7) Nightmare!

3 days later,

The setting sun tinged the Dawn Village of Arcelian a rosy red as if the village just took bath in the soft glow of twilight. The sun was slowly sinking towards the horizon, announcing the end of another long day yet Aylin was still waiting.


Looking at the painted red sky outside through the window, Aylin sighed again absentmindedly. Though she was separating the seeds from some rare medicinal flower, her mind was distracted, filled with worries. 

The street in front of Mr Darcy's herbal store was always overcrowded with customers, merchants, travellers, passersby and other people as it was situated exactly in the middle of the Fancy Market. (Fancy Market was the famous market of the Arcelia Kingdom for every necessary thing. It was the second-largest market of the Arcelia Kingdom after the Capital's Market.)

The cacophony of the passerby was audible but the frequent sound of the hoofbeats of the royal guards' horses was suppressing that occasionally. The guards on patrol had been increased after that incident in the forest and all the borders and gates were closed for an unknown time. According to the Crown Prince, the trespassers were still inside the Kingdom so he had strictly ordered that, 'Nobody is allowed to come in or leave the Kingdom until his next order.'

It was a chaotic situation.

Clearing his throat, Mr Darcy asked in his gruff voice, slightly looking up from his heavy book, "Lin, you are sighing a lot today. What is the matter?"

His gruff and sudden voice startled Aylin. Turning her head, she looked in his direction as she responded in a worried voice, "Ah! Sorry… I just got distracted. But, I am almost done collecting the seeds, Mr Darcy. Can I go home early today?"

Frowning his thick eyebrows, Mr Darcy observed the light dark circles under Aylin's eyes for a minute and then, he stated again, "Aren't you sleeping well for the last few days? Do you still have a headache or fever?"

While rubbing the back of her neck exhaustedly, Aylin mumbled worriedly, "No, I am alright, Mr Darcy but Aunt Mable hasn't returned home for the last three days. I am extremely worried about her. Is she ok?"

Mr Darcy removed his round-golden framed spectacles from his eyes as he asked, "Hasn't she done it before also?"

"Yes… But, just for a day. But it is already three days now. I don't even know where to find her. I am feeling too restless and anxious to sleep peacefully."

Nodding his head understandingly, Mr Darcy advised in his fatherly voice, "I will suggest waiting for two more days, Lin. You mustn't go alone to search for her."

"I know, Mr Darcy but a bad feeling is constantly stinging me."

Mr Darcy thought for a few seconds as he answered again, "Hmmm... Wait for two days. I will ask Rio to help you to contact Mable."

Aylin only sighed again as she began to collect the seeds of the flowers.

But, seeing her so exhausted and worried, Mr Darcy advised again, "Lin, you better go home today and get some rest. Do it later."

"But, Mr Darcy, it is only evening. If I leave so early-"

Mr Darcy stopped her in the middle as he claimed in a concerned tone, "I don't think anyone is going to come today. The number of guards has increased today so I think that the market will close early."

"Are you sure, Mr Darcy? I am not that tired."

Waving his hands, Mr Darcy claimed in his determined tone, "No no… I don't need you today. Just go home and rest."

After thinking for a moment, Aylin got up from her place, after arranging the seeds and flowers in the proper place. Then while stretching her slender figure, she agreed, "Alright then I will take my leave early today. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah… Take care, Lin. I am sure that Mable has already returned home."

Smiling sweetly, Aylin answered in her silvery tone, "I hope to."

Though Aylin was hesitating at the beginning, she was too restless to work. So, it was indeed a better choice to return home early. Walking out of the store, she took the main street towards her home. 

Mr Darcy was right. It wasn't bustling like usual; rather most of the stores began to wrap up and customers were leaving early. The guards were scattered all over the village, passing by casually, checking everyone. But, none of them stopped Aylin as they were already familiar with her face and another reason was Rio.

They had seen her, talking with Rio numerous times so Aylin's way to her home was rather smooth and peaceful. But, when she reached her house, her face darkened again. Her little yet cosy house was standing all alone and empty, engulfed in the darkness with no sign of life.

Sighing, Aylin pushed the door while murmuring under her breath, "Aunt Mable! Where are you? When will you come back!"



'Drip! Drip! Drip!'

The thick crimson liquid was constantly dripping, rolling down from a numb and hanging hand of a female. Her pale hand wasn't moving when a tiny girl with a little soft doll in her hand entered the dark bedroom, pushing the half-opened door. 

Her dark black hair was tied in a neat ponytail and her shimmering gold eyes were filled with a cheerful and innocent smile. While laughing cheerfully, she entered the dark bedroom, toying with the doll in her hand.

But, the room was too dark to see anything though through a half-opened window some moonlight was pouring inside. Her excited expression changed into confusion as she called in her cute tone, "Mother, I am back."

"M-Mother! Are you here? M-Mother! Where are you?"

Her greetings turned into a question and then in fear as she began to walk inside that familiar bedroom even in that impenetrable darkness. Her cute, childish voice was slightly trembling as she was calling her mother again and again.

Squeezing her soft doll near her chest when she almost reached near the bed, she felt a wet and thick liquid under her feet. Scared, she almost jumped on the bed nearby as she shook the numb and cold hand of the woman who was still lying down on the bed like a statue.

"Mother! Mother! What happened to you?"

While shaking the hand of her mother and gripping it tightly, little Aylin cried in extreme fear and confusion, "Mother, I am scared… Please answer me… Why are you still sleeping?"

But there was none to answer her.

Except for the sound of her sobbing, Death silence had engulfed the room. Panic was rioting within her yet gathering her all courage, slowly she raised her hand to touch her mother's face. But, instead of the face, her hand touched her mother's wet throat as a silver dagger was still stuck in her throat.

Warmblood was gushing out from her wound but her body already began to turn numb and cold. Little Aylin gasped, panting in terror as she instantly removed her hand from his throat. Deep sobs racked her insides as she cried out in terror, "Mother! Talk to me!"

But, in that dim moonlight, her mother's divinely beautiful face was looking like a sculpture where pain and despair were carved very proficiently.

Darkness again!

But, that time another face appeared in front of Aylin's eyes along with a soft and motherly voice, "Lin! Don't be scared. I am here with you."

While wiping her tears, little Lin looked up who was sitting at the corner of an empty room, hiding her face between her knees. Still sobbing, she mumbled in her teary and shaky voice, "Aunt Mable, you are here."

But, in the blink of an eye, that delicate face of Aunt Mable also began to change. Though there was a soft and affectionate smile on her thin lips, her eyes began to get blurry, bordered with tears. Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

But, the tear wasn't colourless like usual. It was crimson red. 

'Tears of Blood!'


'Aunt Mable!'

Screaming in panic, Aylin woke up from her sleep. Her cheeks were still wet and she was still sobbing. Even, in slightly cold weather, drops of sweat formed on her forehead. While panting desperately, Aylin scanned her surroundings and only then did she realise that it was just a nightmare.

After making the dinner, she was waiting for Aunt Mable, sitting on the dining table but she didn't know when she fell asleep, resting her head on the table. Taking a few deep breaths, Aylin tried to calm her rapid heartbeat.

Instinctively, her eyes moved in the direction of the empty bedroom of Aunt Mable, instantly her heart ached in fear and unknown pain. Without wasting a second, Aylin grabbed her dark blue shawl and, wrapping it around her face properly, she left her house.