Chapter 4: Equal Pieces

Kaiza woke up in a small bed, to his right was a small cabinet with a lamp on it, to his left was a curtain closing him off from the rest of the room, a small mirror hung on the far wall, which he would use to get dressed in the morning.

He was in his half of the room at the orphanage that he used to go to, he got up from his bed, walked over to the mirror, he looked into it, he saw his 6-year-old self in the reflection. He walked through the curtain looking around, seeing different kids playing around, he walked through the door at the far end.

Kaiza walked through the halls slowly, he heard talking in the main office, he crept next to the door to listen.

"So the new child seems to be quite frail." The Head spoke.

"You mean Sora Ichidame, she is indeed frail, not much of a talker, she stays quiet." The Assistant spoke.

"She doesn't respond to anything, she is covered in bruises, to think her parents would beat her up." The Head said.

Kaiza remembered this day, the first day he had met Sora. After listening for a bit, once he heard her room number, he left to check it out. He had been a curious young boy and a trouble maker. He found the room, knocking gently, then opened the door, walking in, he saw a young girl about his age, sitting up in bed, a blank stare, pale white skin, short black hair.

Kaiza walked up to her and spoke.

"Hello Sora, I'm Kaiza, for someone who doesn't look like it, the meaning of your name is Sky, which is pretty. On the other hand, mine means Kaiser, but I haven't bullied anyone, besides being a troublemaker."

Sora didn't say anything, Kaiza frowned, hopping onto the bed, moving his right hand, taking hold of her left hand. On impulse, Sora gripped his hand, Kaiza smiled.

"There we go, it doesn't have to be much, go slow." Kaiza said calmly. "You have a warm hand."

On the way to the room, Kaiza had swiped two cookies from the kitchen, Kaiza pulled out the two cookies, eating one, placing the other on Sora's lap.

"I snuck these for myself, but I wouldn't mind sharing." Kaiza said. "Don't go telling no one."

"K-K-Kaiza." Sora stuttered.

Kaiza looked at her surprised.

"You have a pretty voice." Kaiza said.

Sora's eyes started to focus showing her bright green eyes, looking at Kaiza, then down at the cookie, she picked it up, bringing it to her mouth, taking a bite, feeling a tear roll down her cheek. Kaiza raised his free hand, wiping it away.

"I will keep you safe." Kaiza said. "I will come visit you, if you like."

Sora nodded gently, then spoke.

"Please." Kaiza nodded gently, leaning forward, kissing her forehead gently.

"It's a promise." Kaiza spoke.

The door was left jarred as the Assistant watched Sora's slow recovery, as she smiled softly.

Kaiza woke up on the far end of the docks, he had demorphed, dripping blood on the rocks that he laid on. There was shouting above him, he couldn't make out the sound, his vision faded.

"I'll keep you safe Sora." Kaiza said.

Two weeks later.

He woke up again, to a beeping sound, he looked to his right seeing a monitor, an IV bag and a tub going into his wrist. To his left, he saw Sora asleep, she was on part of the bed, she was gripping his left hand.

"Sora." Kaiza said. "Sora wake up."

Sora stirred, waking up, looking up seeing Kaiza, her eyes widened.

"Kaiza you're awake, please don't move I'll call the nurse." Sora said, rushing out.

"Wait, dammit." Kaiza cursed.

Sora came back in with the nurse, Kaiza knew who she was and that didn't please him.

"So secretary and nurse, what else are you?" Kaiza asked.

"I am Desiree." Lust spoke. "Miss Sora, could you please wait outside."

"But I want to be with Kaiza." Sora pleaded.

"Miss, wait outside." Desiree spoke.

"Sora, I'm fine." Kaiza said.

Sora nodded, then left closing the door, once gone, Desiree pressed a button, the white walls becoming black.

"No sound can be heard from outside this room." Lust spoke.

"Are you actually a nurse, or do you enjoy the skimpy outfit?" Kaiza asked.

Lust pressed another but, causing the device in Kaiza's chest to activate, he let out a blood curdling scream, his back arched, pushing his head into the bed.

She let go of the button, Kaiza stopped screaming, laying there panting.

"I'll ask the questions around here, answer truthfully, this will be done quickly, if not more pain and I should tell you, I love hearing a man scream, it stirs a fire in me." Lust spoke with a gleeful tone.

Kaiza glared at her, then she asked the first question.

"You should only have access to Diavolo, what is this new form called Tundra?"

"I don't know, the Yeti fused with me after I killed it." Kaiza said.

"Question Two, you tried to harm poor little Sloth, why?" Lust said.

"Isn't my job to defeat the Sinful Seven?" Kaiza said.

Lust pressed the button, causing Kaiza immense pain again, causing Kaiza to release another blood curdling scream, she then released the button.

"I answered you truthfully!" Kaiza yelled.

"Oh I guess Ikari, never said that you're not supposed to kill us, whoops." Lust said giggling.

Kaiza's wounds reopened, panting from the pain, glaring at Lust, she smiled.

"Last Question, would you die to protect Sora?" Lust spoke.

"Of course!" Kaiza shouted.

Lust walked over to Kaiza, healing him, pressing the button, to change the room back to white.

"Miss Sora, you may come back in." Desiree spoke.

Sora came back in, going over to Kaiza taking hold of his hand.

"Miss Sora has been by your side, the past two weeks, keeping you fresh." Desiree said.

Sora blushed a bit.

"Still got no life it seems, without me." Kaiza said.

Sora hit him hard.

"There is my Sora." Kaiza said.

"The media says that you may have died during the massacre at the police station, they still can't figure out everyone's bodies." Desiree spoke.

Kaiza looked at the window and spoke.

"No one knows the truth."

Desiree's phone rang, as she picked it up leaving. Kaiza kept his gaze outside, then looked at Sora.

"Go freshen, get something to eat, you look like you haven't eaten in awhile." Kaiza said.

Sora blushed and nodded then left. Kaiza sat up, then lifted his shirt seeing the device, a black crack like design, was moving out of the device.

How many times can I go through that pain, before it kills me. Kaiza thought.

Sora came back in, with a few bags of snacks, she handed him a bag of small cookies, she sat down next to him, eating a piece of chocolate.

"Cookies, kind of funny, while I was out, I had a dream about our first meeting, cookies brought us together." Kaiza said.

"I wouldn't say it was the cookies." Sora said.

"It must have been for my dashing good looks." Kaiza said.

"The only thing dashing about you, is you running from trouble." Sora said.

They both had a nice laugh, Kaiza looked at her, leaning toward her, kissing her lips, taking the piece of chocolate out of her mouth. Sora kissed back on impulse, blushing bright red, looking down and they both ate their snacks in silence.

Some time later

Kaiza waited in an elevator, as it rose slowly, he looked back, through the clear glass, watching people walking on the ground floors, different floor openings, they all looked like ants, the higher he went. He thought to himself, if one should look at humans at such things, ants were smaller, but able to carry much more than their own weight, maybe being an ant wouldn't be so bad.

The elevator came to a stop, as the doors slid open he turned back around, walking through making his way toward Ikari's office, the door was shut, he tried to open it to no avail.

A meeting was going on, but one between the Sinful Seven, he raised his right hand up, placing his palm against, closing his eyes. After being stabbed by Pride, power from him and Hell's Access, mixed with his blood, his body is changing and not for the good.

Purple crack-like designs appeared near his ears, he could now hear the conversation.

"He shows progress with combat and the new powers that didn't know he could achieve." Pride spoke.

"Shock treatment didn't seem to show any signs of slowing him down." Lust said.

"You enjoyed the screaming more than anything." Envy said. "While the one he loves stood outside of the room unable to hear."

"I know it felt amazing." Lust replied.

Gluttony ate, while Sloth snored loudly and Greed counted his money.

Wrath rubbed his eyes.

"If it wasn't for the Master, I would have you all killed." Wrath said.

Everything went quiet. "We could have killed you also." All Six said.

All the screens shut off, as the room went to normal.

Kaiza removed his hand slowly, the Purple Cracks vanished, he stepped back from the door, then counted to ten, then he opened the door walking in.

Ikari had his elbows on his desk, hands together, fingers interlaced, with a mad look in his eyes.

"What is it you want me to do this time?" Kaiza asked.

"What, so you can gain more power?" Ikari said.

Kaiza pulled out his Contract Deck, placing it on the desk. "I have Two Armor Contracts, Three Weapon Contracts, a Healing Contract and a few other ones." Kaiza said. "You tell me?"

"Fine with your absence the last two weeks, more monsters have appeared, attacking anyone that they can fight." Ikari said. "People are starting to panic, police are trying to keep people safe."

"Let me guess more sacrifices, to summon your dear Leader?" Kaiza replied.

Ikari glared at him, Kaiza picked up his Contract Deck then left. Ikari looked out his window, his phone rang as he picked it up.

"Is it almost ready?" Ikari asked.

The person on the other side agreed. A grin appeared on his face, then spoke.

"Kaiza may be getting strong too fast, with this He will be able to fight on even terms against Kaiza."

He hung up the phone, touching his cheeks, he was still grinning, then let out a maniacal laugh.

Kaiza walked through the lobby, making his way to the entrance, then a voice stopped him.

"Kaiza!" Sora yelled.

He turned around, seeing Sora run up to him, she hunched over, panting out of breath, then raised her hands, handing him a pair of keys.

"These will help you travel around faster." Sora said, catching her breath. "Please follow me."

Kaiza took the keys then followed Sora to the underground parking lot. There was a cool looking car that Kaiza looked at.

"So this is mine?" Kaiza asked.

Sora shook her head, then walked farther in, coming up to an empty lot, she pressed her hand against the wall, there was a beep as the wall slid open, revealing a motorcycle, with the design of Diavolo.

"This is yours." Sora said.

Kaiza looked in awe, as he walked up to the motorcycle, he got onto it, looking at the controls.

"Is this what I get for kissing you, I should do it more often." Kaiza said.

Sora blushed bright red, punching him and said.

"No, this was in the works, since you became the Warrior of these parts, this was also done without Sir Ikari's knowledge."

Kaiza put the key into the ignition.

"Bad girl." Kaiza said.

Sora looked down, then remembered.

"Oh one last thing." Sora said.

Kaiza placed the Contract Desk onto the base of the motorcycle, the motorcycle pulsed with energy.

Kaiza slipped out a Contract Card, moving the card to his belt.

"Henshin." Kaiza said.

"Form Change: Diavolo." The Device chimed.

Kaiza became Diavolo, then throttled the engine, driving along the parking lot, then gunned it at the entrance, shooting out of the parking lot.

A dark figure stepped out from the shadows, watching Diavolo drive away.

Sometime later

There was a group of police officers, shooting at Imps, Orcs and several other monsters. Imps lounged at some officers, clawing at their face, causing the officers to scream, the Imps starting eating them alive.

Kaiza slipped out a Contract Card, bringing it down to Hell's Access.

"Weapon Chosen: Hell's Arrow." Hell's Access chimed.

Hell's Arrow formed in Kaiza's hands, then spun Hell's Arrow on his trigger fingers shooting at the Imps, the Officers looked at Diavolo, half of them aimed their guns at him.

Kaiza turned off his motorcycle, he got off, walking toward the Officers.

"These imps need to be taken out first, they are fast, big in number, but not too smart." Kaiza spoke.

One Officer shot Kaiza in the head. Causing Diavolo to grab his head.

"God dammit that hurt, what the hell was that for?" Diavolo yelled.

The officer looked scared, dropping his gun and ran, several imps attacked him, he started screaming, Kaiza shot them to death, pulling the officer up, handing him his gun back.

"Wait a second, who are you?" One Officer asked.

"I go by the name Diavolo." Diavolo said.

"I knew it, I thought that voice was familiar, you're Kaiza Akuma." The Officer said. "You're under arrest for breaking out of prison."

Kaiza looked at him, then spoke.

"If it isn't my favorite Captain, Tsuyoi Seigi, how are the wife and kids?"

"Safe from monsters like you." Tsuyoi said.

"I'm sorry but not right now, I'm the only one who can stop these monsters now, do you really want to stop me?" Diavolo said.

Tsuyoi was about to say something until he saw Diavolo rush him.

"I knew I couldn't trust you." Tsuyoi said, aiming his gun at Diavolo.

"Dual Copperhead against the Solo Python." Diavolo said.

Tsuyoi's eyes went wide, Diavolo tossed his guns at Tsuyoi, bringing a Contract Card down to Hell's Access.

"Weapon Chosen: Arachne Blade." Hell's Access chimed.

The Arachne Blade formed in his right hand, as Tsuyoi ducked down grabbing ahold of Hell's Arrow, Diavolo leapt over him as they both killed incoming Harpies. Tsuyoi looked to his left, seeing more monsters.

"Hornet Sting against the Rabid Bear." Tsuyoi said.

Diavolo dropped Arachne Blade down, but kicked the handle forward, making sure the blade hit it's target, Tsuyoi tossed Hell's Arrow into the air, Diavolo leapt over him, rapidly shooting the monsters until they were dead.

"Once this fight is over you're going to jail." Tsuyoi said.

"Only if you guys don't die before then." Kaiza replied.

Diavolo walked over, using Arachne Blade cutting an Orc in half, as it jumped toward them.

The Officers started shooting at the Imps, as Diavolo ran toward more Orcs, cutting them in half, there were screams, as people ran out of the building, with Harpies flying out with people, their talons gripping people by their shoulders, backs, heads and feet.

They started tearing some people apart, Diavolo pulled another Contract Card, seeing it was blank, he placed it against a dead Orc's body, gaining a six foot cleaver. Diavolo gripped the handle, using all his strength, he spun around releasing the handle, launching the Cleaver toward the Harpies, watching it cut them in half and stick into the side of a building.

Several more monsters swarmed Diavolo, as he shot and slashed as much as he could. The Shadowy Figure appeared, causing monsters and humans alike to look toward his direction.

Wind blew the cloak of the Shadowy Figure, it revealed to be a Skeleton, wearing a black baggy outfit.

Diavolo pulled The Hell's Arrow Contract Card, moved it against Hell's Access.

"Overload Finisher: Hell's Missile." Hell's Access chimed.

Diavolo combined the two Hell's Arrows putting the two together which became Hell's Missile, a large energy blast came out, soaring toward the Skeleton. The Skeleton raises it's right hand, destroying the Energy Blast, before it hits him.

"What the hell?" Diavolo said.

"I am Death, whatever I touch or want gone, I will destroy." Death spoke.

"Shit." Diavolo cursed.

Diavolo pulled out Arachne Blade, then brought it's Contract Card toward Hell's Access.

"Overload Finisher: Arachne Naginata." Hell's Access chimed.

Another Arachne Blade formed in Diavolo's left hand, he then connected the bases together, forming the Arachne Naginata. Diavolo started spinning the weapon in circles, moving it side to side, then launched two Energy Discs toward Death.

The Energy Discs faded away, as Diavolo shot forward, swinging toward Death, chipping his face. Diavolo hopped backwards before Death could hit him, Death roared out, eroding the ground, building and cars around him.

"Shit." Kaiza cursed.

He rushed toward his Motorcycle, turning it on and driving away, getting as far away as he could. Death destroyed an entire block, once he was done, he pulled on his clock then walked away.

Ikari was sitting in his Office, the phone rang as he picked it up, then smashed it into desk, destroying it.

"A third party in this war, this will be a problem." Ikari said. "Kaiza was enough, now this Skeleton will be a big problem, unless the new guy can take him out."

Ikari let out a maniacal laugh.