Total Freeloading Ship+ Another tournament

When Goku arrived at Bulma's house he saw Bulma, her dad and Dr. Slump (mainly his son) tinkering away, when he asked he found out the new stats:

- Luxury bedroom x10

-Public bathhouse x2

-Disco Room x2

-Theater x1

-Control Room x1

-Gravity Room (go up to 500G) x 3

-Free space 1km squared

-Garden 50m squared x2

-Dining/Kitchen x1

-Prison Cell x5

All run automatically by AI, it can absorb normal moisture and can also extract hydrogen and oxygen from the inside and outside of the ship to make its own water, talk about freeloading, it could even melt ice to create water.

Goku felt confused when he saw all the unneeded stuff but Bulma spoke up already known if what he was thinking "What you think you are keeping it for yourself, no I'm using it too and a delicate girl like me needs many things"

Goku just shrugged "If we weren't friends than I wouldn't spend a wish on the Dragon Balls to give you eternal youth"

Bulma's eyes lit up "So that's what you wished for you must have finally realised how wonderful I am"

"It applied to all my friends actually" Goku downplayed it annoying Bulma

"You've got to be kidding me" She stormed off into the spaceship and closed the door and it turned into a capsule

"Is she alright?"

Bulma's dad replied "Yeah we discovered how to have people be able to do everyone normally when it is turned into a capsule, we also figured out how to have capsules inside capsules which is why so much stuff can be held weightlessly, if the capsule enters a spot where it can open normally the person can open it so there is a safety measure"

Goku genuinely smiled "You've done me a solid"


"Thanks again man" Goku after saying this saw something he didn't expect happen, Bulma's dad de-aged back to his prime

"So that was what you meant, thanks a lot" This time the one thanking was Bulma's Dad

Goku grabbed the capsule and rode away, the capsule started flashing so he guessed what it meant and he threw it, the space ship appeared (btw it is the same size as Goku's ship he used to get to Planet Namek in DBZ) and the door opened revealing Bulma in a red dress now, she didn't say anything but she capsulised the ship, she jumped, pressed something on her watch and shrank before falling in Goku's pocket.

They continued on like that for the rest of the journey until they arrived and she grew back up "When you win pay me back by treating me to dinner"

Goku didn't see her again for the rest of the tournament, he joined, waited for the preliminary round, beat everyone in the preliminary round including King Chappy who caused Goku to name his own move called Graviton Fist where he went into the air and activate gravity with his fist out which slams it into the opponent thus ringing out and sometimes knocking out opponents, he used the same move every time to not reveal anything.

Once he reached the finals and saw Tien, Chaozu and Yamcha, all in crane uniforms he laughed angering Tien Shinhan into changing the match ups so Goku versed him and Yamcha versus Pan poot. Goku smiled, he was playing these guys for fools.

They stepped on the arena, were announced with him getting more cheering due to his reputation. The battle began and Tien shinhan hopped back, Goku had already activated 5x gravity and was moving with ease after all he'd trained for three years with gravity even stronger than this, 10x gravity, his new maximum, when he got near, Tien couldn't even move to escape, Goku slowly increased the gravity till it reached 10 completed crushing Tien to the point he fell unconscious.

The announcer did his job "Contestant, Tien shinhan is down making returning champion Son Goku the winner of match one, looks like Son Goku has further strengthened his ability he has revealed to be called Graviton Fist" Whilst he talked Goku activated Gravity Domain on the field meaning the space up to the end of the atmosphere was under Goku's command, he set gravity to 1.5x causing the announcer to sweat "Boy, I feel like I ate too much last night, I just got heavier, seeing as Son Goku uses Gravity maybe he could fix me up"

Just to joke around Goku set the gravity to minimum for a couple seconds before changing it back to 1.5. The next match was announced "Could Contestant Jackie Chun and Contestant Man-Wolf (The reason man-wolf is here is just sloppy writing okay)please step in the ring"

Goku wondered why Jackie Chun showed up but remembered he'd probably be young now, sure enough Roshi stood there with natural hair and a black gi, Goku got his attention "Looking fine, I still haven't got a thank you, you know" He put two thumbs up signs

'Jackie Chun' came to a realisation "Thanks man"

The announcer took the opportunity "What's this?, Jackie Chun has thanked Son Goku for unknown reasons" Everyone was intrigued "Care to Explain"

Roshi took one for the team "I nearly called my opponent Wolf-Man but Son Goku corrected me in time"

This answer caused mass dissatisfaction "Well that's disappointing, okay match begin"

The battle really didn't go anywhere, Roshi got a bone and said fetch causing a ring out, Roshi was really bringing home the public disappointment.

The third match contestants were called and Goku spoke to Krillin "He uses psychic abilities through his hands, just ask math sums and kick him around"

Krillin not wanting anything to be started whispered "Thanks" before heading up to the Arena

Once the match began, Krillin asked a math question "9-8" Chaozu started using his hand s but Krillin kicked him so hard he went flying directly at the crane hermit

"I don't know what happened folks but Contestant Krillin has won the match" Yhe announcer looked at his clipboard "Could contestants Yamcha and Pan Poot please come to the stage" Pan Poot was cocky and threw a punch but was punched out off the ring by Yamcha of all people.

"These matches re awfully short, whatever time for the semi finals, first up newcomer Jackie Chun versus returning champ Son Goku" Both people arrived on stage "Begin"

Kicks, punches, karate chops and elbows all of the above were fired off at hypersonic speed, Goku also cranked the gravity up to 5 causing large strain in Roshi, Roshi pulled out the lightning surprise and electrocuted Goku, this didn't have much effect, Goku had been training with this privately for years to fulfill his dreams, a super condensed Kamehameha it was a thin as a strand of hair so Roshi barely saw it, due to its size it was easy to bend any way he wanted to he just trapped Roshi and fired a Kamehameha with the tens of times more power than the one used to blow up the moon All condensed in the space of a hair, that took some dedicated training.

Goku won and moved to sit back down to watch the next match Krillin versus Yamcha "Could Contestants Krillin and Yamcha please enter the stage"

Both got up "Match begin" Yamcha did some fancy moves that Krillin dodges, after all Krillin was training to surpass Goku little alone Yamcha, Krillin quickly began the offence easily knocking down Yamcha to unconsciousness. Krillin whispered something to the announcer "It seems for the second time Contestant Krillin has forfeited in the finals, seeing as they both originate from the martial arts school of the Muten Roshi himself, maybe he knows something we don't about Son Goku's strange power, either way Son Goku has won the Strongest under the heavens tournament for the second time, here is the prize money.

Goku kept his stuff and went out for dinner making life harder for a certain green lizard with the name of an instrument.

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