Chapter 32: Unique Fighters

"Kaiza you're back!" Puppeteer said aloud going over to him.

She slightly fell forward, but Kaiza caught her, from his touch Puppeteer could tell something different with him, until she remembered, he didn't have much longer to live, she looked up to him, only to see Kaiza smiling down at her. He then slowly stood her up, hugged her and turned around to face the demons, with a determined look in his eyes.

"You aren't going to drop dead on me and leave me, with these three demons?" Kaiza asked.

There was a bit of a laugh, from behind him, then the four remaining warriors stood on both sides of him, getting their second wind.

"Yeah right, I have a battle to end before I can confront Hikari." Ripa said.

"I have to avenge the death of Ochita." Arch said.

"I have to make this fight end quickly, so I can have an easy life, before my time comes to an end." Heilige said.

"I think this is the first time the five of us, fought all together since we confronted Wrath." Puppeteer said.

"Sounds good to me, also I can't turn into Diavolo." Kaiza said.

"What!" The other four said aloud.

"Yeah, since I became stronger thanks to Angelic Chariot and War Horse, Hell's Access II shattered." Kaiza said. "But I became stronger thanks to the Nine Trails, I will be able to last, plus.."

Kaiza trailed off, crossing his arms, flexing his shoulders and one angel and one demon wing sprouted from his back.

"I got this."

Before anyone could say anything, Kaiza shot forward aiming for The Master, swinging a punch at him, The Master grinned jumping backwards to dodge the punch, Ripa and Heilige launched toward the Lord of Madness and Arch and Puppeteer launched toward Acedia.

Kaiza's eyes turned bright blue, his fists grew long icicles on them, swinging both of his fists toward The Master, actually hitting him every so often, causing some damage to him, Kaiza couldn't tell if he was angering The Master all because he was wearing a grin the entire thing. Kaiza's right foot started glowing blue, creating an ice block under him, shooting upwards and jumped over The Master. He landed behind thrusting his icicle fists through The Master's lower back, The Master took a hold of the ice breaking it, leaning forward slamming his right foot into Kaiza's face launching him backwards.

The Master turned around still grinning, letting his wounds heal.

"Splendid Kaiza, you have grown since you entered the Nine Trial, while this is our first true meeting, I will like to introduce myself, I'm the Master of the Sinful Seven." The Master said.

"Is that your real name, or are you not going to even try telling me your real name?" Kaiza asked.

"Oh don't get me wrong, demons don't normally have names, I'm the founder of the Sinful Seven after all, so The Master fits well for me." The Master said. "Though my strength is that of Lord Tier, with my revival thanks to the Lord of Madness, it feels like my strength is getting stronger."

Kaiza spat out some blood, then grinned a bit.

"Sounds like a good challenge." Kaiza said.

The two laughed out charging toward each other.

Acedia Fight

Puppeteer shifted into her Fire Phase, blasting fire toward Acedia, with Arch speeding around behind her, swinging his sword toward Acedia's back, before the attacks could connected with her, she hopped up into the air, but Arch slammed his left foot into the ground, spinning and swinging his sword upwards, sending the fire blast from Puppeteer toward Acedia.

Puppeteer ran toward Arch, he crossed his arms, letting Puppeteer to jump off them, she sailed up toward Acedia, shifting into her Earth Phase, interlacing her fingers bringing her hands up above her head, forming a large rock hammer, slamming it down toward Acedia. Acedia roared out smashing down into the ground, she stood up, roaring even louder, her jaw split open into two and the roar caused the ground around her to break apart. Arch drove his blade into the ground to keep him from toppling over, while Puppeteer shifted into Air and Earth Duo Phase, wind started spinning around her legs, while her arms and shoulders created large rock, dropping hard down toward Acedia.

But before this could happen, Acedia took a hold of her, throwing her toward Arch, he caught her, then watched as Acedia proceeded to become more demonic and he skin shattered, revealing a thin looking blue and gray more human looking form, black claw marks on her thighs and forearms, with a more bear like face. Before Arch and Puppeteer could blink, Acedia was right in front of them, slamming both the palms of her hands into Puppeteer's chest, shooting them both backwards, they were both slammed into a large rock falling to the ground.

"This appearance feels very familiar to what Gluttony and Pride both took, back on Earth." Arch said.

"But it doesn't look like she sacrificed something to awaken this form." Puppeteer said.

They both slowly got to their feet, stretching their aching bodies.

"The Master must have removed that function, or it works differently for Acedia, we riled her up and now she is no longer lazy and she is active…"

Before Arch could finish, Acedia was in front of them again, slamming her right fist into Arch's face, spinning around kicking the back of Puppeteer's head. Puppeteer caught herself onto the ground, pulling her legs down, then shot them upwards hitting the underside of Acedia's chin. In a split second Acedia vanished from their sight, Arch used this chance to jump back onto his feet, spinning his sword around, slamming it into the ground, creating a shockwave of fire energy outwards, knocking an invisible Acedia off her feet.

"Arch I have an idea, but I'm going to need to stall her for a few minutes." Puppeteer said, shifting into Fire, Ice and Air Trio Phase.

Arch sighed,pulling out the Lucet Nouvelle tearing out three pages.

"Lux Corpus Geminus!" Arch shouted.

He tossed out the three pages, as they became a different version of himself, one based on his Rapheal, Gabriel and Uriel forms, they all yelled out charging toward Acedia. His Gabriel Form kept his distance while shooting arrows at Acedia, with the Rapheal Form thrusting his polearm at Acedia while dodging the arrows, without knowing where they were. The Uriel had created Lux Pugiones slicing at her with the daggers, while the real Arch was rushing at her slicing at her with his sword, Acedia roared out launching them backwards.

"Arch, I'm ready!" Puppeteer yelled.

A large cloud had formed above them, while they were busy with Acedia. Arch realized what the plan was, his Gabriel form loaded an arrow in his bow, charging up the small tesla towers on his back, the bolts of electricity flowed into his back, through his arms and into the arrow. He let go of the arrow once it was fully charged, the arrow sailed into the large cloud, the clouds began to darken, bolts of blue electricity sparked through the cloud, until one large blue thunder blue shot down hitting Acedia, causing her to scream out loudly.

Lord of Madness Fight

Heilige was in his Snelheid form, bolting side to side, while slashing Lord of Madness with his blades, from the cuts of the Lord of Madness he blood dripped out, which was just like his venom, the blood sizzled on the ground, while some of his blood sizzled on the blades of Heilige, he threw his arms back, trying to get the blood off the blades, but that wasn't helping at all.

Ripa ran forward in his Seifuku Ripa form, he was swinging his arms, with each swing every weapon from his other forms appeared hitting Lord of Madness with each swing.

"You lowly humans, do you really think you can defeat a Lord Tier demon!" Lord of Madness said loudly. "We have been around for hundreds of years , do you think you can just appear out of nowhere and just kill us."

"You're talking like someone who is getting close to being killed, someone talking their way through this so they don't have to be killed?" Ripa said.

This angered the Lord of Madness, launching toward him, Ripa summoned his Ripa Scythe swinging it upwards toward him, but the Lord of Madness knocked it out of his hands, sending it twirling into the air, then pulled back his hands, flattening them both piercing them both through Ripa's chest, grinning evilly.

"One down." The Lord of Madness said.

"And two still to go." Ripa said.

Taking hold of the Lord of Madness' arms, he tried to pull out of Ripa's grasp, then his body jolted, slowly looking down seeing Ripa's Death Scythe piercing through both of their bodies, he heard a charging sound from behind him, turning his head, he saw Heilige in a position to strike at him.

"Flashing strike!" Deus Vult chimed.

"No stop, don't you think you will be able to hurt me!" Lord of Madness shouted, while trying to break out of Ripa's grasp.

"Then why are you struggling you coward, if you're so powerful then take it like a demon." Ripa said, pulling his head back, then slamming it into the Lord of Madness' head.

This dazed the Lord of Madness long enough for Heilige to bolt forward, creating a star around the Lord of Madness and Ripa, the Lord of Madness screamed as the star that Heilige blazed around them erupted into the sky creating a large pillar of light.

The Master fight

"It looks like your allies or however to see them, pawns is that the better term? They look like they have been defeated." Kaiza said, uppercutted the Master in the jaw. "But I know how villains act, I'm not like some doppy hero, you have a secret up your sleeve and they aren't actually defeated."

The Master lowered his head, showing Kaiza a bloody grin, then laughed.

"You're indeed a smart one, why would three high ranking demons come to a fight without a few tricks up our sleeves." The Master said, as two explosions shot off from both sides of the fighters.

Acedia fight

Arch and his three clones, along with Puppeteer were knocked backwards, they slid to a stop, looking at the center of the explosion seeing Acedia simply cracking her neck, then proceeded to fall onto her hands, screaming as her back split open, with a new humanoid form rising from the inside the more demonic form. This form had a closer resemblance to Gluttony's Sacrifice Mode, her form had a slimmer form it looked like her body was covered with what looked to greenish blue fur, with small parts that looked like black cracks covering her body, though more on her arms, legs and around her chest.

Her head had a more humanoid bear like head with green eyes, she took one step forward looking around, stepping on her previous body, but once her foot came down onto it, it caved inwards like it wasn't made of bones, then ground beneath her had also shattered from the step as every step also shattered the ground. Acedia growled under her breath and in an instance, she was in front of Puppeteer, with her right arm through Puppeteer's stomach sticking out the other side.

"Ah fuck, even though this is a fake body this still hurts." Puppeteer said, grabbing a hold of Acedia's arm, jumping up and slammed both of her feet into Acedia's chest, letting go of her hand, launching herself backwards.

She landed on her feet, skidding backwards, looking toward Acedia who didn't seem fazed by the brief damage, Puppeteer let her body slowly repair itself, while the four versions of Arch all charged at Acedia. Puppeteer watched as she started thinking of a plan, thinking back to their fights with Pride and Gluttony, until something hit her, she will have to perform a move that she doesn't know if she will be able to handle the power.

"Keep her busy, I need time to prepare for something!" Puppeteer shouted.

The four versions of Arch stayed quite, as they continued assaulting Acedia, but their attacks were mainly bouncing off her body, Puppeteer kept her eyes on Acedia and noticed something, her eyes were closed, she then watched as Acedia opened her eyes and attacked the four versions of Arch knocked them backwards. Puppeteer slid her right hand above her head and her left hand below her waist.

"Two of you attack me with everything you got!" Puppeteer yelled.

The Rapheal and Micheal Arch forms slid a Contract Card into their Heaven's Schiff.

"Schiff Finisher: Healer's Embrace!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Arch started spinning his Sanitatem Polearm, creating a large whirlpool of energy around his polearm, he kept going as the whirlpool started to intensify with sparks of holy energy coursed through the whirlpool creating a strong blast of energy.

"Schiff Finisher: Burning Impalement!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Arch held up his Flammeus Sword with his right hand, pointing the blade to his left side, placing his left palm against the blade, sliding it along the blade, lighting the blade of fire. Spin the blade backwards, then pointing the tip of the blade toward Puppeteer. Both forms of Arch launched their attacks toward Puppeteer, as she began absorbing the energy of both attacks, she skidded backwards as the energy was starting to overwhelm her, parts of her armor broke away.

She gritted her teeth, turning the energy blasts into two balls of energy, moving her hands outward and shouted.

"Come on two more and we should have this!"

Acedia realized what they were most likely planning, she threw the other two forms of Arch to the side, rushing toward Puppeteer, she roared out lunging forward, aiming her claws toward Puppeteer, but before they hit their mark, the two closest versions of Arch, bolted in front of her and both kicked her in the head, knocking her backwards a bit. The Michael Arch pulled out a Contract Card, sliding it into Heaven's Schiff.

"Schiff Finisher: Scales of Judgement!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Two flame-like wing sprout from Arch's back, flying into the sky as a large weighing scale appeared behind him, Arch reached out his right hand, an energy rod appeared before him, grasping it as a long banner appeared behind him. he gripped the pole, throwing through the slightly stunned Acedia, pinning her in place.

"You two, do it now, while we have a second to keep Acedia in place!" Michael Arch yelled.

Both Gabriel and Uriel Archs pulled out Contract Cards, sliding them through Heaven's Schiff.

"Schiff Finisher: Trumpet's Call Evo!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Gabriel Arch, pulled back his Fluctus Bow, the tesla poles on his shoulders, charged up, then sent bolts of electricity through his arms into the Fluctus Bow, pulling the string back, the tip of the electric blue arrow glowed brightly. Once he let go on the string, a booming sound erupted once the once shot forward, sailing into one of the two remaining slots created by Puppeteer.

"Schiff Finisher: Lux Burst!" Heaven's Schiff chimed.

Uriel Arch pulled out five pages from his Lucet Nouvelle, throwing them behind him, they began spreading apart and spinning around behind him, until they began picking up speed creating a pale yellow ring. He held his palms forward, with the pale becoming smaller and bigger like it was pulsing, he pushed his hands back, then thrusted them forward, causing the ring to create a beam of energy at the last remaining slot that Puppeteer created.

Puppeteer slid her hands together, bringing the four energy orbs together, bringing her hands to her chest, then let out a scream, her body started convulsing.

"Sora!" Arch yelled.

"I'm fine, just too much energy at once, just keep her back for a bit longer!" Puppeteer yelled.

The four Archs, directed their attention back to Acedia, Michael Arch flew done toward Acedia, right before she pulled herself of the pole he had created, he slammed his foot against the end of pole, sending holy energy through the pole, causing an explosion from within Acedia. The four Archs continued their attack against Acedia, keeping her away from Puppeteer, to stop her from stopping Puppeteer's plan.

Puppeteer struggled with keeping the combined power within her body, this much energy within one place, could kill a person, Arch would only harness the power when he uses his attacks, but keeping four different powers, each empowered by Holy energy doubles if not triples the power. Under the Puppeteer armor, Sora's body slowly began to break apart, she kept her will in place, she was no longer the damsel in distress like she was was when she reunited with Kaiza, she was a major ally, she is finally able to fight alongside him, this is the happiest she has been in years, but her vision started to fade.

Black Void

Sora clutched her eyes shut, her hands were covering her ears, she was huddled in her closet shaking, with tears rolling down her cheeks. No matter how much she covered her ears, she could always hear her parents screaming in another room, she can't remember one time when they were happy. Every day she wished that some monster would kidnap her from her horrible life here, wishing that her true knight in shining armor would come and save her, when she wasn't at the house she would read at the library about fantasy books.

But that knight never came, only people who came to take her away from her horrible parents, putting her into an orphanage. She was mentally drained, she didn't want to talk or move, she was fed up with waiting for her knight. But one day a boy her age snuck into her room, she never knew he would change her life.

The present Sora watched the memory of the day Kaiza was adopted, Sora of the past had mentally broken down, everything had shut down after the only person who brought her hope had left. Sora knelt down next to her motionless past self, placing her right hand gently on her head.

"You shouldn't have given up too easily, you would see Kaiza again and I have been having a great time being with him again, he hasn't changed one bit, he is still the same trouble maker and he still cares for others." Sora said, kissing her past self's head.

A light glow spread over her past self's body, as Sora stepped back as another memory surfaced, seeing the form of Kaiza's fake adopted father secretly Wrath in disguise. Between meeting her and confronting Kaiza, Wrath had taken his normal form in front of Sora.

"Sir!" Sora said, shocked. "What have you done to Kaiza's adopted father!"

Sora got into a stance to fight him.

"Relax miss Ichadame, I'm both Kaiza's father and your boss, but I'm also Wrath of the Sinful Seven." Wrath said.

"Why the hell are you telling me this!" Sora yelled.

"I have done a lot of terrible things in my life, but spending time with Kaiza, I have grown to actually care for him, but I can't have a happy life with him, my secretary Desiree is also Lust and she was Kaiza's adopted mother for the first six years of his life." Wrath explained, while looking up at the Heaven's Rite Foundation. "They don't remember it, but as Kaiza or someone kills a Sinful Seven he will regain his memories and once I'm dead, he will learn the truth of what I have done."

Sora stayed quiet, while listening to him, until she spoke up.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Sora asked.

"My dear Sora, you have a secret power that will help Kaiza, I have given a fraction of my power to some angels to give to a set chosen who will help Kaiza, a part of this power was used to give you your current body, you're stronger than you think, when you synergize with holy energy you will be able to fully awaken your true strength." Wrath continued talking, then pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket handing it to her. "Give this to a man named Ryu, he will have access to the technology I have given him prior to help develop more useful gear for whoever helps Kaiza."

Sora takes the paper, opening it, with her face looking paler then normal.

"Puppeteer? I can't fight, I'm a damsel in distress, nothing more." Sora said.

"I don't believe that, no matter who you are, you have the will to fight within, I have seen many who have fought back, I had to snuff out Kaiza's parents because of my Master's will. I have always helped you from the shadows, giving you access to help Kaiza. I killed a hound that protected Kaiza when he was a baby. I took it's spirit by putting it within Kaiza's motorcycle, and within time they will return and help Kaiza."

"What do you need me to do, to help Kaiza?" Sora asked.

"I need you to die." Wrath said.

After that the memory played out like normal, Sora pretending she got fooled by Wrath and let her be killed by him, it still hurt pretending to be dead for Kaiza, but he needed the push.

Present Day

Sora opened her eyes, it looks like it was a few seconds after she blanked out, remembering all that she has been through, she remembers her will to push forward, she will make sure she helps with Kaiza having a happy ending. She yelled out loud, forcing the energy ball into her chest, the energy slid right into her chest, she huddled a little, then her head and arms shot back, as a large blast of energy shot out from her followed by a blinding light.

"Holy Boost!" Hell's Access chimed.

Once the light died down, Puppeteer was standing there with some new armor, her forearms had gauntlets with electric blue markings, on the front of her legs there were greaves with pale yellow markings, he hips and shoulders had tasses and shoulder guards with light blue markings and a new chest piece and helmet with red fire-like marking on them.

"This feels incredible." Sora said. "Now let's see if I can do this."

Over to Kaiza

"A very strong woman you have there." The Master said.

"Yeah Sora is pretty amazing, always helping me when I need it." Kaiza said. "Let's see who will be the winner?"

Acedia Fight

Puppeteer slid along the ground, uppercutting Acedia's bottom jaw easily knocking her off her feet, she jumped up, then started rapidly punching her as each impact sent shockwaves of holy energy throughout Acedia, as each impact had also caused Acedia to stagger backwards, leaving her helpless with constant barrages of the attacks. Puppeteer then lifted her hands interlacing her fingers together and slamming them down onto Acedia's head, shooting her down toward the ground.

Acedia sailed down slamming into the ground, before she had a second to react, Puppeteer dropped downward like a heavy boulder, pointing both of her feet toward Acedia, connecting to her chest. Once the impact connected the ground under Acedia broke apart, with some of the rust-colored sand falling into the newly formed cracks. Puppeteer jumped backwards, watching as Acedia slowly staggered to her feet, flexing her fingers creating long energy blades expanded from her hands.

Puppeteer pulled out a Contract Card, bringing it down to Hell's Access, Acedia shot forward before Puppeteer could unleash her attack, pulling her arms back swinging them both toward Puppeteer, but before Acedia could attack her, Puppeteer brought the Contract Card against Hell's Access.

"Holy Imbued Elemental Barrage." Hell's Access chimed.

Energy tornado started swirling around Puppeteer's right foot, with colors of red, blue, green, yellow and white. Puppeteer turned to her right, turning and slamming the bottom of her foot into the bottom jaw of Acedia. Acedia roared out, as she started breaking apart, falling backwards, but before she hit the ground, she was reduced to nothing but a black symbol.

The Master Fight

"I have to commend you and your allies for being able to defeat my strongest allies." The Master said.

"Bullshit, none of you guys are allies, you're all in it for yourselves." Kaiza said,

He jumped back, taking a hold of a long jagged rocking, then thrusted forward ramming toward The Master, but the Master say this coming, knocking the rocking out of Kaiza's hand, but with how close Kaiza was, this only caused him to grin, flexing his wrist, revealing a second long jagged rock, thrusting it through the Master chest and heart.

The Master spat out blood, grabbing ahold of Kaiza's arm, but Kaiza started slamming his head into the Master's head, causing him to slump backwards, Kaiza gripped the jagged rock, pulling it out of the Master's chest, then started stabbing him in a few different parts of his chest. The Master threw up more blood, falling to his knees, gasping for air, looking up at Kaiza weakly. Kaiza then slammed the jagged rock through the Master's chest with his foot, as the Master's eyes started to become milky, due to the loss of blood.

"It seems my time has come to an end, I never wanted to be evil but I had to strive to be strong from living in such a weak state." The Master spoke, coughing up more blood. "I only wanted to live, I have trampled over so many lives, just put me out of my misery."

Kaiza looked down at him, pulling back his right hand, clenching it into a fist slamming it toward the Master's head.

"This is for anyone you killed!" Kaiza yelled.

The Master smiled.

Back toPuppeteer

Puppeteer started taking a deep breath, after her fight, looking over to see how Kaiza's fight was going, until her eyes went wide under her helmet. Kaiza was standing over The Master, his fist hadn't landed, but the Master was holding Kaiza's chest where the life parasite was, he took a hold of it, moving a bit, kicking Kaiza backwards and pulling the life parasite out of his chest, as Kaiza fell toward the floor.

"KAIZA!" Puppeteer screamed.

She thrusted toward Kaiza catching him before he fell, checking if he was okay, the life parasite was no longer connected to his chest, but small bits of it remained as they hardened and then fell off. Color started to return to his face, but only a little, everything was quiet until she heard the Master letting out a loud blood curdling laugh.

"Finally I was able to distract Kaiza long enough to cause a skip in his emotions, all because of the lie I told him about my past!" The Master said aloud.

Heilige looked over, while the dust settled around the Lord of Madness, revealing a bloodied body, his right arm hanging by a thread and his left arm missing. Ripa was laying on the ground as the blood from the Lord of Madness was corroding his arm and some of his bones. The Lord of Madness' body slowly started to heal, as he let out a harsh gasp and then started laughing.

"You will never be able to … " But before he could finish, the Master appeared behind him, thrusting his right arm through the Lord of Madness' chest, pulling out another black symbol. "Goodnight you pawn."

"How dear you, I will … " The Master destroyed the Lord of Madness' symbol as he was reduced to nothing.

The Master started recreating the black symbol he just destroyed, as the black symbol from Acedia shot over to him.

"At last my decades-long plan has finally come to fruition." The Master said aloud.

"What are you talking about?" Kaiza asked, setting up weakly.

"Oh I just love to talk, you Kaiza the Child of the Demon, the life parasite grew with you, and as the Sinful Seven powers combined into you, the Nine Trials let you gain new abilities and be able to live longer. You never knew that your life was extended after finishing the Nine Trials, but here I was to remove that power." The Master explained. "Along with 3 black symbols I personally gave to three powerful demons."

"Three what are you talking about, you only have 2!" Arch shouted, then realized something. "No you didn't."

The Master simply smiled and continued.

"Yes, your friend Ochita was the vessel for the third black symbol."

The Master created a third black symbol in front of him, as they started spinning around him, black energy started bolting through the symbols, as he raised the life parasite.

"I will be able to return to my true self after so long!" The Master said aloud, eating the life parasite as the symbols encased him in a black orb.

"No, we have to stop him." Kaiza said weakly.

Both Arch and Heilige shot forward, swinging their weapons toward the black orb; they didn't connect as they simply bounced backwards by an invisible force. Not long after the black orb started to break apart, until it fully shattered, revealing a demonic creature of piercing red eyes, crimson jagged body with long shoulder spikes, long white sharp teeth, a lengthy tail, then demon began laughing.

"Yes I'm finally back." The demon stood there looking into the sky, as tears started running down his face. "Lord Sinful has returned, and i0t's time to have some fun."