A New Desire

<Narration PoV>

Not bluffing, his body expanded to his bigger form, and tightening the robe around him, with his legs mostly fully exposed and his arms out, his eyes glittered.

And the others flinched sensing an overly sexual aura.

And then that had them nervously smiling at him.

As they began stepping back the closer he got.

"Hey hey hey, what's with this intent?" Alison said taking a step back, and looking at him as he looked lustful and even too seductive for her eyes, she was nervous as something like this had never happened to her a day in her waking life.

"Wait... Huh?! You're what now? Ehh!?" Athena took a step back with her, and as she saw this, it caught her off guard as she thought he was messing with them, like how he was releasing an evil intent earlier, yeah, just like that.

But not saying a word after cracking her knuckles, She, Autumn, just stood there confused as she didn't get it?? Like she did, but at the same time just thought he was jesting.

But then when it came to Nurm, feeling this intent, she slightly covered her mouth as her heart raced, this was such a strong intent to mate that it made her go crazy.

Raising her hand, "I wanna go first!" she blurted out, and hearing her voice different, like it was more clear to them, it wasn't like she was trying to force using Tetlum.

And that had Aster chuckling, and as his skin began to haze he shifted in a mist of black in front of her, back on his feet and grabbing her by the waist, lifting her chin up and kissing her in front of them, pulling her in embracingly.

But as he did and it surprised the others, he broke off and took a step back, letting Nurma breathe deeply with how aroused she got, to then openly say to them.

As he manifested black hazes in his hand, "Now girls, I wonder... I wonder what it'll take to break you faster~" and manifesting in his hand using shadow magic was a dick-shaped jell mold rocking bumpy spikes all over the shaft.

Seeing this, the others didn't believe this to be a bluff anymore as everything he said... Involved straight up fucking them.

And taking another step back, "Hey, I like you, but I don't really know about this?" Alison stepped back again, and seeing as this related to something like that, she had to think about it some-ah-lotta-more as she believed in steps to this stuff.

And swallowing hard as the thing in his hand looked so rough, Athena's eyes swirled as she was taught that this stuff was forbidden acts only by lovers, who used steps.

"Yeah, there's steps to this stuff, like, holding hands, an-"

But then she was cut off, "I'm in," Autumn openly stated.

Turning to her, both Alison and Athena looked at her as if she was crazy, "But!–" but then they were both cut off by her, "Learn to have some fun~ I wanna try bein' a little salacious~ Who knows, it could be pretty fun~"

She said and their faces fell, because out of everyone here, this was never expected from her, she was always the pure, tame one, never thought to be remotely wild.

Gulping, "I mean, I could... Watch?" Alison also surprises Athena, who believes a witch should be pure. Like the purer the witch the purer the magic... RiGhT???

But with a sudden desire heating up in her chest, she had looked away, "I guess... I'm with her on this too" And she shut up as she was confused about herself now.

As Autumn looked at the two who were blushing all over their faces, she turned to Aster about to say, "Yo it's going to be two out of four, alright!" but when she turned to him, her eyes widened as he was pulling Numra with him.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" she yelled, and looking back at her, "Just having some fun~ Come and join us, Autty" he said, and hearing his voice all seductive like that, she started glowing pink as she began to think like they were. Almost... Kind of???

Looking away as she didn't know how to feel about this anymore, she felt her hand lift up as he was already in front of her, and holding her hand, startling her. But as she was going to call it off as this was just way too embarrassing for her, he pulled her in, "Come with me, let's dance~ hehehe" he smiled brightly, alluring her.

As she looked at him, with cheeks full of pink, she didn't ever think it was possible, but the boy in front of her made her heart skip, and she lost all of her regrets.

And as she got over to Nurma with him, she asked him, "Do you always make maidens fall for you, Aster," which had him jolt slightly as he heard her very clearly as well.

But slightly turning his head, he smiled and mouthed, "Sometimes~" turning around and pulling her with him.

Looking away and grabbing Nurma's hand, "I put a spell on this mountain to speak and offer tribute to the birth of a new guardian spirit, so we should all be able to understand each other up here, but I want us to have fun, so let's party untill the sun comes or the sky rains~"

* * * * *[ Finally back to Aster's PoV ]* * * * *

Still wanting to have fun, I suppressed my lust for the time being, even if there were consequences for doing it like that, I was willing to take it to have some more fun.

After all, I wanna live a life full of my choices from now on.

And if that means I can bring others to smile and feel happy with me, then it's all worth it, it's all I really want.

Yet at the same time, the more I look at them, the more I want to rip off my clothes and revert into a lustful demon.

But I feel different, I don't feel so controlled like I had before I died, I feel free, from my nature and those who tried controlling me, here, I'm free to be me, and I. . .

I want to have fun, and I want everyone to just smile.

I haven't forgotten about those in my past, I think about them almost every day, even the ones from when I was someone else, my friends, family, and even not-so-close acquaintances, some that I even had a few issues with.

I used to hate them, and not feel so well about them, but now I don't really care about all that of the past, and if I see them, hm? I wonder, I really do wonder what I'll do.

But I won't be seeing them for a long time, and as long as I stay in the forest protected by these spirits, I won't have to worry about the ones who sealed away my dad, if they're even alive, also, I know where I am right now.

From what that spirit said, gave me a hint about it, that's why I chose to have fun rather than devour them.

Because I'm in the dark realm, and pretty much fucked for the most part if I end up screwing up, so I have one plan, and that involves them as well, so let's get strong.

Not like how I was before, but with allies and those who have my back, I was too reliant on myself for the most part, even in strength, but here, if I want to have insurance, I need to grow for everything, I need to grow myself and my friends, because I'm not alone anymore.

I'm a part of this newly formed coven, I have a beautiful lover, awesome friends, and I don't want them to go any time soon, so I need for them to get stronger with me.

Also, I know I sound narcissistic, and I am, let's be honest.

But who truly wants to die, I don't, and they don't either.

Looking at Autumn as she was having a blast, holding my hand and tumbling as she danced. But she was still going, and having fun with it as the woods sang sweetly.

And as Nurma enjoyed herself, looking at me with her big eyes never leaving my sight, I eventually looked over to the others who watched from the side, saying, "Join"

Letting go of their hands and going over to them using a shadow transport method, Shadow Dash, moving fluently like a river over to them in a haze of black, I grabbed them.

"Don't be shy, We're just having a bit of fun for now,"

I said not convincing them as their faces were still full of red, but with a smirk, "Unless you wanna turn this into something else~ Do you have anything in mind, because I already put away those sinful toys~" I said teasing them.

And getting their faces to look like tomatoes, "Aster, have you always been this perverted?" Athena asked, and as the honestish man I am, answered her back, truthfully.

"Nope, honestly I try keeping a balanced life~" but that didn't really answer their questions, so bringing them to the others, I followed their question with, "But what do I have to say, I love mixing pleasure and business~"

Turning around and facing them, I snapped my fingers.

"Demonic Domain, Rosa Marine's District 4" I said using my domain, and turning the mountain peak into the entire district of my old home, it baffled the four of them.

As Athena and Alison were looking around with their mouths wide open, the other two girls stopped dancing as the area around them blacked and then gained colors.

"Where, are we?" Alison questioned. Stepping in front of her, poking her collarbone, "Didn't I just say we were in the 4th District of Rosa Marine. It was my home silly"

I told her and then looked to the others, moving away from them in small steps as a crowd of people came.

"Your home town?" Autumn questioned as she turned to me, and as people past and phased right through me. "I didn't really have many good memories outside of here, but the ones I did, I cherish, so that's why I brought you here, because this place no longer stands as it is," I said to them and as I did, my smile started falling from me.

And turning my head to the building left of us, a boy with mixed hair and a little body came rushing out, "See you later, Lex!" me from the past ran out the building, "Aster don't forget to come back home tonight!" I heard as Lex yelled out from in the lobby, "Hey wait for me! Don't you dare leave me behind again!" Kasumi ran after me as I was going to school my first week, and she wanted to walk me there for some odd reason, maybe she was worried I would ditch, who knows, she just came.

And remembering this all over again, "And just as we were starting to become like a real family despite being a bunch of whores, everything was soon taken away,"

Looking at them as they watched as the illusion me and Kasumi ran down the street, I said, "So now I have a big question for the four of you, who do you hate the most"

And smiling big, "Actually never mind, I don't wanna do that, but maybe we can make a deal, just with the four of us," and extending my hand out, I opened it and said.

"Make a pact with me, let me be your new patron"