20) Just an Apple Pie?

"Damn! Where are you lost?"

A shadow of cautiousness crossed Kai's face as he pulled Aylin to him, grabbing her wrist. His lips puckered with annoyance as he yapped again in a low and troubled tone, leaning forward, "Stop dreaming at least when you are walking, Woman! You are such a troublemaker."


Feeling the hot breath of Kai's against her forehead, Aylin looked up with her teary eyes and puzzled expression, "Huh! Kai?"

Kai observed her lost expression and teary eyes and instantly, his annoyed and angry expression melted with possessiveness. He retained his affability but there was a distinct hardening of his eyes. He pulled Aylin with him without asking anything anymore towards a bench a little far away.

Under a huge maple tree, there was an empty bench. That area was not as crowded as the street. He signed Aylin to sit down and he knelt in front of her. Then, sighing, he asked in his soothing and magnetic voice, "Lin, are you ok?"

The soft wind of the afternoon waved the tree branches above their heads as if in a raucous ballgame celebration along with that, it tousled Aylin's long and wavy her. But, the softness of the wind calmed her down, soothing her burning face. A few leaves of the Maple tree began to fly in the air.

Closing her eyes, Aylin nodded her head positively.

Kai's concerned eyes were focused on Aylin's red face and her trembling lips, analysing her every reaction. Though Aylin didn't tell him anything, he could feel her inner turmoil. Covering her sweaty hands with his, Kai asked in a low and gentle tone, "Lin, let's return today. You are not looking good."

But, grabbing Kai's hand firmly, she blurted out anxiously, "NO! We don't have enough time to waste. I can't return without Aunt Mable. She needs me."

Sheer black fright swept through her as she unfisted her fingers, revealing the crescent pendant of her Aunt. Then gulping down her terror and anxiousness, she mumbled, looking down at Kai, "This is my Aunt's pendant. She is in grave danger, Kai. We have to find her soon or I don't even know-"

While explaining, hot tears began to roll down her cheek. Tears were blinding her eyes and choking her voice. Deep sobs racked the inside of that little girl. In the huge universe, among the crowds of so many, she suddenly felt all alone, helpless and lost. Her misery was so acute that it was physical pain.

Just at that moment, a warm, huge hand touched her cheek gently as if he was touching the most precious jewel of the Universe. While cupping her cheeks with his strong and warm hands, Kai began to wipe away her tears as he confronted her with a concerned and silvery voice. 

"Shh! Lin! Lin! Calm down… We will find her at any cost. Don't cry, Lin."

But, his warmth touched Aylin's soul directly. She bit her lip to stop her sobbing with an embarrassed expression but Kai's comfort made her more fragile. Pressing her cheek against his warm hand, she kept on sobbing.

Kai was gently running his fingers over her soft cheek while wiping her tears. He didn't stop her; rather let her lighten up the bottled emotions within her.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Do you want some water? Wait a minute! I am coming."

Kai hastily left to bring some water for Aylin but he came back within a few seconds with water. Aylin already calmed down. She was wiping her tears with the sleeves of her robe. Passing her the water, Kai asked with concern, kneeling in front of her, "Are you ok?"

Nodding her head, she mumbled in a choked and gruff voice, "Yes. Sorry. I couldn't control myself. I am so sorry."

"No need to say sorry. I know what you are facing, Lin."

With her teary eyes, Aylin complained like a kid, pouting her lips, "I-I am feeling helpless, Kai. I don't know how or where to find my aunt. Why am I so weak?"

But, Kai smiled warmly as he touched her chin, tilting her face to look into his eyes, "Weak? You can be anything but weak, Lin. You are one of the strongest girls I have ever seen."


"Haven't I promised you to help you? Don't you trust me?"

"I do!"

Gently covering her hands with his, Kai answered politely, "Then stop crying, Silly. Stop thinking that you are alone. I will help you in every situation, Lin."

"But I can't ask more from you shamelessly. You are already helping me so much."

Kai winked playfully as he grinned at her and reached over to tousle her hair. While patting her head, he answered in his magnetic voice, "Silly! Don't think that I am helping you selflessly. You already owe me one and you must give me a grand treat after we find your aunt."

"Huh? A grand treat?"

"Yes. In the costliest inn of Capital. Deal?"

His eyes gleamed like a glassy volcanic rock as he winked at Aylin playfully. An unwelcome blush instantly appeared on her cheeks but she didn't look away. Tucking a strand of her hair

Behind her ear, Aylin answered in a low and shy tone, "B-but… Er… I- I am not that rich to afford such a costly meal."

Hearing the innocent answer from Aylin, again his mischievous look came into his eyes. He tapped the tip of his nose as he leaned forward. His finger remained on her nose as he stared into her eyes intently as if he was searching for something in her eyes. His face was oddly expressionless. 

After pausing for a moment, he murmured, "I love to eat apple pie. Will you make some for me as a treat?"

Aylin mumbled dumbfoundedly, "A-apple pie?"

But, Kai had a very genuine expression as he answered again, "Yes? Your handmade apple pie as a treat? Will you?"

"Huh… Er. Of course. But, you just want that? Nothing else?"

Chuckling softly, Kai shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah? Then, it's a deal. You will treat me with an apple pie and I will help you to find your Aunt. Ok?"

"Eh? But…"

Aylin was still confused as Kai's offer was too cheap to be true. Numerous unexpected questions began to stab her from inside. But, Kai looked nonchalant as always, as if he didn't even notice the confusion. He stood up from the ground.

Then while dusting his robe, he suggested, "I am hungry, Lin. Let's eat something first. Then, tell me what you have found out. OK?"

His cool voice broke into her reverie. She instinctively nodded her head as she stood up and followed Kai to the nearby Inn.

'Yes, for a moment, even her brain doubted Kai! She wanted to know why Kai was helping her selflessly? Why was he so nice to her? Just for an apple pie! But, her heart!

It was reacting on its own. Her heart still had full trust in those deep, mysterious eyes and that playful teen.'