War of the nine realms Pt4

Alternate title: Collection of the stones

A/N: I'm assuming the reality stone was on Svartalfheim before jane foster found it

--Felicia Pov ---

For the last week, I have been the acting leader of the League, Norman gave me some directions and I have been following them nicely.

What he is planning is absolutely insane, but I'm here for him, and I believe he will achieve his goals.

---Norman Pov ---

The battles still rage on, many planets have been plagued with war and death. I for one couldn't care less I might have started this whole thing by killing Odin but I am not the one destroying planets with actual creatures living on them. I have a plan of course a plan that might cause some mayhem a plan that will fuck up everything even more In the MCU but it's worth it. I mean haven't I already messed up so much and to be honest this was never the true MCU, metahumans were here after all.

Currently, I'm on the planet Morag which houses the power stone, I'm personally going for every stone before I grab the soul stone.

Walking through the planet I reached the old crumbled area in which the stone is kept. No beast dared to approach me so it was smooth sailing.

I grabbed the metal orb that kept the stone sealed inside it. Just then I heard several creatures nearing my location turning around I saw what I expected Thanos's little army. Thousands upon thousands of the Outriders were present leading them was Ebony Maw.

"Hand over the stone!" Ebony snarled his face grey face scrunching up in anger seeing the stone in my hands

"Who do you think you're talking to?" I asked with a hint of anger my aura blowing freely

"Charge!" Ebony yelled thrusting his hand forward sending rubble toward me

seeing his horrible show of false power I stored the stone in my shadow and calmly said, "Pathetic," my tone apathetic to their obvious rage

Turning into my giant form all of the beasts stopped charging, and soon they started howling in madness, a black smog drifting from my body started to consume the last remaining bit of rationality the outriders had causing them to go insane attacking each other.

Looking down on Ebony ridicule I'm sure present on my Jinn face I told him, "normally I would ask you to join me but I don't like you."

Before he could even move I loaded his brain with so much information his mind collapsed. I then opened a portal below him sending his body to Felicia so she could steal his powers.

Looking at the rampaging Outriders I used the mind stone and completely subdued them, they are my army now.

--- Zeus pov --

Someone has done something to me and I can guarantee it was Hela, that bitch must have poisoned me. I sighed as I looked at my torso, black ink-like lines cascaded down and up my torso, my power is slowly slipping and m life force draining, how could this happen to me I am a God! I will make Asgard pay for this! I WILL MAKE THEM ALL PAY!

*zaaapp KABOOM*

Thunder and lighting raged along with me, at least that will never change.

Looking up at the raging storm I chuckled a bit, that chuckle soon turned to laughter, laughter-filled with rage.

"HAHAHAHAHAHH Yes I shall bring a storm to Asgard!" I yelled to my old friend my laughter filled declaration seemed to please the storm.

*KAbbokm zzap!*

*kabbokkm zaap*

The storms laughed along with me.

--- Pov Hela --

That Jinn did this to me, I can feel the control over my domain being whisked away from my very being, my body is less responsive to my wants and I'm plagued with black lines coursing through my being. I need to kill that creature but he stays hidden so well. Why did I have to make such an enemy, Asgard is being attacked on all fronts even some other Gods have entered the attacks, like Indra and his followers, shiva is staying passive though I'm not sure why.

--Shiva Pov---

Those fools can't even see what is right in front of them, I might not be able to see into the future but I can tell if I join this war I will lose far more than I will gain. Whatever killed Odin is out there stalking his prey waiting for the right moment to strike.

--- Narrator pov ---

Stalking and waiting for the right moment Norman was since the reality stone was already on Svartalfheim he didn't need to actively search for the stone or now he should say aether.

Walking up to the aether it quickly launched itself at Norman in an attempt to suck his life force.

Norman quickly made a portal and took him along with the aether back to the planet the power stone was found. The Outriders were already on Svartalfheim and Nidavellir at this point.

The Aether quickly merged with Norman's body, and he started to consume the planet's life force at the same time. An internal struggle soon followed the aether wanted to consume his life force but Norman wouldn't budge he was beating it back into submission. Then the aether did something no one expected instead of fighting it started to intertwine itself into Norman's very DNA, every cell in his body accepting the power of the stone that changes reality, his body was becoming something that has never been recorded in history before.

Yes, Norman merged with the space and mind stone but it was more like housing the stones in his body but, with the reality stone it was like his body was becoming the stone itself.

Power Norman felt the power no man should control, the area around him started to crumble into debris and then turn into different animals, some into butterflies, others birds, and some giant ravens.

"AHHHH!" Norman yelled out not in pain but with happiness and fulfillment. his whole body felt like never before.

Peace Norman felt peace.

--Thanos pov --

Anger I have never felt so much anger before in my life. I should be the one with the stones but every single step of the way I'm blocked by someone.

Now Ebony is dead leaving me and my daughters alone.

I have never felt so mad.


---Ancient one pov --

I am currently enjoying a nice cup of tea, the taste was divine. The fragrant scent wafted throughout my room calming me of my worries. The slightly bitter but sweet taste of the tea rejuvenated my spirits. I felt at peace well that was until someone appeared in my room.

"I've been waiting to meet you, Yao," the 10-foot Jinn spoke to me his tone calm and unnerving

"I'm at a slight disadvantage you see I don't know you," I replied my eyes firmly locked with his.

smirking the man sat down confidently in front of me pouring himself a cup of tea without me offering. He opened his mouth a grin plastered on his face and said, "I've come to offer you a deal."

---Norman pov --

"I've come to offer you a deal," I said with a slight grin on my face

Her eyes narrowed slightly, a contemplative look reflected on her face, she opened her mouth once but closed it not saying anything. She began to tap her finger on the table while she drank her tea.




Eventually, she opened her mouth again and spoke, " And what offer would a creature such as yourself want to make with me?" she asked I could see her eyes studying me.

"Ah, so you know my race! This will be easier then. Here is a Jinn contract will find my terms very agreeable." I replied with a smile, I'm sure my eyes are dancing in glee.

"Very well hand it over," she said simply but j could see the forced smile she had

Handing her the contract she began to read it carefully.



I: The ancient one also known as Yao will hand over the time stone

II: I will protect the earth from any dangers that must require my help

III: I will cleanse Yao's soul from the influence of the dark realms after the war

Signature: _Lord of darkness__


While she was deciding I used the mind stone to leave some helpful suggestions in her head to lead her to the right conclusion. See I could steal it right from them and she could only dit by and watch as I do so but, I like the sorcerers, and earth needs them.

"What will you do with the stone?" she asked flatly but I could tell she was paying very close attention to my following words.

"Honestly I just want it, with the stone I could do so much. I'm sure you know I don't need to ask for your consent to take the stone but I am still asking for it why? Because I don't want us to have a bad attitude toward each other. You know the contract is my bond so what will you do." I confidently replied looking into her eyes, she showed no fear it was weird.

"Very well." was all she said before sighing the contract

The second it was signed the contract burst into flames sealing the deal.

Now all I need he the soul stone.

-- end--

a/n Next chap war will end. As I'm sure most can tell there aren't many chapters until the book is done unless I find something interesting to add to the story. I just can't see the direction it will go after the war.