Chapter 34: Seven Hells

The clouds above the battlefield parted, with a bright white light shining down as an army of angels clad in armor wielding many different types of weapons, making their way toward Lord Sinful's army.

"Damn angels have joined the fight. Doesn't matter, my Seven Princes can handle their forces." Lord Sinful said to himself.

A right arm was placed onto his left shoulder, he turned his head a bit, confused because he didn't hear the person coming up to him and didn't even feel their presence.

"Hey handsome, did you miss me?" Kaiza asked.

Lord Sinful jumped away from him, seeing the man he just killed in front of him once again.

"You shouldn't be alive!" Lord Sinful yelled in disbelief.

Kaiza pinched his cheek, looking back at Lord Sinful.

"I mean I can feel that, so I'm pretty much alive." Kaiza said. "But you know what you should really fear?"

Kaiza pulled out a new belt, close in appearance to his last Hell's Access, but this one had a black cross on it with gold trimming.

"This is Hell's Access X (Cross) and it contains the power that surpasses that from what you stole from me." Kaiza said.

Lord Sinful roared out, launching toward Kaiza, as Kaiza put Hell's Access X against his waist, a Contract Card glowed from the Contract Deck, it shot out, Kaiza caught it bringing it down to Hell's Access X and yelled.


A whirlpool of energy swarmed around Kaiza knocking Lord Sinful backwards, he screamed out, from within the whirlpool the forms of Blazing Hound, Arctic Warden, Zephyr Knight and Seismic Guardian appeared around them, from them the visage of Sora stood within Blazing Hound, Akumu stood with Arctic Warden, Gishiki stood within Zephyr Knight and Jan stood within Seismic Guardian.

In the middle of all the fighting a visage of Kaiza appeared before Sora, Akumu, Gishiki and Jan.

"My first and true friends and allies, following me on my selfish journey to find myself, but along this journey you each learned and grew yourselves." Kaiza said to them. "I have one last request and that is to fight, fight with all your heart screaming at the top of your lungs."

Kaiza took a deep breath, stretching out his arms yelling out loud.

"Fusion Henshin."

The four allies of Kaiza all smirked, then each one of them shouted at the top of their lungs, knowing the right words to say.

"Unison Henshin."

As they said that they felt something leave their body, the scene moved back to Kaiza, as the four Upgraded forms of Kaiza, slid into him as they started molding into one complete forma large monstrous face formed over his chest, the gold trimming from Zephyr Knight and Seismic Guardian spread over his body creating an outline of his frame, the claws on Arctic Warden became his shoulder guards, a multiple color gem sat on his forehead, as a golden crown formed above it, with the colors of red, cyan, green and yellow spread over his body.

The whirlpool died down revealing Diavolo's new form.

"When the four beasts join together, their powers become a new beast, they all roar out in unison as this new beast." Hell's Access X chimed. "Elemental Chimera."

Lord Sinful gritted his teeth, looking toward Diavolo, he should be dead, could the reason for his revival be the reason why the dreadful angels finally took up their weapons and came to fight this war. He looked upon the throng of fighting, while the minor monsters drop faster than his legion of black ooze creatures that drop, but continue to rise to fight again.

Some of these black ooze creatures latched themselves onto a couple of angels, slowly devouring their bodies, while taking control of them, creating a small army of undead angels that turned on what was once was their own. Lord Sinful turned his head back toward Diavolo, but before he could react, Diavolo was before him, plunging his right fist right into Lord Sinful's face, causing him to get knocked backwards, but he caught himself to not fully fall over.

"You have no reason to be looking away at a time like this Lord Sinful." Diavolo said.

Lord Sinful looked toward him, then spat out some blood, before he did something, his right hand starting to crack, realizing his body was not fully stable to handle the return of his true power. He stretched his hands and began to chant.

"Oh the power I command, I grant thee to gather my Seven Princes."

He remembered the death of Leviathan, he scanned the scene before him and felt something demonic rising, he turned an arm toward it's direction and the being was forced toward him and he gripped the being. He looked at who he brought toward him and found Heilige.

"Oh you will do well, I can feel the Envy you have buried deep within your soul." Lord Sinful said, gripping Heilige's throat hard.

Heilige was gasping for air, trying to pull Lord Sinful's hand of his throat.

"I don't know what you mean." Heilige said, slowly losing vision.

Lord Sinful only gave a grin, raising his right hand, creating a new symbol pulsing with black and white energy. Heilige was about to lose consciousness, until Lord Sinful shoved the symbol into his chest, Lord Sinful then let go of his neck, stepping back.

Diavolo rushed forward but was blocked by both Satan and Asmodeus, both holding Diavolo back. Heilige was screaming out in pain, clawing at the hole in his chest, as the symbol had broken through it and sinking into his chest. His body started convulsing erratically, he slowly moved his left hand to the side of his head turning on an earpiece.

Dreadnought Crusader

The intercom came on, as Nora looked over, hearing Jan speak up.

"Hey sweetie, I have been thinking of names for our children if we have a son or daughter."

"Honey, now is not the time." Nora replied.

"If we have a son, we can name him Viggo for War and if we have a daughter, we can name her Aleida for Noble."

"Jan, please stop, we can talk about this later!" Nora yelled.

"Nora, I'm so happy I have met you, I love you."

Jan's vitals dropped on the screen Nora was looking at, until his vitals shot up and a loud roar echoed through the intercom and Nora started screaming.

Back at the fight

"C̴͈͚̲̬͒ô̴̦̱̱̇̿͠r̴̛̙̝͂͂̇̿̀̾̌͝͝ṟ̷̨̗̮̦̟̰̹̈́͗̃͑ų̶̡͓͎̪͈̜̦̬͔͑̉p̵̛͈͆̏͘̕͠t̸͈̭̉̿̏̕i̸͍͇̫̜͍͖̼̜̾͒̈́͘͜͝ͅo̴̥̥͐̆͜n̸̙̤̭̲͈͂̆́̚" Deus Vult chimed.

Jan continued roaring out, Lord Sinful dropped him onto the ground, Jan thrashed around on the ground, grasping at his throat. Diavolo appeared before Lord Sinful, slamming his right fist into Lord Sinful's chest sending him backwards, Diavolo went after him, rapidly punching Lord Sinful in the chest.

With each punch, sending a shockwave of energy coursing through out Lord Sinful's body, Diavolo's wrists opened up, thrusting his right fist downward, launching a sonic blast into the ground, flipping over Lord Sinful's body, he raised his right foot, as it was encased in stone, creating another sonic blast, to shot him into Lord Sinful's back, slamming his stone encased foot into his back.

The others made their way over to Jan, trying to stop from clawing at his throat, his armor rapidly turning to rust and then dust. As he continued clawing his throat, causing it to bleed out, but no blood came out, only a sickly black ooze seeped out of the wounds, slowly covering his hands, throat and head. Which in turn started rapidly covering his body, the others jumped back feeling something bad was about to happen.

Jan shot up, his body was a grotesque reptile like monster, his body was that of the similar black ooze creatures, but with a more solidified body, his tail slapped the ground, letting out a roar.

"Jan." Ryu said, after caving in an orc's skull.

He looked through the horde of allies and enemies, seeing the man he practically raised as a son, now no longer human, he knows he will have to keep his end of the bargain.

Lord Sinful staggered to his feet, laughing loudly, the damage dealt from Diavolo's attacks were healing rapidly, no matter how much damage was dealt to him, he would just heal his wounds. Diavolo was about to land another hit on Lord Sinful, but he slowly lifted his left hand.

"Time of Sloth." Lord Sinful spoke.

Diavolo froze in place, as Lord Sinful whisked his hand to the side, launching Diavolo across the field, Sora caught him, the group looked over to Lord Sinful watching him raise his hands.

"The Seven Princes are now back together, I shall now enact Phase of my plan." Lord Sinful spoke, creating the symbols of the Seven Princes before him, then sending them into the ground causing the ground to shake.

From the ground erupted a large ten layered tower, a symbol appeared on each of the Seven Princes, as each vanished without a trace.

"I challenge you all to try and stop my plan, but to do that you have to make it through my tower and defeat the Seven Princes and finally myself. But with each hour you waste, my portals to the Human World will open and I will send my army to wipe out humanity." Lord Sinful said aloud. "So you can either stop my strongest demons and myself, or patiently wait and stop the horde. But either way you lose, all of you combined could barely fight off one of the Seven Princes, goodbye humans, this game was fun while it lasted."

Lord Sinful let out a loud laugh, until he himself vanished without a trace. The group got up, looking around only seeing the armies of both sides fighting, the rumbling sound of the remains of the Dreadnaught Crusader rumbled toward them coming to a stop, the group all climbed onto the ship, all equally drained from the constant fighting and moving.

Sora had to help calm Nora down, after her lose of Jan, Akumu took his own time to get over his loss of Hikari, Gishiki was taking time getting over the death of Ochita and Kaiza was sitting down finally getting a much needed rest after his journey through the Nine Trials.

One Hour Later

Kaiza was standing in the command center, looking at a screen, seeing a portal with buildings from the Human World, though Kaiza made no attempt to run to the portal. Malum's group of fighters and the Angel warriors were fighting off the swarming monsters.

"So what are we going to do now?" Gishiki asked.

Kaiza stood silent a bit, Sora looked upon Kaiza, she couldn't put her finger on it, but it felt like Kaiza had matured since the last time she saw him, his eyes showed no more sadness, they only showed what looked to be a man ready to save the world. Kaiza Let out a light sigh, turning around placing his hands onto the table.

"I have a lot I need to talk about first with everyone." Kaiza said.

Kaiza turned, placing his left hand onto the table, everyone noticed that the mark had changed.

"I'm not actually a demon, I'm actually a Nephilim. My father is a Demon and my mother is an angel." Kaiza said. "My father's name is Dante and my mother's name is Beatrice."

After hearing those names, Malum perked up.

"Wait The Dante and Beatrice?" Malum asked.

"Do you know something that I don't?" Kaiza asked.

"I never met them personally, but if it is the same people, then they are known for receiving Divine Punishment, for breaking a forbidden law." Malum explained. "That is about all I know, I'm sorry for not being able to tell you anything more."

"Guess causing trouble runs in the family." Akumu said.

"So it looks like Kaiza was born to get caught." Sora said.

"Come on guys, I'm trying to be serious here." Kaiza said.

"You being serious, that is the total opposite from you." Gishiki said.

Ryu watched in silence, as the group of delinquents who were generally at each other's throat only a couple weeks ago, but now they only had roughly about a day to save everyone in the world, they were busy finding against a cause not many people are aware of. Ryu made a mental note that if he were to make it back to the human world, he will do everything he can to make capable fighters to protect humanity from any trouble that arises from the battle with Lord Sinful.

"So what is the plan of action then?" Ryu asked.

The group turned their heads looking at Ryu, then they started thinking.

"The smartest idea is to have the six of us to charge the tower, while leaving the opening gates for our fighters. We will also have to send all of our non fighters with the entire Dreadnaught Crusader, I doubt we will have much use for it anymore." Kaiza explained.

"Have you learned anything on who could have fired the large fire from the remains of the giant mech? We were a few days away, for someone to be able to fire it and kill one the Sinful Princes, must be pretty skilled with long range weaponry." Gishiki spoke up.

"We still have no clue who could have done that, but whoever was able to do that, they have our gratitude." Malum said.

"But with the death of Leviathan, Lord Sinful stole Jan from us and took him for his own, do you think we will be able to free him?" Akumu asked.

"Jan has been struggling with his actions after the use of the Forbidden Arts: Final Life, his body was slowly turning into that of the creature." Sora said.

"Forbidden Arts: Final Life is a very rare ability, very few are able to learn, even fewer can master it and almost no one has been able to return from its clutches." Ryu said.

"If it's such a dangerous move, why even try and learn it?" Gishiki asked.

"To be ready for stuff like what is going on with Lord Sinful." Ryu said. "And the ones who strive to learn it, have nothing left to lose."

"But that is the problem. Jan has a wife, he has something to lose." Akumu said.

"Jan learned the ability at a pretty young age, he was something of a prodigy, I'm guessing it's from his life as a wild child, living alone on an island." Ryu said.

"So you're saying all but Gishiki are orphans. Hey look, you finally beat me at something." Kaiza said.

"Dude this isn't something I should be proud about." Gishiki said.

"Enough with our idle chat, we need to start our raid on that tower Lord Sinful has created." Malum said.

Everyone looked at him and all just let out a sigh, until Kaiza spoke up.

"This is it huh, this feels like some endgame plot happening, this has been pretty insane the last few weeks."

Everyone remained silent, after a few goodbyes from the team that will be returning to earth, Kaiza, Sora, Akumu, Gishiki, Ryu and Malum all started making their way toward the tower. Upon entering the first layer of the tower the group was met with a room that looked like a lobby of a tower.

"Well this looks pretty welcoming." Kaiza said.

A humanoid looking demon was standing behind the counter-like structure, wearing what looked to be a bellhop outfit.

"Hello and welcome to the Seven Hells, how long will you be staying with us?" The demon asked.

"Um." Kaiza said, lightly scratching his right cheek thinking. "I guess for one day."

The demon bowed then vanished, as everyone looked at each other confused, noticing a flight of stairs, they began making their way up them to what felt like a long time, until they stopped on the next floor. Walking through the big door they were met with a really large waiting room, among the troughs of seats, were many different people praying, yelling or not really doing anything.

Kaiza let out a bit of a sigh.

"Welp time to cut our losses." Kaiza said, turning around and starting to leave.

He got stopped when Sora locked her right arm around his left arm, while Akumu wrapped his left arm around Kaiza's right arm and they started dragging Kaiza through the large waiting room. A ping went off through the earpiece that Ryu had in his right ear, he tapped it to pick it up.

"Yes this is Ryu, what is the status of the portals?" Ryu asked.

"Sir it has been two hours since the first portal appeared, you have 21 hours before total invasion." The person said.

"Thank you." Ryu said, hanging up. "It seems like time isn't on our side here, I bet the higher we get, the longer it takes to get to each floor, so we're going to have to start booking it."

Kaiza let out a sigh, straightening himself making his way through the large waiting room, until he came upon the door for the next floor. He pushed the doors open, feeling a surge of energy pulse through.

"This is it, from here on out, we will be having all out fighting, let's go!" Kaiza said aloud.

The group made their way up the large stairwell, by the time they made it to the next floor, the watch Ryu had brought had chimed twice, they lost 2 more hours, with only 19 hours remaining until total invasion of the Human World. Kaiza pushed the large door open, feeling another surge of energy pulse through the now opened door.

The room was filled with make sculptures and stained glass windows, showing many signs of Humility, the further that traveled the more wrapped they started to become until they came upon The Prince of Pride Lucifer. He raised his hands upwards, his hands were flat, with his palms facing to the sky.

"Pray now mortals, for your death will be coming quickly." Lucifer said calmly.