A/N: so I think this is the perfect way to show tony is iron man because Ivan Vanko would notice that it's an arc reactor and put the pieces together I think leading to the race track attack. I realize this will be his second power-up in two chapters but honestly, it's a reasonable one. Next power up won't be till his X-Gene so don't worry that I am making him some op one shot everyone mc.
Thank you everyone for the support of this ff I love seeing the feedback!
--pov?? At the same time mc used the green shadow flame--
There it was again! Someone is connecting to a part of my domain this is very interesting. I don't know how but I can't seem to locate this individual. So very troublesome.
----Mc pov----
The FDA approved my extra life serum and now it's being provided to hospitals and other facilities in need. I decided to not sell it on the open market for all right now because it will probably cause a huge uproar in society so only places in need of it have access like hospitals, military aid, etc.
I'm not worried about anyone finding out how to make it because it uses high-level genetic sciences from research I got through the supersoldier serum notes, super soldier blood samples, and most importantly the extremis project. If anyone can truly figure out how to produce it by that time I will already have better alternatives out.
Safe to say once news got out about extra life came out my name and company exploded in popularity. I've been receiving calls all week from very important people. So far I have meetings with the president and General Joe Greller scheduled.
Currently, I'm inside the League of shadows base training all of my powers. I had never stopped training them but recently I have felt I might make a new advancement in my Jinn form.
My mind starts to wander into my shadows like they are a piece of me.
I am the shadows and the shadows are me.
-3rd person--
Without even realizing it Norman made his pale green shadow plague flames again covering the whole room in a sea of black flames with a tint of eerie green.
The ten rings flew from his forearms and started to rapidly spin around his body while the flames seemed to pull back and create a cacoon around Norman's body. Much like when he got his Jinn form. But this time the ambiance of the room was far creepier, the air carried the feeling of death.
Hours passed and the cacoon started beating more and more violently
One beat and the feeling of death wafted out of the room strangely not affecting any members of Normans League. But one thing they all can agree to is that they felt like they could die at any moment.
The feeling of death that affected the air and surroundings intensified once more
And again
And again
And again this time most members in the base directly passed out leaving only the commanders standing.
The cacoon burst open revealing what should be Norman but what is standing no floating there can only be described as a demon. He had four arms pale skin with green engravings all over his body there were no legs but only wisps of black smoke with tints of green. Two rings on each forearm and an extra one on the two main arms. The rings are now pitch black with green engravings.
While the feeling of death did disappear from the air around the base. It did not disappear from the aura around Norman.
----mc pov--
As I looked down at the smoke where my legs should be I felt oddly comfortable. And much more powerful. It felt as if my Jinn abilities have now reached their true form, I instinctively knew what I was now capable of. I could now in my human form give small mental suggestions to those with normal minds and even make them connect to me through contracts or other methods without having to use my jinn form. I have now two stages for my Jinn form stage one which is still the same except for new green eyes and stage two which is what I am currently in which is much stronger.
In my true Jinn form which is the name I came up for it, I have this aura around me that will make people feel like they're on death's doorstep. And that's just the icing on the cake in this form I can drain the life force of people and add it to my own not to mention my insane strength increase. The only sad part about the transformation is that my plague doctor outfit automatically disappears. It's not a big deal though because no one could even tell what I looked like in my human form.
The rings went through a cosmetic change but I can feel that they got stronger, almost like they bonded to my very being.
I turned back into my human form equipt the plague doctor outfit and left the training room.
As I left the training room I notice that many agents were passed out on the floor. I made it to the main room and saw that only the commanders were awake but they looked like they went through a battle.
Seeing me approach Yelena said "Doc! What was that!"
"Yeah Doc what the fuck was that feeling." bullseye added
Looking at them I replied, "It was nothing of your concern."
seeing that they were okay I disappeared into the shadows.
Once back home I unequipped my outfit and walked down the stairs. Since Harry now knows about my shadow abilities I no longer need to waste time driving home.
Walking down the stairs I reached the dining room and saw them waiting for me to join to ear dinner.
"Ah, you guys didn't need to wait long did you?" I said softly but my voice sounded different somehow
"No, we didn't need to. Come sit." Felicia replied
As I took my seat Felica and Harry noticeably tensed up.
I quirked my brow and asked, "what's wrong?"
Both seemed nervous for some reason.
Eventually, Felica opened her mouth and said with a frown "I don't know what's wrong. When you got closer all of a sudden I felt as if one wrong move and I could die."
I frowned hearing that. It must be because of my new form. If my human form makes people feel this way what will my true form make people feel?
"I see. I recently had a breakthrough in my abilities that must be the reason. Give it a couple of days and it will pass as you get more relaxed with the feeling." I replied.
I mean it's not like I can reign it in so they just have to get used to it to the point where they feel more comfortable.
"Yeah, I'm sure it won't take long." Felicia said
Adding to the conversation Harry said, "don't worry dad I will get used to it, after all, how can I be scared of my father!"
"Hahaha is that right?"
After the little incident, we ate dinner in a joyous and peaceful mood.
The next day I was sitting in my office at Oscorp looking over some sales data when my secretary came in.
"Sir have you seen the news it's crazy!" she exclaimed
"Hm? No, I haven't let me put it on." I replied
Clicking the tv in my office on I was greeted by a very bad sight
{ breaking news! The wildlife residing in the Catskill Mountains seems to have mysteriously dried up! Two hikers found this mysterious patch of land residing in the Catskills Mountains that is barren! Right now people are asking 'what could have caused this?'}
Shit that was all me. I have to find a way to stop them from looking into this incident after all the base is right under there!
Looking back at my secretary I said "wow that's crazy! What a weird phenomenon right?"
She nodded at my words "yes it is quite a strange occurrence sir."
After she left my office I quickly finished off work I equipped my outfit and shadow walked to the base. Appearing in the base I called Psylocke immediately.
"You needed me Doc?" she said
"Yes, I need you. I want you to hide in the shadows on the surface and anyone that investigates the strange phenomenon use your telepathy to make them think that everything is normal." I said
"Got it boss!" she said before shadow walking out
I also decided to head up and hide in the shadows near the area where they will investigate. I'm going to use this opportunity to test my new mental suggestion ability.
As I reached the surface I could already tell that Psylocke has been doing great work most are just checking around with no purpose. Then a couple of men in black suits pull up.
I can hear the lead person say to the investigators "Phil Coulson I'm here from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division to investigate the strange occurrence."
Hmm, who would have guessed Coulson would show up.
As he started to look around I put into his mind 'you found nothing' and 'it's just a vegetation problem'. They looked around for a little longer before taking some samples and leaving.
After making sure everyone left the area I returned to a training room in the base. Activating the lock on the door and then directly entering my true Jinn form. Although my body feels natural in this state I still must practice fighting with four arms, if someone would have told me that I would have had to practice fighting like this in the past I would have laughed at them.
After training for five hours I now have a decent amount of experience in my new form. Currently, I sat on my couch watching a Tv with Harry and Felicia they both teamed up on me and picked to watch Teen Wolf Felicia because she likes the 'story' and Harry because, and I quote 'Werewolves are cool and the chicks are hot, especially Lydia.' at least I know my son is cultured.
The next morning we were all having lunch today which is rare because I would usually have work to do but I took an off day to just relax at home after all I do own the company.
While we were eating Harry checked his phone and I could see his eyes widen in shock.
"What's up Harry?" I asked
"Dad check the news!"
Quickly whipping out my phone I opened my news app and clicked on the first news report with the title [Iron Man Revealed!]:
{This morning Tony Stark got attacked while racing In the Grand Monaco racing track! During the attack, it was revealed that Tony Stark is the iron man! After his racecar flipped over Tony struggled to get out, after escaping iron man armor flew through the sky and we saw Tony himself put the armor on! A brutal fight began shortly after. Once we get more news we will inform you first!}
Hmm, it looks like Iron man 2 is now happening and Tony got exposed. I wonder if this time anything different will happen?
"Dad can you believe it Tony Stark is Iron man!" Harry said with a face full of admiration
I wonder if he will show that face when he learns of what I do?
"I know it's sooo crazy right love!" I said with heavy sarcasm
"OH I know it's soo extremely unbelievable who could have known such crazy things?" My lovely partner in crime added on
Harry's face full of excitement immediately deadpanned "you both knew! And decided not to tell me!! THE BETRAYAL!" his tone full of fake suffering
"Must have slipped my mind sorry bud," I said in an honest tone
"Tch go sell your bullshit to someone else." he replied angrily
"Language young man." Felicia chided in a firm voice
"I can't get a win in this house." Harry mumbled in defeat
"Hahaha this is a form of advanced training so don't worry too much." I declared in a sagely voice
"What type of training is this!" he snapped back
"Why of course argument training. It helps your character grow." I replied smoothly
"Yeah this is essential to learn at a young age Harry," Felicia added on
"Hm I see," Harry replied in understanding
Poor kid, sorry but it's just too easy to mess with you.
A/N: so don't think that this new form means he is op right now he's just strong. I know that two powerups in two back to back chapters can be annoying as a reader but I want to say something about the new form 1) I wanted him to have a badass form when he goes all out in a real fight so this will stick with him 2) it was needed because my ff will have the Asgardians possess divinity and there will be other stuff I want to show that marvel never explored and I think the power of this form will allow a good fight not so one-sided 3) he probably won't powerup until he gets his X-Gene awakened.