Endurment: Almost There

Waking up early again, a couple months have gone by, things like that night repeated a lot, Nurma gave birth to another one of my children, Autumn was on the way, and we figured out Nurma gives birth every three months from how it's seeming, I don't mind.

I made our small cabin for the 8, but we'll need more space, so I've decided to dedicate more of this year into expanding our living space and chore work.

Nurma and me hunted, occasionally Athena and me when Nurma couldn't. Other than that we started growing medical hurbs to start making profits.

And using me and Alison's alchemy skills, we're able to sell to the NerBray Coven and Hames Coven which the girls used to be apart of, Alison goes to sell them to there while Athena traves off to NerBray coven.

Keeping this up while growing a small settlement for us, the year started to pass, and I started loosing track of time here, I stopped counting after Autumn gave birth to a healthy girl. I noticed something too.

All of my kids have the same eyes as me, and ram-like horns with a pointy thin tail. I thought that their Incubus and Succubus traits would start to show when they're eighteen, but it looks like I'm wrong.

Now the issue is feeding them, they're good now, but I won't know how to feed them if they have to eat like me, I may just have to feed them souls like I did with the twins when they were born, but for how long?

I'm surprised that they can handle it, I did it out of instinct the first time, but it doesn't seem to be an issue. So I might just have to in the future.

When they're of age I'll move to a populated land to spread their wings, but until then, we'll stay isolated.

Making up the plan in my mind, we endured on.

* * *With Time Passing* * *

Alison ended up getting with her best friend, he came to join up weary of me, but ended up tryin' to befriend me later on, Athena ended getting super drunk one night with me and we ended up hooking up shortly.

But that night got her knocked up, so I had a lot more responsibility thrown onto me as she threatened to poison me if I decided to run away from this issue.

But I didn't, she overreacted as I merely told the other two... But that just had me punished as they didn't like that. Although it taught me sleeping with Athena gets me laid in a rough but passionate night. So- bazaar~

But after that night, me and Athena became like best buds. . .After she pulled up on me trying to fight me.

Now to mess with me, she'll flirt with me or make an occasional remark in front of my girls to make them jealous, little did she know since we don't need to share rooms anymore, she helped me greedily feed.

But today after hunting a Nature Stag, this wonderful beast with vines shrouding it's antlers, and radiating a sense of otherworldly life, I pondered something.

I wonder how my old crews doing? It's been so long.

Thinking about them, I wonder how long it's been.

Seeing how big my kids have grown, I think I'm going to let go of going back to them. This was the best thing that's happened to me. I'm not going back.

In another year, I'll reach Rank 6, and protect my coven, as surprisingly as their Dark Priest, second to Athena who became our Matriarch and leader.

It was her idea to start the coven, and I didn't want it, so giving her the power to lead us, and give me tasks to do so I don't ever get bored if not with my family, I was happy by this dynamic. The girls not so much.

But we're happy, and I plan on keeping it this way.

But I am curious how they're doing, I hope they're safe. I may have moved on fast, but reasonably so.

* * *Meanwhile(N PoV)* * *

A month and a half has passed in the 5th realm, and Mari is on her last nerve with Hiro, "How could you let her-" Mari was screaming, but Hiro looked away and shrugged his shoulders, "She's her own person, Mari" he said back annoyed with her, with Grace there too.

"It's kind of funny~" Grace commented, and snapping at her, "No it's not!" But appearing out of nowhere, the other half came, "He just has to let me peg him every night for an hour and we can get his manhood back~" Silfy said joyously as she hopped into the conversation.

But growling at her, "It's funny huh, how! And you, shut up!" Mari couldn't stand them at this point.

"At least we don't have to worry about him assulting someone, well, worry about an accusation given his personality," Grace said optimistically to the group.

"Yes! But now he's going to be worse than before!" She said, but looking over at a girl in a corner of the broad bedroom curled in a brown, crying into her soft brown hair, "What did I do to deserve this... Boohoo"

But looking back at her with a blank face, Hiro said, "Yeah, I doubt that, he's suffering already with this chick trying to get him to let her peg him nightly"

Jumping over happily, "I helped him, the witch he offended was going to do worse~" Silfy giggled.

Sighing, "I'm going to make Aster pay for making me deal with y'all nutcases" he irritatingly says every day.

* * * * *

Following the months beyond today, he wasn't any different his control wavered and his sanity stabled for only 2 days before he needed to feed on someone.

And stepping outside into the bright sun, he yawned as he woke up in a whorehouse. But returning to their temporary house in Sarudain after a quick visit to the clinic for an arm injury, he uttered, *My existence... Is fading, how much longer until Aster finds a way back"

He questioned, and pondered, it's been 7 months since he died and was sent to the dark realm, but knowing Aster, he doesn't get why he's not back?

"Did he give up on returning?" He wondered.

But getting near his house, "I wouldn't even blame him if he did, anywhere else is better than this hell" knowing it from his upbringing, he accepted fate.

But at the same time. It hurts to, so he's still going to curse Aster for whatever decision he had made. Not knowing how long his soul fragment could endure.

But going inside and seeing the group already up, some making breakfast and the others in the living room, he chuckled, "Enjoy your afterlife bro, I'll take it from here," uttering his regards while he made peace.

"So I figured out where the Blacklight company is heading towards, these months of investigation has not gone to waste, because they're going somewhere familiar, they're going somewhere we know best~" I smiled, looking over at her as she cut her hair short.

"They're going to the Southern City of Nafumia, and our phyric flame clan is their target. Goal's sorcery" he announced, "They spoke of gaining our power"

Hinting it to Mari as this was grave, she was playing with her hair and kept resting, but seeing this he was in sheer disbelief, she was supposed to shoot up in panic? "Cool, let's go back to the cult, we're done" Mari said bluntly.

Shocked greatly, "What?" But jumping in, Grace said, "Wait we can't go home, what about Aster, someone-" she was then cut off, "He knows to go back to the cult, also what if he decides he doesn't want to spend his afterlife coming back to our hell, leave him alone!"

He said bluntly and passionatly, surprising everyone.

But realizing his sudden outburst, he looked away and Greg got up, and he/she said, "Aster knows to come back to the cult upon revival like the other Demons Rika's mentioned, and as for that order?"

Pondering for a sec before speaking, Greg said, "We will head to Nafumia and capture those trators, they already abandoned their mission, they're up to no good, we need to bring them back to the cult"

But looking at him, with surprise, Greg stood their ground and looking at Hiro, said, "Our next journey is to Nefumia, everyone pack your bags, we're leaving"

* * * * *But At The Same Time* * * * *

At the Natsu clan, yawning in the sewers, a little devil gets up, only to drag himself to a latter where he saw a mountain of inhuman corpses pluage the sewage.

Turning the water red and mixed with bloods.

'It's almost complete, I just need one more month' the Devil said, gulping as his throat was slick with bloods, he had to eat some of the tributes down here today.

The Natsu clan stopped feeding the slum Natsu's last week, so he's been having to eat some of his tributes, but hoped it wouldn't affect the spell that much.

But the steps were almost complete.

And staying in the sewers, he continued his work.

And in the following month, he activated the array.