
A/N: after this chapter mutant shit is coming. So I was looking at some wiki pages and most say iron man 2 was set in 2009 as well so I'm just going to go with it. 2010 hulk 2011 thor let me know if I'm missing something.


After everything settled down on the League's side Norman decided to take some long-deserved time off with Harry and Felicia. Currently, the three of us are making our way to the zoo.

Turning to Harry I said teasingly "hey Harry maybe you will get to see a unicorn~."

Harry's face instantly turned pale "old man I'm thirteen stop bringing up my dark past. Mom you gotta help me this devil won't stop!"

Felicia looked highly amused and replied "Norman Harry is right stop picking on Harry. Plus we all know Harry now has a crippling fear of unicorns because of you~."

Laughing I added "yeah your right the brat is absolutely terrified of unicorns maybe we should look into a shrink."


"Pfft oh yeah those magical horses sure are scary monsters~." Felicia chimed in

"Ahaha okay let's drop it or Harry will blow a fuse." I said

Harry just stayed silent. Maybe we went too far oops.

Once we got to the zoo we started walking around enjoying our time together.

"Wow look at that dad!" Harry said pointing at a Komodo dragon.

Then he proceeded to list all known facts about their biological makeup. He sure does take after me.

While Harry was drawing very detailed drawings of the various animals. I inches closer to Felicia and said "did I just see my little cat pickpocket two innocent couples~?"

Felicia quickly averted her eyes and responded meekly "Um I'm sorry it was just on instinct I swear!"

"Bahaha that's my cat." I said in an amused voice

After the zoo, we went and got gelato then went home to watch movies.

My day was great I'm sure everyone else's day was great too.

--------pov nick fury-----

the loyal shield agents and I have been cleaning house for weeks now and they just keep popping up like fucking rats.

If it wasn't for the brain wave detectors that Tony Stark made shield would be faring much worse. But that motherfuker ripped us off!

My office door burst open pulling me out of my thoughts looking up I saw it was Clint.

"Why are you barging into my office!" I asked with a strong voice

"Sorry, sir but we just got the news half of the researchers at the shield base in Dallas have been compromised!" said, Clint

"You go personally take Maria with you and some clean agents" I replied

After he left I slumped down into my chair. These last few weeks have been rough.

------Tony Stark pov---

Hahaha, those idiots at shield gave me the research they conducted on nonmetallic alloy for a state-of-the-art brainwave scanner.

They said 'it's useless anyways' what a bunch of idiots. Magneto has been way more active recently and I need to prepare for when he eventually attacks again.

If it wasn't for that plague doctor guy I wouldn't have known how desperate they were for the device. That's what shield gets for hiding my father's research from me and sending a hot spy into my company again if it wasn't for the early tip I would've fallen for it.

I owe Doc massively now, maybe I will give him some of this new alloy if it pans out.

The best part is they think I'm still poisoned.

----pov Natasha----

God, I hate this mission Tony is such a man-child. I thought he was going to be bad but I feel like this is just torture whenever I make progress he just says some cocky shit and then sends me to a mountain of paperwork that I swear is just made up.

-----pov ancient one---

This timeline is so scrambled why am I even bothering to check this useless stone.

--pov mc---

Since there is currently little to work on at the League I am working on a new research project for Osborn industries. The original purpose of extremis was to heal injured veterans. So I figured I could dampen the effect it has and create a medical phenomenon that could close wounds in seconds imagine the lives he could save and more importantly the money and reputation. I mean at that point who would even dare to say I'm the leader of the League.

Whether I like it or not reputation goes a long way toward the opinions of the masses.

I've already created a version that could heal legs and other major injuries. The hard part is lessening the effect to only heal medium injuries or lessen the impact of major ones.

Since I have had agents take care of anyone that knew about extremis no one will even know that it's the core ingredient for the healing agent.


I'm currently sitting on my couch with Felicia watching the news

{It's just in the brotherhood of mutants attacked a U.S compound claiming that until we the "homo sapiens" repent for the wrongdoing to the "superior race" for our actions more people will die}

"Man what the fuck Magneto is going off the rails." I said turning to Felicia

"Tell me about it him and his group are insane!" she replied in an angry tone

"I think it's time to recruit more mutants," I said

"Hm why do you think that?" she replied

"Well because the two I have in mind will be extremely helpful to us in the future and will allow us to be a step ahead." I answered

"I see that's good!" Felicia said with a smile

Well, it's time to pay a visit to the underside of Manhattan.

-----scene change pov narrator----

Underground the streets of Manhattan one could see a pale bald man with gorgeous women holding a katana.

Suddenly two figures emerge from the shadows, one with a plague doctor's mask and the other dressed like an assassin.

"Hello there Caliban and Psylocke. I have come to make a rather lucrative deal." the plague doctor said

Psylocke is instantly ready for combat and Caliban seemed to tense up.

"I didn't sense you?" Caliban said in confusion

"Well, I'm not a mutant." The doctor of death responds

"But that person is yet I still couldn't sense her." Caliban said

"Ah well, that's not unusual." the doctor answered

"Anyways I have come to make an offer you both can't refuse." Norman continued

"Tch try me." Psylocke finally chips in

"No, let's hear it my interest is peaked on my the doctor of death himself has paid me a visit," Caliban said

"Simply, I want you both to join the League, you can continue to run your business here I assure you but I think both of you would benefit greatly from joining." Norman said

"Oh, and what are these benefits?" Caliban asks

"You would be joining a family more so than a group we will have your back in anything but betrayal, you will both be safer with us than without and no one will discriminate against you," Norman said his ability to smooth talk showing its prowess

Caliban looked at Psylocke and said, "can we have a day to discuss with each other?"

"Of course." the doctor replied before he and his associate disappear

Once they are gone Caliban looks at Psylocke and asked: "what do you think Betty you were very quiet?"

"Hm I couldn't hear both of their thoughts although it was off-putting at first it became quite nice to finally not have to always know what someone is thinking," she replied

"Really? Interesting I say we join if it's not our cup of tea we can always leave." Caliban said with a creepy smile

'I don't think it is that simple' Psylocke thought to herself

-----pov mc----

After returning to the base I strolled around watching my agents train with Taskmaster and the other commanders. Since we get fresh recruits from Taskmaster frequently and we have also gotten a large portion of the hand our members are rising at an exponential rate. Currently, the League has 200 members and growing granted a lot of them are low-level members and just work in recon or tech areas.

It seems like Bucky and Lucas are getting along with the others. Lucas is Bowman's real name which was never revealed in marvel.

I slowly made my way back to my office thinking of the future soon iron two will happen and then hulk in 2010. So after all of this mutant madness gets settled I want to go after the ten rings. Because of my mental immunity, I shouldn't be affected by the mental corrosion they emit.

The next day as I expected both Caliban and Psylocke joined the League. They were both weirded out at first about the whole shake my hand and say you will be loyal thing but I assured them that it's just a way to grant my shadow abilities nothing else. Yeah, they fell for it typical people see a cool new ability and are willing to do about anything.

Now that they both joined I have a new powerhouse plus she's a telepath and Caliban is a mutant tracking device.

—-pov baron zemo —-

How did those fury know about hydra in shield. It makes no sense unless there is a traitor. Yes that must be it maybe Pierce was onto the traitor and got taken out before he could inform me. I must look into this.

——pov Mc ----

I'm currently at another boring charity party but this time I took harry and Felicia with me and kit of the corner of my eye I see the annoying blond Emma Frost.

She approaches me and says "Hello Norman how have you been since the last time we saw each other?"

Looking at her I responded " I have been quite well Emma. Ah, I would like you to meet Felicia and my son Harry."

"Hello, I'm Felicia nice to meet you, Miss Frost," Felicia says

"It's nice to meet you too Felicia and just call me Emma, please." Emma responded

"Of course." Felica said with a small smile

Harry seeing this as his opportunity to talk said "Nice to meet you I'm Harry."

"Nice to meet you Harry how are you enjoying the party?" Emma asks

"It's interesting," Harry said with a small smile

---scene change---

The next day after the party I drove to a nice cemetery, stepping out of my car I walked over to a grave that said, Emily Osborn Mother and wife. I haven't visited this grave because it was an emotional spot for the old Osborn.

"Hey, it's me Norman. I and Harry are doing fine and are trying our best to live life to the fullest. I might not be your Norman but you will always have a special place in my heart." I said

"I hope Norman is currently with you in the afterlife for you will always be dear to us both," I said before turning around and leaving.

Although I'm not the real Norman I received all of his memories and feelings. And all he had for Emily was pure unfiltered love.


A/N kind of a slice of life chapter I hope you all enjoyed it!!