Plastic Smile!

The sky was slowly growing paler and the first glimmers of gold and pink were chasing away the darkness of night.

Through Aylin's bedroom window the brightness of the day shine entered that boldness that lifted her spirits. The chorus of the birds drifted in as steady ocean waves, only their melody dancing. In a moment the tune could fly so high and resettle, an auditory version of how they play upon the wing. 

The warmth of the first ray of the sun fell on her delicate face and her eyelids instantly wrinkled. Fluttering her long eyelashes a few times, Aylin opened her sleepy eyes. Instinctively, her eyes moved outside through the window. 

While rubbing away the sleep from her eyes, she moved toward it, feeling the light reach her skin and her eyes adjusted to its brilliance. Next to the window, there was a table and on that table, along with many other necessary things, there was a shining dagger. 

Its sharp blade was hidden inside the silver scabbard.