9) Pleasure!

Aylin went around the brothel, in the hope to find a back door at least.  Obviously, there must be a backdoor or servant door. But the back side of the brothel was exactly the opposite as if the brothel was just wearing a glimmering mask. It was dark and gloomy, illuminated by only one dim street light. The alley was full of poorly constructed shacks, abandoned and small liquor shops, selling illegal and low-quality alcohol. There weren't any beggars except for drunkards and servants of the red light area.

Observing her surroundings, Aylin murmured under her breath, "A lowland… Ugh! What is this foul smell! There must be a tannery nearby…"

Trying to keep to the shadows and not attract attention, Aylin peered down the dark street. She decided to act like a servant and would enter the brothel, using the backdoor. Someone was lying on a bench nearby in a weird posture.

'Drunk! Maybe!'

Instinctively, Aylin increased her speed. A little far away three men were lurking with alcohol jars in their hands, swaying and wobbly as they took their steps. Wrinkling her nose, Aylin thought to herself as she noticed the drunkards through the corner of her eyes, "Where the hell is the door!"

She was scanning the wall very attentively to find any kind of clue.

A little ahead, she saw the light of the lantern and faint voices also with the soft, melodious music. 

'I see. So, there is the door.'

But, before Aylin could reach, she heard rustling behind her as she turned abruptly, stopping in the middle of the way. A shadow separated from the darkness as two men stepped forward in ragged and dishevelled clothes. The strong smell of alcohol wafted into her nostrils.

One of them smiled nastily, revealing his yellowish teeth as he stated in his wobbly and gruff voice, "Well, well... Who do we have here? A little bird?"

Agreeing with his companion, the other man instantly declared while scratching his messy beard, "We seem lucky tonight. It is going to be fun."

Aylin answered, taking a step backwards, "I am just a servant. Don't block my path."

But, the first man took another step forward and he mocked with his nasty smirk, "Aren't you a young lady too? That is enough for us, little bird."

Aylin's lips thinned with anger and disgust as she glared at them. Then pulling her shawl uncomfortably, she warned in a threatening voice, "Stay away from me if you don't have death wishes. I  am not a courtesan. You have no right to force me."

The men laughed nastily as one of them mocked again, looking at her lustfully, "We will do everything ourselves, little bird. No need to worry. We just need your body for tonight."

Aylin drew back as she screamed helplessly, "Get out of here."

They were not scared; the second guy mockingly interrupted while trying to grab Aylin, "Come on, little bird. Don't be such a mood spoiler. Trust me, you will also enjoy it."

He reached for Aylin, grabbing the sleeve of her deep blue, ordinary gown. 

Forcefully pushing the guy back, she wrenched away. There was the sound of fabric tearing but it was just one sleeve of her gown. Sheer black fright swept through her as she regretted coming alone like that. But, her fear turned into anger and disgust within a few seconds.

Aylin blurted out in a threatening tone, "If you touch me again, you will regret it. I will scream for help."

Without paying attention to her, the second guy again tried to grab her while the first guy was still blocking the path to escape as if he was just enjoying the show. But, Aylin swayed, gracefully dodging. 

But while trying to dodge his attack, Aylin's shawl slipped suddenly, revealing her delicate face and the upper part of her body. 

The first guy instantly gasped in amusement as he scanned her from head to toe, "Damn you! I didn't know you were hiding such a beautiful figure under that. It is going to be the best night of my life."

Lust and vulgarity glimmered in his eyes as he also joined his companion. Frightened, Aylin began to step back but her back bumped with a wall. She was alone in that deserted alley and pressed into a corner with no hope.

The drunkards were barely one hand away from her as Aylin screamed helplessly, closing her eyes firmly, "PLEASE! DON'T COME NEAR ME!"


In response, she only heard the taunting and disgusting laughter of the drunkards as they stepped forward. One of them answered mockingly, raising his hand to grab the collar of her gown, "Relax, little bird. We wouldn't go rough with such a beauty like you. We will have-"


Cutting him in the middle, a magnetic, teen voice interrupted in a playful and carefree tone as a strong and pale hand grabbed the upper part of Aylin's one arm and pulled her closer to his tall silhouette, "My my! Such a bewitching beauty…This beauty is exactly to my liking."

The drunkards didn't even notice that sudden intruder. One of them asked in an annoyed tone, "Who are you? How dare you snatch her?"

His companion also blurted out in an aggressive and wobbly tone, "Exactly, we have found her before. If you want a woman, just find another."

But, the young guy didn't bother to pay attention to them as he was busy negotiating with Lin. Leaning forward, he gently touched Aylin's chin as he tilted her face to look up. Aylin was too startled to talk but his pitch-black eyes were deep and alluring; she couldn't just look away.

Grinning mysteriously, the teen guy asked in his husky voice, "Miss, wanna have fun with me tonight?"

Gulping nervously Aylin tried to explain, "Mister, I am not a courtesan. Please, let me-"

The guy pressed one of his slender fingers against her thin and trembling lips and he whispered, pulling her closer to him, "Hush! I am ready to pay anything, Little Miss. No need to negotiate."

His voice was husky and beguiling and his alluring scent swirled around Aylin. The touch of his fingers was warm and wanton against her cold skin. Aylin wanted to protest and push him away but she didn't feel disgusted towards him; rather it was a familiar sensation. A feeling that she felt before.

'But when! She can't remember…'

It felt like a deja vu and everything about that mysterious guy was very familiar to her, very very familiar. Her heart was hammering madly as she looked into his dark eyes, slightly parting her lips.

But, before she could answer, one of the drunkards shouted vulgarly, approaching them, "Whore! How can you negotiate with him? We have found you before."

The teen guy glared at the drunkard furiously just for a moment. Then again, looking down, he whispered teasingly, tapping the tip of Aylin's nose, "Wait a minute… These guys are quite noisy. Let me have a quick chat with them first. Ok?"

As if she was bound by an invincible spell, Aylin nodded her head obediently, biting her lower lips. Even, the teen guy chuckled out softly, seeing her adorable and obedient reaction. 

Playfully winking at her, he murmured, "Good girl!"

Then, hiding Aylin behind his tall silhouette, he took a step forward in the direction of the drunkards. Aylin was staring at his back with a puzzled expression as her brain was in a tumult. The soft breeze of the night was tousling his wispy silver hair as a crimson red colour twinkled in his pitch-black eyes just for a moment.

But, Aylin was still confused as numerous questions were stabbing her heart.

'Who is this guy? Have we met before? But, Where?'