
<Narration PoV>

Inside of the witches house, "Where could he be? it's not like him to just up and disappear like this, he would have said something!" Alison said to the others, very worried.

"I agree, but he didn't," Athena said, thinking he must of just left, it's not like this hasn't happened before... She's seen it before, and it's not uncommon for a warlock too.

"I agree with Al, he would have said something, and he's not like others, he's kind and actually cares, like when he first left, he told us and told us why, so he wouldn't have just abandoned us or the coven. . .Right?" she paused...

Sitting back down at the enchanted table Aster made for them to speak with them. And glancing over, she looked at Nurma, "Plus, he wouldn't have left her, maybe us, but not her, after all, they're in love and she's also pregnant"

Looking at her as she already started showin' somewhat of a belly, "I agree... He wouldn't... leave..." commenting, Nerma looked down at her feet, thinking maybe she did something for him to leave like this, but then another said, "What if he's dead" getting all of them to dart.

Looking at Autumn, they stared at her stunned.

And crossing her arms, she confessed, "I mean, we do have a lot of enemies in the Ambered Forests, the Trentas, the Centaurs, the Kobalts, the beast Tribes, and the Kaitsy coven... He might have ran into one of them?

But as she confessed that, the others didn't utter a word, because she's right, they do have enemies all over the forest, and they never warned him, even after he had told them he wasn't from the forest a long time ago.

But Nurma didn't think so, she knew he wouldn't have died to any of them, "Aster's strong," she spoke and they looked over to her as she balled her fists, "I know that"

And looking up at them, "He's not dead!" she yelled and the others didn't know what to believe, *knock—knock* until someone suddenly knocked on the door... And startling them, they all turned towards it, baffled.

Nurma getting excited, moved to open the door, but when she did, Autumn who was next to her grabbed her arm, and turning to her, she stopped at Autumn's look...

Because autumn looked terrified, meaning it's not Aster.

But someone else, and that had her looking back at the door, and yet none of them moved or spoke, *Knocking* and the door was knocked on again, making her shake.

The silence was finally broken when Athena walked around and went to the door, taking a deep breath in before grabbing the knob and opening the door to a...


And looking at him, a flury of magical energy rushed into the house, that man wasn't any unordinary man, he was a powerful warlock, and that's what scared autumn the most, as she began to tremble at the sight of that man.

Standing before that man, Athena looked at him coldly.

And he said, "We have a problem," but she didn't change her expression nor did she move, instead she continued staring at him with a cold expression all over her face.

"The forest and surrounding areas have been affected by unknown magics, which have caused almost every aspect of the forest to turn hostile, find out what has happened and eliminate the origin of it, alright, girls"

He said giving them orders out of nowhere. And she didn't say anything back, but when Alison opened her mouth, he looked past Athena and said back to her.

"By order of the grand coven, you have a mission and we want a report as soon as possible, now get on with your mission, and don't waste our time or you'll be sent back"

He said with a cocky smile, and then looking to Autumn, he grinned, "Oh and Autumn, try not to disappoint me, I'd really not want to lose face with the council over a dumb witted fiance that can't even handle something like this"

Turning around, he raised his hand up, "Chow~" and he turned into an abondance of black birds, disappearing as he laughed. And Athena slammed the door, heated.

Punching the door, reddening her hand, "I seriously hate that man! ! ! Fuck!" she gritted her teeth, an Allison came over rubbing on her shoulder, "I know... Just, go rest ok"

But turning around, "What about Aster! He's still missing, now this! We made the coven to avoid having to listen to men like him! But look at us! Nothin' ever goes our way!"

But then she calmed down after a long breath, and she looked over to Autumn, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get like that, our goal is still the same by the way, it's to get enough power in our coven that your not tied to him, to be some slave and child barer to that vile warlock shit"

But then clenching her teeth, "But still, we need to get even stronger, if we can, we can take his place on the council and or be free from the grand coven, we need this, or else we'll fall in line like our bastard parents..."

Somewhat getting what was happening, Nurma caught on to them, kind of understanding them, they just wanted to have freedom, like her who abandoned her people, they just wanted to be free and save their friend, though she's not the smartest, she knows what it's like to care for someone who's not related by blood, or at all.

And turning to Autumn, "Find Aster," she said getting her to look at Nurma, saying "I want to, but we can't..." she's beginning to sob as she was about to explain why she couldn't, and how this and that was tied to her.

But then Nurma interrupted, "Make a deal with him," and that caught Autumn off guard, "What?" she asked, and Nurma continued, "Use Ast, break off, ties with him"

Kind of getting what she was saying, she was conflicted.

And Nurma stepped over to her, "He's good. Warlock- He wants to help m- me. Y-You. Them. He'll. Save you. Yo-u have. To as-k. H-im though," she said convinced he'd help Autumn.

Poking Autumn's chest, "H-e cares. For. Ya witches" and she believed that to the fullest, knowing her Aster was a good person, and that he'd help with all he could for them. And talking now, full of emotion, she powered through her speech for her.

And sniffling, Autumn gulped, "I... I'll ask for his help..."

Smiling, she nodded, but this wasn't even the hardest part for her, because turning to the others, Nurma then went on to say, "You all. Need help" she said to them.

And as they turned looking at her with questionable faces, "I'll help. You" she said in turn, and then poked at herself and said, "You, hayut support, I'll help"

And looking at her cringing, Alison said, "Yeah, no than-" but not letting it slide, "Thank you, Nurma," Athena cut her off, and then looked to Alison, whispering to her.

"She's not wrong, and we need allies too, plus she's with Aster, so if he's part of the coven, then she's somewhat too, plus look at her, she's stronger than when we first met her, meaning that she'll keep getting stronger" she said but Alison didn't like the idea of doing this.

Yet clicking her tongue, she walked over to Nurma and extended her hand out, "Welcome aboard goblin," and with a weary smile, Nurma smiled wearily back too.

They really didn't like eachother, but Aster was the only reason for this to even take place, so they were going to get him back for making them touch hands like that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Author's Response:

Hey guys I know I've been gone for a while, but this year wasn't that well to me and... Well, I hope it gets better, all I can really do is hope, but what can I say, we all have to move on eventually, and continue our day, and that's fine.

After all, life just goes on... But writing helps~✨

Anyways, I'mma stop with the sad moppy fluff, and just do something I learned from one of my idols, so plug my merch! I mean, stuff, anyway, I got another book available.

It's connected with this book somewhat, more like a spin off to a future time skip that's not really shown, but merely mention, see, I'm not that disorganized guys, lol.

Anyways, I'm not gonna spoil it, and I plan on editing this book to make it more fluent over the summer. While also continuing the hell out of the story, as you know.

Anyhow, I'mma just copy and paste what I wrote earlier that I was going to plug in on the author's thoughts, so byeooooo and I'll have another chap today or tomorrow.

. . . . . . .

Hey guys!

Go check out my other book on my other account, it's called, [Vampire's Blood: One Dream] an thank you for sticking with me for so long, I love you all soooo much!

Also my other accounts name is ColdApple!