Burial Grounds

Ye Mo stood on the stage looking at the spectators.

The healing instructor with his comrade watching over the battles arrived beside him and gazed at Ha Jun before they shook their heads.

"As expected he's dead."

"Look at his face, it would be surprising if he survived."

"I thought with his body refining art he might cling to life, i guess i was too optimistic."

Then they turned towards Ye Mo.

"Come with me, i will heal your arm." The healing instructor indicated to Ye Mo.

Ye Mo nodded when his vision started to darken. The tension left him and as his muscles relaxed, he collapsed on the stage.

In the meantime the crowd erupted.

"What happened, how could he defeat Ha Jun like that..." Some people were still in disbelief, not understanding what occured.

"The kid is crazy, he destroyed his own arm to kill him!" Some people were looking away, haunted by the vision of Ye Mo injured arm.

"Such cruelty, to mutilate your own body like that... This kid has no sense of self." Some were shocked by the brutality in which Ye Mo finished his opponent.

"As expected of an institute recruitment competition, theses guys are ready to die to reach a good spot." A lot of them took pleasure in the show they witnessed and in the state both contestants ended.

The savagery shown by Ye Mo in this round surprised them.

In the end Ye Mo sacrificed his own arm to put an end to this fight.

With his strenght he could break trees with his own hands but if he tried to struck a boulder, not only he wouldn't make much damage, he would probably hurt himself.

Without a defensive battle skill to support him, he would make more damages to himself than the target.

Now if he tried to punch it with all his might, not minding the injuries he would suffer and the state he would end, although he might not shatter it, he would make sustainable damage albeit he would be badly wounded.

This was such a case. Ye Mo punched with determination and since Ha Jun's amplification battle skill wore off he was able to break his arms and crush his face. However due to Ha Jun's Iron Skin art and the stone tiles supporting his body, Ye Mo suffered tremendous injuries reaching his shoulder and invalidating his arm.

"Hahaha, i was right all along, this kid is an inborn fighter." Hong Li on his platform cracked in laughter.

"Dean?" Han Zhen Jun inquired as the VIPs on the platform, perturbed by Hong Li looked at them seemingly puzzled.

"His natural instincts are well developed and he doesn't lack the wits to support his powerful body. He's made to relish in battles. Now there's only Qi cultivation missing, if his talent is good enough i will take him as my personnal disciple." Hong Li said with shining eyes.

"But you never took a disciple before, isn't this decision a bit too precipitated? Most of all, you must have noticed... This kid has traces of demonic nature." Han Zhen Jun spoke lowly.

"Of course, but this is of no worries. He's still young and just joined the righteous Tiger Martial Institute. Under our care and my guidance he will turn into a virtuous hero that will bring justice to the persecuted and punishment to our ennemies, raising our institution to new heights... Tell the healer to take good care of his arm and send Wang Fei to test his Qi once he wake up."

Hong Li looked deeply at Ye Mo, unconscious, being carried away by the healing instructor.


At the same time in the eastern district, deep inside the Liu clan properties was a cemetery.

It would look like an ordinary spacious garden without the numerous tombstones standing on the grass and it could be seen it was taken care of regularly.

The cemetery was directly connected to the sky as the rays of the ardent sun shone inside.

Only the patriarch direct lineage and heroes that made great contributions to the clan were allowed to rest in this place

In the middle of the burial grounds stood Liu Hao half-kneeling in front of two newly erected tombstones.

His red and watery eyes had a lustrous effect under contact with the light as he looked at the name of his children inscribed on the stones.

"My childs, i'm sorry, it's my fault. I was too imprudent, i thought there was no danger, i should have sent one of our best men to accompany you. No, if only i wasn't poisoned by these despicable scums in the first place none of it would have happened. But fear not as all our ennemies will pay with their life, i will shred them to pieces and paint the walls with their blood as their families shall hold you company in death. Starting by your murderer!" Liu Hao vowed in a deep tone laced with killing intent.

In front of the solemn silence of the cemetery ancestral door, Liu Dan and his first son Liu Han patiented.

"How is he?" Liu Dan asked calmly.

"The medicine hall's elder was able to help him supress the poison but it's only a question of time before it erupts again. He has been inside the cemetery for hours now." Liu Han answered inflexibly.

As the first born he should have been destined to take the place of patriarch but by a twist of fate he turned out to have ordinary aptitudes towards cultivation. Liu Hao that was of 5 years his junior was very talented contrary to him and soon caught up and surpassed his brother.

As they grew up the gap enlarged and when they reached adulthood no comparison could be made between them anymore.

When Liu Dan retired, Liu Hao took the place of patriarch with unanimity while Liu Han had to use his connections and blood ties to reach the post of a disciplinary hall elder. Although he was very competent, his cultivation was insufficient as he was only a 2nd layer Foundation Establishment realm cultivator while being a disciplinary hall elder require to have at least reached the 3rd layer. Even then, most of them were actually 4th layer cultivators.

If it wasn't because he was the brother and son of the current and past patriarch, he wouldn't be able to hold this position even if he was performant.

"What about the kid, why hasn't he been brought back yet?" Liu Dan said frowning.

"I don't know father, he should already have been eliminated from the competition but i didn't receive any news from our men since they left." Liu Han barely finished his sentence when they saw a man quickly approaching them.

The man stopped in front of them and bowed nervously before he spoke, "Ancestor, elder, i have bad news... The boy, Ye Mo, he didn't get eliminated. He reached the 10th position and joined the Tiger Martial Institute." The man didn't dare meet their gazes as he narrated.

"What!" Both father and son exclaimed loudly.

"This is impossible, the kid is just an orphan, he has no cultivation." Liu Han said in doubt.

"We couldn't see it with our own eyes but from what the passers-by that left the institution before the end said, the boy cultivate a strong body refining art. With his powerful body he defeated every opponent until he reached his current position."

"How did this happen, from our investigation there hasn't been any signs of him cultivating any martial art in recent years. Does he have a secret backer?" Liu Dan asked himself, contemplating multiple possibilities.

"What do we do now?" Liu Han inquired, frustrated.

Abruptly the ancestral doors opened as Liu Hao left the cemetery to join his father and elder brother, "Don't do anything, let our men stand in the institute surroundings. He's just a brat, once he realize his chance he won't resist and will leave the institute grounds to brag and enjoy his new statut in the city. Even if he doesn't, i don't believe he can stay holed up inside the Tiger Martial Institute indefinitely. When you spot him don't act and report to us first."

At once Liu Hao gave his commands with firm determination.

The man reporting looked at Liu Dan, unsure what to do.

"I guess that's the only thing we can do for now." Liu Dan sighed.

"Yes, my lords!" The man bowed again and exclaimed before he quickly departed.

"Now that we know he's actually a powerful body refiner everything makes sense. It's understandable Liu Hualing and the others would fall at his hands. As for Liu Huan, he was probably tricked and killed by him." Liu Han spoke in realization.

"Don't worry, i won't forget nor forgive. I have other plans to deal with him, this kid won't escape my claws." Liu Hao said lowly in cold rage.