was gone again, but, however this time.

Standing in his place were 2 mini giants of stone.

And with hostility all around, I turned my head to look for where it was coming from but I saw no one an then I saw myself flying across the room and into the wall.


Hitting the wall, I let go of Darwin and saw that one of the mini giants were bent over from striking me, holy crap that rock thing moved so motherfucking fast!

Pushing myself up after falling down, I got up but as I went to pick Darwin up, I sensed this one this time, an as a spike of rock came for my head, I tripped myself.

Falling back down, the spike collided wit the wall goin all the way through it, and looking up, the other giant was pointing it's hand at me, this is going be tough...

But not to worry, I have a backup plan.

[ Spirit Ball! ] a ball of blue spirit energy gathered.

And holding it in my hand, I kicked off the ground and started running without Darwin, the other two didn't seem to like that very much but they seemed sadistic.

Running after me, when they came close I jumped into the air, and kicking my foot to turn around in mid air, I threw the ball of spiritual energy at them, and hitting it.

Hitting one of them in the chest, my energy much have reacted to it's golem core, because where the heart is bumped and then the stone on it cracked.

But it wasn't enough and throwing another one, as my feat hit the ground, hitting it on the finger, it's finger had broke off, and to not my luck it didn't even work.


But it was still unfaized and jumping in the air, if went to slam on me, but hitting the ground and rolling over I felt nothing but the ground break and rock and shake.

But it was still alive, and turning over again, I launched my final one, spirit attacks are so very costly to use.

And hitting this one in the chest again, it's heart area bumped again, an in a shining light, the thing blew up.

But shooting rock everywhere, a shard hit me across the face, cutting above my eye, and damn it REALLY HURT!

But there was still one more and I wasn't over with this battle, so looking over, I looked to see where it was at, but it looked to be gone, maybe I destroyed them b—



I didn't see when it moved, an as it came down on me from the air, the earth shattered under me and I think I might have broken something in here, but I'm durable.

But feeling blood clought my throat, I wanted to puke as its big ass hands were on my stomach, I looked to it, unable to breath as the thing was crushing me.

And standing up, the mini giant stomped on my right and dominant arm, crushing it under it's foot getting me to fucking scream, "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!"

And screaming in sheer pain at the top of my lungs.

I heard sinister laughing from above me.

And looking up, the ceiling was being swarmed by flying sand, that's where he was, he was watching.

But not able to utter a word or act as I kept screaming.

Suddenly the sand came down and he appeared in front of me next to the mini giant, "Just give up and die, we don't need you, we've never needed anybody"

But hearing him and clenching my teeth as the mini giant stopped crushing my arm, I uttered something.

"Hm?... You're still fighting"

And looking dead into my eyes, I grunted, "Fuck yeah"

And using my left arm and taking the pouch on my left I threw it at him unclipping it from my waist, and using a wave of demonic magic, the bag sparked at set off.

Exploding in his face, forcing him to step back.


And as he whipped the smoke away, he approached me with ever intention of killing me, yet as he had, an when he went to speak even more, "That's enough"

Appearing in the middle of the room was another Pharaoh, wearing silk made from red and not wearing any white as he stood there, the Pharaoh kneeled.

Looking at the new one and gritting my teach and trying not to scream anymore in the face of a new person in here despite wanting to yell for this thing to get off.

The man in red spoke looking at my opponent.

"If he can deal damage to you he can deal damage to a god" and looking at me, lightly smiling, "With just a little bit of training, he might even be able to take down Josiah, imagine that, you've impressed me mortal"

He said putting his arms behind him, and looking back to the other Pharaoh, "You've done your job good Pike. Now it time for me to take over the rest, got it"

Not lifting his head up, "Yes, my lord" and standing up he vanished in a cyclone of sand, leaving us with the stone mini giant still on my arm, and hurting a lot.

"Now, as for you, Gregory—" cuttin him off.


"Most indeed, you must be suffering"

Putting his hand out, the thing started resolving into sand, and feeling the freedom of my possibly broken arm, and the falling sand all over my face as of now.

I sat up, but then he began talking to me.

"Now, Gregory—"

"It's.... Just Greg... Damn this hurts"

"Greg? We'll talk later"


"I'll take you to the finishing area"

"What why!"

"You need to be checked, medically... Boy"


"Plus, one of your underlings is waiting for you, they are very impressive indeed, your team has potential"

"Hahah I know!"

So Aster beat me to the finish line huh...?

Show-off, hahahahah- ouch, my arm hurts.

Getting up and going with him, someone took Darwin for me and walking down a new hallway, he spoke and told me how my teammates were doing so far. And I...

Mentioned someone who wasn't with us, and he told me that he already took care of her, she's already at the finish area, she was exempt from it, thank lord...

She's way too pretty to die, hehehe, I like Avery.

Walking down the hallway, he had to leave, an the one holding Darwin gave it back to me to carry and go on.

And walking down to the end, the walls shifted open an the first thing heard going into the room was, "Aster?!..."

Looking over, getting up from a seat at a table was....

Grace? And as she looked to me with a worried face.

My heart rushed, was she worried about me? Awww!

But then her expression dropped and her eyes darkened.

"Ugh... It's just you" she sat back down, "Where is he??" She began uttering to herself.

"Huh?...." wait, how'd Gracey even get to here first?!