25) Temptation of Beast!

"Huff! Huff!"

Leaning against a tree trunk, Aylin was panting heavily but her eyes sparkled in hope and glee as she stole a glance at a piece of paper in her hand. An address was written there in neat and clear handwriting. 

Aylin read that address once again as she sighed in relief. At last, she succeeded in talking with Miss Candy but the last twenty minutes inside the Brothel were the most hectic and nerve-wracking experiences of her life.

When they burst through the final door that led out of the Brothel and into the crowded street of the red light area, almost ten guards were chasing them. Staring at the shimmering lights of the street, Aylin tried to catch her breath. She still couldn't believe that they managed to escape from the grips of those guards. Everything seemed unreal.

'We made it! We made it out.'

It felt like she won a battle and the taste of her first adventure was unexpectedly sweet. Her adrenaline was rushing through her veins. For the first few minutes, she wasn't able to think anything else as Miss Candy's were flashing back again and again in her mind. But, the sound of approaching footsteps alerted her and instinctively, she turned around.

However, Kai approached her while dusting his midnight black robe casually.

Flashing a tiny and charming smile, he stated, handing her a clay jar of water, "Are you ok?"

"Y-yes. The guards are not chasing us anymore, Right?"

Aylin mumbled in a concerned tone, looking at Kai. Removing the cover of the jar, she began to gulp down the water thirstily. Her throat felt like a desert.

Kai also leaned against the tree trunk next to Aylin. While running his fingers through his wispy hair, he answered, "Don't worry. They have lost us already in the crowd. Show me the address."

Aylin passed him the piece of paper instantly as she mumbled in a grateful tone, "Kai, thank you so much for today. If you were not here, I wouldn't be able to talk with Miss Candy."

Kai answered in his carefree "Of course. None could save you from those guards except for me."

He looked up and winked at Aylin proudly. Then again, he shifted his all attention to that piece of paper. Aylin found it impossible not to return his disarming smile. 

With a soft smile on her thin lips, Aylin answered back, "Yes yes. You can easily join the Royal army. You are more a warrior than a merchant. You can make more money there."


Kai couldn't help but chuckle softly as he tilted his head to look at Aylin, "Your advice is not pointless. I should join the army as soon as possible. Then scarring these guards away and protecting you would be easier."

'Protecting me! Why does he want to protect a nobody like me?'

 The moment this question popped into Aylin's mind, her heart skipped a beat. She kept staring at Kai's teen, handsome face but she wouldn't be able to answer. His dark eyes were glimmering in the colourful lights of the bustling street.

Aylin felt a warmth near her chest as an unwelcome blush crept on her cheeks, making them pinkish. 

"Hey! Where are you lost?"

While analysing her face, Kai asked in a confused tone, leaning forward in Aylin's direction. Then suddenly touching the tip of her nose, he asked in his concerned tone, "Lin, your face is all red. Are you feeling sick?"

Aylin mumbled with complacent buoyancy, "N-no no…"

Kai's gaze was as soft as a caress and she was powerless to resist. The mere touch of his finger on the tip of his nose sent electricity through her veins. Her feet seemed to be drifting along on a cloud. She was pleased with their initial intimacy. 

Kai asked again in a concerned tone, "But, you are not looking fine. Let's get out of here."

Aylin nodded her head approvingly, looking away from Kai's direction. 

It felt like with every passing second, the crowd of the red light area was increasing. The cacophony of the customers and strong scents of liquor were making Aylin dizzy after a long and tiring day. She felt like she was too exhausted to even walk.

While walking at his slow pace, Kai asked again, "Are you hungry? Then we can eat something before leaving. I know a good inn nearby. Wanna try?"

Aylin mumbled in an embarrassed tone, "N-No. Thanks for asking. But, it is already so late. I don't wanna trouble you anymore. You have already wasted your whole day for me. I don't-"

But, cutting her in the middle, Kai claimed, "Exactly. I have helped you so much. So, now listen to me and eat with me. We haven't eaten anything since morning."

"Umm… B-but-"

Aylin mumbled in her embarrassed tone. She was already very ashamed for troubling Kai so much but she was also feeling hungry. She was hesitating about what to answer, exactly at that moment, her stomach growled loudly, declaring its opinion. Instantly, her face turned red in embarrassment and Kai burst out into a great peal of laughter.

While laughing richly, he suggested in his teasing tone, "Come on. Don't think much. Let's calm down that hidden bear inside your stomach first. Then, I will walk you to your home."

"Ah! Alright."

Leaving behind the red light area, Kai led Aylin to a nearby inn. It was not very crowded or costly. A very ordinary inn with a calm atmosphere and a cheerful and smiling owner. They ordered only a few dishes, enough for both of them. But, those dishes were undoubtedly extraordinary and rich with flavours.

Aylin couldn't help but eat more than usual. 

Her mind was at last calm and relieved after three long troubling days. 

Miss Candy was expecting that Aylin would come in search of Mable. So, the moment Aylin met her, she greeted Aylin warmly and passed her the address without any delay. Unfortunately, when Aylin and Kai were leaving her room, one courtesan found them and those guards began chasing them. It was thanks to Kai's rapid speed and unpredictable moves, Aylin managed to come out of the brothel.

While walking in her house's direction, Aylin was lost in her thoughts. She was planning to go to the Capital the next day when Kai's deep voice pulled her back from her thoughts.

"Lin, it seems that we are almost near your house. Now, which way?"

"Y-yeah! Right. Next, turn right and we will arrive at my house."

Reaching in front of Aylin's small yet cosy house, they both stopped, facing each other as Kai stated while stretching his tall silhouette, "All right. Then, I will take my leave now. Wait for me at 9 am tomorrow. I will come with the carriage."

Aylin answered hastily, surprised again by that unpredictable teen, "Eh! Don't tell me that you are planning to go with me to the Capital."

"Of course! Were you planning to go alone? No way, you can find your Aunt alone. How did you even think that I would let you go all alone?"

"Uh! I already troubled you so much. I don't want to take your help anymore. I feel ashamed, Kai."

"Do you think that you can find her alone?"

"I can ask my friend's brother to help me there. He is in the Royal army."

Kai frowned his long eyebrows annoyedly as he courted instantly like a stubborn kid, "No way. I promised you that I will help you to find her and I am coming with you at any cost."

"Eh! Kai… You don't need to do it. You know, right?"

"I insist, Lin." 

Kai stopped abruptly. Then sighing, he took a step towards Lin, closing the distance between them as he mumbled in a slightly shy tone while rubbing the back of his neck, "I am worried for you, Lin. It wouldn't be easy to find your aunt. Please, let me come with you. I wouldn't create any trouble for you."

His words were so sudden and unexpected that Aylin stood up, surprised and more uncertain than ever. Her heart was hammering crazily as she tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and answered, "Ok, I will wait for you here."

Kai's face lit up instantly. He exclaimed cheerfully, "That's my girl. Don't leave without me. Ok?"

"Yes yes. You better don't be late."

"Yes, Madam. Good night then."

Kai turned to leave but Aylin didn't move from her place. She was staring at Kai's back, surprised. She found herself studying his profile. She felt wrapped in an invincible warmth.

Just a few moments passed when suddenly, Aylin called him from behind in her silvery voice, "Kai!"

Instantly, Kai stopped and turned his head with a puzzled expression as he asked, "Yes? Do you wanna say anything?"

"Ummm… Yeah!"

Taking a deep breath, Aylin asked, "Do you wanna go on a walk with me?"


"Yes! I- I wanna show you something. Just come with me."

"Why not! I can follow you anywhere, Little Lin."

Victory gleamed in his dark and unpredictable eyes as his face lit up with a triumph as if he knew where Lin was asking him to go and he was waiting for that call from the very beginning.


At last... I have managed to earn your trust.'


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Keep reading to know 'Whether Kai succeeded to tempt Lin or he got captivated himself by her charm? What will happen when Aylin would know about his true identity?

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