Start of the end

Ye Mo wasn't dead but two of his ribs broke and he fell unconscious. The two men didn't bother to check and just tossed him there.

Fortunately the hole wasn't deep and they made cheap work of burying him so mustering the little strenght he had, Ye Mo could get out.

From this, it could be seen how little these guys thought of him.

But Ye Mo wasn't saved yet, he was miles away from the city and with two ribs broken and a malnourished body he feared he wouldn't have the strenght to get back. Even if he did he would be in a critical state and could only wait for death.

While thinking about it Ye Mo saw something black sticking from the shallow hole he just left. Getting closer, he got the dirt off of it and realized it was some kind of manual.

"Nine Revolutions Fiend Body" Ye Mo couldn't believe his eyes.

It was a body refining technique he heard about only in legends the old man told him about.

Martial arts were divided in three categories, cultivation techniques, body refining techniques and battle skills.

Martial arts were also classed in terms of power from yellow rank, star rank, earth rank then heaven rank and were further divided in low, mid, high and peak tier.

From what he coul read the nine revolutions fiend body was a high tier body refining technique of the star rank. Ye mo wasn't sure if there was even one peak tier yellow rank martial art in azure water city without even talking about the star rank.

Not only talking about the rank of the martial art but it must be known that a body refining technique was much rarer than a cultivation technique or a battle skill.

It was so because body refining techniques took a lot of time to cultivate and consumed a lot of ressources while their method of cultivation for most of them were quite barbaric, a very strong will was required to cultivate them to completion but cultivating qi was rather mild and was the basis of cultivation for every cultivator, as such it takes them all their time already and weighing the pros and cons, cultivating their body wasn't worth it.

As such body refining techniques became less used and with time a lot of them were lost.

Ye Mo perused through the manual and discovered it was a demonic technique, although it could be cultivated by gathering qi the pace would be very slow and the results not up to the efforts. The real method described through the black book was to harness the blood and life force of people and to disperse it through the body.

Also the nine revolutions fiend body technique had nine levels and every time the user would breakthrough he would feel an excruciating pain that would kill anyone not mentally prepared.

A cold light shined in Ye Mo's dark eyes. He had no family, his parents died, the old man that took care of him joined them soon after, he was alone and he had nothing.

Nothing but one dream, becoming the strongest. Stronger than anyone else, until no beings in the world could stop him, and for that he was ready to do anything!