
Back to his small cabin Ye Mo was panting, it wasn't easy to bring the man here but he was at ease. The slums had no laws and murders happened everyday here, no one would care about it and no one would search for this kind of person. He thought killing would have some kind of impact on him but apart from trembling a bit before the act he felt nothing.

Ye Mo lived in this place for a long time and saw many deaths, it didn't bother him anymore and he probably would have killed already if his body wasn't so weak making him avoid confrontations.

Back to the situation at hand, Ye Mo put the corpse at the center of the room and placed his palm on it according to the method described on the manual.

All of a sudden he felt something madly pouring from it's chest going through his hand then his arm and passing by every corner of his body.

The corpse shriveled bit by bit until it became a mummified pack of bones. A simple touch would turn it to dust.

But Ye Mo couldn't bother about that, a massive energy was reinforcing his whole body. the pores of his skin opened up, the bones gained in density, the muscles became stronger and even his organs had a qualitative change.

But the most miraculous development was that he could feel his meridians healing. Even though it was by a small margin this is only his first time cultivating this way so wouldn't his meridians heal completely at some point?

Ye Mo was exhilarated, he didn't think it was possible. If his meridians healed he would be able to cultivate qi and become a true cultivator. With the nine revolutions fiend body he would have many possibilities.

He was marveling at the sensation of power, absorbing qi in his body once was able to bring him to his peak state from a starving boy but this one directly broke past his limits. Right now he would have no problem fighting any grown man and he wasn't even thirteen yet.

Ye Mo was craving for more but he forcefully calmed down, he heard many stories about demonic cultivators losing all reasons wreaking havoc and quickly getting butchered by the "righteous" ones.

He couldn't let that happen.

It was the bad side of demonic cultivation, their organizations needed to constantly remain hidden while the righteous sects lived in the light and would immediately form an alliance to slaughter them and share the profits if one was spotted.

Lone demonic cultivators were chased and missions to kill them would be issued in sects as a form of training to their disciples.

For Ye Mo both sides were the same, the only difference was that the righteous ones cares about appearances and hide their deeds while demonic ones were more honest about it.

Getting back to himself he crushed the remains of the corpse and dispersed the dust behind the house. After meditating some time on what to do next he went to sleep.


The next day.

Ye Mo was having a meal in a cheap restaurant of the town. He wouldn't have left the bronze coins to the drunkard.

He took a bath in the cold water of a stream before coming so although he was barefooted and shirtless the waiter didn't chase him but would rather take money where it was. They had seen worse and as long as you were clean and didn't smell bad it was okay.

Subtle muscles were defined on his body and an air of brutality was around him as he was eating like there was no tomorrow.

No one bothered him during his meal, this wouldn't have been possible a couple days ago, after all even though the employees didn't chase you it didn't mean the clients wouldn't.

The strong prey on the weak and it was hard to find someone weaker than him before but now they all ate by themselves and ignored him.