Top 50

The spectators were still immersed in the fights and didn't react right away. Ye Mo was just a nobody with no cultivation and his opponent, a small character of the Tie family with a cultivation of the 3rd layer Qi Gathering Realm.

For the onlookers, this match didn't have any appeal and so they focused on the others, but gradually people noticed the incident.

"Hey, what's going on over this stage, didn't the fight just start? Why is no one moving."

"Look there is someone below the stage, what happened, did he lose already?"

"He's not moving anymore, is he dead?"

Bits by bits, angry shouts erupted in the surroundings.

"I saw it all, this kid sneak attacked his opponent and killed him!"

"How shameless at such a young age, this boy is tarnishing the Tiger Martial Institute's name."

"This little runt dares act this way in such a competition, his guts knows no bounds. Quickly disqualify him!"

Ye Mo was standing in the middle of the stage, a cold indifference on his face, as if the public shouts weren't directed at him.

It was like he was just an onlooker witnessing the scene from a distant place.

The instructor overwatching the battles rapidly came over Tie Tao's body. He squinted his eyes as he examined the corpse.

The chest caved in and a deep imprint of foot remained on his torso but the instructor realised it wasn't the kick that killed Tie Tao but the fall. He was projected with such force that upon contact with the hard ground, his spine broke and his organs suffered heavy damages ending his life.

The middle-aged man turned around and spoke to Ye Mo, "Young man, you have gone too far. Didn't we tell you killing wasn't allowed?"

One of the reason the instructor taking care of the stages was here, was to prevent such incidents from happening. The truth was that he was taken off guard by Ye Mo's attack and with the match ending in one hit, he didn't have the time to react at all.

Now that a death has occured his evaluation would drop and he would only get half the rewards as the hosting instructor. As such he couldn't help but gain a little sense of loathing towards Ye Mo.

"Senior must be joking. How could i know my opponent would fall in one hit, i only tried to win, or are you blaming me for doing my best?" Ye Mo replied, apathetic.

The battle overwatching instructor snorted, "Go back with the others but heed my words. If you kill your opponent with a surprise attack like that once again i will disqualify you, then you will face the consequences."

Ye Mo left under the public indignant shouts.

"What, he's not getting eliminated?!"

"Since the host checked the body and didn't do anything it means he didn't break any rules."

"What can he do, it's not against the rules to sneak attack but who would have thought this kind of people would enter the competition, attacking during his opponent greeting..."

Ye Mo treated theses words as thin air. Only his objectives and the way to attain them mattered, the weak-willed that only lived through people's eyes weren't worth anything.

The fights resumed and soon the top 50 appeared.

The four young masters ended all their matches in one hit. Ma Shinfei displayed amazing battle strenght and would have burned his foe to death without the intervention of the instructor.

Ye Mo who witnessed everything with the waiting contestants closed his eyes. "Fortunately my instincts didn't betray me. If i engaged him back in the jade forest, i don't know what would have happened."

Shen Xue for his first fight severed one of his opponent arm right off the bat. His opponent didn't even see anything as his arm was already flying as soon as the bells rang. After this display of strenght every youths matched with him gave up before the fight started.

Ye Mo was now the only contestant without any qi and also one of the youngest among the top 50 with Li Qiang little brother, Li Cheng being 12 as well.

Ye Mo pretended to struggle in his fights, matching his strenght with his opponent. Many times did he willingly took hit, groaning and falling on the ground even though his body could easily handle it, then he would quickly rise up and attack, finishing his opponent after more than a 100 blows each time.

His acting skills were top notch and the public that already attributed his first win to the sneak attack quickly lost interest. The remaining ones only looked at his matches to cheer his adversary.

Beside a few keen eyes barely anyone remarked he entered the top 50.

Apart theses famous geniuses, there was another contestant who caught everyone's eyes. It was a boy with long blue hair and a spear that was longer than him hanging diagonally on his back.

Every time he fought, the instructor would stop the battle just before his attack was unleashed, announcing he was victorious. The pleading of the contestants didn't change anything and the mysterious boy reached the top 50 without showing any skills. This peculiar event caused the indignation of a few spectators but the experts among the public looked at this scene with a strange glint in the eyes.

For the fourth round Ye Mo was against a girl using the spear as well.

She didn't greet Ye Mo and used her best battle skill as soon as the match started. No one bothered with formalities against him since his first fight, everyone attacked directly.

"Sweeping Mad Thrust!" The girl shouted as the speed of her spear accelerated.

Instantly a flurry of strike advanced towards Ye Mo.

Ye Mo tried to dodge but it was so fast the shadows of the spear remained in the air even after she pulled back.

He was grazed multiple times and blood dripped from his wounds permeating the stage. The spear being a long-range weapon, Ye Mo was efficiently kept at distance and every time he tried to advance he was met with dozens of thrust and repelled back.

The young girl attacked relentlessly and injuries accumulated on Ye Mo's body but after a while, the number of hits he received lessened.

The girl failed to realize, since the start of the match Ye Mo's eyes has been completely open, focusing on the spear movements without blinking once.

The match continued and as time passed the spear-tip could barely touch him anymore while Ye Mo crazily avoided everything like a snake slithering between the spear strikes.

He adapted to his opponent onslaught and could now clearly see the spear movements. Ye Mo writhed, rolled and side-stepped in every directions with inhuman agility.

At some point he could feel where the spear would come from even before the attack was initiated.

Minutes passed and the contestant couldn't land a hit anymore.

The girl sweated profusely and could feel she reached her limits. Her qi was nearly exhausted and her right arm felt heavy but she wasn't willing to give up.

Gathering all her strenght in one last thrust she attacked.

Wind billowed around the blade but she didn't fully released her strike when Ye Mo who felt the flow of the battle change used this fraction of second to draws closer and caught the spear halfway in motion.

With his physical strenght, he easily snatched it from her hands.

The girl exhausted and bare handed couldn't defend herself against Ye Mo that smashed the handle of the spear on her face before she had the time to give up.

Her jaw broke and teeths mixed with blood flew out of her mouth as her body spinned around before plopping on the stone tiles.

From this battle Ye Mo could infer his opponent was leading a good life. She had a cultivation of the 4th layer and good battle skills but lacked experience. Her tempo never changed throughout the fight and her strikes were predictable.

"Only training but never fighting, how can you expect to reach your best potential?" She seemingly didn't participate in many battles while Ye Mo who had his fair share of struggles kept his calm and took his time to analyse her abilities. He clearly saw through her weaknesses which led to his victory.

Although the wounds and the blood loss looked impressive, they were minor injuries and only his skin was cut.

The injured participants would be healed between each matches so Ye Mo didn't need to worry about it.

"Damn it, this kid did it again!" The spectators that disliked Ye Mo already didn't miss this chance to criticize him.

"How could he hit her face like that, does he have no consideration for girls at all?!" A woman in the public had her hands covering her face as she looked at the scene through the gap between her fingers.

"He better not meet me outside or i will beat him to a pulp."

"Then you should hope he lose his next match, one more win and he gets in the top 20."

On a cabin above the rows of spectators, Hong Li stroked his beard as he watched the fight, the corners for his mouth raised upwards.

"Dean, did you saw something?" Han Zhen Jun who witnessed this change asked Hong Li.

"It's nothing... I just feel this kid has some talent, but it's still too soon to talk about. Let's keep watching."

'What did he notice that i missed?' Thought Han Zhen Jun as he lowered his head and focused his attention on Ye Mo leaving the stage.

Quickly two other youths came on stage as the competition continued.