23) Disguise!

(Inside the Blossom Brothel)

"Please come in this way, Young Masters."

A drop-dead gorgeous lady in a light purple thin and revealing dress opened the huge mahogany door of the Blossom Brothel and greeted Kai and Aylin with her enchanting smile. They were led inside the brothel through its VIP gate and a beautiful hall greeted their vision. The hall was filled with angels like beautiful young ladies, sitting alluringly, scattering here and there and chatting merely.

Some of them were passing by with bowls of fruits, food, and alcohol and in the middle of the hall, two girls were dancing sensually, wearing only a few pieces of clothes. Every curve of their bodies was crafted so beautifully that one could mistake them for some sculptures. A beautiful woman was playing a pipa, sitting on a round bed, covered by velvety drapes.

Along with that soft and sensual music of the Pipa and a sweet feminine scent, the room was filled with a fragrance of rich liquors.

But, that hall was surprisingly empty unlike the other parts of the blossom Brothel. 

It was a separate part of the brothel only for their royal clients who used to have that golden card. The lady stopped under a huge chandelier, hanging from the ceiling and turned to face Kai and Aylin.

Pointing at a comfortable and fancy futon nearby, she stated in her silvery voice, "Sir, please wait for a little. Miss Hinata is coming."

Suddenly, Aylin asked in a distracted and uneasy tone, "Miss Hinata?"

The lady flashed her bewitching smile once again as she answered, "Yes? Miss Hinata is the lady of the VIP mansion. Don't you know her? Are you coming here for the first time?"

Clearing his throat, Kai answered in a lenient tone, "Yes, this is our first time. This card is a gift from my elder brother." Then, winking playfully, he added, "He was praising a lot about your service so I wasn't able to suppress my urge of paying a visit anymore."

The girl broke into a mere giggle as she answered while playing with a strand of her silky hair, "My my, don't worry. You wouldn't get disappointed here, Young Master. We have the best beauties of the kingdom."

Returning her cheerful smile, Kai asked in his nonchalant tone, "Hmmm… He was praising Miss Mable a lot. Can I meet her? I heard that she is one of the most charming courtesans of this palace. Can I-"

"No, you cannot."

Instead of that charming lady, a thin middle-aged lady answered from behind. Her tone was polite yet sharp and authoritative. With a plastic smile, she approached them. Then flipping her blonde hair coyly, she continued, looking at Kai, "Pardon me, Young Master. But, Lady Mable is on vacation so she can't serve right now. But, I can suggest Kaira and Natasha. Both of them are very beautiful and I guarantee-"

But, Kai interrupted, cutting her in the middle, "Miss Hinata, right? I mean, you must be Miss Hinata?"

Hinata bowed to him slightly as she answered in her clear and humbled tone, "Forgive me, Young Masters. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Hinata at your service tonight. Should I call the girls so that you can choose by yourself?"

"Sure. But, we will just take one girl who is good at singing and can entertain both of us."

"Both of you?"

Miss Hinata asked in a startled voice, barely staring at them, tongue-tied. Though Aylin was looking down while wringing her fingers nervously, Kai looked as confident as always. He smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes, Miss. Is there any problem? My friend is not very experienced with girls. Ahem! I think you know what I mean. So, he is here only for entertainment."

Clearing her throat awkwardly, Miss Hinata smiled understandingly as she answered in her silvery voice, "Alright. Let me call our girls."

She signed the other lady and instantly she left, nodding her head slightly. Within a few minutes, she came back with six or seven beautiful women with her. They all were looking bewitching in their colourful dresses and bright makeup. Coy smiles were playing on their lips. 

They stopped in front of Kai and Aylin and curtsied to them. Pointing at the girls, Miss Hinata spoke again, "They are the best performers of our VIP palace. None can avoid their charms. Feel free to choose any of them."

Kai slightly leaned in Aylin's direction as he whispered to her, "Lin, why don't you choose? If you stay so silent, they will suspect us."

Licking her dry lips, Aylin asked in a puzzled whisper, looking up in his direction, "Umm... Ok? But, whom to choose?"

Stealing a glance at the girls, Kai whispered again, "That girl in the blue dress? She looks petite and slender. It will be easy to handle her."

Gulping shyly, Aylin mumbled, "Handle her! W-what are you planning to do with her?"


Kai wasn't able to suppress his laughter and a smile trembled over his lips. Leaning closer, he murmured mischievously, "Patience, Little Lin. You will get to see that soon."

Pouting her lips, Aylin complained, frowning her eyebrows, "Ehh! You are sounding suspicious. I wouldn't go with you if you have some dirty idea in your mind. I-"

"Shh! Don't talk so much. They are already suspecting us."


Kai's shoulder slightly brushed against Aylin's as he pointed secretly in the direction of Miss Hinata. Instantly, Aylin stopped, complaining. The moment her eyes met Hinata's eyes. She smiled awkwardly. 

Miss Hinata was staring at her, suspiciously as she asked in her honeyed tone, "Is everything alright, Young Master? Are they not to your liking?" Though that plastic smile was still lingering on her painted lips, she looked annoyed and impatient.

Realising the situation, Aylin swallowed hard, trying to manage a feeble answer, "Ahem! They are gorgeous."

"Whose company do you want among them?"

Gulping nervously, Aylin tilted her head in Kai's direction. Kai gave her an assuring nod instantly. Sighing, Aylin answered in a low whisper, "That lady in blue. We will love to have her company tonight."

"Wow. You really have good taste, Young Master."

Miss Hinata smiled bewitchingly as she signed the other courtesans to leave except for the voluptuous young lady in a thin blue dress. While playing with a strand of her dirty blonde hair, the lady introduced herself, "Evening, Young Masters. I am Cyra. Come with me. I will take you inside the palace."

While talking about the Blossom Palace in her silvery voice, Cyra led them through the hallway inside the palace. Soon, they took an L-shaped stair and began to walk toward the third floor.

Aylin was looking at Kai, again and again, hesitated, blinking with bafflement. There was confusion and anxiousness written all over her face. But, Kai looked relaxed as always. While walking, he was even whistling softly and observing his surroundings.

Taking a narrow corridor, Cyra led them towards the last room of the corridor. The whole corridor was wrapped with a red and velvety carpet and illuminated by bright and yellowish lights.

Pushing the beautifully carved wooden door, Cyra welcomed them inside a lavishly decorated room. It was a huge room with a king-size bed in the middle of the room and some musical instruments were scattered here and there, increasing the beauty of the room. The moment Cyra opened the door, a strong and sweet scent of flowers hit their nostrils.

"Young Masters, I can play pipa, flute and violin. What do you want me to play?"

Entering inside the room ahead of them, Miss Cyra asked in her silky voice with that playful smile on her lips. She was looking at Kai and Aylin. Aylin looked at Kai with a puzzled look. She was still confused as she didn't know anything about what Kai was planning. However, Kai gently pushed her back, signalling her to enter.

Aylin was hesitating but she just stepped inside along with Kai. But, Kai closed the door behind them, the moment he entered inside, startling both Aylin and Miss Cyra. Then leaning against the closed door, he asked in his relaxed yet serious voice, looking at Miss Cyra, "Where will we find, Madam Candy?"

Startled, Miss Cyra mumbled in her puzzled tone, "Candy? But, why?"

"Miss Cyra, we have some personal work with her. Can you please tell us where we will find her?"

Suppressing her confusion, Cyra answered in a determined and extremely professional tone, "Impossible. It is against our rules. We can't share about other courtesans just like this."

Sighing, Kai answered nonchalantly while rubbing the back of his neck, "Ugh! It seems that I don't have any other option but to force you."

Miss Cyra already realised that they weren't just some ordinary customers. While stepping backwards, she asked in her trembling and thin voice.

"Who are you! Don't- dont come near me. I am telling you. I will shout."