Chapter 18: Song of the Ten

The group was escorted through the small village, from closer expectation the housing looked to before from the early Dark Ages, just with a little more modern touch, as they passed by people a good amount of them bowed.

"This feels so weird." Kaiza said.

"Knowing you, you would have loved the attention." Akumu said.

"It's not really my thing, to be the center of attention." Kaiza said.

"Says the guy with flashy transformations." Hikari said.

"Those aren't my fault." Kaiza replied.

As they were walking, off to the side there were a group of kids playing around, signing something that was not understandable.

"What are they doing over there?" Hikari asked.

"They are singing a Nursery Rhyme that has been passed down from the first ones." Malum said.

Kaiza watched them, confused on why the song felt so similar.

"The Rhyme's meaning has been long unknown to our people, readings of that long have been lost through countless decades, all that remains is the soothing melody." The Chieftess said.

Kaiza started humming the tune, as his mark started to glow, then started speaking.

"Those who are Lost, will be those who are Found."

"Chosen by the Right, to combat the Wrong."

"No matter how far apart from the World."

"The Ten Children of the Queen."

"Will be the Warriors of Change."

"Blood does not tie them, but bonds they make will last Forever."

"The Child of The Devil, the one who lost the most, will lead all Ten."

"The Child of The Monster, the one who has seen the most, will bleed with all Ten."

"The Child of The Time Warden, the one who has been through the most, will cherish the time with all Ten."

"The Child of The Knight, the one who has strived the most, will guard all Ten."

"The Child of The Phantom, the one who has tasted the wrong side the most, will keep all Ten away from it."

"The Child of The Highflyer, the one who has soared the most, will make jokes with all Ten."

"The Child of The Road Runner, the one who has been everywhere the most, will catch up with all Ten."

"The Child of The Experimentation, the one who felt pain the most, will take the pain from all Ten."

"The Child of The Planets, the one who has bonded with the most, will keep all Ten bonds together."

"The Child of The Animals, the one who felt the most, will trust all Ten."

"Ten Warriors who have been through the most, will put an end to all that is wrong."

Once Kaiza finished speaking he took a deep breath, looking back at everyone, seeing their faces of disbelief.

"Young man, how were you able to speak that?" The Chieftess asked.

"That sounded longer than the nursery rhyme." Akumu said.

"Kind of morbid." Hikari said.

"I have no clue how I was able to understand it." Kaiza said.

"Then your research, young master Malum, should be done with highest regard." The Chieftess said.

An explosion shot off from behind the group following many screams, as the group looked toward the area.

"We have to go now!" Malum yelled, running toward the area.

"Wait!" Kaiza shouted, causing Malum to stop.

"Are you insane, they are my people, why would I not help them!" Malum yelled.

"You need to find the information on my markings, Akumu and I can handle this ourselves." Kaiza said.

Malum walked up to Kaiza, as more explosions continued going off.

"You are not strong enough from the demons here!" Malum shouted. "Let someone who is a demon take care of them."

Kaiza punched Malum in the side of the face, causing Malum to punch him back.

"Stop it both of you!" The Chieftess yelled.

After a few more swings at each other, Malum slicked back his hair, then walked toward the castle-like building.

"Keep them safe." Malum said.

Hikari followed him, with the Chieftess, as both Kaiza and Akumu ran toward the cause of the explosions. People were running around, as both Kaiza and Akumu helped them away, the sound of loud rumbling moved toward the two of them, as they looked toward it, then jumped to the sides as a humanoid rhino-like demon charged past them and through a building.

Kaiza took out the Tectonic Contract Card, while Akumu pulled out the War Ring, Kaiza put Hell's Access II onto his waist, while Akumu put the Apocalypse Driver onto his left wrist and they both put the card and ring into the drivers.

"Henshin!" They both yelled, turning into Tectonic and Ketsueki Ripa.

The Rhino pushed itself out of the rumble, charging toward Diavolo. Diavolo grabbed a hold of the Rhino's broad shoulders, due to the strength of the Rhino, Diavolo was pushed back a bit, with all of his strength, Diavolo held the Rhino in place, Ripa swung his Ketsueki War Axes Toward the Rhino's back. The blades collided against the Rhino's back, while the Rhino turned around, tossing Diavolo into Ripa.

Back at the Dreadnaught Crusader

"Shoot them out of the sky!" Ryu shouted, over the earpiece.

"It's getting hard, half of our weapons aren't fully back online." A soldier said.

"I'm in position." Jan said, through Ryu's earpiece. "Are you sure, I will be able to use this new Form Ryu?"

"Using the Data extracted from the fights between the Sinful Seven, you should be able to go on par with the strength of Wrath." Ryu explained, through the ear piece. "These creatures seem to be at least on par with Mid Tier Demons, these will not be like fighting off the monsters that broke through the small cracks in the sky back home."

"Well let's hope that you are right about this sir!" Jan shouted, as a gust of wind blew past him.

Jan, pulled out a Deus Card from his arm pack, slipping it into his Deus Vult. "Henshin!" Jan said aloud. "The speed of light quickens one's limits to the max, Flash Warrior rushes to the front lines."

Several of the creatures got Jan in their sights, as they started to dive bomb toward him. Right before they were able to hit him, the screen for the Heilige Armor appeared before him, blocking them, before they had the time to react, two more screens shoot up from the ground, cutting the creatures into threes, the screens then went over Jan, creating the Zwaar Heilige. The heavy armor broke down to the normal Heilige armor, then the armor proceeded to break down to a light armor based Hospitaller Knight, with armor mainly covering his chest, head, arms and legs, with the under armor looking weaker but was just as strong as Zwaar Heilige.

Heilige's Broadsword appeared in front of him, the armor broke away, but instead of making a smaller sword and shield, the pieces connected to his forearms, calves and back, he was now.

"Flash Warrior Snelheid Heilige." Jan said.

"Alright Jan, the armor got on just fine, but watch out for the speed, you are going to have to get used to it." Ryu explained.

Heilige got into a running position as more of the creatures flew toward him, a display screen appeared over Heilige's visor, an aiming reticle pinpointed each of the creatures, in a quick shot forward the place Heilige was once standing only contained a gust of dust. The armor pieces on Heilige's forearms extend forward, cutting through each creature, moving like a bolt of lighting.

More of the creature's flew toward Heilige, the forearm pieces slide back into place, as the pieces on his calves opened up, he swung his right leg toward the creatures causing a chain blade shot out, piercing through the creatures, Heilige used the armor of his left calf, clanging the two pieces together, causing a spark of light to go off, then a fire spread quickly along the chain, lighting the creatures on fire

From the main area of the Dreadnaught Crusader

Nora and Ryu were watching over Jan's fight.

"The new Form looks more predator than knight." Nora said.

"Kind of figures, his parents were killed when he was younger and was left to grow up as a wild child." Ryu said.

"From then and now, he always seemed to be a free spirit." Nora said.

As creatures swarmed together, creating a large storm looking creature, it roared out lounging toward Heilige. Heilige pulled another Deus Card from the deck, putting it into the Deus Vult.

"Deus Finisher: Divine Retribution" Deus Vult chimed.

Heilige hung in the air, one more chain blade extended from the armor on his left calf, the armor on his forearms extended into blades and the armor on his back opened up as thrusters appeared, bursting forth fire like wings. Heilige shot forward, folding himself up and becoming a ball of frenzied slashes.

The large creature let out a howl in pain, as it continued to become smaller from all of the creatures being killed off thanks to Heilige's attacks. After the last one fell, Heilige hung in the air motionless from the attack.

"Jan, are you doing okay?" Nora asked, through the air piece.

There was no response from him, his thrusters gave out as he started falling toward the ground.

"Gishiki, get Jan now!" Ryu shouted.

"Can't make it, I'm swarmed at this end!" Gishiki shouted, through his earpiece.

Nora ran out of the room, Jan's armor broke away, Nora made it out of the Dreadnaught Crusader and shouted.

"Jan wake up!"

Jan's eyes flickered open, seeing the ground coming fast, he pulled out a Deus Card, putting it into the Deus Vult.

"Heilig Slagzwaard." Deus Vult chimed.

Jan used the majority of the Heilig Slagzwaard, to lessen the impact into a mound of sand, Nora ran over to him, kneeling down next to him.

"Jan are you okay?" Nora asked.

"Yeah, just my brain is rattled a bit, help me back to the ship." Jan said.

Nora made a quick call, as two soldiers came out, helping Jan back into the ship. Over to Arch, he continued shooting the creatures on his side out of the air, the creatures were starting to take more arrows to fall out of the sky, due to Arch's energy starting to drain.

"Gishiki, get back in here, the cannons are back online." Ryu said, through the earpiece.

Gishiki rushed back inside, as the sound of the cannons went off behind him as he entered the ship. He let his armor break away, he was panting and sweating from the lack of energy. He made his way to the main deck, looking over to Ryu.

"Any word from the Out Team?" Gishiki asked.

"So far nothing." Ryu said. "Let's hope they are okay."

Back with the Out Team

Diavolo's head was being slammed into the ground, as the rhino demon had his head in his hand, slamming it into the ground. Ripa's motionless body was halfway through a building, he was currently in his base form, the demon let go of Diavolo's head and made his way to where the civilians went.

"Form Change: Tundra!" Hell's Access II chimed.

The rhino demon looked back seeing Diavolo, halfway standing up, he was panting hard, he could barely keep himself up, Diavolo jammed his claws into the ground, creating an ice shot toward the demon, freezing his legs in place.

"Foolish Human, you have no chance against Mid-Tier Demon." The Rhino Demon said.

"Ha, jokes on you, I'm actually a Demon myself." Diavolo said, panting.

"I can tell, but you are far too weak, you are Low-Tier at best." The Rhino Demon said.

He broke the ice containing his feet, charging up and running toward Diavolo. Diavolo weakly rolled to the side and over to Ripa.

"Hey buddy are you still alive in there?" Diavolo asked.

"Yeah just barely." Ripa said, sitting up slowly.

The demon turned toward them, charging back up, the two Warriors could barely move from their spot, but before the demon could charge at them, he was hit by a rock. The two Warriors looked over seeing a child holding a stick pointing it at the demon.

"Oh you came here to be a snack?" The Demon spoke with glee.

"You idiot get away from here!" Ripa shouted.

"Discedite a mea." The Child said.

"What the hell is he saying?" Ripa asked.

"Discedite a mea!" The Child yelled.

The Demon started charging up aiming for the child now.

"Discedite a mea!" The Child yelled again.

"Stay away from my home." Kaiza spoke.

"What?" Ripa asked.

The Demon shot toward the child, the child yelled, as before Diavolo could think, he took Ripa's Hell Scythe, running toward the Child.

"Stop you idiot, your hands will turn to ash, you can't touch the scythe!" Ripa yelled.

But Diavolo was running on pure adrenaline, he couldn't hear him, he moved Hell's Access II to his left hand, punching the Demon in the chest and screamed.

"Henshin! This warrior arrives from wanting to protect the weak. The Arctic Warden roars loudly."

"Frigid!" Hell's Access II chimed.

A bright Blue light erupted from the punch, covering Diavolo soon after. Diavolo's Tundra Form started changing, the fur covering his legs fell off revealing thick skeletal-like legs, the Yeti Claws moved from his hands to his shoulders, clamping together around his neck, forming shoulder armor, the Claws covered downwards. What replaced his arms was a pair of skeletal arms, his chest was covered with bones jutting out from the muscle like body frame, his horns vanished and his jaw opened up wide showing a larger set of teeth that covered his face forming the appearance of iron bars.

Everyone looked toward Diavolo seeing his new Form, Diavolo dropped Ripa's Scythe kicking it back toward him, without looking at the Child.

"Tergum auferetur." Diavolo said. (Back Away)

The Child nodded, running and hiding behind a building, looking out to see the fight.

"New Form big whoop, I'm still gonna eat you all." The Demon said.

Diavolo stood there quietly, as the demon roared out charging at him, right before he hit Diavolo, Diavolo performed an uppercut into the demon's ribcage, causing the demon to fall to the ground.

"H-Huh!" The Demon shouted.

Diavolo kicked him hard in the face, knocking him back a bit.

"Arctic Warrior Tundra: Arctic Warden." Diavolo said calmly.

The Demon got up, roaring out loud, spikes shot out of his body, charging up to charge straight for Diavolo, he shot forward. Diavolo looked up, ramming his knee into the demon's chin, then taking hold of his horns, Diavolo rammed both of his knees into the demon's chin, pulling all of his weight backwards, pressing his feet into the Demon's chest, kicking him into a building.

The Demon roared charging right at Diavolo, once he collided with him, Diavolo shattered into ice, the demon let out a loud laugh.

"No time to laugh, bastard." Diavolo said.

The Demon looked around for him, the shards of ice, moved into the air and surrounded the demon, about eight figures formed around the demon, which each took form of Tundra, each once then created a long ice pole, they each jammed it around the Demon, the tops shot upwards connecting around the demon's neck.

"You think that these can contain me!?" The Demon shouted.

Ice formed over the demon's head, the poles started growing larger, with spikes forming toward the demon's body.

Diavolo took out a card from his deck, putting the left side of the Contract Card through Hell's Access II.

"Overload Finisher: Arctic Burial!" Hell's Access II chimed.

The spikes shot toward the demon, encasing him in an ice iron maiden, the creation spun around fast, as the screams of the demon echoed from inside. After a few minutes, the creation faded away revealing the bloodied corpse of the demon. Diavolo walked simply up to the demon, placing his right hand onto the it's chest, turning the entire thing to ice, pushing it backwards, as it shattered on the ground.

"Um, that looks like we have won." Ripa said.

Both his and Diavolo's armor broke away. Kaiza walked over to the child, then spoke.

"Es genus satis ad auxilium me, et non nocuerunt autem fecistis?" (You were kind enough to help me, they didn't hurt you did they?)

"Quod non mihi nocebit." The Child. (They didn't hurt me.)

"Bonum placet aliis ad nos." Kaiza replied. (That is good, please lead us back to the others.)

The child nodded, leading them back toward the others, as both of the Riders followed.

"Are you going to say how you know their language?" Akumu asked.

"They are speaking Latin." Kaiza said.

"The dead language?" Akumu asked.

"It doesn't seem to be dead to me, it looks like we have more questions about this world." Kaiza said calmly.

As they walked, Kaiza felt the device in his chest pulse, holding his chest gently. The device was obviously not a tracking device, he just hoped he would be able to get it out of his chest before it's real purpose was used.