Nest And Coven

Blinking several times as a gust of cold air blew in my face, it woke me up but I don't really mind, like there's this really soft fuzzy green in front of my face... Wait?

Sitting up... I don't know who this is, but she's green; like her skin is literally green! Her hair, ok, it's cute and short and green, but not the point! Why am I naked with some green lady! And I don't remember how I even got here!?

A little panicky as I don't remember getting here, I need to find my way back to the witches house, I'm sure I was there, yeah... This must have been a cause of... uh... uh.

I can't remember a thing! That's the messed-up part!

Getting up, and seeing my clothes over by a lit campfire.

I slowly walked over to her to get my things, *Flinch* I felt a sudden grab on my tail. And Stiffing. I suddenly fell back.

Falling back, my butt landed on a soft limb, and glancing back, a pair of dirty, char covered green arms wrapped around me. An seeing that she woke up and was like this, now I truly don't know what's happening anymore.

"Uh... Hey?..." I said as she pressed her face against my neck and shoulder, "Stay still..." she said back to me...?

And... I don't know why, but feeling at fault for what had occurred. So I listened to what she said and didn't move.

But to be surprised as she didn't do anything ill, she had, like a pet, rubbed her face against me. I felt her cheeks up against me as they were tensing, was she smiling?

Glancing back, behind me, she was as she rubbed her face against my shoulder, but despite dried dirt being on her face, she looked. Kinda adorable in a fun kinda way?

I don't know how to put it in words, but I'd grab a stick with her and feel like we could play knights together?

Ugh, that's so random? Anyways, looking at her as she did have a smile on her face, I moved my hand up and she flinched, "Hey! I said don't move!" she yelled at me?

But even though she told me not to move, I don't wanna listen, touching her cheek, I saw her cheeks turn a dark green like she got mad, despite her mellowish but fierce face, and I kissed her on the cheek, surprising her a lot.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! What're You Doing!" she jumped a little.

But turning around and getting on my knees, I crawlingly lunged at her, hugging her and falling down on her bare flesh, while huggin' her and getting her to squirm round.

"I decided that I like you!" I said announcing it to her.

"Huh?! What! I don't get what you're saying?!" she yelled.

Grabbing my face and pushing me away as she pulled me away. And pushing up, hanging over her as she had her hands on my face and was breathing really hard...

I said after she stopped pushing me when I pushed up.

"Let's be friends! Also howdy, I'm Aster, nice to meet ya!"

And looking at me confused... "Uh... Hi? Wait! Gimme a second here! You wanna what?!" she said, and moving off of her and sitting down next to her crossing my legs.

I planted my hands on my knees as she was sitting up and I said it again, "I'll say it again! You look fun, so do you wanna become friends with me, Miss Greeny?"

And looking at me, with a frown on her face, "Hm..." she just made a sound as she stared at me, and shrugging her shoulders, "Whatever," she said back to me and I got excited, wiggling my tail around happily. . . Oh, I forgot?

Should I ask her for directions to go back to the witches?

"An hey! I have a name too! It's not Greeny! It's Nurma!"

She said slamming her hands down on her thighs, and chuckling as she noticed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be any way insensitive towards you, Nurma~" I blatantly said.

And glaring at me, "No, you're fine, I was just telling you?" 


Looking back at her, I bluntly asked, "Question, what are you?" I just openly said without filter. . .Mainly because I am curious, and looking back at me she rolled her eyes.

"I'm... Forget about it, I'm what your people call a Goblin"

Hearing that, I perked up, "Wait! So there's a nest around here?! By chance do you think you can take me there!" I said getting all excited, because that means I'm not out in the wilderness, if there's a nest, that means there's...

There's something other than being a lost boy out here!

But looking at me confused, "Nest? What are you, some sorta bird person? Haha, actually you're quite funny, boy" she said back, but that only made my smile fall.

Wiggling my tail to where it pointed upwards behind me, I looked at her oddly before saying, "So... There's no nest at all around here?" and asking her straight forward.

She didn't seem to know what I was talking about, and yet again, despite me holding no expectations, my hope for at least going somewhere familiar, died within hope.

. . . . .

But then.

Flinching as I felt a warm press against my neck, "There aren't any nests that I know of around here, unless, do you wanna make one, then I don't mind making one with you, mainly because I've come to like you too~" Nurma said with a hint of flirt.

And as she kissed my neck and grabbed onto me, I felt some sorta silly comfort from it since she doesn't know what she's talking about, or at least what I really meant.

So teasing her, I smirkingly said, "You know that means starting a family with me, right~?" I said back to her, and raising a brow, she laughed, "I mean, we already mated"

And that's when I paused. . .Wait? Hold The Fuck Up!!!

Grabbing my head, "Wait!! That means I'll be a dad!!!"

And casually getting slapped back to reality by her, she grabbed my face and said, "Why are you acting like this, are you getting upset because you possibly knocked up a goblinoid, huh?! Is that gonna be a problem... Aster!"

She said, but... Uh... Will that be a problem? Could it be??

Shaking my head, "No, but, question, do you really want a demon inside of you? I'm not really worried, I'm more concerned for you if anything you know?" I bluntly said.

And looking at me a little dulled from what I said, she might not have gotten what I was talking about, so I just said back to her, "Anyways. So did you want to make a nest with me? I mean, I've never done it before but still!"

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed my cheeks and pinched it, "I've never been so good with people, and I've never had any reason to want to mate or even need to... But since you're kinda on my good side... I'll be apart of your nest"

Letting my cheeks go, and then playfully hitting my arm, "Also, what's with calling it a demon, don't think so little of yourself, or them, after all, you're still goofy an sexy"

She said ever so casually, getting me to blush too.

But at the same time, I feel offended in some way too?

Not the point though, so hoping up to my feet as she was on the floor, I turned to her and said, "Alright, so I guess we're in a pact now! Oh yeah! Hey, do you wanna come back to the witches with me! I sorta live with em!"

But laying back, she waved her hand, "Nah, I've never gotten along with them kind, You go ahead though, I'll be here if you need me, also come back if you wanna play"

She said and not getting it for the most part, I went over and gathered my clothes, but instead of leaving, I walked over and sat next to her, "Are you sure you don't wanna come, also. . .I kind of need your help to get back too?"

*Assuming he's a warlock because of the race he called out, witch, and then the strange term Nest he had said*

Turning her head, "Don't you have a psychic connection to them or something? Ans I said I was fine, if I want to I'll come and fetch you from them no problem, but I'd rather relax while I can before I have to hunt again," she said and sat up, "But now because I guess your lost, I don't mind helping you find your way back, but you owe me though"

Nodding my head, "For sure, I'll bring you something so tasty when I come back," I said, and smiling as she liked what I said, "Hm~ Other than your company of course"

Making me blush, I stepped away, "You're too much!" I said back, "No, you are, who thought I'd be like this to'a warlock, never in my life. Then again, I'm pretty special"

Getting up and walking over to her clothes, I turned away out of respect since I wasn't trying to look at her nude anyways, mainly not to trigger my lust, but when I had, she crept up behind me, startling me with a hug.

Looking at her, "You're adorable~" she said and making me all flustered, my face was burning all red and I left the cave to wait for her to finish without burdting my heart.

And my face, "When the hell did I get so flushable?" I said to myself as this was so unlikely, and yet it happened???

. . . . .

Walking me back to the witches house after telling her what the surroundings of it looked like, when we got out of the ambered woodlands, there they were, the three of them, and when seeing me, the flock of them gasped...

"What's with them?" Nurma, which I'll call Nurm asked.

"Honestly, I can't remember, but they look surprised"

"Anyways, imma go back now, come to my cave later"

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'll come by later tonight then~" looking over at her, that had her face turn a dark green again, but with a slight smirk on her face, "That soon?... Okay~"

She was holding back a smile, and I saw it as cute~

So as the others were rushing over to me, speaking in a tongue I couldn't speak, I turned to Nurma and grabbing her chin, lifted her head up and kissed her once more...

And stepping back, I said, "Rest well, I'll be back later~"

Covering her face with both her hands, she nodded.

And turning around as the others got to me, she walked off. And the others, when getting to me, grabbed me, just shaking me hard as two of them looked worried.

Meanwhile. Athena, a blond Witch with black eyes, had this curious look on her face as she didn't shake me, but instead looked to the back of Nurma as she walked off.

Getting back inside and making me explain what I had written earlier, which honestly I forgot, and or I just can't seem to remember, I told them about my incubus side.

Which they didn't understand anything about it... Luckily.

The only thing they seemed to understand is that I can't think straight whenever my "Demonic" side is acting up.

But we quickly got off of that, mainly because the three of them were excited, they always thought of making a coven, but they didn't have the means to actually make and expand it, until now that is, and we officially made a pact with each other, using blood as a seal to bond us.

I don't know if this is actually witchcraft or just some sort of tradition seeing as I felt no magic when it was done, but, still, I felt happy to be a part of this coven.

After finishing, the others left wanting to go fishing, but me and Athena stayed back, and it was also because she wanted to talk to me, which had me confused at first.

Until she started speaking about Nurma, telling me to stay away from the goblins, she spoke about them not being around much anymore, and how she thought that they had left the region, but she didn't want to take any chances, especially not with that one over there, cause each and every goblin had a darkside, she didn't like.

But how can she say that, from what I know Numa isn't evil, and I might be bias, but still, even if she's a goblin, I feel like her actions should speak more for her. . .Right?

. . . . .

"I refuse," I wrote down in the magic circle on the table.

"Her actions should speak for her rather than her race," I said again, writing it down, and speaking my mind to her.

"After all, aren't we examples of evil, yet I don't act like how my people should, and neither should you, or her"

I spoke my mind to her and she just read and listened to me as I plead my case, but then she wrote back to me....

"If that's how you feel then I won't act, but hear yourself now, if that goblin decides to return to how her people had in the past, then you'll have to kill her in turn..." she said, but wasn't finished, "Same goes for her tribe"

Sighing, knowing this was a possibility, "I know..."

It was turning all too serious, but then I crossed my legs and sat back as I looked at the ceiling, in doing so, this smirk came across my face and I grabbed my face too.

Dirty thoughts hit me for apparent reasons and sitting up and planting my hands on the table, "Wait! Does this mean I'm like! Unofficially married to Nurm now~?!" it hit me?!

Nurm offered to make a nest with me so that means?!

Ah! I feel so embarrassed that I didn't realize it sooner!

Could it be that Nurm proposed to me earlier?!

*Yeah... No, she offered to make a birds nest with him*