Iron man

A/N:btw this is comic taskmaster we are talking about here. Also my naming sense is absolutely atrocious so Mc's nickname might be a lil cringe

————————————————————————Looking off into the distance I let out a low sigh. Recently shield has been relentless in their hunt for the League. They set up a trap to capture a member of the League. When I figured it out unfortunately it was too late, they surrounded him with blaring lights cutting off all opportunity to shadow walk away. Unfortunately I had to kill him with the soul connection on the plus side they never even got to know his identity because the second they moved the body to a place with minimal shadows I controlled them to drag him in.

Most members weren't sad at all but we still had a small burial out of respect for his commitment to the League. Even though he wasn't an important member it pissed me off knowing shield is so daring.

Turning to bullseye I tossed him a folder and said "take who you want, shield thinks they are smart but my way of doing things is simple if they take an eye we take ten. I want that known so, Benjamin go wild"

Now what I'm doing could be Interpreted as rash and foolish but contrary to those who might think that, this move will serve multiple purposes. One it shows the members of the League that I care about them making them view me in a different light. Two it shows fury that actions have consequences. Three, although the base is supposed to be a normal shield outpost but I have a hunch that's not the case.

On a side note Yelena, Elektra and Laura seem to be getting on quite well. Although I'm not the best person in the world it does put a smile on my face seeing them interact with each other.

Tony should find his way back home pretty soon and things should get more exciting.

————time skip 1 month———

{Just in Tony Stark is alive and well! Not just that he has halted all production of Stark industries weapons! What will this entail for Stark industries future? Stay tuned.}

The mayhem has started, first it's robots then next thing you know aliens will try to invade earth.

I bought all of the stock I could and now I am a proud 10% shareholder of Stark industries. Other than that I have been spending time with Harry and Felicia while also training constantly.

In the past month shield has hit a dead end on the League since we've went recluse for training and recruitment. So far there is one hundred members and 7 commanders Elektra,Yelena,Laura, Bullseye,Taskmaster, John and Anna. Yes taskmaster is a new member how it happened was eventful to say the least.


I want to get taskmaster to join me not only for the training he could supply but for his prowess in assassination. Appearing in his compound which by the way is not even hidden, apparently he doesn't give two fucks about who finds him. Looking at him I said "hello Taskmaster, I have come with a proposal."

"I know who you are." he replied dryly

"Oh really? Do tell" I said in a amused voice

"The leader of the League of Shadows aptly named as the doctor of death" he said his demeanor calm and steady

"Oh~ what a fancy little nickname I got." I tried but I really couldn't contain my amusement

"Yes it is. So what is this proposal do you have for me." he now sounding bored

"Hmm it's simple really join the League I can assure you the pay is well and you can train the agents I heard you love doing that" I replied

"I see. Is that it?" he replied seemingly not Interested but I knew better

"Listen Taskmaster or should I call you Tony? Ah I will just use Tony. I'm not saying to stop the operations you are already running. Joining the League will just be your secret identity's secret identity." I said with slight amusement seeing as he was shocked I knew his identity

"Hm seems like you know a lot about me but I don't know much about you." he replied

"And I like to keep it that way Tony. Listen your really not loosing anything in the deal here." I replied with a slight chill to my voice

He seemed to deliberate for a while before saying "Hm okay but only if you fight me first. I want to see my new all powerful leader."

"What so you can copy all of my moves?" I replied

"Tch I doubt I will need to 'copy' your moves" he said slightly offended

"Hmm okay let's do it" I finally said

In a open space me and Taskmaster stood away from each other. Ready to pounce at any sign of attack.

He broke the stale mate rushing me with his sword already in hand


He came down with his sword aiming at my head


I quickly used my cane to block while simultaneously drawing my dagger.




We traded blows for a while, my dagger collected a good amount of kinetic energy. Activating my jinn form I rushed him again, my dagger making course to his throat


Thanks to his fast reflexes he barely managed to block the strike with the flat side of his sword.

"Gotcha" I said in a creepy voice

Before he could understand what I meant the kinetic energy stored in my dagger burst forth forcing him to stagger back a couple of steps. Not waiting for him to catch his bearings I rushed forward and put the tip of my cane on his stomach


Kinetic energy burst forward launching him into a wall.




The room was in silence the only sound that could be heard was that of my shoes tapping on the concrete floor as I made my way to him.

Once I made my way over to him I said "now you will join me."

"Yes I suppose I will." He replied still calmly while adding on "good fight, I would've won if it wasn't for the bullshit weapons you have"

"I don't see the problem you used a sword did you not?" I replied

"Point taken." He said while sighing

"Good now repeat after me and shake my hand 'i Tony masters swear my undying loyalty'"

"Um that's a weird method. Anyways i Tony masters swear my undying loyalty" he replied half heartedly while shaking my hand

"Good, your first task is to train the member of the League the second task is to keep your facilities running if you find someone promising let me know to recruit them." I said

"Got it." He replied curtly

—-flash back end——

Thanks to him we have gotten some good members and improved our existing ones. Taskmaster was probably the best recruit of the year in terms of usefulness.

Now onto important matters I already have a man in the shadow of Obadiah Stane waiting for the moment he steals the arc reactor out of Tony's chest. It seems Tony still hasn't made his grand debut taking out the terrorist yet but it probably won't take long.

After arriving at my house everyone was asleep so I snuck into my bed and cuddled up next to Felicia.

I seemed to have awoken her because she turns over and cuddled into my chest and said "late night at work Norman?"

"Yeah it was a tiering day." I replied

"Mm you need to take a break sometimes." she replied planting a kiss on my lips

"Aha that I do love that I do." I said while reciprocating the gesture

We stayed up talked for awhile before drifting off to sleep. The next day I was training Harry in the courtyard.

"Gotta be faster than that buddy." I said with a smirk

"Huff You're to strong dad." he replied winded

"If I'm too strong then just get stronger."

"Fine I will old man." He said while rushing me again


Sweeping his leg I made him collapse in exhaustion.

Looking down on his sorry figure I said in my most convincing surprised voice "oh wow this old man just kicked your ass!"

"Tch" was all I got in response

"Cheer up Harry you are already strong for your age and will continue to increase that strength with time, practice, and most importantly patience." I said seeing his glum mood

"Yeah! I will totally kick your ancient ass in the future!" He said with a smirk

"Huh? What did you just say brat!?" I replied in mock anger

"Nothing! Gotta go my youthful dad!!" Harry said quickly leaving

I'm not going to lie having a son is fun.


Currently I'm with Laura after finishing one of our spars. We have been having weekly spars since our first one, it's been nice because I don't have to hold back my strength with her of course I don't use shadow control because it would be to easy at that point.

Turning to her I said "what are your plans for the future?"

She grunted before saying "destroy the facility."

"Hehehehe I can definitely help with that." I replied with a cynical laugh that just came naturally

"Thank you." she replied with a small smile

"Ah don't mention it I was going to do it anyways." I said waving her off

Returning to my office at Oscorp I turn on the news channel

{ It's just in a flying robot? Saved the people from the horrible grasp of the terrorist. Real life footage will now play!}

{ who is the man in the armor? Is what we have all been asking. I can assure you all the second we hear about it you will so stay tuned!!}

Hm it seems like soon Stane will make his move against tony leaving me the perfect opportunity to strike.

Clicking a button on my desk I alerted my secretary Cheryl to come in. Once she arrived I said laughing "can you believe this stuff?"

"I know sir it's crazy. What has our world come to." She replied

"Well obviously it's come to having flying robots save the day hahaha!" I said jovially

"Anyways please pass me the files on the recent test with N-26." I added

"Yes sir." She replied handing me the files before leaving

Checking the files I see N-26 has been performing stunningly on all cylinders. I can't wait until the drug gets legalized, maybe I should give it a little shove to move things along?

—-pov change ancient one—-

I still can't figure out what is happening to the time stone. My recent glances in the future are becoming more and more hard to read. I hope that whoever is causing these changes is a friend not foe.

——pov Change Nick fury—-

Times are changing, one second there is a group of assassins that can move in the shadows and the next a flying robot billionaire.

We devised a trap for the League of shadows. I thought we succeeded too unfortunately he died on the spot once cornered not to even mention how the second we brought him to a dark area a shadow ate his ass.

And as a retaliation that damned league MASSACRED A WHOLE SHIELD BASE. How I know it was them because those bastards waved WAVED to the cameras before destroying them.

"So many MOTHER FUCKING PROBLEMS" I spat out in rage

—-pov change Natasha—-

I can't help but feel that Yelena is the person who hummed American pie. I just know it.

——pov Mc—-

Things are starting to finally get interesting. I can't wait to see what the future holds.


AN I purposefully didn't say anything else about bullseyes mission because I wanted to see if anyone would like to suggest what they found at the shield/hydra base. I don't have an idea yet but I want it to be something that will piss off fury even more lmao.