
A/N: so It seems a lot of people did not like how hela is not a blood thirsty maniac, and she is not an ally of the mc. Well Honestly I like Hela and In every ff that has her she becomes a Love interest to the mc and they beat odin happy ever after. I thought this would be new and interesting so yeah that's my thoughts.


—Narrator pov—

"Disaster struck New York, many people died tragic deaths, I offer my sympathy and condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. we were lucky during the disaster heroes emerged, people came from the shadows the call themselves the League of shadows, and civilians stood up against the Aliens! Every day people stood up and fought putting their life on the line, it didn't matter if they were metahuman or not they banded together and fought! Their bravery will go down in history I swear to you. Another metahuman group also helped called the order of the Phoenix this nation thanks you, the avengers is the last group to help are nation thanks you." The president of the united states of America finished his grand speech to the public

All around the world people heard about what happened in New York, it was safe to say everyone was terrified. Learning aliens are real can be very cool and interesting to the less intelligent but to those who now knew what it really meant the thought terrified them. Knowing at any single point aliens could invade their planet didn't bode well for most, luckily people were willing to defend their planet from harm.

Norman donated a lot of money to the repairs of New York he even donated to a funeral fund for the deceased, Norman Osborn's public image was shooting through the roof, and many were thankful for all he is doing for the survivors. Their thankfulness did warm Norman's heart.

--Asgard ---

While New York was rebuilding and the world was slowly reviving from shock, the golden realm of Asgard was swirling with grief and sadness. Odin had died that was a fact a sad one but a true one.

Hela, Frigga, and Thor are keeping the other realms at bay while everyone recovers from the shock. Loki can't even fight anymore most of his life force was drained along with his divinity, it is a sad, devastating reality for someone like Loki who values power.


Thor slowly arrived back at Asgard he noticed a strange phenomenon with how he and Loki teleported back it felt like his mother's magic and something else. Thor rushed to the throne room excited to show his father that he caught Loki but, also incredibly nervous because he didn't retrieve the Tesseract.

He burst into the throne room and shouted "father I'm back! I have retrieved Loki from Midgard and helped defend it from the Chitauri, I couldn't retrieve the tesseract it was stolen." he said fast with a small but sad smile when he looked at Loki

"Thor it's just me here," Frigga said

"Mother? Why are you on the throne?" Thor asked and the imprisoned Loki nodded his head

"And who is the woman with you," Loki added

"Thor and Loki my two handsome sons, I-i have to tell you something hard, Odin has perished and this is your sister Hela she was imprisoned for a long time but she escaped and tried to save your father alas it was too late. The King of Asgard would usually go to you Thor but he asked for four sisters and me to rule Asgard for now until you are ready." Frigga said some tears dropping slowly down her face

*thud* Thor dropped Loki who was in his hands and just stared, he did not cry he did not scream in anger he just stared off into the distance numb, absolutely numb.

"Who?" Thor spoke finally his tone flat with no emotions

"I can't tell you now you are too weak to know I fear you would let anger and grief cloud hour judgment this was also your father's last will, he said if he does die to not antagonize his murderer and stay away," Frigga said tears still falling off her face




Thor's slow and steady steps reached Frigga's ears she looked up to see her son inches away from her he grabs his mother and hugs her, a firm but soft hug, a hug Frigga the queen of Asgard desperately needed.

--flashback end scene change ---

In a grand hall, several people were sitting down on giant thrones, some chairs were empty and the atmosphere seems heavy.

"Odin is dead," one of the women said

"I know but who killed him?" another spoke

"I don't know but it is worrisome, Zeus what do you think?" One God asked

"I think Asgard is weak now," Zeus said

"I'm not sure if it's wise for us to attack Asgard Olympus isn't as powerful as it used to be." said the God of strategy and wisdom Athena

"This is our chance, Athena! this is our one opportunity to take over the position of guardians of the nine realms we can't let Asgard grow stronger from the rage of Odin's death." Zeus shouted and many Gods nodded their heads

"Fine." Athena reluctantly agrees

A war was brewing in the nine realms.

--Norman pov ---

After my battle with Odin, I gained tremendous strength I still haven't gotten used to all of the power I now hold. Sadly with power comes downsides, it seems my mere presence absolutely terrifies people and makes them feel like they are dying. Felicia and Harry said it's not bad with them and they can bear it but I tried walking down the street one day, I had my mask on and a hat to hide my identity, and a lady had a heart attack from just walking by me. I could tell because she was only about twenty and twenty-year-olds don't get heart attacks since that day I haven't stepped outside much.

I went to an abandoned island to see exactly how tall I am and the best estimate I could give was the height of Stark Tower I can make my large form smaller but I can only go down to 21 feet and 10 inches.

I have been able to control my telepathy and telekinesis extremely well since the battle as well. I have this new energy in my body I'm guessing that is from Loki and Odin probably magic energy I want to try to make Asgardian runes but I don't get the memories of the people I consume.

The rebuilding of new york is going fantastic people see beginning to rise up and help in any way they can, and my hospitals are running like crazy healing people.

Harry has gotten back into a rhythm school, training then whatever he wants to do, Felicia is having a blast at the company and I am trying to desperately not break everything I touch because I can't control my strength. Unfortunately my not being able to hold back means Felicia and I can't have sex for a while.

---narrator Pov ---

In the X-Man mansion, Charles sat behind his desk with anger and confusion written all over his face. Since the X-Men didn't help New York at all many of his students have been wanting to leave and some even snuck out to join Jean and her order. This mare Charles pissed he worked so hard to have everyone respect and basically worship him and Jean easily tore through all of his plans.

Somewhere else Magneto or Erik was in a similar mood, quite a few of his brotherhood left to join Jean they didn't want to join the league of shadows because they honestly didn't know much about the leader so the members of the brotherhood that left decided to join Jean because they know she is a good person and most like and respect her ideals.

Jean was having a great time she has been getting recognition for being a hero and more metahumans were joining the order, this has been the greatest time of her life and she owes it to the doctor.


Director fury was pissed, the league of shadows a criminal organization, helped save New York gaining a lot of fame and support. Then there were the other groups that outshined his own Avengers, director fury was not a happy man right now.

Steve Rogers was in the best mood ever, he helped save people and saw his best friend Bucky again they didn't talk long but both of the old friends promised to stay in touch with one another.

Natasha was in a weird mood she saw her sister again but, she still doesn't like that Yelena is in the league of shadows, it's a weird feeling and topic for her to touch on.

All around the world people were getting back into a schedule reeling from the invasion it didn't matter if the invasion was only in New York the fact of the matter is humanity is not alone in the vast cosmos, and that terrified everyone. Not to mention the number of people that were just visiting New York when an attack like this happened it scared their family and friends, it was impossible to contact people in New York for a while. The thought of their family members being hurt in the invasion and they had no clue if they survived weighed on different families' minds all over the globe.

The world is in a state of recovery a recovery that couldn't happen faster.

-end --

A/N a shorter chapter I couldn't write yesterday so late upload sorry