Chapter 11: Over the Clouds

Puppeteer became an icy white, she thrusted her right hand up, creating large ice spikes, hitting the underside of Pride, the monster howled out, the blood dripped down it's legs making the legs bigger and stronger.

Pride ripped a chunk of the road, flipping it toward Puppeteer, she caught the chunk with a pillar of ice. Kaiza ran up the pillar, then spun downward, using Arachne Blade as a saw-like blade, Pride caught him, piercing a leg through his stomach, making Kaiza cough out blood.

Pride let Kaiza fall to the ground, Puppeteer shouted, going over to him, catching him, as Pride left the area to continue feeding.

"Kaiza are you okay?" Puppeteer asked, as her helmet peeled back revealing her head.

Kaiza pulled out the Healing Contract, putting it against Hell's Access, as his wounds slowly healed, breathing softly.

"Yeah I'm good, it just hurts like nobody knows." Kaiza said, breathing some more, then getting up.

"Kaiza please take Hell's Access, become Diavolo once again." Sora said.

"You make a better Warrior as Puppeteer, I was never a worthy choice." Kaiza said, coughing up a bit more blood. "I have always and will also be a reverse Warrior."

"Kaiza you are a hero, you saved many lives, you take all the problems onto your shoulders. Kaiza you are Diavolo, the Devil Kizer, my one true love." Sora said, smiling at Kaiza.

"Once this war is over, let's have that wedding." Kaiza said.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Sora replied.

Kaiza leaned up kissing Sora, Hell's Access glowed between them as it split it another belt, with three new Contract Cards.

"It seems like Hell's Access hasn't given up on you Kaiza." Sora said.

Kaiza took the belt, cards and stood up.

"I guess not." Kaiza said.

Sora got up, as her helmet covered her head once more, as they both ran after Pride.

Back with the other group

Ripa launched crescent slashes at Gluttony, just for him to absorb them like everything else around him, Arch shot arrows into the sky, as they came down around Gluttony, forming Tesla pillars. He charged an energy shot, hitting one of the pillars, once the arrow connected, electricity coursed through the pillars creating an electricity barrier.

Gluttony touched the electricity, pulling his hand back after being zapped.

"I don't know how long that should keep him in." Arch said.

Gluttony grabbed two pillars, as they started to break, but they were keeping their form.

"Not long, I'm guessing." Heilige said. "Ryu, I'm gonna activate the cannon."

Ryu nodded, as Heilige pressed a button on War Horse, stepping in front of it, with his back to the machine. It began to rise up, both cannons split in half, then formed into one larger cannon, the machine split open, forming an extra shell of armor, clamps dug Heilige's feet into the ground, becoming a gestalt cannon.

Heilige zeroed in on Gluttony charging up a powerful blast, it fired toward him knocking him back into a pillar, howling out in pain. Both War Horse and his Zwaar armor, revealing a more sturdy set of armor, showing Holy Warrior Heilige, but Gluttony got back up revealing the pillar he had hit had dissolved, as the barrier was destroyed freeing him.

"Dammit." Arch cursed.

"Hurry before he starts moving just start attacking me and no questioning." Ripa said, putting his War Axes into the ground blades first, holding onto the handles. "Now!"

Arch and Heilige looked at each other then shrugged, as they started attacking Ripa, with powerful strikes. Ripa roared out in pain, looking toward Gluttony.

"Apocalyptic Finisher: Self Damage." Apocalyptic Driver chimed.

Blades shot out of Ripa, causing damage to himself, a few blades came out of Gluttony.

"Shit, he must have calculated the area where the blades would come out by seeing my body, destroyed them and halved the damage." Ripa said, as his armor and human form broke away. "I'm gonna need time to regain my energy, Self Damage does a lot to me."

Hikari ran over pulling Akumu over to the jeep, Ryu shot bullets at Gluttony, as most of them dissolved, a few of them hit them.

"Alright, Arch, Heilige it looks like if you keep hitting the same area your attacks may get through." Ryu said.

They both nodded, Arch charged his arrows, shooting about five arrows at once, as each one slowly dissolved, the next arrow got closer toward his body. Heilige with his Zwaar Armor gone, he took on more of a Templar appearance, he was also able to move faster, he picked up his sword, clicking a button as the sword's armor broke away, revealing a smaller sword and some of the pieces formed a shield.

He slammed the blade into the ground, as the remaining armor pieces shot forward in a single file line, dissolving as they got closer, they got closer, until one pierced through his chest, dissolving as it came out his back, Gluttony took a few steps back, then let out a blood curdling roar, everything around he started to dissolve.

"This brings back memories of when I first encountered Kaiza, everyone get as far back as you can!" Akumu shouted.

Hikari drove the jeep away from Gluttony, as Arch and Heilige drove away, Holy Angel drove forward as Arch spun around, shooting toward the oncoming sphere, Heilige Hound Unit, followed going far up ahead, to turn back, shooting lasers at the sphere.

To no avail the Hound Unit was caught in the sphere breaking away, half of them got out of the way, but still lost half of their bodies. Heilige yelled out to them, staying long enough for the remaining dogs to hop onto his War Horse, driving them away.

After passing a block, the sphere stopped moving, but stayed where it was.

Akumu stepped out of the jeep, in his human design, seeing the outcome.

"Fucking hell!" Akumu yelled, kicking the jeep.

"Sir Ryu, I think that it will be best to regroup at the Crusader Dreadnaught." Jan said.

"What about Kaiza and Sora?" Hikari asked.

"Knowing those two, they are safe, they have each other." Arch said.

A building fell down, making everyone look toward the sound, from behind another building crawled out Pride, who was now the size of a Ten Story Building.

"What the fuck is that thing!" Heilige yelled.

Two people landed next to the jeep, they were Puppeteer and Kaiza. Kaiza had Koko in his arms, Puppeteer set down Koko's, Kaiza opened the jeep's backdoor, putting Koko inside.

"K-Kaiza please stay with me." Koko said softly.

Kaiza smiled, kneeling down, taking her trembling hands into his own, looking up at her.

"You know you can't be selfish, who will stay and fight these monsters?" Kaiza asked.

"The other Riders can do it, you can stay with me." Koko said.

"They are useless without my aid." Kaiza said.

"Hey you shouldn't even be …" Heilige was saying, before both Akumu and Arch stopped him.

"I'm almost entirely useless without them, but as a Warrior, we have to work together, to end these beings and to have this city saved." Kaiza said calmly.

Koko looked down and nodded. Kaiza leaned up, kissing her forehead. Hikari helped Koko's Mother into the jeep.

"Hikari and I will deliver Koko and her Mother, to the safety of the Crusader Dreadnaught, with your five Warriors, since I'm the leader of the New Samurai, I will decide the Leader of this group of Warriors." Ryu said.

"I will happily be the leader!" Heilige called out.

Kaiza, Akumu and Arch all looked at each other, then nodded their heads.

"I nominate Sora to be our Leader." Kaiza called out.

"What!" Both Puppeteer and Heilige said.

"I have military training, I have the right to be the Leader." Heilige said.

"I second it for Sora to be the Leader." Akumu said.

"Gishiki, don't you want to be the Hero, a Hero deserves to be the Leader." Heilige said.

"Yeah you're right, but I third it, for Sora to be the Leader." Arch said.

"Guys why me?" Sora asked.

"I'm a wanted criminal, Akumu probably doesn't fit the Leader role and the fairy boy wants to be the Hero, not the Leader." Kaiza said.

"With three votes, Sora will be the Leader of your group." Ryu said.

Puppeteer stood there in disbelief, Akumu and Hikari said their goodbyes with a quick kiss, Kaiza checked up on Koko one last time, then Hikari drove away, with Ryu staying in the gunner seat.

"Wait a second, Kaiza shouldn't even be able to Henshin." Heilige said.

Kaiza held up his new belt.

"This is thanks to the power of my and Sora's love." Kaiza said.

Puppeteer lowered her head, punching Kaiza in the stomach, Kaiza held his stomach going over to the side, throwing up.

"Well there goes lunch." Kaiza said.

Kaiza put on his belt, pulling out two cards.

"Hey guys, long time no see, talking to you guys has calmed me a bit, the last few days, you may be cards, but you're my dear allies, so Diavolo please understand that I will not use you as my first time back in action." Kaiza said, putting the Diavolo card away, putting the other card against Hell's Access.

"Henshin!" Kaiza shouted. "As the area becomes that of freezing, the one who controls it is the Warrior of Ice."

As the air became colder, Kaiza transformed into his Tundra Form, he looked out toward the large Pride and dome of Gluttony, Akumu had become Ripa, as they all looked toward their incoming fight.

Diavolo and Ripa ran up the side of a toppled building, Diavolo slashed forward creating a slide of ice, Ripa hopped onto it, sliding down it using the ice to blind half of Pride's vision, he pushed himself off the building, locking his scythe onto one of his legs, pushing his feet against the leg, pulling the scythe back, Pride howled out, trying to shake Ripa off.

Diavolo slid farther down, freezing Pride's feet to the ground, causing Pride to stumble briefly, Pride broke free, then Diavolo yelled.


Ripa released his scythe, back flipping off Pride leg, Diavolo snagged himself onto Pride's leg, climbing his leg slashing at the deep cut from Ripa's scythe, causing it to freeze over, Diavolo gripped Pride's leg, spinning around kicking the spot, breaking through, Ripa gripped the bottom, lifting it up into the air spinning around, kicking the severed leg straight at Gluttony.

The leg pierced through Gluttony's barrier, as the talon went through, tearing through one of Gluttony's wings, breaking the barrier. Ripa rushed for Gluttony, while a pillar of ice formed under Diavolo, thanks to Puppeteer, Diavolo jammed his Yeti Claws into the pillar of ice absorbing it, the icicles on his elbows, as they became larger.

"Overload Finisher: Frozen Rain." Hell's Access chimed.

Diavolo pulled out his claws, slashing them into the sky, launching ice shards into the sky. After getting to a certain point, they became bigger and fell down piercing through Pride's upper body. Puppeteer's body became an earthy brown, summoning stalagmites into Pride's underside.

Pride roared out, shaking the ice off breaking off the stalagmites, moving to get away from them. Diavolo hopped over to a building, pulling out a card putting it to Hell's Access.

"Trinity Rush Duo: Frozen Rush!" Hell's Access II chimed.

Diavolo got onto his hands and feet, gripping the ledge of the building, a cold breeze covered the area, Diavolo launched forward, the Yeti Claws became longer, Diavolo pulled his arms back, slashing them toward Pride, forming a X frozen energy slash.

Once the slashes hit Diavolo turned into his base form, he started spinning clockwise, both of his feet caught fire, he flipped himself in the air, just in time for his feet to collide with the wound, causing massive damage.

Pride stumbled as he fell onto his side, Puppeteer restrained Pride in place with earth claws, Pride tried to get up, but was stuck in place, Puppeteer then touched her belt.

"Elemental Barrage!" Hell's Access chimed.

Puppeteer's body was covered in different elemental colors, her right leg was covered in a rainbow spiral, as she ran forward, then jumped off a small pillar of earth, kicking toward the wound that Diavolo dealt, once her foot connected, an elemental pillar shoot up into the sky covering Pride.

The loud roar of Pride was drowned out by the pillar removing all sound from within. Diavolo went up to Puppeteer seeing the pillar subside revealing the motionless body of Pride.

"This can't be happening, we are the Sinful Seven!" Pride shouted. "We are meant to rule over you useless humans!"

"Just shut up and die already." Diavolo said.

Pride sneered at him, as he stood up weakly, then laughed.

"Sacrifice Mode lets us access a final stand, risking our lives, we adapt to what hurts us, you will never be able to damage me again." Pride said laughing.

Puppeteer cursed under her breath, as Diavolo walked up and spoke.

"Pride your life ends here, let the winds of change end you!"

Diavolo put a card against Hell's Access.

"Henshin!" Kaiza yelled. "A vortex forms to sweep up his enemies, the one who controls this vortex is the Warrior of Air."

"Form Change: Vent!" Hell's Access chimed.

A gust of wind blew by, a tornado of feathers surrounded Diavolo, after a few short seconds, the tornado subsided revealing a white Rider with wings in place of his arms, green pants like bottoms, eagle like head and talon like legs.

"Wind Warrior Vent" Diavolo shouted. "Let Vent show you the winds of change!"

Pride's eyes went wide as he tried to get away, Diavolo touched Hell's Access II, then launched forward.

"Overload Finisher: Gale Storm!" Hell's Access chimed.

Diavolo started flying around Pride, creating a tornado, then started going faster, picking Pride off the ground, attacking him from one side, disappearing in the other side, then after some time trapped Pride in the eye of the storm, Diavolo flew to the very top, took a deep breath, then shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Koko if you can hear me, then look and see me use the power Harp gave me!" Diavolo looked down at Pride, his legs became sharp talons, shooting razor sharp feathers at Pride, the razor feather bounced around the inside of the tornado hitting Pride, then dive bombed him. "Watch me as I end the life of Pride!"

Pride screamed at the top of his lungs, as Diavolo pierced through his body, Diavolo landed as Pride's body started breaking apart, Diavolo did a backflip, latching his talons onto Pride, the tornado then subsided as Diavolo used his weight and the height they were at, dive bombing into ground hard, destroying Pride once and for all.

Far off in the distance, Koko looked out the window, looking in the direction they left, as a single tear ran down her cheek.

A few minutes backwards with the others

So after Diavolo used Pride's leg to remove Gluttony's barrier, the remaining three Warriors rushed him, Heilige threw his shield at Gluttony, rushing over kicking the shield back as it bounced back. Ripa tossed his Death Scythe, as Heilige ducked back, just missing the scythe as it stuck itself into Gluttony.

Arch ran over jumping, landing on the scythe's handle, bouncing off it, charging five arrows, shooting them around Gluttony, putting the Sanitatem card into Heaven's Schiff, gaining the power of Raphael of the Four Archangels.

"Form Change: Raphael!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Arch turned into his base form, the tesla pillars and the electric blue color vanished, his Fluctus Bow straightened out, forming the Sanitatem Polearm, spinning it around, aiming it down, as he slammed it down, creating a water wave, surrounding the Tesla Pillars, combining the water and electricity forming a stronger barrier.

The three of them surrounded Gluttony, Ripa moved his hand up, as Death Scythe returned to him, they stood in position and started charging up their attacks.

"Apocalyptic Finisher: Death's Lament!" Apocalyptic Driver chimed, Ripa pulled back his scythe, as the visage of a large Grim Reaper appeared behind him, holding his scythe back.

"Schiff Finisher: Healer's Embrace!" Heaven's Schiff chimed, Arch started spinning his Polearm, as an energy whirlpool appearance appeared without the spinning motion.

"Deus Finisher: Divine Slash!" Deus Vult chimed, Heilige combined his sword and shield forming a new sword the Divine Instrument of God, lights formed around him, as he pulled back the sword, the lights fused with it granting it holy energy.

All three of them launched their energy slashes toward Gluttony, he flapped his wings launching himself into the air, but due to one of his being torn, he was still hit by most of their damage, he started creating a new sphere, until he was surrounded by a ball of water and holy light, turning it to Holy Water, thanks to Arch and Heilige.

"Time to feed Gluttony his just desserts." Ripa said, taking out a new ring, putting it on, putting it into the Apocalyptic Driver. "Henshin!"

"The Locusts of the Damned, hunger for the Warrior of Famine." Apocalyptic Driver chimed.

Brown smoke bellowed out of Ripa's mouth from the sides, covering him as the buzzing of locusts filled the air, his cloak lifted up and it became torn to shreds wrapping around his head and upper body creating a raggedy appearance, the brown smoke fused to his body, forming a decay brown like color, the Death Scythe broke apart forming two small daggers, being the Famine Daggers, as Ripa started moving slowly, as his body spasms.

"Famine Warrior Rokasutoripa." Ripa said.

Ripa started tossing his Famine Daggers at Gluttony, with each hit his body got thinner and thinner. Gluttony roared out, devouring things around him keeping his body in place, Ripa kept throwing and Gluttony flapped his wings, blowing them back.

"Gishiki just like my War Horse, both yours and Akumu's have a form to briefly power you both up, with one strong attack." Heilige said.

Arch went over to his motorcycle touching it.

"Angel Rush." Arch said, as the vehicle pulsed with energy, he stood in front of it, with his back to the machine, as it lifted off the ground, splitting in half, connecting to his back, forming large angelic wings.

The wings flapped hard creating a large gust of wind, he shot wind blasts from the tires, as they spun faster, knocking Gluttony back toward the ground. Heilige moved behind him, jamming the Divine Instrument of God threw his back, jamming the blade to the ground.

"Just keep him in place, don't let him move." Ripa said, putting his Famine Ring into the Apocalyptic Driver.

"Apocalyptic Finisher: Swarm of Locusts!" Apocalyptic Driver chimed.

The Famine Daggers multiplied, covering his body as he started tossing them at Gluttony, making his body become thinner, as Gluttony healed himself, Ripa started throwing them faster, causing Gluttony's healing to not catch up, leaving him as a husk he once was.

Arch touched his Heaven's Schiff, charging it up.

"Schiff Finisher: Angel's Descent!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Arch flew up high, as wind and feathers formed around his feet, spinning for a few seconds, then shot downward, with his feet aimed at Gluttony, piercing through him, killing him once and for all.

With both Gluttony and Pride's bodies destroyed, a black symbol flew out of their bodies, both flying into Kaiza, much to his shock, blacking out shortly after.

"So both Gluttony and Pride are gone." Lust said, from atop of a building in the distance with Wrath. "Your son is getting stronger than we could ever realize."

"Yes, but his power to adapt may be very helpful for upcoming plans." Wrath said calmly.

"A scorpion must slither in, to strike with precision." Lust said.

"Do not fail me." Wrath said.

Lust nodded then hopped off the building, as Wrath watched over the destroyed landscape, grinning to myself.