
A thirty-year old shut-in died unremarkably of a heart attack whilst sitting in front of a 75" T.V.

The next thing the guy saw was a car coming at him whilst he held a massive fish seemingly with ease.

Due to shock he swung the fish at the car and actually sent it flying surprising him greatly, he then figured out exactly what was happening and turned around, he confirmed he'd reincarnated directly to the start of the main canon of Dragon Ball and he was Goku.

'Goku' then began acting out what Goku did "There is no way I'm giving you my fish, monster" Bulma then crawled out "and a witch demon leaves the monster" He pokes the car

"This isn't a monster it's a car" Bulma said like she was talking to an idiot, continuing the act Goku poked it again causing Bulma to shoot him, this did nearly nothing causing Bulma extreme shock before she semi-surrendered "Hey, ah I'm human too, don't kill me please"

Goku now stopped acting and had a perverse idea "If your a human take off your clothes and prove your not just wearing a costume to trick me, if you don't do it now I'll know your not human and I'll kill you" Bulma looked mortified by this but with a look at his face she quickly stripped down to her bra and panties, hesitating before removing them.

Goku walked up and touched her boobs, ass and pussy before innocently saying "You are human and your a girl" like nothing happened "would you like some lunch?"

Bulma looked confused before being furious "You just forced me to take my clothes off, touched me and then you invite me for lunch?"

Goku continued the innocent act "Is something wrong?"

Bulma managed to fall for it "You can't ask people to take off their clothes it's rude and inappropriate, ok now" Bulma then realised she was still naked "Go behind a tree and stop looking, Now!" Goku did half of it, he went behind a tree.

Bulma got dressed once again before calling out, of course, he didn't need this since he didn't ever stop looking. He walked out, grabbed the fish and took it into the house to eat.

This is when Bulma spots the Dragon Ball and tries to trick Goku "Hey little boy, can I have that shiny orange ball?" She tried to act as nice as possible

Goku just replied with "I maybe be small but I'm not dumb" this made Bulma think twice before trying again

"What do you want for the ball?" She said less nicely

Goku replied "To travel with you, it's quite boring here"

"Of course, now hand it over"

"Calm down, I'll hold on to the ball, it has quite a few memories linked with it"

Bulma looked annoyed but than a scheming look appeared "Feel Free, lets go now"

Goku's new life, begins now!

(485 words)