Chapter 181: Exhausted

<Nurma's Pov>

* * * * *Back To The Dark Realm* * * * *

Walking to those witches home as Aster hasn't come to the cave yet, he promised me he'd come early before the sun came up, but he hasn't, so I'm coming to go get him.

Leaving the forest and seeing their house, I saw the girls outside, ugh, witches, I've never liked them, I can't say I'll hate them seeing as I still 'hang' around Aster, but I very much dislike their race, they're all so cynical; it's gross.

Walking over to them, "Here for... Aster" I said to them in their tongue, tetlum, but I don't know much of it, it's been a long time since I've had to use it. . .Until now that is.

And looking at me, a yellow rock type haired girl looked at me, and her smile while talking to them turned into a frown, "He's not here" she said, her tone–toned coldly.

But hitting her shoulder with a chuckle, and looking at me a dark wood haired girl with darkness eyes said to me, "She's joking, he was tired when comin' back home a little while ago so Autumn lent him the bed to sleep"

That one said, though I didn't understand half of what she said, but from what I understood, he was inside of the house, I don't know why he lives with them? He isn't like them, I get he's a warlock, but he's not like them...?

Maybe they're not like him actually. . .He's an odd-ball?

Stepping away from the two, "Don't be shy, your Aster's little girlfriend right? Come with me, let's go get him, oh and, hahaha, I don't bite, so just come on in with me~"

Opening the bunt and leading me in, we went to get him, but when we walked over to the only wooden plank bunt, she knocked and then grabbed a sphere and pushed it?

"Aster! Wake up, your friend's here!" she said, but he was lying down with his face slammed into some fabrics?

Lookin' around the room, there were other sleep squares and boxes, both long, big, and ones that looked like they could open, also there's colored wax on all of them.

The girl walked over to him, he was laying on more stuff, his tail was slightly under him as it curved out and the tip was devoured under his thigh, he was snoring too? Oh.

Did I tire him out too much this morning? I mean, when he came over last night, I took him around the forest as the moon's light was enough for us to see, but it was all so I could show him a nice view above the larger trees.

He didn't look tired, he seemed happy and he held my hand a lot as he was looking around and pointing?

Hm? Maybe all that running around was a bit too much?

I should start asking him when he's tired, he has a really good body, it's agile, flexible, and durable, but maybe it's just not durable enough? He should work on endurance?

But then again, he looked troubled sometimes last night so that might have also been it, maybe it's just the dark?

I'll have to ask him when I can, I don't want to be too nosey?

Watching as she shook him a bunch, the wax caught on fire all around the room, which even she noticed and stood back up looking around. Her face was a bit shook?

"What the? They lit? Why are they all such a red?" her.

But as she spoke to herself, glancing at me, I didn't say anything because I didn't do anything, but looking past her, I saw Aster push, sitting up on his knees, yawning.

Putting his hands in the air, he yawned again, stretched, and looked down at the fabrics, a slight wet spot on it as he had a line of saliva running down to his chin.

That's pretty funny, he looks so confused~

"Hey" I said, and looking next to him he looked at the girl, and then glanced over to me with his black and red eyes, they looked really tired, and pretty cool as well.

"Xiah xayu, Nerm?" he said, I guess? I can't understand?

Pressing his hands between his legs as he turned and was still sitting on his knees, the look he gave me was confused, yet at the same time, it makes me wanna. . .

Mate. . .

I don't get it, but that look he gives me, makes "it" twitch.

The girl between us spoke to him, and he spoke back to her and she looked like she didn't understand either and she looked to me like she wanted to me to translate. . .

But to be honest, I don't know either, so I shrugged.

Sighing, she put her hand to her face and as he turned and got off the bed, the ruby like fire on the wax flickered, but didn't come back, like they all just vanished...?

Going over to him, "Hey, let's go, did you forget? We had plans," I said to him, but he must still be sleepy because he stood there with a dumb look on his face like he did not get me? So puffing my cheeks and taking his hand.

I led him out, but since he was tired he leaned on me to direct him. Although I didn't mind, after we find more weeds, I'll make up the billet for him to sleep.

. . . . .Later that day. . . . .

Coming back to the cave for a third time with a bunch more weeds, he grabbed my hand and we fell ontop of them, "Hey! What are you doing!" but he... fell asleep.

Falling asleep on the spot, I pried myself off of him.

"Wait! Get up, let me make it up first!" but he didn't wake up, his tail swayed, and trying to shake him up didn't work, ugh, couldn't he have stayed up a little longer!

Hitting his chest, he mumbled and rolled onto his side, but he didn't want to wake up. . .Ugh, whatever, pulling him off of it, and dragging him onto the stone, I did it myself, making it up, and making it softer and nicer.

But when I did he had already rolled over to the empty fire pit.

Grabbing his legs, I dragged him over to the billet, and this time, I laid him on there instead of off of it. While doing it, he snored. I couldn't help but laugh as he did though.

He must have been really tired, so I'll let him sleep.

But what should I do now, I already hunted a small animal for myself, and I have some meat left over? But it's only enough for me? Should I hunt some more?

Why am I overthinking, he probably ate already.

No, he's probably been sleeping all day to eat?

Wait why am I overthinking about this, he's not my responsibility... But... I do want to spend more time with him? It's been a while since I've been with another person.

How long has it been since I had proper company?

Nah, forget it, I prefer to be alone. . .But, I do like him?

Plus. . .It's not like I didn't mate with this male either.

Ugh, I'll think about it later, this is making my head hurt!

Laying next to him, I moved next to him and curled up next to him, he's warm. "EEK!" he grabbed me, holding me in his arms... But I didn't not hate it, I... Even liked it.

Rubbing my head against his fabrics, I shut my eyes.

"Sleep good, Aster"

. . . . . Later, at midnight. . . . .

Waking up in sweats after a dirty dream with my mate, one that ended in bliss, I woke up and he wasn't even there?

looking around searching for him around the cave, I got up, "Where he go" sorrow filling my voice as he wasn't in there. I saw that the fire had been lit, and walking around it, I saw him sitting by the entrance of the cave? "There?"

Walking over to him, I felt a warm heat all around me the closer I got, "Aster?" and the closer I got, the more I could see the disorder in the air around him, like some sort of aura manifestation?

What's he doing? Curious, I sat next to him. His eyes were shut and he had his legs crossed too. His tail swayed and the closer I was, the warmer I got.

But it wasn't like a campfire warm, it was like the heat I felt when I wanted to mate, the air around him's profounder and I felt it expand and contract, I felt safer with him.

Yet, I also wanted to pounce on him with every breath.

Looking at him, it felt like he got stronger, I don't know how to explain it, but... I think he might have been training.

Could it be he's training his magic through a mental state?

That's what it looked like, and it seems to be working.

Biting my lip, I want him, from my dreams to right now.

I wanna mate again, but I don't wanna disturb him.

Holding back urges, I copied him and felt a warmth in my tummy, I don't know if it's cause I'm copying him down to the last detail or that I want to mate, but it feels hot.

It's like a surge of energy, and I kind of like it too?

Doing this for hours, I felt like I became stronger?

And not just physically either, like I was filled with energy.

The air became more clear, I could feel the muscles more clearly in me, and I felt like I connected with my body more, like they were becoming a single unit with my mind.

Opening my eyes, I turned my head to see him looking at me, and he cracked a smile, and chuckled, moving his hand to my chin, and saying something I can't understand.

Right before leaning in and kissing me, saying, "You look really cute when cultivating," which turned my face all blushy...

"Don't mock me! You had me worried a bunch!" I yelled.

And with a mocking laugh of sorts, "Sorry," he said but I won't forgive him, until. . .He kissed me, that's kind of when I forgave him, but it's not like I'll tell him. Not until, he. . .

"I want you to give it to me" I blurted out, instinctively...

And hearing me, he laughed, then saying, "Oh really~"

But that cute smile just made me pounce on him.

. . . . .Several days later. . . . .

For the next few days he came over, and we played, and traveled around the forest, he taught me a bunch of new things like colors and herbs, poisonous and safe stuff.

But what I recall the most is after I did what he calls meditating with him, he fulfilled my wet dreams and mated with me almost every night after we trained. So I trained!

But I plan on teaching him a lesson for embarrassing me, he's such a tease, making me beg, imma make him beg too. . .Because I discovered a weakness of his too!

The night's moon, I thought it was destress at night, but that wasn't it, instead, he was affected by the moon.

Which made me think of a fun game to play with him~