Into The Abyss

As panic escalated into wrath, and wrath into this need to destroy, I lashed out in a rage, roaring and stunning all, allied and enemy. But Barlebell rooted himself standing his ground and claiming his mind, finally taking the situation seriously as his demeanor shifted instantly.

Covering himself with a barrier at the mere thought of it, "Aster, focus. This isn't the time for you to lose yourself. We need you here, with us. I don't know who or what has put these thoughts in your brain, especially after that ghastly sight. But we'll find out together. I promise you," he spoke calmly and assuringly. Convincing me without a glance...

His suffrage echoed through my mind, vibrating axions in my nerves and pushing chemicals to discharge in my body, endeavoring to settle me instantaneously. His magic fueled my ill intent to destroy. And wailing louder as I attacked his barrier I saw he knew his spell failed. 

Relentlessly attacking, forcing particles of mana to clash against each other, slowly but surely his barrier started to crack as he was on defense, scheming ways to get rid of me. While at it, my mind wandered, the unknown man's voice echoing in my mind like mocking shades, spiraling around my psyche and forcing me into an illusion.

My mind was a mess, all I hear are screams, my screams, they found me, I must kill them all, what if THEY find me, I need to disappear, I won't be put down or sealed away, what if it's not 10,000 years like Asmodeus, what if it's for eternity, I'm scared, why am I so scared! 


Watching as I grabbed my head roaring to the beating in my ears using this beastly and multistory form. Barlebell conveyed, "He's under influence, COVENS! Someone has hexed this lad, share your mana with me!" he took command, putting a secondary barrier up and around us, lessening their restraint. My team took no time entering the arena. "The hell are you doing Barlebell? What did you do to my priest!!" Athena took no time in trying to shatter the barrier and take my side, yet seeing her heat signatures with my vision soaking in a pool of bloodstained hue. I grabbed the ground and rammed where she was, unharming her with the barrier up but still hurting her through vibrations on the shield. Throwing her off, and shocking our team.

"Stay back, it took a little for me to realize it, but after a little analysis, someone has cursed this Priest with the berserker spell, causing him to rampage when he became venerable. It's a rooted one so it must have taken place before we discussed the marriage proposals," he said calmly, still examining as I tried attacking my team from inside this vail.

And it only tore away at my heart. Was what he said true, my eyes burned and my hate only intensified, why was I trying to hurt them, why am I trying to everyone, and escape... Me? 

Growing larger as my eyes swelled up and a river streamed as I started growing stronger. Everyone was screaming something, magic circles were manifesting to cast higher spells, mana was being drawn in and absorbed by me, or being channeled to him by his people.

"Move everyone! I'm about to detoxify him with holy magic!" Barlebell stated as the sky parted and a beam of gold and rays of light surrounded us under a magic circle. But as he started, Nurma who was grabbed by Alison screamed as they started their escape, "STOP! He's Of The Demon Race! You'll Kill Him!" but it was too late for me and a bream of light struck me down. 

Bruning away at me, dispersing the darkness in an agonizing, shrieking pain, I gained control as I rumbled the earth with my howl. And reaching out, I collided every soul I had collected over the last few years into my very essence. And then everything blanked.

A smoke cloud of dust joyously covered the arena, and as all mana was dispersed only to be stained in holy aura, "Aster! ASter!" they screamed, trying to return to the sight. Athena who was picking herself up after being knocked down by the collision, blasted an excited flock of wind driving the dustcloud into the crowd. Finally revealing the aftermath of the purge. 

Seeing a beam of sunlight shining on two figures, one was hunched over gasping for the blessed air around, and then being released from a crumbling black shell. I changed again, showing my stripped body, muscularly lean, barely clothed outside of my torn pants. Now revealing a prominently refined demonic features to a custom-designed demonoid body. 

* Thick ashen ram and long curved horns sticking out his head, evil eyes sharp enough to pierce the air around them yet also pull forth hidden desires, a sexy and solid body dressed in thin webbing and tiny spiders, only adding the appeal as seemed mysterious and alluring as it stretches down and mixes in with a sharp thin tail, used for both pleasure and play.* 

Feeling their eyes on me in shock and then another at me as it was coming from that old geezer, "The hell you all looking at! I'm an immortal and angsty teenager, bite me!" I said crossing my arms and turning away from them, pouting. But hearing footsteps nurma had jumped at me. But throwing my hand out, she collided with my hand stopping her, I sourly said, "I'm sorry but not today, I'm a little moody and I'm also sorry bout that, I'm something" 

Looking away she grabbed my hand, "Stop scaring me then dumbass!" glancing at her with tears in her eyes, and feeling the dried and stained ones on my own, "Oh shut up idiot, I will" I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug, the others got over to me and started questioning me like crazy, but I... Lowkey walked away while putting Nurma on my shoulder because I didn't want to hear anyone shit. Kids were happy to see me okay so I hung out with them as this covens chief was clearing things up as well as telling them our original plan and error. 

After being surrounded by the girls though, I just looked at them in a stare-off, "How long are you going to be bratty and rebellious, why aren't you answering my questions, also you look a little younger, or older, or both??" she questioned immediately, but having our kids present too as we were all cooped up together for right now, I looked away, "Long story short..."

I sighed before speaking the words clogging my throat, "As you heard, something made me a little mad, because I heard from the man I killed, that these divine entities that have bad blood with my father found out I'm alive and kind of want me captured or dead I think..."

But hearing that and the adults in the room taking it seriously, unlike the kids who I blocked my voice from reaching their ears with my sorcery and made it something else. "The hell! A little mad! You went murder crazy, dumbass!!!" Athena scolded, but the others frowned and Alison spoke after telling Athena to shut up so she could talk, "You're being hunted, Aster it's finally time for you to tell us where you're from, I think we all need to understand what WE will be getting into, we'll work it through together like you had for us, now, we will in turn"

Not hesitating, "Father was an emperor thousands of years ago and thrown to the fifth realm, the one I was manifested into and born before I was killed and my soul was dragged to the birthplace of its creation or something in theory, but either way, I was supposed to awaken and reconstruct my form in a year, but I was manifested instantly from the info I gathered, and that's also the same day I met you three, I tried looking for a way back at first, but then I accepted my life here and started a family I was happy in here" I stated.

Telling them my whole situation without a batting an eye, "That sums it up," I finished, and processing it, "So prince..." staring at Alison, "Fuck off," clenching her eyes and staring, "Fair enough," flipping me off I did it back and she started giggling disturbing the other witches.

"Aren't you both in your mid-twenties," Athena was even more disturbed by how we were acting, but I pouted at her as Alison insulted her personality, and I came back snarling, "I'm Immortally 19, and incubus means to be rooted strongly in emotions, deal with it!" I fought. 

But then grabbing me, and violently shaking me, Autumn and even Nurma jumped in swinging me around like a stick, began scolding me and forcing me to take this matter seriously, and so I did, reaching my arm out, a rift started spiraling behind everyone.

Confused the little ones as I was boasting a story, annoying the girls with a tale to them. 

But opening a rift, "I still need more time to root my magic into the earth, but I've almost established a connection to the dark realm, soon I'll be able to return home," I said and they bounced up, "No" "You Can't" "I'm coming with then!!!" they yelled as Autumn was in pure disbelief. But even seeing that and looking at her, I came over and grabbed her head tightly.

Pushing back a little to see her teary face, I smiled, "It's only a ploy, I'm going to deceive them and make them follow me to another realm, I have no connection to my homeworld because I only have here and if I ever do go back, I'll keep on coming back, back to you" I said reassuring her I truly didn't plan on going anywhere, I just need them to go elsewhere.

"Wait when could you do this!" Alison questioned, looking over and hugging Autumn, "I evolved after that painful retribution, I absorbed all the souls I saved and ranked up, this is the level before I transcend to a divine being, so I was granted a spacial travel, by, I don't know, the world? Or just by evolution you know, inborn acquirey is weird to me still," I stated.

But hearing that, all of their faces dropped, and Alison fell back, uttering, "A Demi-God". 

And thinking about it, "Oh year I am at the Demi-God stage, and I didn't Implode? Oh..."