An Aster In The Dark Realm

Feeling warm like the sun was hitting my skin, I opened my eyes and sat up, yawning as if I had been asleep for a while, my tail felt a little stiff under me so it swayed around loosening itself, and I put my hands aside.

Blinking several times as I opened my eyes up, I looked dead ahead to see large orange wooded trees, they're dense looking, and looking at them I was confused?

Last time I checked I was in a hefty desert not a forest, and looking around me to see dirt, it didn't look like I'm in a desert anymore, wait, I remember something now!

I was underground in the pharaoh's sanctuary? Could this be one of the places inside it, like some tropical relaxation room?... Nah, then again, this place ain't it?

Plus it looks nowhere tropical, if anything, it just looks like some ambered forest, and looking up, that's the sky too? I must be outside cause everything's underground.

But if that's the case, and I'm not in the sanctuary?

"Where. . .Where am I???" I said to myself in question.

And how'd I get here, *Growling. . .* and why am I so hungry? I'm pretty sure I ate one spore pill earlier today, I should be good for another 5 days... At most?

*Growl...* hearing it growl more, I grabbed my stomach.

But then flinching, and looking down, I blushed as I saw...

I saw everything, I'm naked. . . Like. . .Completely naked!

"What??!" just seeing everything hang and my bare flesh out with my spider markings all over my body like some black spider curse marks or something just like it, I felt embarrassed as someone had stripped me naked. . .


But then as my stomach roared, and I grabbed it curling up and falling back onto the dirt, something clicked in my brain as the hunger had made me remember. . .

I died. . . Like, T.K.O but lethal.

My heart was torn from out of my chest.

And then everything turned to black like I passed out?

"Wait! Is that really how I went out?! I fell in love with a Pharaoh chick cause of some potion we concocted, and then after doing that back to her, she killed me by tearing out my heart and leaving me to drop dead!???!!"

"What fucking luck! Now I'm in hell?!" I think...

"Uh! This is so frustrating!" very much...

But then I paused after a slight tantrum... And sitting there, I fell back as I heard my stomach viciously roar. And that wasn't good, because if I'm alive again, I need to eat quickly before I end up going on a new lifer's Berserk.

But then rolling onto my side and looking at the patches of dirt, "But seriously, where am I? If I died, and I'm not in hell, because that's the devil's realm, and from how it looks I don't think I'm in the abyss, which I could be... Or maybe not????

Then where the heck am I! Did I just come back randomly???"

Not knowing, I rolled onto my stomach and pushed up, getting up, and standing there as I scanned around the area, but all I could hear was the clicks of some insects and some slight chirping, I guess I did come back at random huh?

Looking around the spot I spawned to see if there was anything I could use for a weapon or to clothe myself with, I saw nothing but dirt and my outline in the ground.

And looking at it, "Hm... Am I really that small?" I said. *Basically a halfling at this point, but that's also to debate with himself*

But then looking around as my stomach was having an attitude, I decided to look for something to have, and if anything I'd find a weak beast, I just needed something.

. . . . .

After walking around forever, the sun started to fall, I'm lucky that it's hot, if it was cold I reckon I would have frozen to death out here, either way, I still found nothing.

With night coming around, luckily I could still see in the dark, everything was like it had been day for me, and it was like that for a few yards, outside of that, it got dim.

But something was strange, looking into the sky, it was as if I was seeing things? Because orbiting the planet were nine(9) moons, all of the various solid colors, which was bazaar to me? Or rather fascinating in various ways as well.

The closest moon was a blood red while the farthest one was a bright white, like if the closer it was, the darker it was, while farther ones got brighter.

Noticing this phenomenon, it confused me? But then again, I'm not an astrologist, right now I should just be focusing on my survival, but still, it was bothering me?

Because I may be in another realm if I'm correct? Please not the second...

But I'm hoping I'm not, and if I am, I hope it's peaceful. Like the eighth...


. . . . .

Walking around the ambered forest, I started to hear just this giggling, but then more giggling came from in front of me, although I still couldn't see anyone? I walked to it.

Because that means someone's there, someone's out there, and if that's the case then I don't care if I'm in the nude, I'd really love to be brought back to their town.

So picking up the pace, I started walking faster not to scare them by running, or at least hearing me run towards them, so walking, I kept going with the earth under me making noise, until I splintered my feet and saw some faint light.

And seeing fire light in the distance, I walked to it until I saw the silhouettes of cloaked humanoid figures. And with them appearing I felt so happy to see another person...!

Cuffing my mouth and calling out to them, "Hey! Is there anyone out there, I'm lost and don't know where I am!" I yelled. . .From my view, I can see them, but it's only me.

Meaning they most likely can't see me in the darkness.

But as soon as I called out to them, I felt an abundance of eyes watching. . .Me. . .And suddenly feeling this on me, I glanced around and looked back over to the people.

And looking forward a fluttering rise of birds jumped off the tree's branches, surrounding me with noises. And looking over to see that no one was there anymore.

I heard giggling.

This time it was louder, and as this sudden atmosphere arose, one horrific, it was dark, the sky was weird, birds were jumping out from nowhere and flying away, and then there were these three girlish giggling coming from all around. *sigh* witches.

Turning around, and glancing everywhere, this was an old witch tactic, mostly used by three Hags. I'm saying three because there's this trade of thumb when it comes to covens, where we don't like working with others too much, but when we do, it's usually in threes, and this sounds exactly like one of those old hag  scenarios.

So that means I just came across three older witches, and since they're using these tactics, and giggling consistently I'm just going to assume, that these three are Night Hags. One of the most vicious and weirdly wild magicky types of witches to find.

Which also means they derive from Shadow Witches as well.

Which also means I can convince them I'm not a threat.

Loosening up, and hearing the cracks in my shoulders as I rolled them around, I glanced around for them to make sure I didn't lower my guard an get attacked.

And as I hadn't seen anyone, but heard their consistent laughter, they're hidden so well even for me not to be able to sense them or see them with my Dark-Vision. That only gave me a little time, and since my guard's up, they're going to try to startle me to find an opening, I just have to demonstrate my Witchery before they can attack.

Sensing the energy around me and the magic inside in my body, there wasn't much and it was very faint right now, but it was still there, and as I felt it in my lower belly, this burning but chilling heat, it bubbled until it was just chilly.

And as I felt my energy shift from a transferring energy, which felt like a burning static to a necrotic energy, like a cold bay, I breathed out and my shadow spiked, literally.

Using my shadow as a weapon connected to under my feet, it swayed around me at every noise, and so, as I glanced around, I shifted my energy back to heat.

And letting it flow to my shoulder and to my arms, it began to burn, and not in an energetic type of way like it had when it had static, this feeling's like being on fire.

And as I engulfed my hands in fire like I had when I used blazing gloves, but a light and thin layer of red, it came off my palms and started condensing into a seed like ball of red, to which it held together until I need it.

And when I did, I heard wings flapping, and when looking up as I heard it getting closer and closer, I saw a swarm of black feathered births, flying over me and circling me.

Startled, I heard violent shaking of the ambered trees around me, and then looking around, I saw beaty little eyes staring at me, hundreds of birds just watching me?

And as they shook the trees, they suddenly leaped off the branches and shot right at me, the shadow spike coiled around me and became a protective barrier.

But it was too thin, even looking like tinted but almost pure transparent glass.

And as they rushed at me, they all darted, circling around me until they were all around me like I was in the center of a violent hurricane, they made me into the eye of the storm and I couldn't see anything but shifting solid black...

Until they suddenly shot up, and while holding fire in my hand ready for something to just appear, they went up and then they came down; slamming into the ground.

But when they did and I thought that the Hags were just trying to scare me with a mass birdy genocide party like this, to use some cruel heartless method of scaring me.

Yet. . .

Appearing on both my sides and in front of me from the blackened birds, formed three silhouettes, and as they were looking at me, and my heart was all startled.

The one in front of me pointed their finger at me, "Tu es un sorcier..." and hearing her voice, after seeing all of that which was honestly both scary and yet cool too.

I heard her mention something about sorcerer? And so I calmed myself as I don't think they actually know how unsurely frightened I am at the moment, and I said.

"I'm... Yeah, I'm a Sorcerer" and she looked at me.

But then she looked to the one on my left and then to the one on my right, and chuckling, she and the other two just laughed hysterically, scaring me greatly.

She then raised her hand to her hood and moved it out of her face, showing herself, and seeing pearly white skin and rosy cheeks, her eyes green and looking directly at me, she was smiling; gawking at me.

"Bon sang, on pensait que tu étais un mimique ou un chasseur, je ne pensais pas qu'on tomberait sur un frère ce soir, hey, d'où viens-tu ? quel est ton nom? Es-tu tout seul... euh..." she started talking, and from her tone she didn't seem like she was making threats to me, but she was just asking me questions, like why I'm probably out here or even if I was from a neighboring Territory? But... But then her eyes dropped downward, and her cheeks got a little red as she looked down even more at me.

"Tu es... nu... Eeh!" she jumped back a little, blushing and startled as she looked directly at "all of me," and as she had her arms up, looking directly at "it" as she had this crazy look on her face, the other two suddenly started laughing at her.

And or at me, and hearing them, I lowered my head.

"Uh... There's a language barrier... Anyways, yeah I know I'm nude, this wasn't a choice thing either, I'm just... Lost?"

I said, but hearing me, she was still freaking out. And so looking over at her, as she was holding a lantern at her side, her face was red and she was covering her eyes. Yet I saw her peaking as she was saying something out loud to the others who spoke back to her in that weird language that I couldn't get? I don't speak it?

My tail swayed around impatiently.

*GROWL!!!...* and my stomach roared too.

And hearing me, they stared at me and I grabbed my stomach, the thin glass of shadow began to crumble into mana returning to where it came, and my flames began to fade as soon as my stomach began to growl.

Looking at me, the two on my sides came over grabbing me by my shoulders, talking and pulling, speaking with kind-sounding words, all while pulling me in a single direction to the left of us, and calling for the girl with a bright blush on her face.

Little did they know, I wanted to devour that one. With her slim waist, so easy to put my hands around, pure, and dirtless skin, unsullied by nature, the smell of herbs that they all possessed, and the whispers of the forest night all around, gave me an appetite. Not to mention the aroma that's coming from her, smells devine~

Then those eyes, so clear and green, her hair as black as a raven, and that smile, so pure and innocent even though her actions and power can prove other wise.

And then that cute look she had and those expressions she made as she pervertedly glanced at me, got startled by my body, and made me feel warm by her surprise.


This is so crazy... 

The Last Time I Lusted For A Stranger I Was Encaged...

I really don't want that to happen a second time around.

So wiggling my tail, I wrapped it around my waist and grabbed my partner before any of them saw how aroused I was getting. That would be awkward...

And pulling it to the side of my thigh and covering most of it with the spike of my tail, these two girls on my sides weren't helping as they were grabbing me and making me walk with them, basically pulling me along. So hansey they are...

But glancing at them, I saw under their hoods, and I was looking down for the rest of the way as I started to blush, they're all. . . Gorgeous? Why'd they have to find me first? Or at least right now, I'd very much not wanna look at them like prey.

I can barely even contain myself, but I have to. And I Am!

Just until I get something in my belly, I won't feed on another witch, it's just not my style, anyone else will do though.

But why'd it have to be a group of witches? I'd rather have them as allies or enemies than just eat them.

I don't know, maybe I miss my old coven too much?

. . . . .

Walking back to this little house, made from vine-covered bricks, and smoking out the top from a chimney, they took me inside and in the next moment pulled me into the back, where the two girls said, "On va t'habiller!" an took me into a large closet full of clothes and material to make more, next thing I knew I was being measured, and needles and threads were floating and being weaved by no one, they were probably using artisans magic?

But as they were and I was getting sized up and touched, I started having fun~ although we didn't speak the same language, I spoke common, they did something else, and with actions and tone, we all understood each other, or at least us three, I heard the other one in the other room, but that's kind of it. Although the house began smelling really good, so she must have been making something using. . . Hmm, I can't really tell? That actually smells new to me... It's good doe~

After a while and getting new clothes made by them, we all ate together, and three of them acted like big sisters to me, it was nice, and though they asked questions and I'm still at a loss for whatever they said, I spoke about myself to them hoping they'd understand, they didn't...

But then I remembered an old witch trick to understand intellectual races that spoke and didn't attack back. Well, I have another way using my Incubus powers, but I don't wanna do that. So finding a piece of chalk and clearing the table after using it, they seemed confused by my antics until I began drawing a dialectical magic circle on the table. Which when formed, I infused a light hand of magic into it, and it sunk into the table as a print but it wasn't permanent, it'll clear off with water. But now with it on, I actioned them to come over, and going across from them I wrote down a few words on my side, and then I said it to them in my tongue, and it started appearing on their side, in their tongue, written on the wood as chalk.

And surprising them, as I was a witchy genius~

I wrote to them, "Hi, My name is Aster Hiragi"

Starting the first and hopefully a good conversation. ^w^)