--norman pov --
Madagascar was an interesting place to visit, in the end, president Andry Rajoelina was more than happy to let me build a couple of orphanages and create some charities. We are in the talks of me opening a branch of Oscorp out there that focuses on agriculture and poverty improvements
Currently, I'm making my way toward India I'm not planning on visiting Harry unfortunately just because I want to focus on myself right now. I haven't really had the time to focus on myself at all since I came to this world, Harry was so young and needed a father, and just became a billionaire CEO so much was happening that I lost track of myself.
As I stepped foot off the plane the blaring sun licked my skin, the heat didn't bother me much but it was annoying. Extreme temperatures don't affect me much anymore but I can still feel the temperature quite well.
I boarded a caravan making my way toward where I will be staying for the night. The building I decided to stay in was nice, I chose Bangalore for my visit to India this time around the atmosphere is nice. I planned to visit the slums at some point during my stay of course using another person's face. I think I will choose Nick Fury for this trip, I mean if he manages to figure out someone that looks just like him turned up in the slums of Bangalore I would seriously consider shield to be on another level.
[Next day]
I woke up early to walk around Bangalore for a while and then go to the slums. In my heart I know I won't like what I see there but I feel like I should visit them and bring food. This is one deed I don't want any recognition for I'm truly just doing it for the people.
I made my way into the slums after walking around Bangalore.
I handed out food to whomever I saw in need the raw emotions etched upon the starving children and adults' faces hurt my heart. The run-down houses made my heartache. These people are suffering so much just to live JUST TO SURVIVE!
My shadow senses caught something disturbing. Several life forces were huddled in a house but they seemed off compared to the rest. They weren't meta's it was more like they were distressed, suffering, and dying. I briskly made my way over to the house and opened the door I didn't care for politeness something seemed wrong.
The sight that greeted me broke my aching heart into a million pieces. Children were chained and confined in crates. Obvious signs of abuse were present, this was something I always feared to see. Something I never wanted to see in any of my lives. Why just why would someone do this.
"Hey what the fuck are you doing!" A gruff voice sounded behind me
I didn't even turn my head I just snapped his neck with a small invisible hand.
I turned to the kids and spoke, "Is he the only bad man?"
"More." a kid responded
"Okay." Is all I replied
I spread my senses and caught signs of a few individuals making their way over to this shack.
"Hey what happened to Raj!" Someone spoke
They all fell like puppets with their strings cut off.
"Mister?" one kid said
"Yes? Let me free you now." I spoke
"Kill us!"
"We don't want to live mister."
"Please put us out of our misery!"
I was lost. What action should I take?
Do these foolish human children want to die? If I were them would I?
My shoes tapped onto the floor as I walked out of the house the children's suicidal screaming still reaching my ears.
I have honored their choice.
Humans are foolish.
[Time skip one week]
I'm now sitting on the top of a rock at Kirkjufell, Iceland. One of the world's most beautiful places. My true Jinn form is fully activated it feels better this way more natural.
When does one feel melancholy, sadness, loneliness, or afraid? I haven't felt those emotions in a long time. I feel happiness when I'm with Harry or Felicia I feel loved when I'm with them. But I feel empty when I'm not with them. Not empty as in no feelings I just feel that the rest of the humans don't matter. STOP I NEED TO STOP CALLING THEM THAT! Why am I, referring to people as humans? Like I'm not one. Oh right I'm not I'm a Jinn a monster but why should I care they are just humans.
I might have mental immunity and my mind can adapt fast but killing those children, was something I don't think my mind was prepared for. Life is sacred innocent life should be protected and I killed innocent children.
'They asked to die!' a voice said in my head
'You should have helped them.' said another
"Norman. Are you okay?" Felicia said behind me
I didn't even notice her arriving she must have been here for our date.
"Norman," she repeated
"Yes." I replied my voice demonicly enchanting
"Are you okay?" she asked
"No," I replied
"What's wrong?" she asked in a loving tone
"----- and that's what happened am I a fool? Or a monster? I can't tell." I said recounting what happened
She sat in silence for a while.
"It breaks my heart you had to go through that alone, I wish I could have been there for you. I love you and always will if you are a monster so am I! We are family and we need to rely on each other!" she responded Passionately
"I don't care what you do Norman you see the love of my life you complete me! I will never turn my back on you and I hope you would do the same. What you went through and the decision you made was the right one. The kids would have probably starved to death maybe even been kidnapped again. To them Norman you were their savior you freed them from the horrible mortal fates they were destined to. And you should never be ashamed of that." Felicia said lovingly
"I love you so much," I replied
"I know babe I know."
--- Felicia pov ---
"----- and that's what happened am I a fool? Or a monster? I can't tell." Norman said to me
What he went through sounded terrifying. He shouldn't have been alone I don't think even the strongest of people could have handled seeing something like that.
My life has been crazy since I took that fateful job as Harry's nanny. At first, It was for the honest money I was also building a cover just in case I get caught. But that plan soon washed away, Harry and Norman both changed me. I love them more than anything in this God forsaken work, Harry is my son now and he always will be and Norman will always be the one I love the most.
His laugh, his smell, his humor, his movie picks, his clothes, his abs, his personality I love them all. I fell for him hard, harder than I ever thought possible. Seeing him in this state of emptiness hurts me it breaks my heart I can't stand it.
When I first saw his Jinn form I was scared but, I overcame that fear because I love him he is a Jinn but, that doesn't mean shit to me he is NORMAN. He helps people when they need the help he fights for the rights of others and he is the best father I have ever seen.
Without Harry and Norman in my life, I would be a thief still. But now? I'm a loving mother and girlfriend soon-to-be wife hopefully. I am a warrior and a partner, I am Felicia Hardy and I love Norman Osborn.
"It breaks my heart you had to go through that alone, I wish I could have been there for you. I love you and always will if you are a monster so am I! We are family and we need to rely on each other!" I said passionately
"I love you so much," Norman said
"I know babe I know," I replied
Life is unpredictable. And I'm glad about that.
---Harry pov ---
I sat atop a flat platform in the lotus position. I am thinking about my life up until this point. The horror's I saw in my last outing are hard for me to cope with but, I need to do it on my own.
No more will I rely purely on my father. No more will I take what I have for granted. No more will I waste away reading those novels that poisoned my mind. No more will HARRY OSBORN BE WEAK!
I am a new man a new Harry. I have witnessed things that no fifteen-year-old should witness. My journey will leave a trail of blood I'm sure of it.
For I walk the path of an Osborn and Osborn's do not fail. I was cocky and bratty when I arrived at the temple. I was a fool who thought money equaled self-worth I was an idiot who Believed I was the center of the universe. No more am I that child.
Learning with the master's at the temple had led me to multiple conclusions. The best of them was I need to train. Train to be a better me every day. Strive for excellence strive for perfection and land on improvement.
Each step I take is one forward not backward. I will not look back nor will I stop my journey.
I want to step alongside my father when he does dangerous activities.
Harry Osborn died when he started being conceded. My name might be Hardy Osborn but we aren't the same. The past me was horrible and the new me is ever learning.
If someone asked me what my purpose was before I came here I would have answered 'don't ask this young master questions.'
But now? I would answer 'to be the best version of myself every day. To live a life my dad and mom can be proud of! TO BE PROUD OF MYSELF!'
I am Harry Osborn and I will stand strong. Let my sound be true to my heart and my heart be true to my sound
A/N: little bit of a heavy chap.
This is the last chapter until 2012, all of this was important you will see why.
I was thinking of creating a MarvelXHP story this one will still update daily of course. This time no other ff Inspiration it will be an original.
this story had just been on my mind. I will probably write chapters for it but not post them until Monday.