Chapter 27: Conquest

Oritsu ordered his soldiers to attack the oncoming new threat, while also ordered, another group to take him and Ripa toward the current location of the Lord of Madness and the Master, he will achieve his goal, he doesn't care about the lowly mortals behind him, he reached down with his hands, grabbing the heads of two of his soldiers, as their bodies started to reconfigure one turned into a large black ooze like bird and the other into a large tiger.

He released his hands, as they both turned toward the fighting, moving out toward them, though the bird first had a different goal, the flew toward Hikari's location with its full intent on reclaiming the necklace and locket, as keeping Ripa under his control was a high priority. Hikari took the spear in her arms, running away from the attacking black ooze bird, using it's talons to attack her.

The voice of Heilige rang out, as he drove toward the large bird, jumping off his War Horse, cutting the bird's head off with his Holy Blade, landing by it, striking a nice pose.

"Birdie go bye, bye." Jan said.

Thinking it was done, until he heard the gross sound of movement behind him, looking back to see the bird reforming and roared right at him, flapping it's large wings, launching black ooze toward Heilige, he blocked the attacks with his shield, while also jumping backwards to get out of the way of the rest of the ooze, but the ooze that was launched at him caught his attention when it started moving together, as they all reconfigured into one of the soldiers.

The soldier charged at Heilige, both of it's arms formed into long blades, attacking him Heilige while the bird returned it's attention to retrieve the locket from Hikari. Hikari dodged and weaved through the New Samurai and black ooze soldiers fighting.

"Help I need to find a safe place, to relive the remaining memories with this locket, to free Ripa from his mind control!" Hikari yelled. "This bird seems to want the locket, to stop the memories being revealed."

"Men help Hikari, we need her safe, to save Ripa!" Puppeteer shouted.

Some New Samurai diverted their attention from the black ooze soldiers, then started fighting off the oncoming bird, Hikari had a chance to duck into the Dreadnought Crusader, reaching up the spear finally taking a hold of the locket.

Nine Trials: Floor Five Wrath

Right after stepping onto the new floor Kaiza saw a large swampy brown muck, he made his way forward, until he saw movement from the brown muck, a closer inspection Kaiza could see people fighting at the surface of brown muck, some pulling others down, so they could get to the surface, along with bubbles popping at the surface. Kaiza made his way over to what looked like a skiff, once he got close enough to it, the visage of Charon appeared in front of Kaiza.

"Oh hey there Charon, long time no see, how have you been, gone on dates since we last met?" Kaiza asked.

Charon of course said nothing, but looked up and down at Kaiza's current appearance.

"Oh no Charon senpai, don't undress me with your eyes." Kaiza said, then chuckled.

Charon looked displeased, then started moving the stiff away from Kaiza.

"No wait Charon, I'm sorry I still need to cross this swamp!" Kaiza yelled.

Charon sailed back over to Kaiza, as Kaiza just rubbed the back of his head, apologizing, as he stepped onto the skiff, Charon started sailing toward one direction. Kaiza looked at all the people fighting at the surface of the brown muck, it seems like the skiff was warden off the fighting, as they were able to sail by them, he looked up seeing fiery red building off in the.

"We looked to be nearing the City of Dis." Kai said, in Kaiza Mind.

"The City of Dis, what is that?" Kaiza asked.

"The City of Dis, was once a city, of the ones faithful to God, but seeing where we are now, I bet since it is here, only the most hateful and unfaithful will be here." Kai replied.

Kaiza looked upon the oncoming fiery red towers, the closer they got the more he realized that these tower's colors were actually from real burning red fire, the skiff lurched as they made it to the land, Kaiza stepped off the skiff, looking back to see the skiff sailing away.

"Hey Charon, I know we barely talked, but thank you for helping me!" Kaiza yelled.

Charon one boney hand, giving a half cocked wave, Kaiza looked toward the large metal wall of the City of Dis, the closer he got toward the city, he was greeted by a small black feather ring, which looked like it wrapped the entire metal wall, Kaiza placed his hands upon the black feathers, trying to find a way through them.

The feathers started moving, as Kaiza stepped back, seeing the black feathers move up and spread up, revealing Fallen Angels.

"Hey guys, I need to get through. Would you be the best and let me through?" Kaiza asked.

The Fallen Angels said nothing, Kaiza tried many ways to get past them, by begging, trying to bribe them with nothing he owned, falling to his hands and knees fake crying his eyes out.

"You know what I don't think that is working." Kaiza said.

"Oh, you don't say?" Kai questioned Kaiza's actions.

"Well that was quite entertaining but I think it is time to put an end to this." A female voice rang out.

Kaiza started looking around, until his eyes went wide and he lurched backwards, just in time to miss the speedy attack of a pair of claws, he got back up to follow the attacker, until he saw the woman's bat like wings and coal black body, she looked toward him showing her blood-shot eyes, he heard movement behind him, turning around to see two more women.

"Fuck it's the Furies!" Kai yelled. "Run!"

Kaiza pulled out a Contract Card, slamming it into Hell's Access II.

"Henshin!" Kaiza yelled.

"Tectonic!" Hell's Access II chimed.

Two slabs of rock shot up, crushing Kaiza, but it was actually turning him into Tectonic, he broke free, charging at the one behind him, he pulled back his right fist, shooting it forward, but he missed the Fury, as she darted away, before he could react he was hit hard twice in the back stumbling forward.

"Oh, did you think we could stop us?" One of the Furies questioned Diavolo.

Diavolo pulled out another Contract Card, slamming it against Hell's Access II.

"Orc Cleaver!" Hell's Access II chimed.

A large almost 10 foot, Orc looking cleaver appeared in his hand, he gripped it hard, while yelling out, spinning around, trying to hit the Furies, but they flew up, only laughing at him, he then hurled it into the air, trying to hit them again, only to miss once again, Diavolo gritted his teeth, taking out another Contract Card slamming it into Hell's Access II.

"Overload Finisher!" Hell's Access II chimed. "Tectonic Plate Rupture!"

Diavolo raised his right foot, slamming it hard into the ground, creating small pillars, he started running up them, until he jumped onto the ground, pointing his left foot down and he shot into the ground. The Furies watched what he was doing, only to chuckle when they saw him fall into the ground, the ground started to rumble as the hole Diavolo fell into started closing, until Diavolo shot out of the ground, with a massive stone foot, slamming into all three of the Furies.

They all let out a shriek, falling to the ground, Diavolo landed on the ground dusting himself off, until a new voice spoke up behind him.

"My poor dears, you were only told to hold him off, until I arrived."

Kaiza turned around, seeing Medusa right behind him, he thanked whoever he believed that she couldn't turn him into stone.

"We're sorry ma'am, we didn't expect him to be this strong." One of the Furies said.

"Well don't worry my dearies, I'm here to stop him." She told them. "Now please restrain him."

The three of them shot forward, no matter how damaged they were, took a hold of Diavolo, this caused Medusa to smile, as she walked up to them, while Diavolo tried to break free, Medusa placed her hands onto his helmet, it slowly turned to stone shattering in her grip, she held Kiaza's eyes open, as he was forced to gaze into her, until he was slowly turned to stone.

The Furies let go of him, Medusa gave each one of them a head pat.

"Good job girls, the Lord of Madness, shall reward each one of you with your freedom." Medusa said, then started giggling, which led to laughing madly.

The mind of Kaiza slowly started to fade, as he was no longer able to mind.

"I won't lose you now." Kai said, using what limited power he had, to keep Kaiza's mind intact.

Shortly before this, back with Hikari

Hikari reached up, taking a breath to find out the truth after the memories Akumu first told her, she grabbed a hold of the locket as her eyes glowed brightly.

833 Years Ago

Hikari saw the aftermath of Akumu killing Oritsu and carried her body away, until she saw someone walk into view, the being spoke, which shot a chill up her invisible back.

"Poor, poor, poor Oritsu, done in by a mere pet, your ego got the better of you."

The man raised his right hand as a dark red symbol appeared from nothing, pressing it into the corpse of Oritsu.

"Raise from the dead, as your contract, you shall wage war with the Lord of Madness and the Master when the time is right." The Man said, laughing loudly, he looked right toward Hikari, grinning madly.

Her vision shifted, as she took a large gasp of air, he tried to think back to his face, but this appearance didn't show, the only thing she can remember was his smile. The vision settled in a spot, seeing the human form of Akumu, she couldn't tell when it was, but the landscape was different. Akumu was walking along a path laughing with someone, her vision moved and her eyes went wide, as Akumu was walking and talking with her, but not her.

"You were not the first, Akumu met a different Hikari every century for 833 years, you're the current iteration." The Original Hikari spoke up.

Hikari gripped her head, as the vision continue changing showing my different versions of her, meeting, befriending, falling in love and dying in Akum's arms, she let out a scream, falling to her knees, with tears running down her cheeks, finally remembering everything, her feelings for him have been true, deep down she felt like he was the one, after meeting him.

"Why are we cursed to be stuck in this damn Romeo and Juliet love life!" Hikari shouted.

"The man you saw revive Oritsu, formed a contract with Oritsu to revive him, while his bloodline was cursed to revive, he kept his original body, my sisters and I kept, reviving in a new life, while not blood related, friends we make the feel like sisters, we always meet." The Original Hikari said.

"But why was Akumu never revived, why was he stuck like this!?" Hikari yelled.

"The curse of his rings, stopped him from fully reviving, but his life was stuck with continually meeting you, because of the child the two of us created, for falling in love with you, he was stuck in this never ending life." The Original Hikari said.

"Then how can I save him!" Hikari shouted.

"It may not come out with a good ending." The Original Hikari said.

"I don't give a fuck, I will be the to finally stop this damn curse!" Hikari yelled.

The Original Hikari simply smiled, then began to tell her what to do.

While the memories were going

Arch was sailing around, launching several arrows from his Fluctus Bow, at the soldiers, killing several of them, while Puppeteer was in a black purplish color, controlling some of the soldiers, forcing them to fight each others, while Heilige was in his Snelheid form, zipping through the crowd, using his speed and strength to fight off the Black Ooze tiger and eagle, as a deep voice echoed in his mind.

"Sir Jan, Kaiza is in need of my help."

"Who are you, mister head voice?" Heilige asked.

"Ah good you can finally hear me, for it is I your trusty War Horse and I need to leave and save Kaiza." War Horse said.

"Why must you leave me and save Kaiza?" Heilige asked.

"Because if I don't, he will die." War Horse said.

"But I need you here." Heilige said.

"Are you telling me you don't care if Kaiza lives or dies?" War Horse asked.

Heilige was caught off guard, he finally thought about it long and hard, then finally spoke.

"Go save him, we're going to need his help." Heilige said.

War Horse, glowed up and vanished from the in the middle of the fight, that Heilige had left it.

Nine Trials: Floor Five Wrath, shortly after defeat

Medusa and the Furies, walked away from the statue version of Kaiza, until Medusa stopped as the Furies walked past her, until they stopped looking back at her.

"Ma'am what is wrong, we have won." One of the Furies said.

"Oh I can't wait to get out of here and go to the surface, I can't wait to attack those Low Tier Demons." Another said.

Medusa was about to say something, until she started feeling the ground shaking beneath her violently, as the shaking moved by then, moving toward the statue of Kaiza, she whipped her head around and shouted.


The ground under Kaiza opened up, as a large mechanized dragon-like mouth shot out of the ground, eating Kaiza in one bite, Medusa and the Furies looked on, until the Furies started laughing, at the instant death of Kaiza, but they stopped when they heard a weird ticking sound.

"This Seismic fighter holds the weight of the ones he holds dearly, the Seismic Guardian roars loudly." Hell's Access II chimed.

The mechanized dragon, began to form move inwards forming a strange mechanized egg, then it shattered as the form of a white with gold trimming, along with the color brown at his hips, lowers legs, wrists and head, which looked look more of a dragon then a Golem, his shoulders had talon like shoulder guards, with gold tips and a golden cross in the middle of his chest.

Diavolo slid his fingers together, stretching his body, then started moving in place, making sure all of his body parts were no longer stuck as a stone, he ducked doing crouches, as a Fury's whip whizzed by his head.

"Oh my that was a close one, that would have been bad." Diavolo said calmly.

"How the fuck are you alive!" Medusa shouted.

Diavolo stood there thinking a bit, then raised his right hand flipping them off.

"Fuck you that's how." Diavolo said.

The Furies roared out angry, charging right at him, two of them snapped their whips at him, Diavolo simply took a hold of them, pulling his hands back, which caused the Furies to snap toward him, performing a double lariat on both of them, slamming both of his forearms, into their throats, which they hit hard falling to the ground unconscious.

"How did you get this strong!" The last Fury yelled.

"Stronger?" Diavolo questioned. "I haven't, I was able to fight you off with the weaker form of this, which means you're all just Low Tier demons to me."

The Fury roared out, until a snake from Medusa bit her on the neck.

"No wait madam Medu…" The Fury couldn't finish her sentence until she was turned to stone.

"What not going to say, oh how dare you use your companions like that, aren't they your friends?" Medusa said mockingly.

"Why should I care, I have seen betrayal of foot soldiers already." Diavolo said.

"Good now we can fight." Medusa said.

Diavolo rubbed the back of his neck, looking toward her.

"I have to stop you right there, you're not part of my worry anymore, I have already lost interest." Diavolo said.

Medusa roared out, summoning two large snakes to attack him, Diavolo pulled out a Contract Card putting it against Hell's Access II.

"Overload Finisher: Draconic Slash!" Hell's Access II chimed.

The dragon talon-like shoulder guards, slid down to his hands, the tips pointed toward Diavolo's thighs, he spread open his arms, then golden brown energy talons, grew from them, forming two large dragon jaw bones, he then slammed his hands together, with the jaws crushing the snakes and Medusa in one strong chomp.

Diavolo slowly turned around, as the large snakes and Medusa fell to the ground defeated, he looked upon the ring of Fallen Angels that hadn't moved from their spot, during that entire battle, he started making his way toward them, until Hell's Access Ii started feeling hot.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Kaiza yelled, he removed Hell's Access II, which removed the Seismic Guardian form.

Once he did, a long yellow crack ran across the device, followed by a green crack, then a blue one, a white one and finally a red one, Kaiza watched as Hell's Access II shattered in his hands. Kaiza's eyes went wide, he fell to his knees, as he tried picking up the pieces, trying to put it back together, to no avail.

"No wait, don't break on me yet, I still have use for you!" Kaiza yelled.

Something from within him pulsed, he held his chest, shaking softly, the white gem on his necklace, glowed brightly, with one last pulse, Kaiza's body snapped backwards, as to white angelic wings shot out of his back, panting softly as the pain finally subsided, then looked back and saw the wings.

"Oh fucking shit, why do I have wings!" Kaiza shouted, trying to pull the wings off to no avail.

Kaiza plopped onto the ground face first, panting after he got tired from trying to pull the wings off, he got up dusting himself off.

"Well I guess I have no other choice but to stick with this." Kaiza spoke to himself, then he noticed something in the corner of his eyes.

The Fallen Angels, we moved slowly to the side, making an opening for Kaiza, as a panel in the all also opened up for him. Kaiza started walking toward the opening, moving his right hand up, for a high five, he looked right at a female Fallen Angel, as she stared at him blankly.

"Okay then." Kaiza said, lowering his hand walking into the opened panel, as it shut behind him. "Onto the next Trial then."

Back to the Fighting on the Surface

Malum rushed into the midst of the fight, taking on the black ooze tiger, laughing as he was rapidly slashing the creature, he grinned wickedly as his slashing got faster every minute, to the point the tiger's regenerating couldn't keep up with him.

"Malum what the hell, you just get here and you wipe out an enemy with ease!" Heilige shouted.

"Sorry, I am still not used to this younger form, with my current power." Malum said, laughing loudly. "Fuck this feels amazing."

Malum shot off to fight off more soldiers, darting his way toward Oritsu to have a real challenge.

Over at Oritsu's small army

Akumu fell to the ground gripping his head yelling loudly.

"Hikari, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Oritsu saw this, hopping off his moving throne, moving over to him, getting ready to kick him, until he was stopped by Akumu.

"Oritsu you're here!" Akumu yelled. "I finally remember everything!"

Oritsu shook his foot out of his grasp, hopping back.

"There is no way you can remember everything!" Oritsu shouted.

"You fucking took control of me, every fucking time, just to kill Hikari every time and then you wipe my memory, is there no end to your sick fucking game!" Akumu shouted. "Every time the two of us meet, you somehow snake your way into our life and you make me kill her with my bare hands!"

"Don't blame this on me, you useless piece of trash, if the two never screwed me over, I would have become a beloved king!" Oritsu shouted

Oritsu panted with anger, then an evil grin appeared on his face, he stretched out his right hand, a black rune circle appeared in front of it, within a second, Hikari appeared in front of him and he took a hold of her throat, choking her.

"Then I will just start my game all over again!" Oritsu shouted.

His power over Akumu was still there, Akumu stood up slowly, taking a hold of a sword from one of the soldiers, slowly moving toward the two of them.

"Akumu, listen to me, Oritsu has no real power over you, fight it!" Hikari yelled.

"I'm trying my best, but I can't stop it." Akumu said, getting closer toward them.

Hikari tried to force Oritsu's grip from her throat, struggling the best she could, she was getting weaker, as things were getting harder to breath.

"Aku…" she couldn't finish saying his name, as Akumu was forced to run the blade right into her stomach, her arms went limp, spitting up blood, she was able to weakly let out. "Akumu."

"HIKARI!" Akumu let out a blood curdling scream, everyone around him was blown back by a large explosion.

Puppeteer caught the weakened Hikari, trying her best to stop the bleeding, as Oritsu was caught by his soldiers, he chuckled, waiting for his prey ro come back to him, he ordered his men to march toward the Master's fortress.

"Akumu." Hikari said weakly.

Puppeteer continued trying to heal her, as the others walked up to them, as the dust settled, revealing a large dome of decay.

"Um, what the hell is happening?" Heilige asked.

"It is a large ball of decay, Akumu first used it after Kaiza first met him and damaged him, which wiped out an entire city block, but this looks to be bigger and denser." Arch mentioned.

"I have to save him." Hikari said, getting up weakly.

"Are you an idiot, you can't do anything, it's going to kill you!" Puppeteer yelled.

Hikari took a few steps away from them, then looked back at them, smiling weakly.

"This is goodbye everyone." Hikari said, then started walking toward the dome of decay.

Puppeteer's form broke away, as she went over to Hikari, grabbing her wrist.

"You can't…" Before she could finish, Sora hugged her.

"I can't stop you, you have made up your mind, but thanks for being my friend." Sora said.

Both Heilige and Arch's forms broke away walking over to them, with Gishiki rubbing her head and Jan lightly patting her back.

"Take care." Gishiki said.

"We'll miss you." Jan said.

"We will all miss you." The intercom rang out over the tender moment.

Hikari gripped Sora's shirt, tears running down her cheeks, she broke away from the hug, turned around and started walking toward the dome, from a dust cloud Malum walked out, looking at her, she gulped as she was still wary of him.

He just gave a bit of a smirk, walking past her.

"You're a pretty damn strong kid." Malum said.

She looked back at him, seeing him giving a half cocked wave with his right hand. She had a soft smile, taking a deep pained breath, making her way toward the dome, standing right in front of it, then started walking into it, feeling her body slowly decay. He mind raced to keep it off from the pain, she recounted her memories as her current self, meeting Akumu, being kidnapped, but he never hurt her, now she knows the truth.

Center of the Dome

Akumu sat in the middle of the dome, if we could cry he would be bawling out his eyes, but he can't, his mind only raced through all the problems that he caused to the one he loved, he created this dome to keep himself there, so he will never cause problems again, he doesn't deserve to live anymore.

"Akumu." Hikari's voice rang out.

Akumu's head shot up, looking everywhere, her voice sounded close, he rubbed his head, laughing softly, as he knew he was only going insane, his mind stopped as he felt arms wrap around his shoulders, his eyes widened, looking back to see only a skeleton. He took a hold of it, but it was reduced to ash in his hands, he looked right at the ash in his hands, as tears dropped onto them, he hasn't been able to cry in years, he knew it the skeleton was Hikari, because of him she was dead head, he started crying loudly.

"Don't cry Akumu." Hikari spoke softly.

Akumu looked up, seeing the original Hikari after so long, tears continued running down his cheeks, Hikari's appearance changed, as she took the form of each version of Hikari that he had met over the past 833 years.

"I'm so sorry, I never wanted to do it, you have been much better never meeting me!" Akumu cried out loudly. "I'm the fucking worst, I can never protect the one I love."

Every visage of the Hikari's hugged him, forming a barrier around him, keeping him away from the decay, the current version of Hikari appeared in front of him and smiled.

"We don't blame you one bit, we will always meet again, we will all fall in love again, because you have made every part of our lives." Hikari said.

Akumu sat there, trembling as tears continued running down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I love you." Akumu said.

"I love you too." Hikari said, smiling.

She started leaning toward him, as all versions of her formed into one being kissing Akumu deeply, as the entire dome glowed brightly.

Outside the Dome

The others watched as the dome shattered, seeing Akumu standing in the middle alone, Sora covered her mouth, as tears ran down her cheeks.

Back to Akumu

Akumu opened his eyes, all alone, seeing the four rings floating in front of him, they started moving together, forming a brand new ring, Akumu took it and put it on, then held his chest.

"I will finish this once and for all Hikari." Akumu said calmly, then shouted. "Henshin!"

Akumu slammed the ring into the Apocalypse Driver, as a large explosion of energy shot out from him.

"The fate of Four Horsemen must band together, to conquer the land before you, let's begin the Conquest!" Apocalypse Driver chimed.

A multitude of colors appeared around him at first becoming black armor, until they slowly turned white, signifying that his sins have been wiped away, one by one, each piece of the armor connected to him, with a golden belt and golden crown above his head, Ripa looked up into the sky, taking a deep breath, finally ready to end this game of Oritsu.