Asmodeus's Training!: Learning new skills?!

Jumping around, "Oooo this is going to be so much fun!" Asmodeus gleamed, and as he did he turned to me, and said, "Wait! Your going to be with me for like... Six days!"

"I'll prepare a room for you!" he said running off just as soon as we decided something, and when we did, both of the demon generals came over to me and the liches and said, "Hey, it's good to see you again, sorry we had not been able to find you 3 years ago, so we returned back to Asmodeus's embrace" Ape demon.

The Ape Demon said back nervously, but when he did, I said back, "No worries, I left the country so I don't think you would have found me anyways after all that," saying that I guess made him feel less nervous by the stiffness of his posture, but then again, that could just be how he is?

And as he loosened up, "Ah, that makes me feel better," I guess he was nervous. Anyways, "So... What happened to fighting? Honestly I thought I was going to fight Asm-" but as I was going to say fighting Asmodeus, the Black Knight said, "That's a bad idea, he's too strong for you..."

"What do you mean? I thought that was the plan?" I said back asking him it, but... "No, there is a reason why he is sealed away, Asmodeus was stronger than the last de-"

"Oh yeah, he kicked Ezekiel's ass," I mean the last demon king, "Uh... Who, no, the last Demon King in this realm..."

Yeah, same thing... Anyhow... "So he's that strong still?"

"Very" we heard Izumi comment, and ignoring her, I said to them, "When would be a good time to fight him then?" and looking up and then back at me, "Never's.. good?"

But clicking my tongue, "Hm, I'll think about it," I ignored the Black Knight, I wanted to test my strength against him, not be told it's impossible, but he does have a point too.

Stepping up to him, I poked at his Armored chest, "How about you?" I said excitedly, "What?" he didn't seem to get it, and as a grin formed, "Why Don't you fight me?"

And unable to see his face past his helmet, it only made me want to fight him more, because he's some mystery. I just want to see, after all, the Black Knight's a Demon.

"That's not a good idea, especially in your state, my lord," he said back, but I'm not listening to I can't right now. So pulling back my hand, I instantly threw my hand out with a fury of dark red flames hitting his ches-. . he blocked.

Using his arm, it's like no damage was dealt, and as he looked at me, "This isn't a good idea," but he had no idea how badly I want this, "No, I think it's a perfect one bud~"

And stepping back and turning, twisting my body. I went for a side kick, but grabbing my ankle and signed, "No, it is not," trying to break off. But I tried again, but again, he grabbed me by the shirt as I was going to kick him again, and he pushed me back, letting go and making me fall this time...

"I know you're eager, but that's why we're going to train you"

And landing on my butt, I growled before hearing a laugh.

"If you want to fight that bad, face my death knight boy" she called out naturally cold. And looking over to Izumi, I crossed my legs and pouted.

"No," I declined her offer, looking away and she laughed before stepping over to us, and as she had, talking to us, "What a shame, and after all that talk of fighting~"

She was instigating, but I wasn't going to fall for it now.

"Yeah, everyone in the dungeon's around Level 100, so I don't think it's wise young lord," the Ape Demon came in siding with them, but then I smiled, "Are you so sure~?"

Looking at him, my tail slammed against the ground and I found myself plotting. But then sighing, he pulled out a booklet and tossed it in front of me, "Hm? What's this?"

Looking at it, it was in common? "This is the Manual we get once a demon becomes a general, it's Zim's personal martial art manual, we call it the blue dragon martial art manual since our lord is the king of ice and his favorite color is blue, and he's almost like a kind Dragonoid to us"

Hearing that made no sense, but I listened anyways.

"Why are you showing me this, I'm not a Demon General" I exclaimed bitterly, but then the Ape smiled, "No, you're not, but you command two of them, and I know Zim will appreciate it if we let you learn this rather than that gazu idiot demon's martial arts," clicking his tongue distastefully, " ugh, we don't like Balor..."

Crossing his arms, "Our lord Asmodeus ran into him a few centuries ago before even I was born, and the two of them had conflicts since, so we'd rather give this to you"

Tilting my head, "And that's my problem how, he's my cult's patron, and mine as well?" I told him, but looking at me sourly, "His methods are brainless and idiotic"

He said but that left something nasty in my mouth.

"So this is supposed to be a stronger martial art?"

I asked, and as I said that, he nodded his head to it.

And smiling, "Bet, that's all you had to say," and I happily picked it up and started looking at the first page.

Dumfounded, "Wait really?!" he said back in shock.

And I said honestly, "Yeah, I'm not siding with a weaker demon, also Zim's a slime, I find them cute, plus if I can get a better grasp on this than you, I can mock ya better" and hearing that, he nervously chuckled, "Uh... Yeah..." i was joking though.

Glancing at him, "I'm kidding, I mock everyone, like them bones over there, and the walking piece of armor next to you~" I said, getting a bunch of eyes now on me as well.

But fuck them, I don't care, what does this book have to say~ Ooooooooh, That's interesting, it has a theory to it!

. . . . .Several Hours Later. . . . .

After Asmodeus came back, I held onto the book and we separated from the others, we went to a room and he had some board waiting for me where he began to go over magic theory and combat, how magic mixes, and some other stuff. It later became irrelevant to me as it was... Too complicated to me.

But then he left, and didn't come back, so chilling in there I began to read over the booklet, and started practicing what was in the book, mainly the foundations.

. . . . .A Few More Passing Hours. . . . .

Over this span of time, I practiced it for hours at a time before he came back. And when he did, Izumi and the others with her left, and he came back with books too?

Finding out what they were, they were spell books with the elements I use and could use if I wanted to trade them out for something else, but honestly, it'd take too long.

So picking up a flame spell book, I decided to pick up a few new skills, and checking them out for a whole two days, I managed to learn two spells that I wanted. But due to the negative magic I have, it's chaotically demonic.

But that's not the point, that just means mine are better!

I think, honestly it depends on who I'm facing. Anyways!

Ignition: controlling the hot kinetic energy inside me, I can attach and connect it to whatever I'm grabbing, and give it a shield of flames, well, more like an aura, it heats the blade without melting or burning it, dealing a bunch of damage depending on how strong my magic is.

So like as of now, it'll only coat my weapon in a light fire, making the blade more durable and able to produce heat.

Also, I don't really need an incantation to perform this.

Fire Bolt: bundling kinetic energy and heating my magic, I can create a small sphere of fire in my hand and launch it out at an opponent, but if I condense it and add more firepower to it, the bolt becomes exactly like a fireball.

Which from practice is basically giving me them both.

Also, this doesn't need an incarnation to activate.

And this last one was personally taught to me.

Flame Aura: Allowing my magic to actively flow, I produce a coating of fire, and or heat that spreads to every part of me, I've done it before, but this time, I know how to do it, and I actually know about it unlike before.

And from how the being walking in on us practiced it acted, it's not as weak sounding as I thought it was, or as useless.

Looking at the two new skills I picked up, they were going to be the foundation of my firepower, one for Meele and the other for range attacks, while the aura's my powers.

Plus I kind of already release one when I cultivate too?

Wait do I release a fire aura when I cultivate??? Do I???

Asking about it, apparently to strengthen my body more, I need to circulate the kinetic energy, aka, the hot energy inside of me to activate it, because if I just do magic then I... Oh, I apparently release an Incubus Aura? Wait what?!

Uuuugggghhhhh, why does no one tell me these things!? I'm so confused!

Anyway, now it's time for me to pick up some shadow skills, and looking at them, I see a few I like but I'm kind of unsure about them, but I need to practice them first to see which ones fit me the best. Or I'll have to redo it.

And doing that, it took shorter than expected to find.

Shadow Blink: using this technique, allows me to use any shadow I see as a limited teleportation circle, and in the blink of an eye, basically I manifest before you haha!

Shadow Cloak: Basically I become invisible in shadows.

Shadow Armor: It creates an aura out of my magic, but as said, because of that, it runs on my magic while active.

Shadow Field: like a force field, my shadow extends and or any shadow around me that's not from another living creature, and bubbles me inside of a shadow-ish dome.

Using the next day to learn these surprisingly quickly, I mastered the basics of these unlike the fire spells, and next, we were onto learning about soul manipulation.

But first, I wanna write these down so I don't forget them while still learning them, imma look at them daily. . .

. . . . .A Little while later. . . . .

Waking up, I blinked several times before realizing how I wasn't where I fell asleep, I woke up somewhere. . .Else?

And getting out of bed, I instantly noticed a whiteboard.

And knowing who did this, I sighed, "Asmodeus..." Yeah...

And walking over to it, in perfect common he said, "Soo, this is kind of the last and final exercise for you to do, I prepared something for you to awaken your soul skills!"

But looking at it, it doesn't even look like he knows what he's talking about, but reading more of it, "This is similar to what I went through to understand them myself, but I tweaked it to make it fun and harder for you since you're more ambition when it comes to challenges, therefore I and the others came up with this idea, there'll be tips at each starting zone of the 10 levels, so good luck kiddo!"

Facepalming myself, "Damn it, I knew he'd do something like this eventually, and I have an idea of what he's going to do, he wants me to kill things and try feeling the soul power of each living thing right, nah... I'll Do it different"

Grinning at the idea, I glanced at the door, kinda excited.

"Hah, ah~ Let's turn this into an Ero~ I'm a little peckish"