Sylvia And Hiro's Possessions

Walking down the hallway and into a new room, it was empty, but when walking into it they felt a sudden aura, this presence?? And looking to the next hallway, there wasn't a shred of energy forming another portal.

Instead, it was a haze forming the next entrance to the next room, like a glass mirror corrupted with this circle of swirling black mist, Greg and Grace helped both Mari and Avery onto their backs, to get to the other end of the room while Rika flew, because the floor in between had completely caved in from what was a massive battle.

And getting to the next end, they walked through the hazy glass and it instantly transported them not into a hallway like the white swirling portals, but to the next...

No. . .Not a room, but instead to another open area.

And standing in front of them were 20 or more shocked pharaohs, from semi undead to alive beings, all seemed to be looking with their eyes wide open as they were all completely in shock, and looking in front of themselves, their eyes widened in shock too at what they could see.

Because standing over the leader of the pharaohs, with the leaders head, and spine attached, was their Aster with the blood of the leader sprayed all over him.

And seeing him, the group gasped in shock as he had really came back to life, but something seemed wrong about him? And it wasn't that he murdered the leader.

They more or less suspected him of doing something like this after knowing the identity of him being a demon came to their minds, with the exception of Avery.

But something was wrong, because he gave off necrotic energy, and it wasn't like him using his shadow magic, it was like he was casting something vile, something so wicked that it had them, demon cultists, breaking out in cold sweats...

But then they witnessed as he dropped the leader's head and then with his hand falling down to his side, he picked it back up and the leader's chest rose off the ground.

Clenching his fist, the chest beated and a golden orb was torn out of the leader's chest, forcing his body to the ground, leaving that orb burning bright like a star.

But the group had known what that was, they've seen something like it before, earlier. . .And it was a soul.

And as it was floating there, Aster turned his head, looking left to another corpse, one of five around the leader which he also killed, and moving his other hand, rose up a female pharaoh's corpse, floating this one up exactly how he did their leaders.

Clenching his fist, her soul as gold as her leader was stripped from her, and as he had two souls now out and in his possession. He opened his hands, facing his palms to the souls, and sending out two colored particle orbs?

One yellow and the other blue. . .

As the particles hit the souls, they started to dye the souls' color, turning those radiant gold souls into one yellow(shade under) and the other one a light blue...

Looking at the side of Aster's face, they saw that his eyes were black without his red irises, but yet none of them spoke or took a step forward, not even Grace dared.

Mainly because what they sensed right then was pure darkness, not evil, but this radiant darkness that they felt if they took even a step near, he would devour them whole, and looking at his face, that thought grew vastly more.

As the souls were completely enveloped in yellow and blue, Aster lowered his left hand, lowering the soul left of him into the corpse of the female pharaoh, and taking the blue soul for himself, pulling and grabbing it, before slamming it against his own chest, and devouring it.

And as he had, and the soul came into him and the girl over to his left, they all heard as his bones began cracking, the corpse he pulled the other soul back into doing the same as his. Aster's body was beginning to shift, and he fell to his knees as his body began twisting and turning, and hers similarly matching him. Now it was as if both were turning into. . . . . . . . 

Monsters?. . .No. . . Something worse. . .Very Worse. . .

Aster's body expanded, like how he had before he came back to his original, smaller form, and his skin darkened, his hair grew wild, and his pitch black eyes had turned white, and brown irises slowly began to form.

As for the girl, her hair grew longer, her eyes opened and her eyes were blood red, horns shot out from her skull in front of her forehead at the hairline, and her body had slightly expanded. Just after she began breathing again, and rapidly.

Meanwhile, as Aster was still shifting, she screamed.

Grabbing her chest, "Mierda!" she screamed. But then in the next moment, she had grabbed her head and scrunched up into a ball, and after, all while everyone was all focused on her, for the mystery that just appeared. Aster started laughing at her.

Shooting up, and throwing his arms into the air, he then stretched himself a little as he was purely laughing at her in pain. And turning his head, he felt his horns as well.

"Speak common! It'll only hurt more if you speak "that". "

Kicking her feet in a tantrum, she pushed herself up by her elbows and now sitting there, she looked at him tirelessly and pouted at him, "Shut up Hiro. . .Wait! Hey look! I just grew a tail?!" she turned herself, fascinated by the sudden discovery.

And looking behind her, a long thin tail wiggled and he chuckled, "We'll duh, you're an incubus... Succubus? Ok, you're definitely something? I know for sure I'm one"

Commenting, "I'll just call myself a Behazmeth instead," she said, "Fair enough," he told her back, but then went onto say, glancing at the pharaohs on his right, "But. . . What should we do about them, wanna dispose of them?"

"Why would we do that?" she said.

"Because they murdered Aster?" he blantly told her.

And putting it together, she hit her hands together.

"Oh yeah! They did... But do we have the time?"

"I mean?... Where do you wanna go first?"

Looking up... She shook her head and then got up, and turning to the four corpses on the ground excluding the leader, she put her hands out and said, "Rise from the depths..."

And their shadows began devouring them, rising from the ground and wrapping around each and every one of them, they shrouded the corpses till it left no face black corpses hazing of shadowy darkness. And they sat up instantly.

And as they began to rise, she turned to the Pharaohs an said, "I still have business to take care of in Nefumia, so I don't have time for these distractions," she said with complete seriousness, and he smiled, "I'll follow your lead, Sylvia," he said releasing a mass of hot, firey energy.

And turning to them, one with necrotic, chilling energy, and the other with hot fire energy just spewing out of them, the pharaohs flinched, but then sand shot down from the ceiling, and appearing was a mutant pharaoh.

With black hair and blood red eyes, tanned wheat brown skin, and claws, wearing an elegant but bloody and torn dress, she appeared in front of all her comrades, saying;

"What are you waiting for?! Run!! Release the sanctuary!!!"

She yelled, but seeing her, two demonic energies erupted out of the two of them as they were looking right at her, "How dare you show your face after killing him," Sylvia uttered.

Rage consumed her, the ground blackened,  and a sea of tentacles shot out of the ground, dozens came out of the earth, surrounding her and them in a dome of black.

Not surprised by this, "How dare you show your face here, Kora," Hiro said, stepping forward with Sylvia.

"No, I'm glad she came" Sylvia answered back.

"You are?" but Hiro didn't get it.

"Yeah, I've been waiting to kill her ever since she tricked us into drinking that love potion, Hiro" she growled. And glancing at her, "Really, you were all over her before~"

But glancing at him sourly, "Not by choice, her holy aura disgusts me, I was just being nice to her to get her to open up about what her leader was planning," she said truthfully at being manipulative.

"Is that all?" he doubted in jest.

"Maybe, I was interested in her alchemy skills a little" she uttered.

"I keep forgetting how much of a witch you've become" he forgot.

"I'm not the only one who's changed, you hot head" she squealed.

Talking sourly to him, she then smiled and chuckled, "It's good to see you in the flesh, Hiro," she said, "You too," he said back before looking to Kora, and then dashing.

Meanwhile, as those two variants dashed at Kora, Aster, the real one was pressing a green girl up against the wall and with his manhood in her, biting her neck as she had grabbed his back, moaning, "Mating. . .Feels so good~!" she wimpered.

He was losing himself to his lust, in the Dark Realm. As it wasn't becoming better, it was becoming worse as he was turning more into a beast than he was a person.

And watching Kora get beat down by the both of them as they jumped her, catching her off guard by being grabbed by one of those black shadowy tentacles.

Rika was the most shocked, but as for Mari, she wasn't.

"Wait?! Hiro! I thought Aster was Hiro, and who's that?! What the hell is going on!" she was completely lost by this fluff. And thinking way too deeply into it as well.

As for Mari, she knew what was going on. Months before the Lich's attack on Rosa Marine, during their time together, Mari discovered his true identity. Curious, she asked him about himself and he openly shared what he remembered, he didn't have too much to share, but she discovered that he spent seventeen years as a witch and only four months actually as Hiro and Aster which was when he was reborn as them.


This only left question after question plaguing her mind, and she had many things she wanted to ask him, like if Hiro was still in there or if there was a purpose to this forced reincarnation? But he refused to tell her rather than lie, and he told her that. which got her to trust him a bit better while she was "still on his leash". Which then led to her wanting to protect what could still be Hiro, until she just... Didn't see it.

Two and a half years later, she couldn't see any resemblance in them at all.

. . . . .

Before the others could confusingly attempt to put this together, she pointed at the both of them, as they were literally combo-ing Kora, she couldn't even touch them

Mari started telling them. "The woman's name is Silfy for short or Sylvia, and then that man is named Hiro, They're leftover parts of his magics which have seemed to form consciousnesses" she didn't technically lie, just bluffed the truth a little.

And knowing it wasn't true, but told them it rather than the truth, she looked over to Hiro with a smile on his face as he used Aster's red fire and attacked the pharaoh...

'That's not my brother...' she thought turning her head.

'The Hiro I know is resting eternally in Aster's soul'

Whaling on Kora as she was hit back and forth, Hiro kicked her to Sylvia, and as she came back to her, Sylvia kicked her back, and when she did, she grabbed her neck before Kora could get away.

Forcing Kora to fall back, Sylvia then chose to stomp her face in, and raising her hand up, a charging mass of black haze swarmed her hand and she shot it down.

Causing a mass explosion of negative energies, and lifting the dust, Sylvia panted as she had her hand pointed down and she thought it was finally over.

But as she looked down, suddenly a pair of shimmering red suddenly gleamed and she jerked back, jumping away.

Seeing this, Hiro yelled, "What's wrong!" and hearing him she yelled back, "She's still not dead yet!" which got him to click his tongue, and charging a fireball, he said. "Get back, I'll blow her up!" and moving away, he shot a fireball into the dust cloud she was in and caused a giant explosion, spreading fire all around the area with it.

Running around the dust cloud and over to Hiro, Sylvia regrouped with him not to accidentally get split up, and she said, "I don't think she's dead, her magics rising"

"Yeah, she must have a trump card in store" he ticked.

"What should we do" she was losing ideas.

"Just focus on getting our revenge first"

"Fine, can you clear this Field first though?"

Not saying anything back he uttered something under his breath, and after a few seconds, he pushed his hands forward, and yelled, "Wind blash" blasting a strong gust of wind forward and lifting all the dust.

Blowing it into the air by the ceiling, they both watched as it exposed Kora, who was getting on her knee as her body had transformed like theirs, becoming a little more demonic and mutant. And as she looked up, she clenched her teeth.

"You... Can't kill me... I have my lover's heart..." She said, and grinning, the sand under her rose up, but then started hazing into white, and as she put her hand up, opening her hand wider, the white haze circled her and then shot into her body, and half of her skin, began to melt, half her face became fleshy, like an undead, and half her body corroded into flesh without skin, and then she chuckled, swiping her hand spewing out a white haze that started turning into this reddish black...

And looking at them, grinning more, "And now it's finally done, I've successfully merged with his heart, we're now one, and you cannot stop me, I'll have my revenge too~" she said in the most happily cringy yet psychopathic way possible.

Standing up, the both of them against her looked pissed, but as she kept smiling at them, she then turned around and opened a red portal, saying back to them both. "God bless you both, I do hope you get stronger for me~" she said, but before she walked into the portal, she turned back around saying, "So I can consume you both too" And then she walked backwards into the portal.

Vanishing before them both.

And as she did, Sylvia stomped her foot on the ground cracking the sandstone below her, and cursing heavily to where it was hurting her head, "Calm down, we'll get our revenge, we just have to wait another day, alright"

But turning to him, "Fine! Whatever! But that bitch isn't touching a single hair on me or you! Understood!" she said, "I wasn't planning on letting her?" he said back.

She continued to pout which got him patting her head even as they were the same size, "Now let's get out of here, we can return to Nefumia in a month's time or so"

But as he said that, "Actually, do you mind helping us first..." Mari said walking over to them, and as the team hesitated due to the aura that they both released earlier, and when they saw Kora, and then their display of power when fighting her.

But regardless, turning to see her Hiro looked sour, but Sylvia had only glanced over at her as she walked up to them not even looking at Hiro, but Sylvia; Mari said to her, "The quicker we finish this mission of finding the black fang company the quicker we can all go home, and for people like Rika and Aster, they get spore pills, which I'm sure he'd appreciate, and more if you helped us do it..."

But hearing her, Hiro was annoyed, "We want nothing to do with your cult, go ask someone else, not even Aster wants anything to do with those zelits..."

But looking at him, "Even so, he has a reason for being there, so then why not help him, you are part of him aren't you, or are you unwilling to do so because of me"

But as she said that looking him in the eyes, forcing him to look her eye to eye, an even getting him to notice how her eyes had a permanent change from brown to orange which mixed in with a tiny bit of red, like a demon's spawn would.

Sylvia then walked up to her, grabbing her by the chin, and saying.

"We're not against it, but we refuse to eat those nasty pills again, so if you really want our help, give up your body, no actually, give us more than that, give us you~"

She said, and darting his head to her, Hiro yelled, "Sylvia!"

But yelling her name, she smiled at Mari.

"So what do you say, my dear~"

But looking Sylvia in the eyes, with a cold expression.

"I refuse," she said with her voice as cold as ever.

And taking a step in, "Because I want to be with Aster, not the likes of you, just some fragments of him. So if that's the deal you want, then get lost, I'm his and not yours" she told her off, looking to the shadow witch's binding marks still on her, keeping her as Aster's bitter-toned and free-willed servant rather than just some witch slave.

And hearing her, Sylvia let go of her chin and shrugged, "Whatever," but then Hiro who stood next to her was just looking at her disturbed, and seeing that, she said back, "What, I can't help it, she's my type..." Sylvia confessed~

And looking even more disgusted, and even more disturbed.

"Though her personality is a major turn off" she admited.

Shaking his head as he just didn't want to hear any more of this, especially about her, because he thought like, "Eww!" she didn't catch on and kept talking until Grace came over with Greg and Rika. And Rika walked over to Hiro and grabbing his hand, looking confusingly at him all up and down.

But ignoring her, he looked to Mari and bitterly said, "As she said, we won't be eating any more of those pills, and we don't want you. . .WE. . . Don't want you. But we will help you for the time being, after all, as you said, Aster was a part of this mission, and that means... So are we, Mari"

Moving his hand away and getting Rika's hand off of his, he then stepped over to Sylvia and grabbed her by the shoulders, violently shaking her, "Got it, dumbass!"

And giggling, she said while being shook, "Sure~"

But that just had him clicking his tongue, "Uh..."

And shaking his head and letting her go.

"Aster, please get back quickly before I kill this chick!!!"

He glanced over at her as she was smiling like a fool.

And that's because he knew she was thinking lewdly.

And hitting her over the head, "Act mature damnit!"

Yelling back, "I am though!" but he didn't believe it.

Sylvia: .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.

Hiro: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ