A Woman?

'Rustle! Rustle!'

The bedroom was pin-drop silence except for the rustling sounds of papers and sometimes, the gasping sounds of the young lady in a light, blue nightgown. Bending her head deeply, she was reading those reports in her hand with a complicated face. The more she was reading, the more her face became gloomier. 

Her amber hair was tied in a messy bun as numerous loose strands of her hair were swinging in the soft breeze, disturbing her constantly, covering her view. But, she was too drowned in reading that she didn't bother to fix them.

Minutes passed by but Aylin kept on reading and examining the small vials with the blood samples of the victims. While taking training under Gav's care, Aylin not only studied the royal affairs but also studied herbs and medicinal plants as she was interested in those things since childhood.

So, she had some knowledge about it.