Harry's new training

A/N: Harry's training is something I had planned like this I hope you enjoy it is completely OC so you won't find any source material.


--Norman pov ---

Felicia and I just got back from our wonderful date. When Harry emerged from one of the shadows adjacent to us.

"Guys guess what!" Harry exclaimed immoderately after appearing

"What's up kiddo?" I asked

"Well I was um touring my favorite locations we visited together and when I went to India I kept hearing a sound I'd never heard before. Obviously, I followed it to the source, the sound led me to a forest then these monk guys appeared out of nowhere and said they wanted to train me. and I honestly want them to." Harry said with a bashful expression

"Hm interesting," I replied

I've never heard of the place he described in the Marvel comics or movies. but then again this world is different than both. It could be a good experience for him and this training may lead to some much-needed character growth.

"What do you think Felicia?" I asked her after all, she is an important figure in Harry's life

"Harry this is your decision. If you are old enough to be In the League you should be able to make your own decisions but, remember you won't be able to see your friends and us for a while." Felicia said with a serious expression adorning her face

"She is right you probably won't be able to visit us at all during this training," I added

Harry went silent I could practically see the gears rapidly moving inside his head. After a brief moment of silence, it looked like Harry made his decision.

"I will train with them," Harry said his eyes filled with resolve

"Good I hope you learn a lot from these people. If you aren't back in a couple of weeks I will transform to look like you and go to your school classes. We don't want people trying to figure out where you went." I said with a gentle smile

"Thanks, since my school is on break right now you can show up to school a week after school starts back up again and just say I was on vacation. I already miss a lot of school anyway's." Harry replied

Raven could also impersonate Harry of course but one, even if she is completely loyal I don't want anyone to know about my real identity, and two she wouldn't have Harry's personality down. It's not like I will show up every day I will at most transform into Harry for a week and then be 'sick'.

For the next couple of hours we spent time with Harry and made sure he will be sufficiently protected. I gave him one of my new energy shields that looks like a bracelet just in case of an emergency.

I'm not really worried about the mysterious monks harming Harry in anyway because the way he described them for some reason made me alright with it. Like fate was telling me to let him go, but that could be my imagination.

"Love you bud I expect you to come home stronger than ever." I said giving him a hug

"Don't worry dad I will." He replied

"You better be safe." Felicia said before wrapping him up in a tight hug

"Of course I will mom." Harry replied before giving us one last wave and leaving

It's going to feel weird without Harry around all the time. In a way, this might be good for Felicia and me too.

My people hiding in the shadows in shield say fury is waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike and reveal Captain America during the protest to boost his freedom-fighting image even more. Like I would ever let that happen.

This is why I will personally take a stand let's see who will turn out on top.

Seeing as Raven has made plenty of public appearances as Mackenzie I figured it was about time shit got real.

[The next day]

A protest was going on in downtown New York, I was hidden in the shadows watching everything play out. Raven who now was Mackenzie Walker was standing in the front leading the protest today.

A line of police officers stood in front of them in case anything goes bad and the peaceful atmosphere turns violent. I focused on one particular cop he looked annoyed about the whole situation which would make my mental suggestions easier.

'God Mackenzie Walker is annoying'

'She's such a bitch'

'Mutant freak'

'Doesn't deserve to live nasty mutant'

'I should shoot her'

'Shoot her'

'Shoot her'


The suggestions got progressively worse and I could tell by the end he was going to do it.

"Step back you mutant bitch!" The cop yelled

Mackenzie kept walking forward.

"I said stop walking!" the cop roared in anger

She took another step forward.

The cop pulled out his gun and quickly fired five bullets into her body. The whole scene turned deathly silent.

The crowd erupted in anger.


"Stay with us, Mackenzie!"


Cries of anguish echoed throughout the New York streets. The close-by police officers quickly tackled and subdued the other officer.

[later that night]

{Mackenize Walker popular metahuman rights activist is now In the ER after a horrific unprovoked attack by officer Charlie Freemont. We all pray for Mackenzie and hope she makes a speedy recovery. }

The news shocked a lot of people, everyone knew that tomorrow will be a hard day for the New York officials. I personally couldn't wait for tomorrow.

[the Next day]

The protest raged on harder than ever of they were compared to fire earlier now the appropriate word should be maelstrom. People were turning violent.

I left my house and drove as close as I could to the protest and stepped out slowly making my way to the front with my sign. I could feel their eyes on me as I walked, and the whispers that didn't really whisper.

"Is that Norman Osborn?!"

"Wow, that's really him!"

"Look he's holding a sign!"

The domino effect worked incredibly well because by the time I made it up front everyone knew Norman Osborn came to join the protest.

Once I made it up front I turned to the brave people that came to the protests today even after a shooting. I raised my hand signaling to be quiet. And began to talk.

"I have come to join the peaceful protest of metahuman rights not to watch as our city gets destroyed! Miss Walker is in one of my hospitals and she will recover don't let her hard work and freedom-loving spirit get tarnished by our anger! I am here to stand with you to protest with you and to see the change you will bring firsthand! So all that I have to say now is METAHUMANS NEED RESPECT AND FREEDOM!" I said finishing with the signature line from the protests

I spent hours at the protest fighting for freedom and I have to say it was kind of fun. The people respect me a lot more now too.

------ Narrator pov -----

In an office, Emma Frost could be seen tapping her pen rhythmically on the surface of her desk.

She was in deep thought about Norman Osborn.

'He obviously has some type of ability because I can't get into his or his family's mind. He's rich and influential as well, he could be the perfect white king for the club. But would he agree?'

Yes, Emma was in deep thought contemplating something that could potentially change the hellfire club forever.

-Somewhere in India--

Hidden from the world a beautiful sight could be seen The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. A multitude of small buildings could be seen with a giant ethereal temple at the center monks walked around in the blazing midday sun as it relentlessly shone on the inhabitants.

A small boy about fifteen years old could be seen walking around with a blindfold on. He seemed to be walking perfectly fine as he headed towards the large temple. Harry made it to the temple and walked over to a buff old man that looked seasoned by war if one would call him a Buddhist monk then no one will believe them.

"Good morning master," Harry said his voice calm and tranquil

"Good morning Harry how did you sleep." the old man asked

"I slept, good master," Harry replied

"Good now I want you to begin your training for the day." the old man said with a small smile

"Of course master," Harry replied and started his training

First Harry ran through an obstacle course riddled with sharp weapons and dangerous traps, then he spared with other monks last he practiced his katas then began to meditate by nightfall. All with his blindfold on.

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. A blanket of stars stretched out from the horizons. The soft sounds of insects and nature riveted throughout the lands.

While Harry was meditating his master appeared behind him.

"Sound is the vocabulary of nature." His master said

Harry didn't look surprised he was there nor did he flinch when his master's voice sounded.

"Yes, it is nature is the most natural and beautiful sound. I could stay like this for hours and listen to this melody. I know now why my dad likes to be out in the rain, nature truly calms the soul." Harry said

"I agree." His master nodded at what Harry said

"Master." Harry's voice sounded

"Yes, my pupil." His master replied

"You do know I will kill people with the skills you teach me here right?" Harry said his voice sounding weak

"So? Why would I care as long as you feel something is right in your heart then it is right. Being evil is relative to other people's thoughts about what evil is and the same could be said about being good. As long as you stay true to your sound you will never be turned away from my temple." The old master said as he got up and left Harry to his thought's

'He's right my dad isn't evil but a lot of people must think his second identity is. I am not evil even though I silence the noise from those who deserve it. I am me and I know that I am a good person.' Harry thought before standing up

Harry walked along the winding path back to his new bed. The sounds of several rhythmic heartbeats sounded as he walked past some other homes. Harry has never liked hearing beating hearts but for some reason here everyone's heart beats so smoothly and pleasantly.

This was just the start of Harry's transformation into one of the most feared but respected people in the world. Only behind his dad and mom.


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter!! Shoutout to HellDeimos for the idea of Norman joining the hellfire club. I want to leave this hear tho

Does he join

Or not