Last day in Arcelia?

"Third Brother! Here you are…"

While panting, Luke murmured as he climbed to the top of the highest watchtower of Arcelia. The stunning crowd of the Arcelians was visible from the top of that tower. Every nook and cranny of the Capital was thronged with the excited locals and visitors. Some were enjoying the play, while others were busy, roaming around at the fair. 

Uncountable loyal devotees of King Richard were just gathering in front of the elegant platform where His Majesty was sitting and receiving the guests from different countries, just to steal a glimpse of their King.

Without looking back, Kai asked in a distant tone, "What is it?"

Still huffing after running for so long, Luke responded, "What is wrong with you, Brother? You just disappeared after meeting the Princess. You didn't even try to collect information about her. What are you planning to-"

"Damn! You are so noisy, Luke. Just leave me alone."