Chapter 7: Rising Star

Kaiza sped down the road, seeing how much of the city that had been totaled since he went under, smoke rose up in the bleak dark sky, as visible cracks started to form in the sky from the large gash in the sky.

A large explosion sounded off in front of him, as he pulled his vehicle to the side, looking toward the sound, a scream rang out through the eerie quiet city, as Kaiza gunned the engine driving toward the sound.

What Kaiza found had befallen him, he had seen a swarm of orcs, goblins, harpies and many more, attacking an apartment building. In the midst of this were New Samurai, fighting them off. Swordsmen in the front had silver red armor, near the middle were Spearmen wearing silver blue armor and on top of the building were Archers with silver green armor.

Kaiza was just about to gun his engine once more, until he saw something that made him stop. He saw a family trying to flee, but a harpy noticed them also, as she swooped down, clawing the mothers back, as she protected her daughter. The father connected a metal bat to the harpy's head, as it crumbled to the ground.

But from the commotion, an orc started making his way toward the family, the mom bleeding badly, the father scared from the hulking beast and the daughter was in shock. As the orc swung It's cleaver, the daughter could only scream, after a minute or two the girl opened her eyes to see another monster standing in front of them with his back facing them.

Kaiza wouldn't sit back, watching this girl become an orphan, he would not stand to see her sadness. The kids at the orphanage he grew up with were happy, but they all were alone without a true love of a parent, he can't remember them too much. But he will protect the kids' love for their parents.

He held the blade of the cleaver in his left hand, looking at the orc and yelled.

"I will be the one to protect this child's love from her parents!"

He shattered the blade with his left hand, forcing his right hand through the orc's rib cage, ripping out his heart and squeezed it with a powerful grip.

"Fatality." Kaiza said, as the orc dropped dead.

He turned around looking at the young girl, as she stared at him terrified. He knelt down lifting his left hand, wiping her tears, then spoke calmly.

"You should not be terrified, your parents will be safe. Not every Monster is a Monster."

One of the New Samurai broke away from the monsters, she was wearing less heavy armor but a silver orange type, then picked up the mother, helping the family into a van that drove up. Kaiza left saying nothing more, until a small voice rang out through all the chaos.

"Monster Man, save my love of this city."

Kaiza said nothing, he continued to walk, he didn't need her motivation, but it was hell of a good one, he raised his right hand, giving a thumbs up. He got onto his cycle then drove off.

Inside the Heaven's Rite Foundation

A scientist walked up to Gishiki, with a suitcase in hand.

"Sir Gishiki, your device is ready." The man said.

Gishiki grinned, taking the suitcase, all too eager to test it out.

"Thank you." Gishiki said.

He went into the testing room, to try out his new power.

After some time, Gishiki was laying in the room breathing heavily, as the intercom came on.

"How does it handle?" The voice said.

"Wonderful." Gishiki replied.

After a breather, then some rest, Gishiki put on a white suit, with gold trimmings, picked up his suitcase, and left to go to the battle field.

In the midst of a battle

In the midst of monsters, destroying everything in sight, a woman was happily dancing around, in a very small nurse outfit. This woman was none other than Lust of the Sinful Seven, there were several screams as a squad of New Samurai charged at her, she continued to dance, swaying her arms, as the New Samurai attacked.

As she made her way past them, the ones in silver red armor crumbled to the ground dead, the ones in silver blue armor blew up into pieces and the ones in silver green armor hunched over and started to eat the corpses and remains of its previous members.

The silver rusted to a crimson red, as the archer's eyes became a blue green tint, now Lust's faithful servants. Lust giggled with glee, licking droplets of different colors, from her finger nails.

"Lust!" A voice rang out.

She turned to see a handsome man, with silver hair and she spoke.

"Oh you're just my type, have you come to join me and become one of my faithful servants?"

"As if I'd join such a vile creature like yourself." Akumu said. "I have reunited with my true love, she is so much better than some old hag."

Her right eye twitched, raising her left arm toward him. The archers knocked their arrows, pulling them back, Lust shot her hand down, as the archers let go of their strings, launching the arrows toward Akumu.

Akumu raised up his right hand, summoning his scythe, gripping it, then swung it, cutting the arrows in half. Lust grinned, as several Undead Soldiers swarmed out from alleyways charging toward Akumu.

Akumu put on a ring, raising his arms, then yelled.


He put the ring into his wrist device, as the ground opened up under him, skeletal hands, raised from the ground with Ripa armor, connecting it to him. He gripped his scythe as it became the Hell Scythe with a more skeletal appearance.

He charged toward the soldiers attacking them, as he spun the scythe with ease, cutting several soldiers in half, two more swung their swords toward him, he pressed the ring into the Apocalyptic Driver, as he bent backwards, putting his hands onto the ground, blades popped out on the soles of his feet, swinging his legs.

"Apocalyptic Finisher: Reverse Blade" Apocalyptic Driver Chimed, creating a Skeletal Tornado.

Several soldiers were sucked up, as smaller Reaper-like beings appeared to cut the soldiers in half. Ripa pushed off the ground, doing a backflip slicing soldiers, as the undead soldiers became vast, monsters started swarming into the area, Ripa started to get pushed back.

"Getting tired already, aren't you a corpse with no lungs?" A voice rang out.

Diavolo dropped down, slicing some of the soldiers and monsters. He stood up, now standing back to back with Ripa.

"You!" Ripa said, turning to attack Diavolo.

Diavolo bent back, letting Ripa kill some of the enemies.

"Woah there bone boy, I'm as much a victim as you. The Sinful Seven are the ones you want to fight." Diavolo said, standing up. "Wrath is the Leader of Heaven's Rite Foundation."

"Then I will destroy all of the people in the building." Ripa barked.

"Hey man, ease up, not everyone is that bad." Diavolo said, then pointed toward Lust. "Let's make a truce to take out the Sinful Seven?"

"God you're annoying, you know that?" Ripa said. "Fine."

Both Diavolo and Ripa performed their actions to activate Overload Finisher and Apocalyptic Finisher, both Hell's Access and Apocalyptic Driver pulsed with an unknown energy, Diavolo and Ripa stood side by side, getting into position to attack.

"Purgatory Finisher." Hell's Access and Apocalyptic Driver chimed in unison.

They fired both their energy slashes, as they combined forming a large black and crimson energy slash, as it proceeded to cut down most of the forces, as it made its way to Lust. As the energy collided, she had changed into her monster form, which was a light greenish blue scorpion.

"For someone like her, she has a hideous monster form." Diavolo remarked.

"Shut up Vile Human!" Lust shouted.

"Fear not civilians, I am here to save you!" Gishiki yelled.

Gishiki stood in a pose, with his legs together and his arms out like wings. He put Heaven's Schiff onto his pelvis, with his belt shooting out and connecting to the other end, holding the left side, shooting his right hand into the air, making a card shoot out, he caught putting it into the right side of the device.

"Henshin." He said. "God has healed, the Warrior of Heaven."

Four rings appeared above him, as they passed over him, as he gained armor, of gold, white and red decal. White and gold trimmed trench coat bottoms, a gold crown like design around his head and a cross covering his face.

"Heaven Warrior: Arch (Rapheal Form)." He said.

Arch hopped in front of Diavolo and Ripa, using a Contract Card, summoned a pole arm with white and gold design, the crest at the top was gold with a red decal. He spun it around with ease, smacking it against the chests of the Undead Soldiers, they crumbled to the ground.

Lust started to clap slowly and spoke.

"One more Warrior will not help you, soldiers get up and kill him."

The soldiers got up holding their heads, as Arch stood there and yelled.

"Soldiers of the New Samurai, the Archangel Raphael has blessed you with the cure to your curse, step up and fight as one with Heaven at your back!"

Men and Women roared as the crimson armor turned white, standing behind Arch as the Schiff Unit. Arch pointed his weapon forward and yelled.


Arch and the Schiff Unit charged toward Lust and her monsters, as in the background, Ripa looked at Diavolo as he only shrugged, then ran toward the fight, with Ripa following close behind.

Meanwhile at the base of the New Samurai

Sora was brought there after finding Kaiza missing from his bed. Once she woke up, she was brought here, to keep her safe. She was helping around the best she could.

"Sora is that you?" A man spoke up.

She turned around seeing an elderly looking man, then spoke.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The man laughed softly. "It's been years, but I'm the man who adopted Kaiza when you were both young. You have grown into quite the woman, no wonder Kaiza has always been interested in you."

Sora blushed, then bowed.

"It's nice to meet you again. What brings you here?" Sora asked.

"Well this war, Kaiza must be getting tired. He is only human, let's go see him?" He said.

"But I'm needed here." Sora said.

The man took her gently by the arm and pulled her out.

"Just a short while, you deserve a break and some air." He said smiling.

Sora nodded softly. "Okay, let's go."