
A/N: so I'm up to hear some cool recommendations for Telekinesis, I am not ashamed to admit I only really know what it can do on a surface level. Also suggestions for Harry and Felicia's mutant abilities?


It's been three days since the last time the ever so elegant Emma Frost tried to mind rape me. I honestly think it's hilarious she actually believes that someday she will get through my shields and into my head. It makes me wonder how angry mind rapist Xavier will react.

Currently, I'm preparing for a long and overdue heavy training session. For this particular training escapade, I decided to visit some Desolate Islands off in the middle of the ocean.

I honestly don't know how long I will be away from civilization but the important people in my life can still come to visit me. I have made several isolated areas covered in shadows that can act as waypoints for people that can't shadow walk that far. And we have already tested them several times so Felicia can visit me with Harry.

I have informed the commanders of the League to send me daily updates on what is happening even though I can share my member's senses and emotions I haven't got to the level where I can outright see through their eyes. Makes me wonder if at some point I can control their bodies like possession.

Now that everything is prepared for my big trip all's I have left to do is say my goodbyes to the kid and Felicia.

Walking down the stairs I can already see my beautiful soon to be wife and amazing son waiting for my arrival. Now I haven't asked Felicia to marry me but honestly, she's amazing in every way.

"I'll be off now," I said walking up to them both wrapping them in a big family hug

"Take care of yourself out there," Felicia said giving me a nice kiss

"Yuck," Harry said off to the side

"Thanks for killing the mood Harry," Felicia said with a small pout

"Bah who cares about the old man being safe I'm more worried about the poor island." Harry said with a smirk

"Yeah you're right Harry that poor island is going to face it's biggest disaster *Tehehe*. Felicia agreed giggling

"Very funny you two what do you think I'm going to do to the island?" I asked in an amused tone

"I don't know probably yell at it for not training hard enough," Harry said

"Yeah, you will probably ask it to swear its loyalty," Felicia said highly amused

"*sigh* you two are something else. Okay, I love you both it's time for me to go now." I said giving them one last hug before shadow walking away


I arrived at my destination a nameless island I spotted one time when I flew around the world.

I immediately took out some heavy metals of varying weights I recently made specifically to practice my Telekinesis. The weights are as follows 250 pounds, 500 pounds, 1000 pounds, 1 ton, 10 tons, 20 tons, all the way up to 350 tons which is my current physical strength as of right now. So if I were to lift every weight I brought at once I would be able to lift 5,950 tons and 1,750 pounds with only my telekinesis.

Of course, I will also be training my shadow control ability at the same time.

I started small and practiced fine control with Telekinesis I want to in the future create something like gojos ability limitless where if someone tries to attack me my Telekinesis will automatically block the attack preventing the attack from ever connecting. Right now I can only lift the 500-pound weight with ease and adding the 250-pound weight does put a little strain on my powers.

[time skip two weeks]

Currently, 31 tons and 1,750 pounds of weight are flying around me doing tricks in the air like an assembly line. I'm making them do 180s and other tricks. I have gotten a finer control over my Telekinesis and I understand how it fundamentally works. I started by envisioning a small hand lifting what I wanted but now I think of it more like a blanket coating the object I desire to control.

[time skip 2 weeks more]

Harry and Felicia just visited me a week ago and it was nice catching up with them. Right now I'm lifting with ease 100 tons and 1,750 pounds along with some trees and rocks. While at the same time a think layer of shadows is coating the ground like layer of paint. My Telekinesis is improving at an astonishing rate, now instead of a blanket my powers feel more like a river constantly flowing around me, and with a mere thought no hand motions involved I can widen or minimize the river to fit my needs.

[time skip one month]

I am a monster. I can lift every weight I have up to the 200-ton weight at the same time with ease sadly I have noticed I seemed to hit a bottleneck, my Telekinesis feels like an ocean now and I don't know what the next step is. My shadow control has reached new heights half of the island is covered in dark shadows with a tint of green, safe to say the side effect of that is now half the island is in decay drained of its vitality.

I've recently learned to condense the shadows around me to form a sludge-like substance. It's thicker and more dangerous than regular shadows, I want to learn how to crystallize them in the future.

[time skip two months]

I have broken through my ocean phase in an unlikely way. And it was all possible with rain.

--flashback 2 weeks ago---

Currently, I'm standing in the middle of a rainstorm thinking about how I should progress my Telekinesis. If I spread out my power it won't reach far, to be honest, and it takes a lot of strain to constantly have a telekinetic field around me. My time on this island has only strengthened my resolve to grow stronger. And honestly made me think about some of the things I kind of brushed away in the past. I was so absorbed in the cool abilities I never once thought to ask why? Why am I here? Why me? what makes me so special. Why can I kill with no mercy and why does nothing seem to bother me. For Christ's sake, I have a son now and I was only twenty in my past life, yet I accepted Harry as my own. And I know it wasn't because of the memories I got from Norman he was a shitty dad.

It seems like mental immunity really makes me immune to everything. My mind can adapt to new situations so easily it's insane. I realize I probably will never be able to figure out why I'm here but that doesn't mean I won't question why. I turned into a Jinn and didn't even think about how I'm no longer human, which is amazing. I am no longer a mortal I am an ancient creature that in legends were manipulative and cunning to their core. Is that who I am? probably but before I am a Jinn I'm simply Norman Osborn! And I'm glad I got reincarnated here my life has been nothing short of exciting so far and I intend to keep that theme.




The brutal yet comforting rain licked my face pulling me out of my thoughts. If only I could create rain whenever I want. Wait rain RAIN! That's it rain is my answer instead of an ocean why not have my Telekinesis appear as rain instead, that way it consumes less energy and covers a farther distance!

---flashback end---

And that's how currently an invisible rainstorm is happening all around me. I already tested it with Psylocke and Magik neither could sense a thing even though my telekinetic rain was pouring all over them.

Along with the invisible rainstorm happening around me 5,950 tons and 1,750 pounds of weight are floating around my body at a slow pace.

Deciding to leave a parting gift for the island I controlled all of the shadows in the area to float into the sky. Slowly a huge crystal dark as night floated above the island. Deciding to get a good view I floated above the island as well using Telekinesis on myself. Once above the island, I hurled the crystallized shadows into the island.

*booom* the island tore apart from the massive amounts of damage but, the attack didn't end there the crystal blew up *boom* coating the rest of the island in a think shadow smog with a green tint.

Willing the smog to disappear what was left of the island slowly appeared in sight. The island looked devoid of any life literally the whole thing looked dead. Trees shriveled up, plants decayed, and the small amounts of animals that existed on the island, to begin with, are mere bones now.

Shadow walking back to my house I snuck behind Felicia and gave her a hug

"miss me~?" I whispered into her ears

Turning around to face me while still in my embrace she replied "mm~ yea I did." and gave me a long passionate kiss

Soon Harry also appeared and said "dad! When did you get back?"

"Just now son," I replied

"I'm glad. Thought I would have had to drag you off that island on my own," he said with a smirk

"Like you could," I replied with a confident smile

"Pssh yeah maybe you're right," he said

"I hope you didn't slack at your training knowing I would be gone for a while?" I asked

"Didn't miss a day," Harry responded

Soon we moved our conversation to the couch. It's good to be back.

----pov narrator----

While the heartwarming family was catching up a scheming group of nazis and ninjas were meeting in a nice hall with adequate lighting. It seems that villains can indeed talk in normal lighting.

"We haven't found za League but I can say we have recruited fine soldiers for ze cause." one man said, his German heritage showing from his accent.

"We will find them" a women with two ninjas behind her said

"What do we do with the spoils of war after the League falls. I'm sure they have some good stuff." another man said

"The Hand will take 90% of the spoils." Said the woman again

"What that's not remotely even!" A new man shouted

"We don't care! Your Hydra group is on its last legs we are the ones fronting everything." said an Asian man angerly

---pov mc ---

I tested Harry's training and he has improved quite a bit I would say he will be close to Captain America in power once he takes a second booster serum minus shot.

I have thought about it quite a bit and since I'm done training I think it's time to steal some of that tech Wakanda likes to hoard. I can definitely make use of my Jinn ability to look and imitate anyone to easily sneak in. But that shall be done later because right now is family movie night.

"What are we watching?" I asked the room

"I don't know," said Felicia

"I picked the movie Grown-ups," Harry said quenching Felicia and I's curiosity.

As the cheer and laughter settled from our movie. we decided to call it a night. It was good in my last life and still good now. Harry seemed to like It as well. Felicia fell asleep on my lap about halfway through. Times like these I should cherish.


A/N: how do you like the rain concept with Telekinesis? Some nefarious Jinn manipulations shall strike Wakanda! This chapter was joy to write. Thanks for reading everyone!